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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Guiding our youths + 4 more

Guiding our youths


Getting stuck in harmful habits is a common problem these days, but especially so with teenagers because they are more impressionable. They are more prone and susceptible to falling prey to the negative aspects of their surroundings. Especially nowadays when our youths are hounded 24/7 by savvy business marketing teams. Those advertising professionals are constantly trying to allure and tempt our youths.

When we think about what most affects a person's development, generally speaking, the formula is, "If one's company is good then people are involved in good works; but, if one's company is bad then the tendency is to get caught up in bad habits." Since the present social environment is filled with so many degenerative behaviors, many get adversely affected. And it is especially the youths who get allured.

When many houses are infested all get affected

In this circumstance, parents, family members, and friends may not know exactly how to solve the problem. When the problem is not checked, it mushrooms into a veritable crisis. And the root cause is exposure to negative vices, degrading tendencies, and harmful addictions etc. For instance, petty thievery, if not checked, may escalate into large-scale robberies and larceny; and, without any intervention, watching degraded films might also lead to more debased dealings.

That is why Baba's direction is that at the earliest possible moment a proper human society should be formed. Because if only a single house is clean, and all the surrounding houses are dirty and filled with flies, then the foul smell from those flea-infested houses will certainly envelop the clean house also. Given the current climate of degrading materialism, it is our duty to help our youths, and one and all. We should guide them and goad their minds in the proper direction.

Solution: goad mind towards sentient engagements

To solve this problem of negative habits and addictive behaviours, Baba's teaching is to channelise and engage the mind in positive activities. Trying to solve the problem by inviting the patient to watch pseudo-culture movies or adopting "less negative habits" like cigarette smoking in the place of narcotics will not suffice. That will only create more temptation and further depravity. The best approach is to engage people in positive, sentient endeavours like music, art, discussion forums, sports, and healthy competitions in social service. These types of activities will help youths, and all people, break the downward spiral of depravity, and lead them in a healthy, more refined direction.

Baba also guides us that if a person does sadhana then a positive result will arrive more quickly. Even inborn criminals can be wholly transformed with the help of sadhana and asanas. By following Baba's guidelines, everyone will get the opportunity to progress rapidly and steer clear from negative habits and other weaknesses.

In this following teaching from the discourse 'Vya'tireka-1', Baba is guiding us that the best way to cure addicts from their negative behaviors is not to remind them directly of their addiction but to engage their mind in healthier and higher pursuits.

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The best psychological cure for addicts is to put them in an environment where they will be unable to think of their object of addiction for any length of time. To proclaim, "Don't do this, it's bad," is futile, for it is a negative approach. If you say, "Don't drink wine", you are still injecting the concept of wine into the alcoholic's mind, thus making it impossible for him to forget it and kick (quit) his bad habits. You are giving alcohol negative publicity, and it again becomes his mental object. Thus whenever he gets the opportunity he will certainly drink it again. And it may be that this negative approach encourages the alcoholic to become even more addicted. It is a defective approach."
   "These days the sign "No smoking please" is placed in many public places, but it will not reduce the amount of smoking. If society wants people to stop smoking, its approach should be to divert the smoker's mind to other objects. A chain smoker should be encouraged to get involved in various pursuits such as music, dance, songs, culture of fine arts, etc., for if the mind remains engaged in these things it will forget its object of addiction. But the person who thinks, "I'll stop drinking wine the day after tomorrow-- no, let me see, why not tomorrow", can never kick the habit, for wine remains the mental object. The mind will try to materialise whatever it thinks about in the external world - this is its nature." (1)


Negative habits and tendencies should be replaced by positive ones. A person should not try to simply decrease the bad habit. Rather that degrading tendency should be wholly exchanged for a sentient engagement. And the way to achieve this is by goading the mind towards uplifting pursuits that refine the mind. By this way we will be able to help many who have gotten stuck in a rut of degrading materialistic tendencies, especially our youths.

in Him,
Tattvika Dinesh Deva

~ In-depth study ~

Step by step: animal to human 

Animal tendencies are still dominant in many people as all have come from animal life. That is why most human beings easily get attracted to negative allurements. It does not need any special training or practice to plunge into degrading behaviours. You will not find many educational institutions that teach people how to rob, or cheat, or deceive, or how to drink wine, and use illicit drugs etc. People need not be taught those things as it is a natural tendency to lean towards degeneration. So in this condition it is the duty of those who have a more developed mind to help others progress.

Here below Baba shows how we may overcome various social ills and guide people along the path of welfare.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "There are certain common and natural tendencies in human life. Those tendencies are of either a degenerating or an exalting nature, that is, they are either of a depraving or an elevating nature. We should encourage the elevating tendencies and discourage the depraving tendencies. In certain portions of this world, depraving tendencies such as … exist. Protesting will not stop or check it unless we also do something positive to check it. If we do something positive, it will create a new stir in the human mind. … and other depraving tendencies will be completely discouraged and checked. That will be our course of action. We have to create new literature, new books, new music, new songs...we have to create a cultural stir. These are our immediate duties. We have to chalk out a programme and act accordingly." (2)

Why eyes are in front

One other important point to be aware of is that Baba tells us not to think about past misdeeds. One should forget about them. That is why He has designed human beings to have both eyes in the front: so every aspirant may look forward and march towards the Goal. Thinking about past negative events will cause those miseries and bad habits to come again and again in the mind.

Ananda Vanii says, "...No human being should ever belittle or slight themselves, rather they should make rigorous efforts to become worthy mediums (media). The wise and intelligent ideate less on their defects and demerits and more on the Supreme desideratum." (3)

To think over and over that, "I am a sinner - I am a sinner" is not good. This is the wrong psychology. Rather, one should entirely avoid thinking of that bad habit and directly engage the mind in higher pursuits. That is why in dharma samiiksa if anyone had committed some misdeed, Baba always first gave atonement. And then He guided their mind toward different social service activities. Only if He found that after this still people continued thinking and engaging in those same negative things, then He would feign anger and lovingly punish them for their welfare.

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, the human mind has tremendous quality: What way the mind thinks, the whole personality can metamorphose in that direction. If a drunkard thinks only about poetry or feeding the homeless then he will become good; whereas even if an honest person thinks about his past misdeeds like stealing then that negative habit will again appear. That is why Baba has given the system of pratyaha'ra, 'offering of one's mental colors'. And this is exactly what we do in Guru Puja, so this is also one of the important practices.

AM teachings are the answer

All along, in His teaching in countless places, Baba has guided the entire society on this very point because in certain religions like Christianity they give a lot of preference to reminding people about their past sins. And most of the time that sin is unknown - what they did they do not know. This is present, in small or big form, in most of the religions. Because of this, Ananda Marga has given completely new ideas.

Baba has given the solutions to all the problems, so if ever anyone wants to solve any problem they should refer to Ananda Marga teachings.

Sadguru Baba says, “A correct spiritual ideology is the only solution to the problems confronting the world. From this perspective we can call Ananda Marga ideology the philosophers’ stone. Just as the philosophers’ stone is meant to transform everything into gold, Ananda Marga ideology can, most definitely, find a just and rational solution whenever it is applied to any problem.” (4)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 6, Vyatireka – 1
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, 'Rule of Rationality'
3. Ananda Vanii #66
4. Problems of the Day, Point #36

*        *        *

The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Tactic of religious cheats

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The vipras [religious leaders] have invented and are still inventing new ways of exploiting different communities of people in different parts of the world. In some places they have lured people with the prospect of eternal heaven, injecting into them at the same time the fear of eternal hell. By claiming the doctrine of some particular vipras [religious] leader to be the word of God, they have blocked the natural expression of the human intellect and made people intellectually bankrupt. With the intention of permanently securing for themselves an exalted position in the eyes of the ordinary people, some vipras [religious] leaders have declared themselves to be the incarnation or the appointed prophet of God. Through their own so-called scriptures, they have indirectly let the common people know that no one can achieve the same proximity to God as they – so that an inferiority complex will remain forever in the minds of the masses, and due to this inferiority complex the masses will always follow their teachings, either out of fear or out of devotion. That is why even intellectual people have fallen into their trap and have been compelled to say, Vishváse miláy vastu, tarke vahu dúr [“The goal is achieved not by reason but by faith”] or Majhab men ákl ká dakhl nahii haen [“There is no room for reason in religion”]. (1)

1. Human Society - 2, The Vipra Age

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Entitlement: descendant of family acarya


Ananda Marga philosophy states, “With the noise of a bustling wind, people reminisce, “Oh, my grandfather accomplished this great feat… my aunt performed that marvellous work… our surname is Roychoudhury. For we were once great landlords…” Thus people always ruminate over their past and gloat over their ancestors, because they have no glorious present at all – everything is an empty void. When a community thus loses its inner wealth, then it tenaciously clings to the skeleton of its past and says, “I was this, I was that.” But they are unable to say, “I am this, I am that.” ... One must say, “Do not bother about what your ancestors have done. Why can’t you do...”” (1)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Táttvika, ácárya, purodhá and such terms represent one’s individual ability and are not hereditary.” (2)

Note: In His above teachings, Sadguru Baba is guiding us that in our AM way of life there is no scope to stand on the coattails of one’s ancestors. Doing nothing in the present moment and gloating about past glories is not our way. Moreover, in AMPS we do not hand the post from one generation to the next on a hereditary basis. So if one’s father was a family acarya, that same title, post, glory, and respect is not automatically bestowed upon the son or daughter. In our Ananda Marga, everything is earned based on one’s conduct, not one’s birth. 

The various dogmatic religions and racist approaches pass down their titles and supremacy in a very nasty way from one generation to the next. Verily, they use the   inherently exploitative tactic of one’s birth to suppress and denigrate others. This occurs with so-called whites exploiting so-called blacks, and so-called brahmins exploiting so-called shudras. Casteism and racism are based on this horrific edict ordained by sub-humans. 

Birth of new nasty dogma: AMPS India

Sadly, now this same disease is rearing its ugly head in our AMPS. A few are claiming that, “Since my uncle / great-grandfather / father was a family acarya, then I am of a special birth and fit to rule over AMPS.” And others say, “My family has been in AMPS for generations, and both my grandfather and my father were family acaryas etc, so on that basis I should also be granted a great seat in AMPS.” They think AMPS belongs to them due to their ancestry, and everyone else is a guest. Even though they themselves have not done anything in this life, they feel being the grandson of a family acarya is enough for all of AMPS to fall at their feet. This type of senseless, empty banter is crowding the airwaves on some forums. 

Those who are true Ananda Margiis understand well that in our AM way of life, no positions of power are granted on a hereditary basis. All are the sweet children of Parama Purusa, and one is only able to lead our AM society by their sadhana, service, sacrifice and dharmic conduct. 

In Him, 

1. A Few Problems Solved - 5, On Festivals
2. Caryacarya Part 1, Táttvika, Ácárya/á, Purodhá and Their Concerned Boards

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Inevitability of world government

Prout philosophy states, "With advances in technology, the mastery of human beings over space and time will continue slowly to increase, so the necessity of a world government, also, will be profoundly felt. Gradually the people in one region of the world will have to interact more with the people in various other regions, and in the course of this interaction they will have to try to understand one another better." (1)

Here Baba is teaching how in a gradual and natural course the world government will be established on this earth. And in a mundane way things are already moving in this direction. For example, there are millions of international and global organisations. Similarly, hundreds of thousands of corporations have a global administration. And in many families, their relations are working and living in multiple continents. And that is growing every moment. On a daily basis, tens of millions of people are crossing borders and traveling across the planet for various reasons. By this way, individuals, corporations, and NGO’s are already global. And this will take place in the political sphere very soon. Not only that, there is hardly any country that is not connected with another country. So there is a need. Already numerous attempts have been made at uniting various countries - in various regions of the globe. And such approaches will only increase with greater and greater success. The formation of a world government will be a natural step in this process.

1. Problems of the Day, point #20

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How ghosts are fabricated

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In a dream, due to the dormant state of kámamaya kośa, the thought-vibrations of manomaya kośa appear real (this we call a dream when we wake up). When, due to extreme fear, stupefaction, crudity, or an excessive expression of any ripu or pásha, the kámamaya becomes temporarily suspended in the next higher kośa and the imagined objects appear real. This is also the case when a person sees various gods and goddesses. Psychologically, seeing a ghost, god or goddess is the same thing; none of them actually exist.”

“When hypnotized by someone, a person starts perceiving things as per the commands of the hypnotist. In this state, when the kámamaya is dormant a person feels that his/her imagined objects are real. Often, weak-minded people see ghosts, gods or goddesses of relatives. Such visions are auto- or outer-positive-hallucinations. Conversely, when people declare the absence of things which are actually present, it is called auto- or outer-negative-hallucination.”

“This clarifies that those who emphatically claim that they have seen ghosts are not wrong. It is due to the illusions of the negative or positive hallucinations that they see these things.”

1. Tattva Kaomudii -1, Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Numerous defects of democracy

Prout philosophy states, "As a system of government, democracy cannot be accepted as the highest and best. Among all the systems human beings have been able to devise so far, democracy can be considered to be the best of a bad lot. If human beings can devise a better system in future, it will be proper to accept it wholeheartedly. Many defects in democracy have been discovered by human beings who have already started rectifying them." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #33

== Section 3: Links ==

Human revival: fasting + 2 more

Human revival: fasting 

In His Yogic Treatments book, Baba prescribes upava'sa as a cure to so many illnesses. So upavasa (loosely translated as upava'sa) is an excellent resource and remedy for various physical ailments and diseases as it helps purify the entire body and allows the glands to fully rest.

Body cures itself

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Fasting is also included in the scope of Pramitaha'r, because it gives rest to the digestive organs and frees the body from so many ailments." (1)
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "During fasting the body's organs get a good rest, and the healing process is more rapid." (2)
Those who fast regularly maintain a healthy and vibrant existence and find that the body becomes habituated and adjusted to this cycle of upava'sa. The body is then ready for the next upava'sa as the day approaches. This is the common experience of many sadhakas. And by this way the body cures itself.
Upavasa brings mental clarity & sharpness
Fasting also has a tremendous effect in the mental arena. We have all experienced how after a big meal we tend to feel sleepy, tired, and even a bit dull. This is a common problem, and the reason behind this is that when we ingest food then that blood has to race to the stomach to help in digestion. And in that way less freshly oxygenated blood goes to the brain.
During upava'sa none of the body's crucial resources get diverted towards the stomach. In which case one's mental functioning is sharper. That is why on upava'sa day sadhakas experience clarity of thought and psychic freshness. The mind is flexible and sharp as it is not dragged down by bodily functions such as digestion.
Another everyday example of this phenomenon is that just before an exam or important meeting or debate, no student or professional will eat a large meal. Otherwise, their mental faculties will be significantly hampered. That is why in numerous traditions people proclaim that a light stomach equals a lucid mind. And fasting is an exceptional method for enhancing mental concentration and energy.

Upava'sa helps spiritual life
The benefits of fasting in spiritual life are well known to all. At the beginning one may feel that it is difficult to do sadhana on upava'sa days. But with just a little effort many sadhakas experience very good sadhana on those days since all of the body's energy can be utilised for spiritual pursuits. Baba's guideline below is pointing in this same direction.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "As a result of fasting, the poisonous and unproductive waste of the body gets destroyed and expelled. Moreover, the energy that is not expended in digesting food can be utilised for other purposes. Therefore, a fast day is an excellent time for sadhana." (3)

Fasting vs upavasa
Here below Baba describes how we are to spend our upava'sa days.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "'Upa' means proximity. And va'sa means to live, to reside. So the upava'sa word means to live near the Lord.  In these days of fasting, what the aspirants are to do? Mentally they should live near their Lord. On all other days there remains a balance between external objective adjustment, and subjective approach. An adjustment between objective adjustment and subjective approach. But on these fasting, or upava'sa, the aspirant remains more in proximity to the Lord than in other mundane duties. That's why these days are known as "upava'sa". The word 'fasting' doesn't carry the proper sense or the proper spirit of the term 'upava'sa'. To go without food, for this the proper word is anasan. 'An' means not, 'asan' means eating. And not upava'sa. So these ekadashii, amava'sya, and purnima they are, upava'sa. Do you follow?" (4)
And Baba's next guideline further details how upava'sa days are perfect for an enhanced spiritual routine.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "These fixed [fasting] days are called upavasa since during these days people keeping their minds engaged in spiritual matters 'live closer' to God, and any possibility of mental degradation is averted: their humanity is not endangered by the lengthening shadows of annihilation." (5)
By all this we can understand that on upava'sa days one can enjoy heightened spiritual awareness and thus deepen their devotional link with Parama Purusa.
Baba points on upava'sa

In dharma samiiksa and in all types of reporting sessions, Baba used to point out sadhakas in front of one and all about their practice of upava'sa. And if one person was pointed out it was understood that if others are also lacking and deficient in this arena then they should also rectify themselves. That was the spirit. It was not just that Baba was speaking to only one individual on such occasions.
Some people would wonder why Baba was pointing out margiis or Wts in front of the collective, as opposed to informing them individually. The reason for this is that Baba did not have the time to speak to each and every individual on each and every particular point. So by highlighting a particular sadhaka's mistake in front of the collective, then if 4 or 5 others were doing the same wrongdoing then naturally they would also become alarmed. And the feeling would come that they too should rectify themselves, as they understood that Baba is very concerned and strict on this point.

Another reason is that naming the defects on the collective platform was a good way of reminding one and all. Because day after day, or every few days, if He was pointing out a different margii or Wt on the point of fasting, then it automatically became a reminder to all those present that this was something important. So if anyone was attending the reporting for an entire week or two week period, then they would get numerous reminders. And invariably they would spread that idea to others who did not attend.
Here we should keep in mind that as Guru Baba was pointing out the defects of disciples from the very beginning, not just in later years. >From the Jamalpur era up to the grand DMCs in the late 80's, Babe would point out, benevolently scold, and shower His love. This was all done for our welfare. By this way we could grow and move on towards Supreme fulfillment. Baba is the dharma Guru, and His special quality is to both love and punish.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "The preceptor must also be nigraha (capable of inflicting punishment) and anugraha (capable of bestowing grace). One who punishes only or who bestows grace only is not an ideal preceptor." (6)
Baba reporting

Overall there were at minimum two distinct reasons for pointing people out in front of the collective:
(a) A lack of time to speak to everyone on an individual basis and by this way it was a good reminder to one and all. Thus within a short period Baba could rectify and instill proper practices within countless sadhakas within the entire Marga. Overall we can say it was His special technique and blessing.
(b) Baba is very strict on the point of upava'sa. And He wants that we should all be sincere on all aspects of this practice. As He tells us again and again in various ways that indeed He is always watching our each and every action to ensure our welfare.
As many know, upava'sa is a special practice whereby one's entire system gets cleansed and purified. By allowing the organs to rest and collect the toxins, the body gets the opportunity to rejuvenate itself. Breaking the fast properly with a thorough cleansing process is an indispensable feature of upava'sa - otherwise much of the benefits are lost.
Here following Baba says about the process of upavasa.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "Upavasa in the sense of fasting is also useless...if one does real upavasa that can do a lot. The scriptural meaning of uspavasa is-- by derivation-- upa which means "near", and va'sa, which means "to stay". Upa'vasa therefore means "to make the mind stay near Parama'tma'". In other words, it means to withdraw the mind from thoughts of physicalities and keep it near Parama'tama'. The sanskrit word for fasting as such is anashana [remaining hungry / starving]." (7)

This is for our welfare
We all know that Baba Himself is very strict with all margiis and acaryas on the point of upava'sa. He wants that we should derive all the many benefits from this great practice. Indeed, in multiple ways, He reminds us that always He is watching. This following teaching is leading in that exact manner.
Ananda Marga ideology says, "Suppose, a gentleman is undergoing fasting, and secretly in a closed room, he takes chocolate. 'No one will know, nobody will know.' But it is not so. His unit cognition will know that he has taken chocolate. And similarly, the Cosmic Father will know that in a particular room one unit body took chocolate very secretly, and that unit body is still thinking, that the fact that he took chocolate on a fast-day is not known to anybody. It is known to everybody. Nothing is a secret." (8)
All-knowing Baba sees exactly what happens - as well as what does not happen - on our each and every upava'sa day. And He wants us to sincerely follow His guideline as this is for our welfare.

Cleanses whole body

On the physical plane, upava'sa plays a direct and significant role. Because the whole health and balance of the physical body revolves around the stomach. Those with some understanding about their bodily systems and functions recognise that the stomach is the nucleus and the most integral organ for maintaining human health on a day to day basis.
Because only in the case of the stomach does something from the external environment actually enter inside the body. And that "something" which enters is food which gets deposited directly into the stomach; in turn, the various nutritional (and not-so-nutritional) components get distributed throughout the body via the bloodstream. But the stomach is the starting point.
So if the stomach is not in good working order and if it cannot do its job properly, then the immediate effect is that the limbs and the various body parts and organs get adversely affected and diseased.
And what results are problems like: acidity, gout, rheumatism, obesity, skin diseases, and ultimately cancer etc. All of this starts with the initial onset of difficulties in the stomach. And in numerous chapters of Yogic Treatment book, Baba clearly describes this. Yet, as we may have experienced, the practice of regular upava'sa naturally controls all these problems. Because before any real difficulty develops the health of the human body is restored. That is why most sadhakas do not suffer from the aforementioned physical ailments and diseases. Instead they enjoy a strong state of health.

Sincere Ananda Margiis understand that Baba has blessed us with the gifts for a fruitful life. He has graciously bestowed upon us the needed way, guidelines, and "know-how" for a pristine and sweet existence. Verily all of His teachings lead us in this direction, and His special guidelines about fasting are also an essential ingredient. It is by this process of regular upava'sa that our whole entire being gets cleansed and purified - in all the realms of life: physical, mental, and spiritual. And that propels us forward towards our cherished Goal.
By doing the fasting and breaking process in a sincere and complete manner, one’s entire human structure is renewed and the body and mind will glisten with purity and levity.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

More guidelines on fasting

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "On and around the times of new and full moon, one may observe that the gaseous and aqueous factors in the body rise up into the head and chest, creating an uncomfortable feeling. Therefore, if a person does not take food at these times, these factors will be drawn down from the higher portions of the body to the lower portions, thereby alleviating the uncomfortable feeling." (9)

 Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "You should not depend on food too much. This is why I have prescribed fasting on four days a month for some people and two days a month for others, and personally I have proved by fasting for five years and ... months at a stretch that if people try, they can remain without food. If one's dependence on food decreases, one will gain more freedom in a particular aspect of life." (10)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "So, fasting is a necessity in the eleventh moon, pu’rn’ima’, that is full moon, and new moon. In A’nanda Ma’rga, I didn’t prescribe these four days fasting, that is, for grhii’s — that is non-wholetimers, non avadhutas — they are to fast only two days, two eleventh moons. And for workers, avadhutas, they are to fast how many days? Four days. Because they will have to engage themselves more in spiritual and higher works, in intellectual and spiritual [realms]. That’s why they should fast four times in a month - and others, twice. But if others so desire, they may fast four times — I won’t say anything. But it is not compulsory. For them, two eka’dashiis." (11)
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Seven Secrets
2. Yogic Treatments, Appendix
3. Caryacarya - 3, Procedure for Fasting
4. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 6, Upavása
5. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shivas Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 13)
6. Ananda Marga Ideology Way of Life - 9, Tantra and Sádhaná
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, The Dialogues of Shiva and Párvatii – 1
8. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Making the Man Universal
9. Caryacarya - 3, Procedure for Fasting
10. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, In Kali Yuga, Strength Lies in an Organized Body
11. 12/1/71 Patna

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

If I veer off the path

“Yadi, bhúl path dhare, kabhu cale tháki, se trut́i kśamio nija guńe…” (Prabhat Samgiita #1043)


Baba, if ever  I move on the wrong path, please forgive that very blunder by Your own wish and blessing. If ever I forget about You, please rectify that blunder at that very moment.

Movement requires one goal. Everything is a veritable waste for those who don’t have  a goal. Parama Purusa, You are my Goal; You are my Polestar; I am moving towards You with Your stamina. It is exclusively Your grace. 

From beginning to end, during good times or bad times, always, Your ideation gives me inspiration to move on the path of enlightenment. Baba You are the path, and You are the fuel of my on-going journey. I am singing Your glory in Your songs...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Tragedy in AMPS

WT Conduct Rules state: “Obedience is discipline and discipline is obedience.” (1)

One time thieves wearing military uniforms infiltrated a military campus. And the commander of the thieves ordered all to attention. Those original military soldiers stood at attention while the thieves emptied their arsenal and cash etc. After the incident was reported, the real military leader arrived on the scene and found that all the troops were still standing in attention. Those military chiefs asked the troops about this. They said, “Look, our whole life we got training that we have to follow the order to maintain discipline. And that we should follow whatever our bosses say. We do not care which boss it is, but until we get next order how can we break our stance.”

Conclusion: In this story the commander thief is Rudrananda, and the military troops following the order are regular Wts. The thieves are looting everything and Wts do not know if the commander is the saviour or destroyer of the military. This happens only in a blind kingdom. In ideal scenarios, this is laughable. In any civilised nation if the commander goes against the constitution then the military revolts - or even shoots their commander. In that case they are protected by the constitution. But in AMPS, anti-social elements are controlling and obedient wts are following mindlessly. They lost all their common sense. In following their so-called discipline, they are destroying the constitution of Ananda Marga. What nonsense is going on in the name of discipline.


1. Wt Conduct Rules, Fourteen Points, Point #1

== Section 3: Links ==