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Sunday, December 3, 2023

Mourning, photo, & pain + 2 more

Mourning, photo, & pain


The various ceremonies given by Sadguru Baba in Caryacarya are to be performed in a certain way to preserve the sanctity of the function and prevent dogma from entering. One key point about the shraddha ceremony is that a photo of the deceased should not be on display during this shraddha function. 

The grief-stricken family can only overcome their misery when the mind is diverted to Parama Purusa. Having the photo present undermines this endeavour. 

Sadguru Baba’s teachings of Ananda Marga ideology offer perfect guidance in every sphere of life - in every circumstance. The tenets of Ananda Marga ideology are for the welfare of all. To ease the suffering of the grieving family, the Ananda Marga shraddha (death) ceremony does not support the idea of having the deceased’s photo on display.

True neo-humanists always try to remove suffering

The grieving family is already suffering the pain of their loss. And this is really the key point. Ideal Ananda Margiis are sadhus and aim to reduce the pain and suffering of others. True neo-humanists always try to remove people’s suffering. Yet, seeing the photo of their departed loved one, those in mourning will more acutely feel the pain of their loss. In that case, displaying the photo of the deceased runs counter to the aims and goal of the Ananda Marga shraddha ceremony. Because that ceremony is only for bringing a sense of closure to those in mourning.

The grief-stricken family can only overcome their misery when the mind is diverted to Parama Purusa. Having the photo present undermines this endeavour. 

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “The departed soul does not get any advantage from the shráddha ceremony [memorial ceremony]. It is only meant for the psychic satisfaction of the person performing it.” (1)

Neo-humanists will always work to uphold the ideals and tenets of tantra shastra. Thus they will not do anything which rekindles the memory of the deceased by displaying the photo, telling a story, or delivering a eulogy etc. Because no sadhu-minded person wishes to cause pain to others. So they will not introduce elements - such as a photo of the deceased - into our Ananda Marga shraddha ceremony as that will make matters worse for the grief-stricken family. When people come and see the photo and talk about the deceased then the grieving family will again fall into despair.

So the deceased’s photo should not be on display nor should anyone deliver a eulogy of the deceased on the occasion of their shraddha ceremony. Otherwise one is exacerbating the situation and multiplying the suffering of those in mourning. The grief-stricken family can only overcome their misery when the mind is diverted to Parama Purusa. And having the photo present undermines this endeavour. So bhaktas will never remind the suffering family of that raw wound by displaying the photo of the deceased during the shraddha ceremony - as that would undermine the welfare of the grieving family.
The grief-stricken family can only overcome their misery when the mind is diverted to Parama Purusa. Having the photo present undermines this endeavour. 

Talk about this: the sooner the better

The following points are all related with why the deceased's photo should not be put on display and how to raise awareness with others on this matter.

1. First and foremost, it is very important to educate everyone beforehand about Baba's guideline. The concerned family and their relatives should know ahead of time. Raising this point the day of the shraddha ceremony or at the ceremony itself is bound to create a lot of emotional angst and turmoil. So the earlier this conversation can happen the better. The main thing is that awareness and pracara must be raised ahead of time.

2. Bear in mind that Baba made the rule for all-round welfare of those in mourning so no one should feel shy in educating others about this policy.

3. Remember, this is no different from other dogmas faced and overcome in the past like caste marriage, dowry, and multi-deity puja worship etc. Similarly, as people are made aware of the drawbacks and defects of having a photo of the deceased on display at the shraddha ceremony, this dogma will also fade.

4. Overall, there are various levels of margiis and those who are pashvacariis are not going to be able to follow everything perfectly. Whereas, those who are divyacariis will follow. Ultimately, true margiis will adhere to this guideline. The grief-stricken family can only overcome their misery when the mind is diverted to Parama Purusa. Having the photo present undermines this endeavour. 

Mourners should remember Parama Purusa

First off, the photo of the deceased should not be on display during the shraddha ceremony. And it would be doubly wrong to offer a garland to the deceased’s photo at the shraddha ceremony. 


The deceased’s photo should not be on display nor should anyone deliver a eulogy of the deceased on the occasion of their shraddha ceremony. Otherwise one is exacerbating the situation and multiplying the suffering of those in mourning.

The grief-stricken family can only overcome their misery when the mind is diverted to Parama Purusa. Having the photo present undermines this endeavour. 

So bhaktas will never remind the suffering family of that raw wound by displaying the photo of the deceased during the shraddha ceremony - as that would undermine the welfare of the grieving family.
In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

The grief-stricken family can only overcome their misery when the mind is diverted to Parama Purusa. Having the photo present undermines this endeavour. 

Photo exacerbates suffering

In His Hindi Ananda Vacanamrtam discourse about how to deal with death, Baba guides us that when the loss is raw for those mourners, then the mind should be diverted away from their loss. That is why during the mourning period, after a death, nobody should talk about or praise the deceased in front of the deceased’s family members. Because that will exacerbate the suffering in the mind of those mourners. Having the photo on display will only heighten the pain of those grieving as it will be a constant reminder of their loss.

Our Ananda Marga is the path of bliss - everything is related with attaining bliss. So nothing should be done that exacerbates one’s grieving and sorrow.

Because the memory of their loss is raw, and if you remind the family of the deceased by having a photo on display, then the whole scene becomes more emotional and agonizing. And that should be avoided - the mind should be goaded towards Parama Purusa. That is why the photo of the deceased should not be on display during this shraddha ceremony.

Displaying photo harms mourners

If the photo of the deceased is displayed, the mourners will start sobbing. Because that projects the memory of the deceased and dramatically multiplies their sorrow. Wallowing in that pain, those mourners will sob.

Baba guides us that when the loss is raw for those mourners, then the mind should be diverted away from their loss. But the photo of the deceased reminds them of their loss and exacerbates their suffering. Seeing the photo of their loved one deepens their pain and makes their loss feel more raw.

Distraught family members and friends will be in woe and anguish by seeing the photo of their departed loved one. That is why the photo of the deceased should not be on display during the shraddha ceremony.

Displaying a photo of the deceased during the shraddha ceremony is against the ethic of Ananda Marga philosophy. By this way, the grief-stricken family suffers more. That is why the photo of the deceased should not be on display during the shraddha ceremony. Because it exacerbates the suffering of the mourners.

English title is wrong in Caryacarya

Unfortunately, someone mistranslated chapter 31 of the English edition of Caryacarya part 1. They titled it as “Disposal of the Dead Body.” But this is wrong and inappropriate. In the Hindi and Bengali editions, that chapter is titled as Shava Satka’r, meaning ‘reverence to lifeless body.’ This projects an air of respect and sanctity. But those publishers failed to give it a comparatively respectful title in English. Instead they called it “Disposal of the Dead Body”, as if one is just getting rid of some trash, rubbish, or garbage etc. Steps should be taken to properly title chapter 31 of the English edition of Caryacarya part 1.

1. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Intuitional Science of Tantra

Unfortunately, at the 2018 shráddha ceremony of Shrii Sudhanshu ji of Ranchi, organisers placed a photo of Sudhanshu ji on puja table in full display of all mourners present. This letter addresses why the photo of the deceased should not be shown at the shráddha ceremony.

~ Dogma: photo of Sudhanshu ji on display at shráddha ceremony ~

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Living life mechanically

Ananda Marga ideology states, “People’s life becomes mechanical if they are overwhelmed with the sentiment that they must do such acts, must perform such yajiṋa, must rise in this manner and sit in this manner and get up in this manner and so on. Such a person is not happy, and this type of ritualism cannot be called real karma. To serve others at one’s sacrifice is called penance. In the absence of love any service or penance is for show and is therefore fruitless.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha -1, Yajiṋa and Karmaphala

== Section 3: Links ==