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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Checklist for sadhakas + 2 more


Checklist for sadhakas


Sadguru Bábá says, "Mokśa kárańasamagryám bhaktireva gariyasii."

Meaning: "Bhakti is the best way to mokśa or salvation, the approach of bhakti is the best." (1)

Following is the sequence for a better, more spiritually-charged sadhana practice:

#1: Be sure the stomach is empty.

#2: Do half-bath or full bath.

#3: Make sure that both nostrils are equal or that the left nostril is dominant. If it is not, then try to switch it. (See note 7 appended below.)

#4: Shasháuṋgásana (hare pose): a few rounds

#5: Shavásana (corpse posture): brief

#6: Sing Prabhát Saḿgiita = minimum one song which you understand the meaning, and which soothes the mental feelings, emotions, and awakens a sense of bhakti.

#7: Sing kiirtana loudly and dance lalita marmika = minimum ten minutes, with the feeling that, “Only I and my Lord are present.”
#8: Saśťauṋga prańáma = with full posture.

#9: Diipanii means ‘torch’ i.e. three shuddhis. (See note 3 appended below.)

#9a: Bhútashuddhi = as taught by your ácárya
#9b: Ásanashuddhi = as taught by your ácárya
#9c: Cittashuddhi = as taught by your ácárya

#10: Mantra caetanya means understanding the meaning of iśťa mantra and dhyána mantra. (See note 4a & 4b appended below.)
#11: Generate longing or bhakti for Parama Puruśa that, “I must get Him.”

#12: Mantrágháta = Repetition of the mantra with meaning, longing, and bhakti to become one with Parama Puruśa. Practice as long as you can.

#13: Strong, unwavering, pointed determination that, “I must become one with Him.”

* * * And after finishing long iishvara prańidhána  * * *

#14: Other various lessons

#15: Guru Pújá (varńárghyadána, pratyáhára, offering colors of the mind). Offer colored lotus in shape, color, smell, taste, and touch of disturbance in recent sadhana.

#16: Saśťauṋga prańáma


Sadhana is the main endeavour of human life. And on the path of sadhana, the arousal of bhakti is absolutely necessary. This longing is a highly significant aspect and the most important step of our sadhana practice. If one does everything but this point is lacking then sadhana will be futile or dry. And if the arousal of bhakti is done successfully then one can realise Him, by His grace. 

In Him

Note 1: The points #9 - #12 are to be applied in both 1st and 6th lessons equally.

Note 2: Regarding points #6 & #7, only listening to Prabhat Samgiita or kiirtana is not sufficient as that will not bring about the desired result. Rather one should sing Prabhat Samgiita and kiirtana with one’s full heart. By singing the mind gets more involved in comparison to just listening.

Key points on sadhana

Note 3: Ananda Marga philosophy guides us,

“Diipa jiṋánaḿ yato dadyát kuryát pápakśayam tatah;
Tasmátdiikśeti sá proktá sarvatantrasya sammatá.”

“One must be initiated according to the prescribed system. Only then will the mantra be effective. This will be clear to those practising Ananda Marga meditation.” (2)

Note 4a: Ananda Marga ideology says,

“Caetanya rahitáh mantráh proktavarńástu kevalam;
Phalaḿ naeva prayacchanti lakśa kot́i japaerapi.” (3)

Note 4b: Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, “If you repeat ‘Krśńa, Krśńa’ – a parrot can also do that! Can that bring about any spiritual progress? Never – because there is no ideation on the meaning. It is mantra devoid of caetanya. So one has to ideate. It is through ideation that spiritual elevation is possible.” (4)

Without love for Him, sádhaná is meaningless

Note 5: Ananda Marga ideology guides us, ““Dhyána” comes from the root verb “dhae,” which means to withdraw the mental propensities and to goad them towards Him. So, if people practice all these things without having love for the Supreme, they won’t be able to get anything. But, if there is an iota of love, if there is a wee bit of love, they gain everything. Only those intelligent people who know this – even if if they are not efficient or proficient in the sphere of dharma; even if they are not efficient in doing japa kriyá; even if they know nothing regarding yoga; even if they know nothing regarding celestial and extra-celestial knowledge; even if they do not understand guru bhakti; even if they do not understand the inner spirit of japa; even if they do not know jiṋána – can get everything if the spirit behind this idea of loving the Supreme is just in a rudimental phase.” (5)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “I love you, not for myself. I love you because I want my love to give you pleasure. So, in that last, final stage, the devotee’s only wish is to give Him pleasure.” (6)

Story of Lord Buddha

Note 6:  Ananda Marga ideology says, “The story goes that Lord Buddha practiced sádhaná for a long time, but still did not attain the final goal. So when he sat down the second time, he made a firm determination:”

“Ihásane shuśyatu me shariiraḿ
Tvagasthimáḿsaḿ pralayaiṋca yátu
Aprápya bodhiḿ bahukalpadulabháḿ
Naevásanat káyamatashcaliśyate.”

“Unless I attain the supreme height of enlightenment, I won’t move an inch from this posture, even if my body withers, and my bones, flesh and skin are destroyed.” (7)

For more info

Note 7: If any point is unclear, please write us.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 6, Bhakti Is the Best
2. Discourses on Tantra Volume Two, Tantra and Sádhaná
3. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 24, Incantation and Human Progress
4. Discourses on Tantra Volume Two, The Dialogues of Shiva and Párvatii – 3
5. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 1, Who Is Gopa?
6. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 1, Who Is Gopa?
7. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 4, The Four Stages of Human Progress

== Section 2: Main Topic ==

Offering my mind

"Tomáke saompechi go paráń, tumi ki cáhibe phire..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0278)


O’ Parama Purusa, I am offering and surrendering my heart, mind, and whole existence unto Your lotus feet. I have only one desire: Please look towards me with Your sweet smile. Will You not look at me with love and affection? Today all my hopes and all my love that are centering around You have been fulfilled by having You as my own.

1st stanza: expanded meaning

O’ Parama Purusa, I have so much yearning for You. I am offering and surrendering my heart, my mind, and my whole existence unto Your lotus feet. My Lord my whole life is for You - I only want You. I have only one single desire: Please look towards me with Your sweet smile. Will You not grace me by looking at me with love & affection? Lord, You are so gracious; today all my hopes and all my love that are centering around You have been fulfilled by having You as my own. You have granted me everything by coming close.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, my whole life revolves around You. Since ages, day and night, I have remained awake, waiting for Your august arrival - keeping my ear toward Your path in hopes of hearing Your footsteps. My Lord, each and every day I have threaded a new garland with fresh flowers to offer unto You. Yet, due to my melancholic longing, those garlands became drenched with my tears. 

2nd stanza: expanded meaning

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, my whole life revolves around You. You are my everything. Since ages, day and night, I have remained awake, waiting for Your august arrival. My  Dearest, I have kept my ear toward Your path in hopes of hearing Your footsteps. I have been waiting anxiously - attentively. Lord, each and every day I have threaded a new garland with fresh flowers to offer unto You. Yet, due to my melancholic longing, those garlands became drenched with my tears.

Alas, I see in the crimson dawn of the eastern horizon, a glow is slowly appearing with a gentle smile. Parama Purusa, that smile is Yours. It is filled with forms and colours. I see You are coming towards me.

3rd stanza: expanded meaning

Alas, in the new crimson dawn of the eastern horizon, I see that a glow is slowly emanating with a gentle smile. Parama Purusa, that smile is Yours. It is filled with forms and colours. Your blessed smile satiates all my hopes and longings. Baba, You are so gracious - I see You are coming towards me.

O’ Parama Purusa, I am offering my mind unto You. Please look towards me with Your passionate eye. Please look at me with love and affection...