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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Conducting marriage ceremony + 2 more

Conducting marriage ceremony


The question sometimes arises, “In which languages should the marriage oaths be given in our Ananda Marga revolutionary marriage (RM) system?”

Intro talk about ceremony

Before the marriage ceremony begins, there should be a short, introductory talk explaining to all about the meaning and significance of the upcoming ceremony. That talk should be given in a language all attendees understand.

For instance, suppose everyone attending the marriage ceremony is proficient in the English language. Then the introductory talk about the upcoming marriage ceremony can be made in English itself because everyone attending is conversant in English.

However, again hypothetically speaking, let’s say that only 75% of the attendees know English, and the other 25% know Chinese. Then the introductory talk should be given in both languages, English and Chinese. And if 50% know English, 25% know Chinese, and 25% know Arabic, then the introductory marriage talk should be given in three languages.

The basic idea is that all those present should have a comprehensive understanding of the marriage ceremony. The overall meaning and significance of the ceremony should be explained to them in a language that they can easily understand. The talk can be delivered in any language in which they are proficient.

Oaths in mother tongue

During the ceremony itself, the oaths taken by the bride and groom must be done in their mother tongue. On this point there should not be any compromise.

So if the mother tongue / childhood language of the bride is Chinese, then the oaths should be taken in Chinese, irrespective of what other languages she may know. Likewise if the mother tongue / childhood language of the groom is Arabic, then the oath should be taken in Arabic. The marriage oath is a very important juncture in a person's life, and those oaths should be taken in the language that most closely touches their inner-heart feeling—i.e. their mother tongue. On this point there should not be any compromise. For the bride and groom, the oaths should be taken in their mother tongue.

It does not matter if the audience / attendees / in-laws etc can understand these oaths or not. Already the content of the oaths was explained to them during the introductory talk. So at this time the bride and groom should take the oath in the language that is most comfortable and touching for them—i.e. their mother tongue.

Collective oath in multiple languages

In our Ananda Marga marriage system, after the bride and groom perform their oaths, then all attendees also take an oath. And ideally the collective oath should be taken by the audience in their mother tongue. That may mean translating and reciting the collective oath 3 - 4 different times, in everyone’s mother tongue, because those attendees are taking an oath in the name of Parama Brahma and every person should fully understand and feel committed to the oath they are taking.

The Ananda Marga marriage ceremony collective oath is: “We say on oath in the name of Parama Brahma and Márga Gurudeva that we are witnesses to this wedding. By the grace of all-merciful Brahma, may we be helpful to the best of our capacity for the all-round progress of this newly-married couple.”

Thus at the aforementioned hypothetical marriage ceremony, the oath may need to be given in three languages: Chinese, Arabic, and Spanish. If still that does not include everyone, then that oath may need to be given in English as well.

So in ideal circumstances, every attendee should take the oath in their mother tongue. Everyone has a sentimental and emotional link with their mother tongue so naturally they can best relate with those spoken words. That will be most meaningful for them.

A mockery if they do not understand

If, due to adverse situations, it is not possible to present the oath in the mother tongue of each and every attendee, then there can be a compromise on this issue if those attendees are fully conversant in other languages. So if someone present at the wedding is a native Swahili speaker but they know English well, then if it is not possible for them to take the oath in their mother tongue (Swahili) then they can take it in English.

But if attendees take the oath in a language they do not understand, then that is a complete hoax. Then they are taking an oath in the name of Parama Brahma yet they have no idea about the meaning of the oath. That is a mockery of the marriage ceremony. So this type of situation should be completely avoided. If the oath is not given in an attendee’s mother tongue, then it should be done in a language in which they have great facility and proficiency.

Just imagine that an Indian or Filipino margii or sympathizer went to Iceland and attended a marriage and had to take the oath in Icelandic. If they do not understand one syllable then the whole process becomes a farce. Thus the oath needs to be given to them in their mother tongue; and, if that is not possible then another language can be used like English or Hindi etc if the person is conversant in that other language.


The ideal is that every oath taken in Ananda Marga—including the marriage oath for those attending the wedding—should be done in a person’s mother tongue. This is Baba’s guideline.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "It has been prescribed to spell the mantras in one’s mother tongue, because to read out words of oath in some other language without understanding their meaning is nothing but a farce. It is not possible to realize the responsibility of uttering oaths without knowing their meaning." (1)

In Him,

Linguistic resources in future

Due to the very nature of our revolutionary marriage system, the bride and groom may come from different linguistic backgrounds—and their families may as well. So then the question of how to perform the marriage ceremony—which language(s) should be used—can be quite a challenging one. This letter addresses this important matter.

The day will surely come in the future when marriage oaths are translated into innumerable languages and in each sector there will be books and audio files presenting the oaths in all those languages. With the help of technology, this hurdle can be easily crossed so every attendee can take the oath in a language most comfortable and meaningful for them, i.e. their mother tongue.

1. Táttvika Diipiká (Caturtha Parva)

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita==

Waiting for that auspicious occasion

"Tomár kathái bhávite bhávite din cale jáy katoná;
tabu náhi áso marme ná bháso, bujhi mor náhi sádhaná..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2264)
O’ Parama Purusa, my days are passing thinking only about You, Your stories and tales. By Your grace my time is spent involved in kiirtan, asana, sadhana, svadhyaya, and ideating on You. The whole 24 hrs passes in Your thought - since ages it has been like this: Thinking that You will come. Even then, You do not come in a very intimate way. When I contemplate this, I feel all my life have passed in vain. It makes me think I do not have A-grade sadhana or parabhakti. Otherwise what could be the reason.
O’ Parama Purusa, Baba, by Your mercy I feel in my heart that You love me; I can sense that You understand my painful and melancholic longing for You. By Your divine karuna I also know that You keep my 'unit I-feeling' - my mind - with You always. I understand that You are always thinking about me and watching for my welfare. In spite of all this, Your love for me and my ”determination to get You” both could not become one. That is why there is an aching spiritual pain lingering in my heart. It will only go away when I will obtain You. Lord, I am waiting for that auspicious occasion.

O’ Parama Purusa, my days are passing thinking only about You, Your stories and tales. By Your grace my time is spent involved in kiirtan, asana, sadhana, svadhyaya, and ideating on You. The whole 24 hrs passes in Your thought - since ages it has been like this: Thinking that You will come. Even then, when I sit in meditation You do not come in a very intimate way. When I contemplate this, I feel all my life has passed in vain. It makes me think I do not have A-grade sadhana or parabhakti. Otherwise what could be the reason.
O’ Parama Purusa, Baba, by Your mercy Parama Purusa, please mold me according to Your liking - make me as You wish. I am ready to follow Your order so that I can feel You more deeply, more intimately. By Your krpa, I love You; and, I know You love me, so do with me as You wish - according to Your desire - I will follow. Sometimes I wallow in ignorance and think my worldly friends are my true saviours and that they are going to help me in my hour of need - up to eternity. Please open my eyes give me the blessing that there is no one other than You who is mine in this vast universe. Baba, please shower me in Your grace compassion so I can realise in the core of my heart that only You are my eternal shelter... 
Note For Prabhat Samgiita #2264:
[1] "Tumi cha'r'a na'i jagate kehai...": In this last line of the above Prabhat Samgiita the bhakta wants the divine cognizance that only Parama Purusa is the eternal shelter. This same type of idea has been expressed in the below teaching.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "Because of His grace, they will get energy or strength from Him, and with that strength they will move forward. Without His grace, no one can move even a single step forward. And for this people should always remember that by their own efforts they do not make any progress, rather it is due to the wish of Parama Purus´a that they make any progress at all. It is the duty of Parama Purus´a to help them to move forward. This 100% reliance on Parama Purus´a is called 'prapatti' in the scriptures. Sadhakas should always maintain the spirit of 'prapatti'...'Whatever takes place in the universe and whatever qualities I possess is all due to His grace. He is the Lord of everything; He is the machine-man, and I am simply a machine'." (1)
1. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, The Path unto the Abode of Beatitude

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How punishment wrongly done

Ananda Marga ideology says, "And what is discipline? The Sam'skrta term for 'discipline' is 'anusha'sanam'. And what is anusha'sanam?"

Hita'rthe sha'sanam ityarthe anusha'sanam

"When the code of discipline is imposed with the spirit of welfare, with the spirit of development, it is called `anusha'sanam' in Sam'skrta. There is no corresponding English word." (1)

Note: Commonly people think that discipline means "anusha'sanam" - regardless of the motive or intention. For instance, suppose someone did something wrong and was punished; yet the punishment given to that person was done with the malevolent motive of spite, anger, and hatred in order to harass that person, then still some people term that as "anusha'sanam." But that is wrong; that type of approach can never be termed as anusha'sanam.

Unfortunately, most of the time in the general society, punishment is meted out to make an example of the wrongdoer and show others that they too will be punished in this way etc. This is the harsh message they want to deliver to the common people. But that approach is wholly devoid of any type of welfare motive. Law enforcement agencies carry out their work in this way - most of the time. They do this in the name of discipline. But whatever they call it, this malevolent approach can never be anusha'sanam.

Ideal family life is radically different. In this instance, the desire is to love, teach, nurture, and care for the child. So if that child makes a mistake then the punishment given to the child will be for their welfare and progress. In that case, that discipline comes within the scope of anusha'sanam. The main idea is that if the code of discipline is not for the welfare and betterment of the individual, then that is not anusha'sanam.

In Him,

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, The Fear of Him

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Creed of a spiritual aspirant

“The only creed of a spiritual aspirant is to love the Universal Consciousness and the creation. One must not be guided by any national, caste, linguistic or religious sentiment and must not tolerate any fissiparous tendency.” (Ananda Vanii #16)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section 4: Links ==

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