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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Mother started weeping with joy + 2 more

Mother started weeping with joy


Those days Dada Yatiishvarananda was in charge of America, and I was in charge of Europe. One day Baba summoned both of us. We hastened to Him. He looked at us, and, in front of those present, Baba said, “You two stupids!” Pointing directly at me, Baba said, “He destroyed Europe!”, and pointing to Dada Yatiishvarananda, Baba said, “He destroyed America!” Then Baba ordered, “Transfer them both!”

Up until that moment, I had been the SS of Berlin sector for the past 15 years, since 1972, and I thought Baba was joking, but it was the real transfer. 

Baba changes the rules

When I realized I was going to South America, which was comprised of mostly poor countries those days, I planned that I would first go to Berlin sector and pick up some money as all the accounts were in my hand. No sooner had I thought that, Baba gave the new rule that those transferred to a new sector are not allowed to go back to their old sector. They must go directly to their new posting. So Baba effectively put a complete halt to my plan to go back to Berlin sector to collect some money. 

Moreover, Baba changed the rule for reporting. The old rule was that those working outside India had to come every six months for RDS, but that day Baba gave the mandate that those working outside had to come every two weeks for reporting. At that time, the cost to travel from South America to Delhi was RS 60,000. I thought, “Baba, how will I be able to come to India every two weeks as that is such a huge expense.” Anyway, I thought that somehow with great difficulty I will go to South America, and then after two weeks return back to Delhi sector for reporting - going and coming itself will take 4 - 5 days. And then there was jetlag and so many problems. There was hardly any time to do any work. These were the thoughts swirling in my head so my mind became quite puzzled.

“You will be victorious”

Baba was busy in many works, including giving Prabhat Samgiita. And I prostrated before Him. Baba spoke aloud, “Oh, Karunananda maharaj has come!” Baba continued, “I posted you there because it is a vast land, and you have vast experience, and there is a vast potential. To make all three vasts one, I posted you there. As you will see, you will be more victorious there than what you have been up till now.” Baba gave me this blessing, but I had a big problem: How will I purchase the ticket to go there. 

Totally bleak situation 

With great difficulty, I was able to secure enough funds, and I flew to South America. When I arrived there I went to the AM office which was a very small room. And there was hardly any space to do asanas and sadhana. It was such a small room. There was no place to sit. And one person would sleep in between two cabinets by the staircase. Moreover, amongst the local residents, there was a rumour that, “These yogis are a terrible nuisance so let’s remove them from this place.” 

The situation seemed absolutely terrible. I looked out my window and gazed upon the big city of Sao Paulo. And I recounted Baba’s words, “You will be victorious.” I was thinking in my mind that, “Baba blessed me, but how will I be victorious? Nobody knows me here. I am struggling. How will I work? And soon again I will have to go back to India. So how will I be able to do anything, and how will I be victorious?”

A surprise visitor comes calling

When I was thinking all these thoughts, suddenly my office doorbell rang. I opened the door, and I noted that there was a sophisticated lady standing before me. Later on, her name was to become Aruna’. But at this initial gathering at my door, she asked, “Are you Acarya Karunananda?” I was surprised that she even knew my name. And I replied, “Yes.”

Then she asked, “Can you help my son? I do not know what is the matter.”

I thought about how Baba said I would be victorious, so without any hesitation I told her, “Yes, I can help your son.”

She responded, “Can you come to my house?” 

Again, I replied, “Yes.” 

As there was no place for her to sit in my office, I said, “Madam, please wait outside.” When I went downstairs to meet her, I noticed that there were a lot of cars and police. I was surprised and thought, “Who is she?” Ultimately, I found out that she is the wife of the governor of Sao Paulo. 

Her boy is cured

In due course, I came to know the nature of the problem: Her son is 24-years-old, and he has never spoken or laughed. And people in Brasilia thought that someone had done black magic on him and that only an Indian yogi can cure him. So she had informed the personnel at the Sao Paulo airport that if any Indian yogi comes then they should inform her at the governor’s house. In that way, she got my address and arrived at my office.

With her grand entourage, she took me to her house. There was a lot of pomp and show. And when I got out of the car, I saw a boy standing over by the tree. I went over to him, touched his back, and said, “How are you my boy?” Immediately, he laughed and hugged me and touched his cheek with my cheek. There was so much affection. And he said hello to me also. 

His mother started weeping. Looking at me, she said, “He is a magical sannyasi. My boy never laughed, never spoke, and suddenly what magic he has done that my son has become normal.” Thus began a big diipavali - it was a big festival in the governor’s house. Yet I did not even know what the problem was nor what I had done to solve the problem. But she was thinking that this great yogi had performed some sort of miracle on her son. Yet, everything happened all by itself, i.e. by Baba’s grace. 

Baba’s blessing realized

Later on, she told me, “Swami ji, what can I do for you? This was my only son, and you cured him.” I told her that if she liked she could arrange lectures for me as I have come here to establish Ananda Marga.”

She told me that, “Tomorrow, there is a party here at the governor’s house. Please come as my guest.” She arranged for my arrival, and all the ministers were there. Then again Baba’s words came in my mind, “You will be victorious.” Then I was thinking, “Baba, I am making very big contacts such as presidents and ministers etc, but how will the money come?”

As soon as that thought about money came in my mind, the immigration minister approached me. He said, “Yogi, as you are going to India, if you can bring incense then my friend who likes Indian incense very much will give you $1 per packet.” 

I told him, “Yes, I can bring incense.”

“Baba, call me daily!”

I applied for permission to bring 200 kilos so when I went to India I got 10,000 packets of incense. As soon as I returned back to Brasilia, I got out my VIP card (that the immigration minister had given me) and I showed it to the custom’s officer. They pushed my bags and reached the immigration counter. And they promptly gave me $10,000. My ticket was $1800, and I got $10,000 by making the trip. And they requested me to bring this amount every time I go to India. I thought, “Baba, why are you calling me to India every two weeks. Call me daily!” Because with this money I can do so much work.

Conclusion: Baba will never fail you

And indeed, across the entirety of South America, so many great things happened. But, you see, what is my credit? Everything was done by Baba. We think we are doing, but He is arranging everything. So what I found is that when you are in difficulty, raise your hand, surrender, and cry to Him - call Him and love Him. He will never fail you. Everything will fail you in your life, but Baba will never fail you. This has been my experience my whole life. I have had so many such experiences. I have traveled to 90 countries, and in each place Baba performed miracles. People thought that Dada Karunananda was doing everything, but I did not nothing. All I was doing was crying for Baba. Believe me, work was happening by itself. I did nothing. It is all Baba’s causeless grace.

In Him, 
(Victor Davis) 

Note: In the above story, the “I” refers to Acarya Karunananda Avadhuta. 

Note: This story is the second in a series of two recounted by Ac Karunananda Avt to margiis of Suva sector on the occasion of Shravanii Purnima (Aug 2022). Sadly, Ac Karunananda underwent his mahaprayan approximately 3 months later in November 2022. This story stands as a great devotional treasure for all sadhakas and the greater humanity. Those present for the occasion will recall the very loving and spirited way in which Dada told this story. Please know a link to the first story has been appended below. 

The above series of events took place when Dada Karunananda ji was being transferred from Berlin sector to GT sector in the late 1980s. Dada ji had a long career working overseas, traveling to over 90 countries during his time as a Wt. The story is recounted in the first-person so the “I” refers to Dada Karunananda ji. 

Getting transferred

~ Related teachings ~

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “The duty of human beings is only to continue their efforts to please Parama Puruśa. Thus when any work is done, the concerning sádhaka is not to be given any credit; the credit should be given to Parama Puruśa. Human beings should always try to please Him to obtain His Grace; that alone will serve the purpose.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “You have only one goal in life, one duty – to surrender at the altar of the Supreme. You have only to wish – that His plan for you may be successful. I think you have understood?” (2) 

Ananda Marga ideology states, “What you must do is simply surrender to the Lord and leave everything else to Him and Him alone. Your ideal should be the Lord, and your effort should be towards a complete self-surrender. You should ask the Lord to make you what He wants. You should ask the Lord to take that work from You which He desires.” (3)

Dada Karunananda’s story on surrender part 1: 
1. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, The Path unto the Abode of Beatitude
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Surrender at the Altar of the Supreme
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Your Ideal in Life


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.


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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Forced unemployment outcomes

Prout philosophy guides us, "For the all-round welfare of human beings, society needs to follow some fundamental socio-political principles. Without the firm foundation of such principles, disunity, injustice and exploitation will flourish."

"First people should not be retrenched from their livelihood unless alternative employment has been arranged for them."

“In the Pathan period and at the height of the Mughal empire, Zamindars or landlords were permitted to maintain military forces. This practice was banned at the end of the Mughal period and the start of the British period. As a result, many soldiers from military communities like the Bagadis of Ráŕh and the Cuyárs and Lodhas of Midnapur were retrenched from the armed services. Consequently, they became criminals. Even thirty to forty years ago, members of these communities were still engaged in antisocial activities, but now they have virtually ceased this practice. If these people had been inducted into the military or the police, they would have earned a proper livelihood without being compelled to harm the society. Their destiny would have been quite different.”

“Now you understand the consequences of retrenching people without arranging a suitable alternative livelihood for them.” (1)

Note: Here it should be understood that the term retrenchment means losing one's job. The worker has been dismissed, fired, or let go whereby they no longer have a job. The term retrenchment is commonly used in Australia and South Africa. People from other regions may not be familiar with this usage of the term. 

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles