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Saturday, April 29, 2023

Olvidar es una bendición


Olvidar es una bendición


Una madre que perdió a su bebé hace 50 años se entristece al recordar a ese bebé hoy. Entonces, cuando cualquier recuerdo negativo o doloroso viene a la mente, uno debe desviar la mente de ese recuerdo. Aquí la principal preocupación es entregarse demasiado a esos viejos recuerdos. La gente no recuerda los acontecimientos ordinarios del pasado. Solo recuerdan los extremos: tanto buenos como malos. Y piensan una y otra y otra vez sobre esos puntos. Sin ningún contrtol, esos recuerdos se repiten en la mente, pero especialmente los malos recuerdos. Y esos malos recuerdos acosan al individuo y le traen tristeza. Esos son muy perjudiciales. Recuerdo a una persona que conocí que perdió a su esposa por cáncer y no podía olvidar el recuerdo de su esposa, y dentro de los dos años posteriores él también murió.

Los malos recuerdos te arrastran con fuerza hacia atrás

Por el contrario, generalmente, independientemente de cuántas cosas buenas sucedan en la vida, esos buenos recuerdos no vendrán una y otra vez a la mente y te perseguirán. Tampoco te mantienen despierto por la noche. La mayoría vienen cuando estás en compañía de otros y estás contando esos buenos momentos. Y eso en sí mismo es una pérdida de tiempo. Entonces uno está viviendo en marcha atrás. Eso es lo peor; solo están perdiendo el tiempo e inflando el ego pensando en la grandeza de uno. En definitiva, no es bueno.

Cuanto más vives en el pasado, menos avanzas. La vida humana es corta. Puedo recordar no muy atrás cuando era un niño pequeño y ahora la cantidad de años que he vivido no viviré tan lejos en el futuro. Entonces puedo medir cuán corta es la vida. Aunque no estamos seguros sobre el futuro, incluso entonces perder el tiempo atrapado en viejos recuerdos no es bueno. Esas son las enseñanzas de Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji: Deshazte de los viejos recuerdos y serás muy feliz.

La memoria mundana es mala

Hay algunos pacientes con Alzheimer avanzado que no tienen memoria. Entonces son muy felices. Pero eso es una enfermedad. Aquí estoy hablando de sadhakas que usan sus esfuerzos mentales para borrar viejos recuerdos y no preocuparse innecesariamente por el futuro. Hay tres ataduras: (a) viejos recuerdos de buenos eventos, (b) viejos recuerdos de malos tiempos, y (c) y angustia por el futuro. Los tres son malos. Si uno puede superar estas tres ataduras, puede utilizar su vida maravillosamente y experimentar una abundancia de felicidad. No habrá ninguna cuestión de miseria. Y eso es lo que todos quieren.

Desafortunadamente, la mayoría pasa sus días recordando sus viejos dolores y glorias pasadas: cómo fueron maltratados, o cómo fallaron de una manera particular, o cómo anotaron tres goles en un partido de fútbol hace 40 años, o cómo llegaron a ser presidente de la clase. en la escuela secundaria, o tantas otras cosas buenas y malas de antaño. Estos no contribuyen al progreso de uno como seres humanos o sadhakas. Hacen que la mente esté preocupada y pesada. En ese caso, uno no puede recordar a la Entidad Divina, Parama Purusa. Sin embargo, la gente revuelve estos eventos en su mente una y otra vez.

Es por eso que uno debe ser consciente de los tipos de cosas que están recordando. Al contrario de la vida materialista donde la gente se mueve de un capricho a otro, la vida de cada sadhaka está marcada por una meta definida: Parama Purusa. Y para llegar a Él se requieren tantos pasos, como también Su divina gracia.

Qué olvidar y qué recordar

A continuación, Baba nos guía sobre cómo uno de los factores clave para el logro espiritual es la memoria correcta: samyak smrti, ya que esto mantiene la mente liviana y libre de cargas.

En un resumen en español de  Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, "Lord Buddha's Cardinal Principles", Baba nos dice: Ahora, samyak smrti es recordar todo lo que sea compatible con el espíritu del progreso humano sin fin, y otros elementos que puedes olvidar. Suponga que un hombre hirió innecesariamente  tus sentimientos. Si lo recuerdas, estarás sufriendo de dolor interno , agonía mental. Trata de olvidarlo. Es mejor olvidarlo. Si quieres paz, debes olvidarlo. Pero supongamos que has aprendido algo bueno. Debes retenerlo. Esos elementos que pertenecen al segundo ámbito, es decir, el alcance de la retención, son samyak smrti. Y lo mejor que siempre deben tratar de retener dentro del alcance de su smrti, dentro de la periferia de su smrti, es el nombre de Parama Puruśa, es la idea de Parama Puruśa.  No lo olvides ni por un solo momento. (resumen en español)

Baba nos guía para que nos olvidemos de aquellos eventos que causan tormento y dolor, y alegría mundana. Recordar esos eventos una y otra vez no conduce al desarrollo espiritual. Entonces Baba nos guía para recordar las enseñanzas espirituales. Y Baba culmina el asunto indicándonos que lo mejor para recordar es Parama Purusa. Parama Purusa debe ser el punto principal, eso es la memoria adecuada.

En un resumen en español de Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, "The Source of Internal Stamina", Baba nos dice: La carga de un ser humano crece junto con el pasado, el presente y el futuro. Por ejemplo, tal vez estés pensando: una vez yo comía alimentos ricos, deliciosos y costosos como háluyápuri, murg-mashallam, namkiin poláo, todo esto es la carga del pasado. Del mismo modo, hoy comerás esto y aquello, vestirás tal y tal cosa, después irás a la casa de tu amigo y te preguntarán qué llevas puesto, esta es la carga del presente. De la misma manera, ganarás dinero en el futuro haciendo negocios, te harás rico y obtendrás la estima de la sociedad: esta es la carga del futuro. Buda advirtió a sus discípulos que estaban sedientos de liberación: ¡Oh, discípulos, aligeren la carga que yace ante ustedes. (resumen en español)

Mantener la mente pura para recibir su llamado

A continuación, Baba revela la técnica especial para mantener la mente ligera mediante la cual puede moverse rápidamente hacia el Ser Supremo.

En un resumen en español de Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, "Make Your Mind Light", Baba nos dice: Cuando debes moverte rápido, tu mente debe ser liviana; si la mente es pesada, no podrá moverse rápido. ¿Qué hace que la mente sea pesada? Tantas impurezas de pensamiento...

     Muinca pura muinca pacchata majjhe muinca bhabassa pa'ragu'

     [Quita toda el agua del bote de tu cuerpo;
     al estar libre de agua, se volverá muy ligero.]

En un resumen en español de Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, "Make Your Mind Light", Baba nos dice: Debes hacer que tu mente sea liviana. Debes abandonar todos los pensamientos mundanos, todos los pensamientos bajos, todos los pensamientos depravados, y hacerte ligero. Hacerse ligero significa liberarse de las impurezas. Un imán puede atraer fácilmente una pieza de hierro, pero si esa pieza de hierro está llena de impurezas, es posible que ese mismo imán no pueda atraer ese hierro. Así que el Ser Supremo, el Señor Supremo, siempre te está atrayendo, pero debido a tu pesadez debido a las impurezas mundanas, no estás siendo atraído por Él. (resumen en español)

Si uno se ve obstaculizado tanto por los buenos como por los malos recuerdos, recordar a Parama Purusa será extremadamente difícil. Debemos deshacernos de esos recuerdos viejos y desgastados y pensar solo en Él. Cuanto más recordamos los acontecimientos del pasado, más fácilmente vuelven a la mente, incluso sin necesidad, sin intención. Por el contrario, cuanto más uno piensa en Él, más nos liberamos de los tratos mundanos; en cambio, es Su recuerdo lo que entra y permanece en la mente, por Su gracia.

Así que esa es la fórmula mágica para mantener la mente ligera. Deja a un lado los asuntos mundanos y, en cambio, llena la mente con Su pensamiento. Con este fin, tanto la autosugestión (mantra japa, etc.) como la sugestión externa (satsaunga, leer Sus discursos, etc.) son absolutamente integrales.


El objetivo de todo sadhaka es recordar siempre a Baba; solo entonces se puede cruzar el océano del samskara y llegar hasta Él. Sin embargo, para cruzar el océano del samskara, uno debe hacer que la mente sea ligera y libre, recordándolo a Él y permaneciendo bajo Su divino refugio. Uno no puede cruzar ese océano si está abrumado por todo tipo de preocupaciones del pasado o temores sobre el futuro. Incluso recordar las propias glorias no ayuda a cruzar ese océano de samskara. Todos esos recuerdos son un impedimento y nos encadenan. La mente debe ser pura y ligera para que pueda enfocarse fácilmente en el Supremo.

Si uno se sienta y comienza a pensar eso, “no pensaré en viejos recuerdos”. Eso no servirá. O si uno les confía todos los días a sus amigos que “no pensaré en mi hijo que murió hace 30 años”. Pero eso significa que recuerdan a su hijo fallecido todos los días y se hacen daño. Entonces, ¿cuál es el camino? Cuando llega ese tipo de mala memoria, desvía rápidamente la mente hacia Parama Purusa. O si no puede hacer eso, piense en un proyecto de servicio social. Por eso es importante que los sadhakas se mantengan ocupados sirviendo a los demás. Entonces los malos recuerdos no te arrastrarán de vuelta. Lo mejor es pensar en Parama Purusa o pensar en servir a Parama Purusa en forma de seres vivos. Entonces tu mente estará ocupada en la dirección adecuada.

En Él,

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Forgetting is boon

- Here are more Spanish postings

- Here is a link to Spanish Prabhat Samgiita

Story: Iśt́a + 4 more

Story: Iśt́a

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


Here is a very unique story about one sadhaka's non-compromising strictness and faith in the sanctity of Ista and adarsha.

Ghastly attitude towards Ananda Marga

One very senior margii, Shrii Bhagavan jii, from Pathargama Village, Godda district (Bihar), was an LFT and working as an Ananda Marga school teacher. This was the pre-emergency period: Baba was in jail, and many negative articles were printed in the newspaper against Ananda Marga Pracarka Samgha. Anti-social elements were making jokes about and ridiculing Ananda Marga whenever they saw any of our respected avadhutas or Wts.

Sometimes, with their inimical outlook, these anti-social elements would try to intentionally taunt and harass margiis. Such unrighteous people were thinking they could take advantage of the situation and abuse our Ananda Marga way of life since the newspapers, government, and CBI were already issuing poisonous propaganda against Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

Side by side, many good people in society were very sympathetic to our cause. They were notably impressed with Ananda Marga social service projects, as well as with the honest and strict moral conduct of Ananda Margiis. So they felt a sense of kinship towards Ananda Marga. In their own quiet manner, they were very supportive. However, on the public front, they were forced to be reserved because of the ghastly attitude those in power had towards Ananda Marga. That was the climate those days. Now here is the main story.

Corrupt officer mocked about Guru

The LFT teacher Bhagavan jii arrived with an application for the food supply officer in order to pick-up the food quota (allotted amount) for the Ananda Marga children's home. When the corrupt officer saw the application from the children's home in-charge (Bhagavan jii), then in a mocking manner the officer used abusive language towards Sadguru Baba and Ananda Marga.

Actually, this official had a history of corrupt dealings, and Ananda Margiis had lodged complaints against him in the past. So this corrupt official harboured a lot of anger, resentment, and ill-will towards Ananda Margiis.

Note: Before continuing on with the story here I should say something so this story will be very clear. In Hindi the pronunciation of the terms 'Murgii', 'Murti', and 'Margii' is very similar. And the meaning of 'Murgii' is a hen (a female chicken).

Now the story continues...

In a taunting tone, the communist-minded officer said, "Oh, you are an Ananda Murgii, how is it you are outside of jail? How is it you did not get arrested? Where is your Guru Ananda Murgii."

Hearing this, the margii Bhagavan jii's whole existence was burning. He became furious and one great, strong burst of energy came into his body. Both parties were sitting face to face and in between them was one table. Bhagavan jii scanned around and saw a 1/2 lb, solid glass, paperweight. Without saying a word, within a fraction of a second, Bhagavan jii grabbed that glass paper weight and pounded it directly on the corrupt officer's face. The officer’s nose started bleeding.

Note: In abnormal circumstances, when the governmental authorities and the law and order personnel are against righteous people, and anti-social elements are trying to attack and mock you, then there is no other recourse. In that case, one may resort to bold measures. In contrast, if the courts and the police are ethical and keen to uphold the just laws of the land, then there is a different course of action to give a lesson to such people. In those dark days, Bhagavan jii did the needful. Given the unusual circumstances, that was the only right way to stand his ground.

Arrested & released from jail

Hearing the cry of the officer, other officials rushed to the scene. They were terrified by what they saw. They were horrified and stricken with fear. They froze and could not retaliate against Bhagavan jii. In a roaring voice, the margii Bhagavan jii threatened them: "If anybody utters one word against my Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, they will invite their death."

Completely fear-stricken, nobody could utter a word. Those corrupt officers stood there frozen in horror and shock. Later on, a police complaint was made, and Bhagavan jii got arrested.

When margiis heard of the incident, they understood that nothing bad was going to happen; and, they praised Bhagavan jii for his dharmic stand. Although Bhagavan jii got arrested, he was very happy to have had the opportunity to serve Baba in this way. And he was feeling very determined and optimistic that everything will be alright.

Sure enough, after 2 days, Bhagavan jii was released from jail. And a court case was never filed against him. Actually, that corrupt officer was so terrified and worried he requested a transfer and never brought the matter to court. Nor did he ever give any testimony. As far as the legal system was concerned, the whole incident never even occurred.

Yet we know the sinner got his lesson; and, margii Bhagavan jii got victory, by Baba's grace. All the margiis who heard about this event got the lesson that where there is Ista there is victory. They understood that they should never tolerate any abuse to Ista and adarsha.

Ananda Margiis have pointed bhakti

News of this event spread like wildfire throughout the entire district. Good people in society remained supportive of Ananda Marga; they were impressed with the conduct and service-minded approach of margiis and wts. Those people had a sympathetic view and watched out for our well-being. There were many, many such supporters. It was only those anti-social elements who became alert upon hearing of this incident. They understood that on the point of Ista and adarsha, Ananda Margiis are very one-pointed and strict. Actually, this incident helped Ananda Margiis immensely. Otherwise, surviving as an Ananda Margii those days was very difficult. The corrupt leaders of society and communist government officials were fully against Ananda Marga. The tendency was for negative officers to harass Ananda Margiis. But Bhagavan jii's fierce approach put them on alert: If they taunt Ananda Margiis, their face will be smashed.

On paper, the point of Ista may look small; but, in reality, it is a big, big point. Strictness and faith in Ista is the foundation for every Ananda Margii: Only then one will have the courage to march forward towards the goal.


Dedication and surrender to Ista are the prerequisite factors for progressing in the spiritual realm. Those who lack this basic feeling for Ista cannot advance. Those who have embraced Ista with the inner core of their heart have verily taken the path of Ananda Marga as their way of life and Baba is their Goal. For such blessed sadhakas, success is sure.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Ista means Parama Purusa...Where there is dharma there is Ista; the two are inseparably connected, and thus those who follow dharma are sure to follow Ista also. Dharma cannot exist where there is no love for God." (1)

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Only strike against deliberate sinners, not innocent people

In society there are all kinds of people. Sometimes innocent, naive, or confused persons may make a disparaging joke or even ridicule you. Then that is a different matter - because you can convince them and they will feel repentant for their words. It is just like if a child makes a joke about Ananda Marga, then that child can be easily taught. As workers and margiis, we do not take those incidents seriously.

In stark contrast, in the above story, the margii was confronted by a deliberate sinner - a corrupt official with staunch hatred toward Ananda Marga. That officer was not a good man; he knowingly and intentionally abused Ista. There was zero scope to convince him of his wrongdoing / wickedness and bring him onto the right path. Again it should be understood: That officer was a deliberate sinner. That is why Bhagavan jii took such a strong stand.

Qualification of a great Ananda Margii

Her are some important conduct rules related with Ista:

Anand Marga Caryacarya states, "Non-compromising strictness and faith regarding the sanctity of Ista." (2)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "You should always bear in mind that you should not try to convince by argument anyone who criticises your Is'ta (Goal), Adarsha (Ideology), Supreme Command or Conduct Rules. If this occurs you should adopt a hard and uncompromising attitude." (3)

These two teachings are the very backbone of our Ananda Marga spiritual cult. Without the faith and love for God (Ista), sadhana is meaningless. It is just like trying to plant and grow seeds in the dry, hot desert sand. Love for God is a basic quality of every sadhaka. It must be carefully preserved.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "This element of devotion, the most precious treasure of humanity, must be preserved most carefully. Because it is such a tender inner asset, to preserve it from the onslaughts of materialism..." (4)

Every Ananda Margii carries this in their heart. They believe these above quoted teachings from Baba and they put these teachings into practice.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, Where There Is Dharma There Is Iśt́a, and Where There Is Iśt́a There Is Victory
2. Sixteen Points, Point #10
3. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, Point #21
4. Neo-Humanism: Liberation of Intellect, Devotional Sentiment and Neohumanism (Discourse 1)


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Debility of diabetes

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The debility of the mańipura cakra is the main cause of diabetes. Amongst the pancreatic juices, one secretion helps in the digestion of food, and another separates the sugar content from non-vegetarian and starchy types of food. The sugar is then stored in a particular section of the liver and according to body requirements it is dissolved to generate heat and vital power to run the body mechanism. Chronic indigestion, constipation (here also the stool usually turns into pellets), mental exertion without any physical labour, use of intoxicants, and excessive seminal waste – all weaken the vitality of the liver. When such weakening takes place, the sugar contents of the food, failing to find a storage place in the liver, are assimilated into the blood and gradually accumulate. As a result, the blood gets polluted and loses its immune properties to a great extent. The natural reaction of the body in such a situation is to try to purify the blood by separating out its sugar content and expelling it with the urine. To dissolve the sugar, the human body needs plenty of water, and that is why diabetes patients suffer from a continuous thirst. Sugar emitted with the urine in a large quantity gradually reduces the vital energy of diabetes patients." (1)

1. Yogi Treatments, Diabetes

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Sentiment is blind force: 
most Bengalees converted to Islam, now that is Bangladesh 

Ananda Marga ideology states, “By temperament the Bengalees are a sentimental people. Sometimes they tolerate injustice for a long period without any murmur, without even a whimper...But suddenly, they may erupt in strong protest. These are the symptoms of a sentimental race. The people of Bengal, particularly the people of the lower stratum of society, had to undergo tremendous torture and humiliation in the past. Suddenly they revolted and embraced Islam in large numbers. They are also Bengalees – in bone, flesh and blood. They became Muslims as a reaction to the exploitation by the contemporary society.” (1)

Worst move: lower caste Hindus converted to Islam

Prout philosophy states, “It has also happened amongst the followers of different religions. Due to the many shortcomings in one religion and its exploitation of so-called lower caste people, many of these  so-called low caste people left that religion and accepted another. When people leave their religion for no significant reason and accept another religion which suffers from ideological vacuum or is even inferior to the religion which they previously followed, they develop hysterical behaviour. They start excessively doing those things which were once prohibited to them by their previous religion. So we find that the person who has converted to another religion takes more beef than a normal member of that religion. This type of behaviour cannot be found in those who had ideologically accepted that religion.” (2)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The History of Bengal – 1
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, The Existential Value of Ideology

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Tool to keep mind neat & clean

Baba teaches us that the regular practice of sadhana is the special tool to make the mind resplendent and shiny. 

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “One must do sádhaná most regularly. As long as one has a body, one must go on doing sádhaná. You must have noticed that a shiny new lot́á [small metal vessel] will no longer retain its lustre and newness after a year's use. One has to clean it quite regularly with tamarind in order to maintain its shininess. The mind is like that – one has to do regular sádhaná to keep it neat and clean.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, The Dialogues of Shiva and Párvatii – 1

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

यह गीत, स्रष्टि के सृजन से पूर्व, जब परमपुरुष के अलावा कोई नहीं था

Intro for PS: The following song describes the situation before creation when Parama Purusa was all alone. In the absence of a second entity, He had nothing to do. He was feeling lonely; there was no one. Then He started thinking that He should be many and then at one point of His vast infinite Self, saincara started. That was the origin and start of creation. One should not forget that creation is His thought projection - it is all unfolding within His mind. For Him, nothing is external; the entire universe is in His mind.

प्रभात संगीत 3043 : किसेरी पुलके , सबारी अलखे, जेगेछिले तुमि कौन अतीते....

परिचय :-  यह गीत, स्रष्टि के सृजन से पूर्व, जब परमपुरुष के अलावा कोई नहीं था, तब का वर्णन करता है | जिसमें उन्होने  सोचा कि--”मैं एक से बहुत हो जाऊं” और संचर क्रिया होने लगी। स्पष्ट है कि यह सब कुछ उनके मन के भीतर ही घटित हो रहा है इसलिये बाहर कुछ नहीं सब कुछ परमपुरुष की विचार तरंगे ही हैं।
हे परमपुरुष ! इस स्रष्टि के पहले, समय, काल नाम की चीज ही नहीं थी , कोई दिनांक नहीं , समय, काल  का मापन भी नहीं । वह काल  के दायरे से परे था। इस काल  की शून्यता में तुम सो रहे थे। तुम अकेले थे दूसरा कोई नहीं जिसे प्रेम कर सको  या आशीष दे सको। तब ,फिर तुम किसके आनंद  और प्रसन्नता के लिये जाग उठे और यह स्रष्टि रच डाली?

हे परमपुरुष! जब तुमने अपनी निद्रा तोड़ी और सोचने लगे कि ‘मैं एक से अनेक हो जाऊं,‘ उसी क्षण से यह स्रष्टि, इस रंगीन संसार के रूप में प्रारंभ हो गई। तुम्हारे मानसिक सूर्य ने पूर्वी क्षितिज को रंग दिया और सब कुछ आनन्द मय हो गया। प्रति संचर की अंतिम  अवस्था में मानव मन का शतदल पुष्प , मधु से भर गया।

हे दिव्य सत्ता! पूरी पृथ्वी तुम्हारे विचारों और आभा की बाढ़ में डूब गयी है, तुम्हारे चिंतन से,सृष्टि में नया संकल्प आया है, राग रागनियों में ध्वनि का संचार हो गया है। संचर और प्रतिसंचर के अस्तित्व में आने के साथ तुम्हारी कृपा से अनेक प्रकार के पौधे, पशु  और अंत में मानव  की पैदाइस हुई  है।  तुमने मनुष्यों को गीत, नृत्य , संगीत और तुम्हारे साथ एकाकार  हो सकने के लिए, तुम्हारे नाम का भजन करने, जैसे  अनेक गुणों से  संपन्न होने का आशीष दिया है।  हे परमपुरुष!  बाबा तुम प्रेमस्वरूप हो। 

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Supreme task for the present humanity

“The fact that the fortune of every individual, not only of this earth but of the entire cosmos, has been wreathed together, will have to be admitted one day by people. The spiritual aspirant has to hasten that auspicious moment by pauseless effort, service and propagation of the great Ideology. This alone is the Supreme task for the present humanity.” (Ananda Vanii #30)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section 3: Links ==

Upcoming Festival: Ananda Purnima - 05 May 2023
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