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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Life rules: samskara theory + 4 more

Life rules: samskara theory


So many things happen in life - good times and bad ones, smart choices and foolish ones. Not most, but some of these events are related with our samskaras, i.e. yoga's theory of cause and effect, also known as action / reaction, or samskara theory. This letter investigates some of the basic aspects of samskara theory.

Only human beings can create new samskaras

While most have studied the facts about samskaras, let's take a moment to review some fundamental rules. Only human beings can create new samskaras. Because only humans have free will; animals do not. For example, someone might decide to harm or kill others, while another may choose to help a person in distress. Each human being has the freedom to make conscious decisions and take action. By exercising their free will and making life choices, people create new samskaras, or unexpressed reactions.

More precisely, a person creates new samskaras based on how much pain or happiness their actions bring unto others. For instance, if you feed a beggar and bring 50 points of happiness in the mind of that beggar, then you will incur a good samskara of 50 points, plus interest accrued over time. That is the quantum of pleasure you will experience in the mind due to your past action of feeding the beggar. In contrast, if you take a stick and intentionally hit someone and give that person 70 points of pain and suffering in the mind, then you will incur a bad samskara of 70 points plus interest. That is the quantum of pain you will experience in the mind due to your past action of hitting that person with a stick.

By their free will and ensuing actions people create new samskaras. And then at a conducive moment they undergo the reaction. As explained in the above examples, a person must experience that degree of pain or happiness in the mind that they caused in others, plus interest. This happens because humans have free will to act and either help or hurt others.

Animals do not have free will & never create samskaras

In contrast, animals cannot create any (new) samskaras because they do not have free will. Everything they do is according to instinct, which is controlled by the Cosmic Mind. If a monkey bites you, then that monkey will not incur any samskara. Because that monkey was doing according to its innate instinct. There was no conscious decision by the monkey to bite or harm you. To use the analogy of a computer, those animals act according to the way they are pre-programmed to behave, just as a computer performs according to the way it was programmed. Ultimately, since animals do not have free will, they never create or incur any samskaras.

A despotic ruler who inflicts untold suffering and terrible pain upon others will most assuredly incur very negative samskaras and be reborn as a lower being or even as a piece of iron. The exact depth of their plunge depends upon the nature of their sins and how much pain they inflicted upon others etc.


We should always remember that ours is a part-life. We have been coming and going from one life to the next since long. We may be a small child, an adult, or elderly, we are carrying around a big bundle of samskaras from past lives. And that can take shape in so many ways and explain why even a very good person may undergo a terrible problem in life.

For example, suppose a person is leading a very pious and saintly life; they never harm or hurt anyone. Yet they are facing one difficulty after another and experiencing so much mental anguish. In that case, we can surmise that this saintly person is undergoing the reactions from their past actions in a prior life. In a prior life, that person may have caused suffering to others and harmed them, and then carried those bad samskaras into this life. So even though this time around they are leading a saintly existence, this is just a part life. The suffering they are undergoing today may be the result of a very bad samskara from 2, or even 5 or 10 lives ago. So humans have the freedom to act and this is a part-life, linked with a whole chain of past lives and hence old samskaras.


In one's first human life they create new samskaras and reap the reactions in that very life itself - but still many unrequited samskaras remain which they shall reap in the future. In a short time one can create enough samskaras to last for thousands of years. There is no set time frame for when a samskara will take expression, nor is there an easy escape from those unexpressed reactions; they have to take form. In addition, those samskaras are far more than one can ever undergo in this life; and, in this life also they will create even more new samskaras. So it is a very dramatic situation whereby people incur huge numbers of samskaras.

The cycle is unending: birth to death and then rebirth. So one is not free. When a person is blessed to enter the path of sadhana, in the fire of sadhana every day one burns their samskaras. By doing sadhana and with His divine grace, one achieves liberation.

In Him,

Within the animal category, there are two central groups:
(1) Those animals who were in human form but reverted back to animal life to undergo suffering from their past misdeeds.
(2) Those animals moving forward through the process of praisaincara and in order to progress that animal has to undergo clash and cohesion to reach the next higher state of mind. That is how srsti works. Those animals have to face hardship and struggle in the wilds in order to progress to the next higher life.
From the time one first emerges from the Supreme Hub in the form of fire or water, or wood etc up until one's highest expression of animal life, one will not have any samskaras because they do not have free will. It is only during one's first human life that new samskaras get created based on what one does - i.e. how one exercises their free will.

~ In-depth study ~

The child is suffering - no fault of its own?

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is quite often observed that a child suffers from some disease without any apparent fault on her part. The disease is attributed to her being affected by the germs of that disease, and thus the germs appear to be the cause. In fact, the saḿskáras of that child give rise to the saḿvedana or psychic action which then activates the germs of that particular disease in the body. The múla kárańa or root cause for the suffering of the child is saḿskáras, due to which saḿvedana arises and ultimately brings about the disease. It is therefore wrong to think that the child is suffering without any reason and for no fault of its own." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "So just as nimiita and upádána kárańa appears to be the main cause, the immediate reaction of an action appears to be the result while it is only a physical reaction, and the actual result or phala will be experienced later on. Karma and karmaphala travel in a wave and at one stage one becomes the kárańa for the other. This wave is unending, until karma ceases absolutely, karma and karmaphala are the kárańa or causes for each other, which travel in a never ending waves, until the karma and along with it, the formation of saḿskáras finally ceases." (2)

Consequences of his previous action of theft

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Suppose one has a desire to go to Calcutta and then actually goes there. This is an original action because to go or not to go to Calcutta depends entirely on one’s will. But an action which one is obliged to perform mechanically under pressure of circumstances is called saḿskáraḿulaka karma (reaction to the original action). In these actions it is the indirect will and not the direct will which functions. The original deed which was performed by the direct will is later expressed as a reaction by the indirect will. Your indirect will forces you to become a tool to restore the equilibrium in the universe which was lost due to your original action." (3)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "In sámskáraḿulaka karma individuals have no free will, but are slaves to the dictates of the indirect will. Suppose a person commits a theft by his free will. As long as the reaction of the original action of theft is unexpressed, his indirect will remains in seed form as reactive momenta. But the moment the indirect will finds a congenial environment it expresses itself, resulting in the thief either being arrested by the police, or having to undergo some punishment or humiliation. This is how the thief reaps the consequences of his previous action of theft." (4)

If they were wicked

Ananda Marga ideology teaches us, "Good reactions to good actions are experienced in a similar way. One will have to reap the consequences of one’s past actions until one’s saḿskáras are exhausted. If one’s previous deeds were virtuous, life will be blessed, but if they were wicked, one will be branded as a sinner. Only when all good and bad reactions have been expressed do the bondages of vice and virtue snap open." (5)

Suppose one harms someone

Ananda Marga ideology states, "All actions, whether introversial or extroversial, crude or subtle certainly lie latent in individuals in seed form as potential reactions. One day, with the help of the indirect will, they will be expressed in the external world. Suppose one harms someone. The reaction of one’s action will lie in potential form until the proper time and place arrives for its expression." (6)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Even if one does not harm anyone physically, but simply thinks of harming someone, saḿskáras will still be created. Whatever feelings one may have for a person, good or bad, will certainly cause a reaction. That reaction will remain in potential form in the subtle mental sphere until the opportune time arrives for its expression. This is why wise people look upon this universe with an attitude of equanimity and pray for the welfare of all. Sarvesám mauṋgalam káunkśe. People who fail to do this will have to suffer endlessly for their mean-mindedness." (7)

Why sadhakas suffer

Ananda Marga ideology states, "We often notice that after initiation a sincere sádhaka suddenly experiences tremendous pain or pleasure. The initial stage of a spiritual aspirant’s life is quite troublesome. Those who suddenly feel tremendous happiness become so absorbed in this blissful state that they completely forget their ideology, and those who suffer immense torture sometimes leave the path of sádhaká due to their inability to face such difficulties. A true sadhaka must remain unaffected by both pain and pleasure. It should be understood that only through pain and pleasure can one’s sámskáras be destroyed and a new karmáshaya dominated by Consciousness be created." (8)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "In this stage, when the karmáshaya is filled with Consciousness, the possibility of a spiritual aspirant’s rebirth is destroyed for good. Burnt seeds never sprout. However, even though it is burnt, the seed still exists." (9)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 3, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt A
2. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 3, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt A
3. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, The Science of Action
4. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, The Science of Action
5. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, The Science of Action
6. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, The Science of Action
7. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, The Science of Action
8. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, The Science of Action
9. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, The Science of Action

*        *        *

The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Alleviating impotency

These days around the globe in so-called advanced countries impotency is on the rise, especially in “modern”, materialistic countries. One outcome of this is that adoption agencies earn a lot of money by bringing children from very poor areas like Africa, parts of Asia, and placing them in Euro-American countries for thousands of dollars. One of the underlying reasons behind this is that sexual impotence and infertility are on the rise. Here Baba gives the causes as well as the solutions to these health conditions.

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says, "If excessive waste of semen occurs due to the bad habit of masturbation during adolescence or youth, or due to lack of restraint in married life, the seminal fluid becomes thin and the symptoms of seminal weakness appear. This is also a kind of sexual debility, and it is called seminal infertility."

"A serious lack of sexual restraint will make the nerves of the pelvis and genitals weak or damaged...This is called genital impotency."

"As I have already said, impotency and infertility, in most cases if not all, are diseases of over-indulgence; so one should keep control over their thoughts and actions. The male should stay away from feminine company as long as the disease is not fully cured." (1)

Note 1: Those who suffer from this should take it very, very seriously. And others must understand so that they can help educate and serve the suffering masses. Looking around there are so many people who do not know these beautiful rules of Baba and they invite danger.

Note 2: Because of this the population is decreasing amongst certain communities.

1. Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies, Impotency and Infertility

== Section: Important Teaching ==

When life becomes meaningful


Those of a materialistic mindset think that power, post, money, and worldly relations are the base of life. They think, “I live and die for this - i.e. power, post, & money etc. For this, I have come on this earth to live happily and enjoy.” In this way, due to avidya maya they pass their whole life in drowsiness. They cannot comprehend this basic fact that what they are depending upon is not permanent. Those things cannot last forever.
In this universe, everything is moving and the speed of movement also varies. So when two people are moving in with a similar speed then they are called a family. But no two persons can maintain a similar speed for long. Either one moves away, dies, divorces, or their liking or disliking changes. What they formerly cherished has now become useless in their eyes. 

That is why nothing in this created world can be the base of life. None of those things can provide permanent happiness. Animals cannot comprehend this simple truth - but humans can understand it. Those who fail to comprehend it are worse than animals. Only that Eternal Entity Parama Purusa alone is the base of life. He was with you, He is with you, and He will always be with you up to eternity. So when you have one Entity who always remains with You then why not cultivate a close and intimate relation with that Supreme Entity. That will signify the start of gaining real meaning and fulfillment of life.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "That which is finite cannot be the base of your life, because it will be used up and will leave your mind unsheltered. Thrusting you in the abyss of darkness, it will pursue its course on the unending path. Therefore, no one except Brahma, the beginningless, endless and infinite can be the object of your mind and the base of your life.” (1)

In Him,

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Base of Life

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Unemployment causes crime

According to Prout philosophy, "For the all-round welfare of human beings, society needs to follow some fundamental socio-political principles. Without the firm foundation of such principles, disunity, injustice and exploitation will flourish."

"First people should not be retrenched from their livelihood unless alternative employment has been arranged for them."

Prout philosophy states, "Let us discuss what happens when people lose their livelihood. Take the example of rickshaw pullers in India. The work of rickshaw pullers is exhausting and poorly paid, but if it is declared illegal, many rickshaw pullers will become unemployed and their lives will become more miserable. Those who cannot find alternative employment will either die of starvation or become criminals in an effort to survive. In either case, society will be adversely affected. So, before this occupation is prohibited, rickshaw pullers should be provided with suitable alternative employment." (1)

Note: In failing to follow this important point, nowadays some countries are facing a whirlpool of criminal activity. One example is the situation in Iraq and the formation of ISIS / ISIL. When Saddam Hussein was in power and ruling over Iraq then he employed a huge army. When the US deposed of Saddam Hussein and dismantled the entire army, they imposed the order that those soldiers must not be given any work. Without a guaranteed job, those soldiers formed themselves into the terrorist, fighting brigade known as ISIS / ISIL that is currently wreaking havoc throughout the region. ISIS / ISIL is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths of innocent people and wanton destruction throughout the land. And the root cause is that Hussein's fighting forces lost their jobs without any guarantee of other employment.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

रात समाप्त हो गई है, नव्यमानवतावाद का युग आ गया है।

प्रभात संगीत 4614: निशार अवसान हालो, पूर्वाकाशे.....


अब, पूर्वी क्षितिज में गुलावी रंग स्पष्ट दिखाई दे रहा है। रात अपने काले अंधकार के साथ जा चुकी है। अब उगता सूर्य पुकार कर कह रहा है कि अपने अपने घरों के दरवाजे खिड़कियों को खोलो। खोलो ,खोलो,खोलो अपने हृदय के द्वार खोलो और जाति, ग्रुपों व दलों में पृथक पृथक रहने की भावजड़ता को भगाओ । सचमुच रात खत्म हो गयी है भावजड़ता और संकीर्णता के बंधन मन से दूर चले गये हैं।

 भूतकाल में अंधकार से ढके होने के कारण जो कुछ अज्ञात था,  वह अब प्रकाश  की उपस्थिति के कारण समझ में आने लगा है। सभी लोग हमारे परिवार के भाग हैं। दूर स्थानों के पक्षी अपने पंख फैलाये पास आ रहे हैं। इस अरुणोदय के कारण अब मैं देखता हूॅूं कि सभी परस्पर भाई बहिन हैं कोई भी बाहरी नहीं है जबकि पहले मैं इन्हें दूरस्थ अन्य जाति व दलों, ग्रुपों का मानता था। पर अब यह स्पष्ट हो गया है कि वे सब मेरे हैं। मन के जड़ात्मक भाव दूर हो गये हैं। अब कोई भेदभाव नहीं है, कोई अंधेरा नहीं है, कोई बंधन नहीं है नया ज़माना आ चुका है।

अब किसी के घर में स्वच्छ वायु के प्रवेश  को कोई नहीं रोक सकता। क्षुद्र भाव समाप्त हो गये है। इसके पूर्व में लोग अपनी बुद्धि का उपयोग दूसरों के शोषण में किया करते थे, पर अब सभी का मन बहुत बड़ा हो गया है। सभी अपने मन को परम पुरुष की ओर चलाने लगे हैं।

दूरस्थ व्यक्ति अब मेरे अपनों की तरह निकट आने लगे हैं। गुलावी प्रातःकाल से अंधेरा दूर हो गया है और सभी अपने घरों के द्वार अपने हृदय के कपाट खोल रहे हैं,ं अब नया युग आ गया है अब कोई भावजड़ता, कोई बंधन और कोई अंधेरा नहीं है। अब मनुष्य के हृदय में दिव्य प्रेम का संतृप्तिकरण हो गया है। सभी एक दूसरे से निकट संबंधियों की भाॅंति मिल रहे हैं। घना अंधेरा हट गया है, बाबा! तुम्हारी कृपा से नव्यमानवतावाद का युग आज आ गया है। 

== Section 3: Links ==

Viaje espiritual


Viaje espiritual


De vez en cuando se plantea la pregunta, "¿Quién es un Ananda Margii?" Y esta pregunta es ciertamente importante y tiene un profundo significado. Baba ha tomado advenimiento y magníficamente ha presentado claramente el culto espiritual para que todos lo sigan. Esta es Su gran bendición para todos nosotros.

Prácticas de Ananda Marga: un proceso para sumergirse en la bienaventuranza

Dentro del culto práctico de Ananda Marga, Baba ha dado todos los detalles para avanzar en el camino. Y siguiendo las selectas enseñanzas de Baba sobre lo que se debe y lo que no se debe hacer, uno es capaz de avanzar con una velocidad siempre acelerada, sintiendo así la dicha.

En un resumen en español de Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, "Spiritual journey", Baba nos dice: En Ananda Marga, este flujo divino de Brahma está incrustado en diferentes lecciones de meditación espiritual. Aquellos que practican esta meditación, ya sea en el presente o en el futuro, ya sea dentro del tiempo o más allá del tiempo, ciertamente llorarán, cantarán y bailarán con exquisita alegría espiritual, y avanzarán firmemente hacia la dichosa estancia Macrocósmica. Avanzando así, estableciéndose en yama y niyama, y convirtiéndose en un verdadero sadvipra, uno alcanzará la unidad con la Entidad Suprema. Los seres humanos desarrollados tendrán que moverse a lo largo de este flujo Macrocósmico de Brahma. Quien intente mantenerse al margen de este flujo divino no merece ser llamado ser humano. Hay que tener en cuenta que la realización más elevada en la vida reside en el movimiento en el flujo Cósmico. El camino a lo largo del cual tiene lugar este movimiento se llama el camino de la bienaventuranza, el camino de Ananda Marga. (resumen en español)

Seguir las enseñanzas de Baba sobre yama y niyama y los Dieciséis Puntos, etc., son requisitos para avanzar en el sendero. Mantenerse alejado de estas prácticas sólo significa invitar a la propia degeneración. Y la incorporación de esas prácticas de AM en la vida le permitirá a uno avanzar... de una manera cada vez más rápida, sintiendo una cantidad cada vez mayor de dicha.

Ananda Margii: aquel que está inmerso en la dicha Suprema

Para apaciguar ese ákuti (anhelo) especial de los seres humanos, Baba ha creado con Su gracia Ananda Marga, que significa literalmente "el camino de la bienaventuranza". Así pues, Ananda Marga es ese movimiento dichoso hacia la Entidad Cósmica, hacia la bienaventuranza Suprema.

En un resumen en español de Discourses on Tantra - 2, "Sadhana", Baba nos dice: El camino que conduce a la dicha suprema es singular; no hay un segundo camino. El camino es uno, y sólo uno. Si este universo se considera como un círculo, su núcleo es el dichoso Purusottama al que está conectado cada punto de la circunferencia. Si cualquier microcosmos situado en cualquier punto de la circunferencia quiere alcanzar el Núcleo, tendrá que moverse con ideación Cósmica, flotando sobre las ondas divinas de la bienaventuranza. No importa desde qué punto de la circunferencia se mida la distancia al Núcleo, ese radio será siempre el mismo. Este radio se denomina Ananda Marga... el camino de la bienaventuranza. (resumen en español)

Este movimiento en el sendero de Ananda Marga comienza con la vida humana y culmina en la bienaventuranza eterna. Y a lo largo del camino, a lo largo de ese radio mientras uno se mueve en el sendero, uno está "flotando en las ondas divinas de la bienaventuranza". Así que, según la directriz de Baba, sentir y recibir dicha es parte integrante del movimiento en el sendero de Ananda Marga. De hecho, es un elemento esencial de ese viaje. Es como si uno caminara por una calle repleta de mercados de pescado y se sintiera inmerso en el olor del pescado. Y cuando uno camina por una calle llena de bares, se sumerge en el olor del alcohol. Y cuando se camina por una calle llena de floristerías, uno se sumerge en el olor de las flores. Del mismo modo, cuando uno camina por el sendero de la bienaventuranza, ciertamente se sumerge en la bienaventuranza. Aquellos que se mueven en el camino de Ananda Marga naturalmente sienten más y más bienaventuranza a medida que progresan en el camino hacia el Supremo. Esta "bienaventuranza" es un resultado natural del propio movimiento en el sendero de Ananda Marga. Así, todos y cada uno de los verdaderos Ananda Margii sienten una vibración de bienaventuranza a medida que avanzan.

Debemos medir nuestro movimiento

Ananda significa dicha y el grado en que uno siente esa dicha en su vida es el grado en que uno es un Ananda Margii. En cambio, aquellos que son ardientes seguidores se preguntarán intensamente hasta qué punto están realmente obteniendo la dicha. Y Él ha dado gentilmente la fórmula perfecta: Siguiendo Sus enseñanzas uno obtendrá la dicha. Así que si uno no está sintiendo ninguna dicha o si uno quiere sentir más dicha, hay una gran esperanza, así como un enfoque práctico. Porque a medida que nos involucramos más y más en Sus prácticas devocionales-espirituales e incorporamos estos ideales divinos en nuestro corazón, entonces naturalmente la dicha y el néctar se derraman a través de todo nuestro ser, hasta que uno está completamente empapado en esa dicha suprema.

Conclusión: "¿Soy realmente un Ananda Margii?"

Por todo esto podemos entender que un Ananda Margii es aquel que siente activamente esa dicha que es una cualidad inherente a recorrer el camino de Ananda Marga. De esta manera debemos medirnos a nosotros mismos. Porque no basta con entrar en el sendero y quedarse sentado y quieto. Esa posición estancada no lo califica a uno como un Ananda Margii. Más bien uno tendrá que moverse, y por ese movimiento uno recibirá la bienaventuranza - uno estará "flotando en las ondas divinas de la bienaventuranza". Esto es parte integrante de ser un Ananda Margii. Así que debemos medirnos. Debemos ver si nos movemos rápido o despacio. La velocidad de nuestro movimiento se mide por la cantidad de dicha que sentimos. De este modo, debemos cuestionarnos con franqueza: "¿Soy realmente un Ananda Margii? ¿Estoy sintiendo esa dicha que Baba dice que es un aspecto inherente al movimiento en el camino?". Esa es la piedra angular o el punto definitorio del propio movimiento a lo largo del sendero de Ananda Marga. Todos deberíamos preguntarnos en nuestro corazón y evaluar con sinceridad hasta qué punto somos Ananda Margiis.

En Él,
Satya Deva

~ Estudio en profundidad ~

Ananda Marga: camino de la felicidad infinita - bienaventuranza

Ningún ser humano se satisface con la felicidad limitada obtenida por placeres fugaces. Los seres humanos quieren algo más que eso. Cuando están empapados en el pensamiento de Parama Purusa entonces están flotando en Su dicha eterna. Esto es lo que Baba describe en la siguiente enseñanza del Ananda Sutram:

"2-3. Sukhamanantamánandam. [Felicidad infinita es ánanda (bienaventuranza)]".

En un resumen en español de Ananda Sutram, "Sutra" 2 - 3, Baba nos dice: Ningún ser vivo se contenta con poco, ni hablar de los seres humanos. La pequeña felicidad no llena a nadie. Uno quiere felicidad sin fin. Esta felicidad sin fin es una condición más allá de los recintos del bien y del mal, porque la sensación de felicidad que es perceptible con la ayuda de los sentidos sobrepasa el límite de los órganos de los sentidos cuando se establece en la ilimitación. Esta felicidad ilimitada es lo que se conoce como ánanda [bienaventuranza]. (resumen en español)

A continuación Baba nos orienta acerca de que la dicha eterna infinita es Brahma, esa Entidad Divina eterna:

"2-4. Ánandaḿ Brahma ityáhuh. [Este ánanda se llama Brahma]".

En un resumen en español de Ananda Sutram, "Sutra" 2 - 4, Baba nos dice: El objeto ilimitado es uno, no muchos. La multiplicidad no puede tener lugar en la infinitud. Esa misma entidad dichosa es, en verdad, Brahma, que es la combinación de Shiva y Shakti. (resumen en español)

Mente seca, desprovista de toda dicha

Pregunta: ¿Quién es un Ananda Margii?

Respuesta: Aquel que siente la dicha divina que naturalmente proviene de viajar por el sendero de Ananda Marga, es decir, siguiendo Sus directrices de sadhana, yama y niyama, kiirtan, etc. Esas son las herramientas para sentir Su dicha.

De esta manera podemos entender fácilmente que un simple granjero que sinceramente hace sus prácticas de sadhana, etc., puede estar sintiendo una tremenda bienaventuranza en su vida y calificarse como un Ananda Margii de alto grado; mientras que, alguien más puede estar ocupando el alto puesto de Purodha Pramukha o GS, etc., pero puede estar ahogado en su propio ego e ignorancia, teniendo así una mente seca desprovista de cualquier bienaventuranza. En ese caso no podemos llamar a ese poseedor del puesto un Ananda Margii.

Así que varía de persona a persona dependiendo de lo que sienta en su corazón. Y el mejor juez de esto es uno mismo.

Como algunos recordarán, al principio Baba llamaba al camino "el camino recto" o Rju Marga:

En un resumen en español de Shabda Cayanika - 2, "Rk to Rkśa" (Discourse 11), Baba nos dice: El significado de la palabra rju es 'el que se mueve en línea recta' o 'lo que es recto'... Rju marga significa 'camino recto', el que no se dobla a derecha e izquierda. (resumen en español)

Así que, al principio, los que seguían los principios de Baba eran los adeptos del camino recto o Rju Marga. Sin embargo, siendo esa Entidad Cósmica omnisciente, Baba sabe que la "rectitud" por sí sola no satisface los infinitos anhelos del corazón humano. Los seres humanos quieren algo más: quieren la dicha, la dicha eterna.