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Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Prout vs today’s global workforce + 3 more


Prout vs today’s global workforce


As we enter into the culminating phase of the vaeshyan era, there are many issues that abound:
(a) Capitalist exploitation is becoming more & more intense;
(b) the economies of world are tied together more than ever;
(c) the ongoing use of an immigrant work-force and floating laborers;
(d) the outsourcing of work to various lands like China and so-called third-world nations etc.

For all these reasons and more today's global economy is precariously perched, and the common people are the ones suffering. Here is a Proutistic look at a few of the key issues.

Capitalist exploitation: workers suffer

Capitalists create industry wherever they can find cheap labor and low costs to maximize their own profit. One of the repercussions of this is that capitalists force innocent and hungry workers to go where the industry is, leaving particular areas desolate and creating unrest all around.

Prout philosophy states, "Where there is no proper economic development, surplus labour develops. In fact all undeveloped economic regions suffer from surplus labour, and when the surplus labour migrates to other regions the region remains undeveloped forever." (1)

And this is what we see happening today. A few such examples are the undeveloped economies of Central America (i.e. El Salvador & Honduras) where unemployment abounds and surplus labour / workers head to the US for work. Once they arrive in the US, they are paid low wages and capitalists delight in their arrival. Worker migration is also at an all-time high throughout Asia and around the world. Such capitalists should not get scope to disrupt the whole economy and pressure workers to migrate from place to place for their daily bread.

All in all, amongst other reasons, in capitalism big business swallows up smaller ones and things are cheap but the money is tied up in the hands of a few; so the common people cannot afford the commodities. Thus money gets centralised in one area and the gap between rich and poor is huge, and it is mounting every day.

In contrast, Prout creates an active economy with money rolling in local areas. By this way, workers need not be subject to all sorts of tortures and trials by having to move all around the globe in search of work, leaving their families behind. Rather a strong economy should be created in each and every samaj and the various samajas should have relationships characterized by coordinated cooperation. In that way, Prout is concerned with the holistic development of the entire community.

Self-sufficiency protects people & invites growth

Baba has introduced His samaj theory based on self-sufficient socio-economic units. In this system, industry gets developed where there are raw materials and an existing labour force. Where those living in an area get ample scope to work in that area, at the same time keeping an open door policy to others interested in residing in that samaj.

Prout philosophy states, "In modern India there are two distinct areas – one of surplus labour and the other of deficit labour. That is why people usually migrate from surplus labour areas to other regions. However, the very concept of surplus labour is a relative one. Where adequate opportunities for proper economic development have not been created, there is surplus labour. Labour becomes surplus in all undeveloped socio-economic areas. When surplus labour moves to another region, the undeveloped area has every chance of remaining undeveloped forever." (2)

Prout philosophy states, "According to PROUT, wherever there is surplus labour, top priority must be given to creating employment for all local labour. This policy will raise the standard of living of the local people and the whole area. If this policy is not implemented and surplus labour is allowed to move to other regions, and the Marxist policy that, “those who sow shall reap” is followed, then all tea plantations, coal mines and other natural resources will be controlled by outside labour. Local people will lose control over their natural resources. This will create a very dangerous situation." (3)

1st priority to local workers

Prout philosophy states, "PROUT's opinion is that local people must have first priority in employment opportunities. As long as there is not full employment for local people, continuous efforts must be made until all local labour is fully employed. In addition, no fresh developmental programmes will be started until there is further demand for labour. Scandinavian countries did not commence any new development schemes for this reason." (4)

   Prout philosophy states, "Where there is no proper economic development, surplus labour develops. In fact all undeveloped economic regions suffer from surplus labour, and when the surplus labour migrates to other regions the region remains undeveloped forever. In areas of surplus labour provision should be made to immediately employ the local people.”
   "While providing employment to local people, local sentiments should also be taken into consideration. Maximum agro-industries and agrico-industries should be established on the basis of the socio-economic potential of the region, and various other types of industries should be established according to the collective needs. This approach will create enormous opportunities for new employment. Through such an employment policy, increasing the standard of living of the local people will be possible." (5)


In the Prout system raw materials are not sent out from the samaj so that other more powerful regions can profit and get rich from those resources. And secondly, in the Prout system, ample local jobs are available so workers do not have to travel thousands of miles away and live in some unknown land to earn a living. Rather the buildup of the samaj system guarantees that people will get jobs close to home, in the area in which they live. After taking all this into consideration, others may freely immigrate to another samaj so long as they have merged their socio-economic feeling and interest with that place. That is our PROUT policy.

Hence Prout is concerned with the needs of an area and is geared towards making communities self-sufficient and the whole Prout philosophy is working in the favour of the exploited mass-- so that the common people can rise up and develop themselves.

in Him,

1. Some Specialities of Prout's Economic System
2. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Agrarian Revolution
3. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Agrarian Revolution
4. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Agrarian Revolution
5. Some Specialities of Prout's Economic System

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Inward journey, not external display

Here Baba condemns the use of such dogmatic malas and rosary beads etc.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "I have said it before and I say it again, that Sádhaná means fight against Avidyá. This fight is internal, not external. External or ostentatious fight will achieve nothing. In such a fight one's entire capability culminates in the acrobatics of dressing and decorating of one's exterior with málá (a rosary or string of beads for saying prayers), tilaka (a conspicuous mark between the eyebrows with sandalwood-paste or vermilion, jholá (a little sack for the rosary) and candan-chápa (or the mark of sandalwood paste on the forehead, arms and chest). Instead, spiritual aspirants have to fight against their inner, base propensities, and when they will wear the crown of victory, they will then realize that there is absolutely no difference between them and Brahma – they have become Brahma Himself." (1)

1.  Subhasita Samgraha - 3, The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 6: Avidyá

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How AMPS became divided

Prout philosophy guides us, “Human unity is purely an ideological unity, which means unity in the psychic sphere. Where there is psychic unity, physical unity will also occur. In the realm of unity, unity is always psychic – ideological unity means unity in the subtlest level of the mind. However, psychic or ideological unity may be affected if we encourage the exploitation of one group by another. So to avoid this there should not be any scope for exploitation in society. And to ensure this we have to start a new order to safeguard the interests of the exploited masses. So for a proper social synthesis what we require is a common philosophy of life; that is, ideological unity. But to check exploitation in the physical sphere requires something more than this, and this something more comprises a common constitutional system, a common penal code, and the availability of the minimum essentialities of life.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section 3: Links ==

Samskara theory: virtue, fate, & free will + 5 more


Samskara theory: virtue, fate, & free will


There are some sadhakas who think that, “I should do many good deeds so that after my death I may return to this earth and reap the fruit of all those virtuous deeds.” And Ananda Marga philosophy supports this premise that those who accumulate good deeds will experience the rewards in their next life. Indeed, this type of psychology is quite common in those regions that subscribe to the concept of reincarnation also. They think they should accumulate a lot of virtue so that they can enjoy the rewards in their next life.

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, this is a foolhardy approach. One should not desire to accumulate virtue / good samskaras. The accumulation of such virtue is wholly bad. The problem is that those good deeds are also binding. 

How sadhaka can become exploiters & then pigs

After death, those sadhakas come back again in human form and soak up all kinds of material benefits from their good deeds: money, prestige, influence etc. And while enjoying all that post and power, they may exploit humanity and do untold harm to others. 

The basic equation is that anybody who gets prestige, power, wealth, command over others, then they develop vanity. They think they are super-great and beyond reproach. In that condition, they grossly misuse their power. As everyone knows, animals just behave in the way that they were programmed to behave by the Cosmic Operative Principle. Animals have no such scope to go outside that track. In contrast, humans have free will and due to their sense of vanity they misuse their power and harm others. Thereafter, because of their disastrous misdeeds, they are reborn as an earthworm etc. That is the irony: Two lives back they performed all kinds of good deeds. Then in their next life they reaped the rewards and vanity as they tortured innocent people. Then in their next life they became an earthworm. In that case they ultimately ruined and destroyed themselves. 

The outcome is that after their death they take birth as an animal or even an inanimate object. For instance, suppose someone acculated a lot of virtue and in their next life was reborn as a dictator, king, or emperor, then in that top post they may misuse their powers. In that case, they will be reborn as a pig, or donkey, or lizard, or earthworm, or even an inanimate object like a fence post etc.

Use Guru mantra

So then what is the way out? According to Ananda Marga teachings, every sadhaka should use Guru mantra before each and every action and surrender all the results unto the lotus feet of Taraka Brahma Baba. This will save them from creating any new samakaras. So the basic rule is that sadhakas should only do good works - never bad  actions - and surrender the fruits of those blessed deeds unto Him. By this way one can avert the trappings of accumulating virtue, and instead become one with Parama Purusa. 

Part II: Importance of fate

In the general society, many people think that their "fate" is created by some unknown force and that they have no recourse to affect or change their destiny. That is what is meant by a fatalistic outlook. Here we have to think how far this is helpful, and, whether, as Ananda Margiis, we should adopt a similar manner or not.

The origin of “fate”

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, humans have free will, perform actions per their choice, and undergo the reactions of their original actions. When you do something and face the consequences that is your "fate". It is entirely self-created. You do something, and you face the consequences --- that is fate, whether the reaction comes in this life or the next life. But commonly, only when people are not aware of their original action then they call it fate.

In that way, people are inclined to call it fate when they undergo the reaction in their next life. Because then they cannot recall their original action that caused that reaction. However, this is all samskara theory.  Ananda Marga philosophy does not give an ounce of credence to the dogmatic notion of fate: i.e. that fate is something doled out by another outside entity, as if fate is something that humans have no control over. There is always scope for people to redirect the course of their life by making sentient and conscious life choices.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Those who are fatalists are also misguided. It is wrong to leave everything to fate without taking any initiative at the time of grave danger. Once a person has created his or her fate through his or her own actions, it is certainly not proper to completely surrender to that self-created fate." (1)

You are the father of your fate

By all of Baba's above teachings, we can understand that fate is just the reaction of one's past actions. Fate is not something that is distributed by some other entity. You yourself are the father of your fate. That is the overarching idea of Baba's samskara theory. Yet commonly, the term 'fate' is misused and abused. In the name of fate, people suffer from all kinds of dogma and opportunists and exploiters use fate as their tool to suppress the people. Those aware about the real meaning of fate do not get exploited. So it is our duty to educate ourselves and others about fate so they do not get exploited, become confused, or suffer from so many psychic ailments. By this way we can eradicate all kinds of individual and social problems.

Part III: Mistaken equation of free will

There are some who think that our free will is limited because our life circumstances are comprised of three factors: 

(a) 33.33% societal and familial influence 
(b) 33.33% samskaras (stain in the mind) Note: Whenever, with our free will, we perform any action, that act creates a stain in the mind. That mental stain is our samskara. And that stain disappears when we undergo the reaction to that action.
(c) 33.33% free will

By the above percentages, some wrongly conclude that only ⅓ of our life is based on free will. But that is not correct. 

First off, the family and society we are born into is a result of the actions that we performed based on our free will in previous lives. Hence, in the past we exercised our free will, created stains, and those stains led to our next birth in a particular family / society. 

Secondly, the samskaras (stain in the mind) we have were formed exclusively by past actions we made with our free will. For instance, if Shyam is walking down the street and a wild dog bites him, then that samskara  (stain in the mind) to be bit by a dog was due to Shyam’s free will. Specifically, in the past, Shyam used his free will to perform an action that created a samskara (stain in the mind) that led to Shyam’s being bit by a dog.

Thus, it is wrong to say that free will is responsible for only ⅓ of our life circumstances. With our free will, we are wholly responsible for every situation we find ourselves in, as well as every reaction we face in life. There is nothing that we do or undergo that is not a direct result of actions we undertook with our own free will, from either this life or previous lives. Thus, our free will from this life or previous lives is the only cause behind our each and every life circumstance, whether good or bad.  

In Him,

~ Somewhat related points ~

Tool of bad people to manipulate & exploit

In the past and in the present also, those in power have used the notions of fate and predestination as a tactic to exploit the common people. If everyday citizens feel that the bad reactions they are facing in their day-to-day life is a matter of fate and there is nothing to be done about, then those people will be easier to control and manipulate.

Now in the height of this materialistic era, those capitalists employ the clergy, chaplains, and counselors etc, and those paid clergy, chaplains, and counselors are effectively able to convince the common people to sit back and accept their fate. By infusing this psychology upon the masses, the vaeshayas [capitalist exploiters] feel assured there will not be any uprising against them.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The vaeshyas [wealthy exploiters] use the vipras to try to spread intellectual propaganda among the masses to prevent them from finding any philosophical justification for their suppressed grievances against the vaeshya [wealthy exploiters] structure. This intellectual propaganda aims to convince people that they are the victims of circumstance. It argues, “Everything is destiny. Everything is preordained.” Such doctrines help the vaeshyas [wealthy exploiters] to perpetuate their structure. They destroy the personal force of people and make them the playthings of fate. People accept the idea that everything is preordained, and support the status quo." (2)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 11, The Omni-Reflective Cognitive Consciousness
2. Human Society - 2, The Vaeshya Age

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

My heart's full satiation

"Ainjan enke dáo ánkhir pare, ákásh vátás suśamáy bhará..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1432)

Note: If you are at the dinner table talking to your close companion who is seated next to you and looking directly at you, already you have their full attention. In that case, you need not address them by saying “O”. If you say “O” they may get irritated. So prefacing an appellation for God with “O’” such as in O’ Lord is not appropriate in our Ananda Marga. Saying “O’ Lord” signifies that that Divine Entity is far away - i.e. in the 7th sky or heaven - and that one must cry out to reach them. And that goes against the spirit of bhakti. The exception to this rule is melancholic songs. 


Baba, kindly place such a spiritual ointment, collyrium, in my eyes and grant me vision so I can see You all around, everywhere. Please open my optical nerve of bhakti in the realm of prema, so I can see Your universal expression and gaze upon You to my heart's full satiation and contentment. Now the sky, earth, and breeze  - everything is filled with Your exquisite beauty.

My Supreme Entity, You have filled this entire cosmos with Your sublime spiritual vibration and spread Yourself in all directions: In the blueness of the firmament, in the longitude of the mountain ranges, as well as in the leaves, flowers, fruits creepers, shrubs, trees, far and wide. Parama Purusa, today please let me realize this. Baba, please apply that unique collyrium of bhakti in my pupils so I may see look upon You in every iota of this universe.

My Parama Purusa Baba, You have mingled and interwoven Yourself in various forms ubiquitously: from the nectar of flowers to the distant moon, planets, stars, body of the nebulae, and all those celestial bodies, to the light and darkness, to every nook and cranny, far and wide, near and far, high and low, 'here, there, and everywhere'.

Baba, please bless me with divine sight so I may see Your all-pervading form...

Note: In our Ananda Marga, we know that Parama Purusa is watching us always. He is never far - always He resides in the heart witnessing all we think, do, and say. Hence there is no need to call out to Him using the phrases, “O’ God”, “O’ Lord etc.” One may simply address Him in a natural manner without the “O” preface and He will certainly listen to your call. The exception to this rule is melancholic songs.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Free initiation in AM

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “To ensure the subsistence of ácáryas (spiritual teachers), all kinds of sacrifice should be accepted.” (1)

Note: Sadguru Baba has given the rule that acaryas are not to charge or accept remuneration for giving sadhana lessons, initiations, or presiding over any social ceremony like baby naming, marriages, death, or house entrance etc. So the question arises how will they survive? The answer is that it is the duty of family margiis to provide Wts with their basic requirements. By this system, Wts can perform their duties per Baba’s guideline. Unfortunately we see that some fake Wts like Dada N* etc are charging money for the aforesaid duties. Teaching sadhana has become his business. It is disgraceful. 

Baba made initiation without charge because in the society some are economically poor and some are economically healthy. So Baba made Ananda Marga sadhana and social ceremonies equal for all. That is why there should not be any charge. In a mundane manner, just think what would happen if firefighters started asking for money and charging before putting out the fire. In that circumstance, the whole society would collapse and crumble.

* The Dada N in the above note is Nabhanillananda.

1. Caryacarya, part 2, Society, point #11  

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Cause of decline

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Those who have the responsibility to show the path to others should be of superlative character with the most refined conduct. They and their followers must move constantly towards all-round development and shreya [ultimate spiritual attainment]. Persons who teach such well-regulated behaviour to others by their own conduct are called ácáryas.” (1)

This below section is not for all. It is for those who want to fix the problem. 

The most negative part is that many good margiis with superior conduct - who follow all do’s and don’ts, are strict in yama and niyama, and dedicate maximum time for the propagation Ananda Marga ideology - are not given a tattvikaship or family acaryaship. This is all due to the prevalence of internal group politics and related problems etc. In a one word we can say that these days acaryaships and tattvikaships are mostly bestowed upon stooges. That is why they are fake family acaryas and fake tattvikas. Such fake acaryas have lost their charm in the eyes of general margiis. In the past, margiis used to see the ideal conduct and dedication and had a lot of respect for family acaryas. But that era has gone by. Now these fake family acaryas are looked down upon as lowly puppets, and even referred to as so-called family acaryas. Unfortunately, this is the bitter truth. With our collective efforts we have to resolve this horrible situation.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, The Conduct of an Ácárya

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Spiritual approach needed

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The establishment of a classless society is only possible for those who accept Parama Puruśa [Supreme Consciousness] as the goal of their lives, for those whose entire mental power is ceaselessly directed towards one supreme goal. In a society where there is no class struggle, the remaining classes will have to disappear and all people will have to unite under the banner of one common ideology. This can only be done by sadvipras." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Synthesis and Analysis

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Quality of marriage: man & woman

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Another Sanskrit equivalent for “woman” is nárii, which is feminine gender. But Shiva used the term kalatra, in the neuter; for to her husband a woman is a wife, but to her children and other members of the society, she is as dignified as her male counterpart. So by declaring a married lady to be kalatra, Shiva gave her special status, and addressed her in neuter terms."
   "The liberal meaning of the term viváha is “live one’s life in a new way with a special type of responsibility”. This is the underlying significance of the Shaeva system of marriage."
   "In His life, Shiva Himself married with this commitment. We can say without the least hesitation that Shiva was the first person in this world to marry in the proper sense of the term. He was eager to see that the married women did their duties properly towards their husbands, that is, that they always took care to remove the difficulties of their husbands."
   "Thus it was His strict instruction, Yad bharttureva hitamicchati tad kalatram [“If in the mind of the wife, there is the sincere desire for the welfare of her husband, the family will be blissful and a thatched house will become a golden home”]." (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shivokti - 3

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why fake yoga is dangerous

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Suppose, one is a great Yogii but if there is no love for his goal, then those suspended propensities will finally be converted into crude matter. That is, the subtle human existence becomes like iron; it becomes like wood; it becomes like sand. What a deterioration! What a downfall! This particular type of yoga where a yogii does not bear love for the Supreme Entity is called 'Hatha Yoga' in Samskrta. It is dangerous for human elevation." (1)

Note: Nowadays, all around the globe and especially in the west, in the name of teaching yoga certain pseudo-yoga people are becoming entrepreneurs and selling their unholy ways to the public by opening so-called yoga and meditation centres. But in those places, they do not do bhakti yoga; theirs is not a God-centered approach. Rather they teach bogus lessons such as misguided pranayama etc. Sadly, when the Goal is not Parama Purusa then that type of fake yoga, meditation, and pranayama ultimately bring terrible degeneration. Neither is the unassuming public aware nor do these culprits realise what dangers they are inviting. It is our duty as far as possible to warn everyone for their welfare.

1. Ananda Vacanartam - 2, Love – the Essential Prerequisite

== Section ==

अगर परमपुरुष के लिए मुहब्बत नहीं है, तो सब बरबाद

“जो तगड़े भक्त हैं, उनके लिए जीवन का एकमात्र धर्म है क्या ? परमपुरुष के साथ रहना, उनसे मुहब्बत करना, और इस तरह की मुहब्बत करना, कि मुहब्बत करते-करते ख़ुद को खो बैठे हैं—मानसिक स्तर के अनुसार आध्यात्मिक स्तर में भी शिक्षा दी जाती है इसी तरह से | किन्तु, आख़िर तक यह बात माननी पड़ेगी कि साधना का जो मूल केन्द्र, साधना का जो मूल लक्ष्य, साधना की जो आधारशिला तथा लक्ष्य-बिन्दु, वे एक ही हैं—परमपुरुष | इसमें कोई किसी दो सत्ताओं का कोई अवकाश नहीं है—एक ही हैं | एक के लिए तुम्हें काम करना है, एक की ओर चलना है, और याद रखोगे कि साधना जो कुछ भी करते हो—अगर परमपुरुष के लिए मुहब्बत नहीं है, तो सब बरबाद हो जाएगा | एक मुहब्बत पर समूचा साधनामार्ग स्थित है | इसमें और भी एक बात याद रखनी है, कि मन को सूक्ष्म बनाता है सबसे अल्प समय में, कीर्त्तन | इसलिए साधना के पहले कुछ देर तक कीर्त्तन अवश्य करना है |”

[यह बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया, बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्द मार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं] (1)

1. हिंदी, आध्यात्मिक साधना के साथ मानसिक स्तर का सम्पर्क, S14-09, DMC 27 June 1980 Saharsa

== Section ==

পরমপুরুষের চিন্তার ফলেই 

“যেখানে আমরা কারণ খুঁজে পাই না, তাকেই ৰলি লীলা | কারণ খুঁজে পেলে তাকে ৰলি ক্রীড়া | এই পরমপুরুষের লীলা-বিবর্তনে জড় থেকে মানসিকে, মানসিক থেকে চেতনে, আর চেতনা থেকে চরমতম চেতন পরমপুরুষেই এক দিনে সে মিশে যাৰে | এক থেক অনেক; অনেক থেকে এক | জীবের উপর পরমপুরুষের নিশ্চয় কৃপা আছে | কারণ, পরমপুরুষের চিন্তার ফলেই জীবের উদ্ভূতি | আর তিনি তাঁর চিন্তারই শেষ-পর্যায় জীবকে নিজের মধ্যে মিলিয়ে নিচ্ছেন | তাঁর থেক ৰেরিয়ে তাঁতেই মিসছেন |” (1)

1. DMC 1 January 1989 Ananda Nagar

== Section ==

How to satisfy yourself that you never wasted your time

“After millions of animal lives, a created being attains the human form. That is why all the sacred books speak of the rarity of human life. The wise properly utilize all objects and this utilization alone makes the existence of the object worthy. You have achieved the human frame. You must make it meaningful by your sádhaná, service and sacrifice. Engage yourself in such useful pursuits that even your worst enemies have hardly any chance to despise you. Utilize yourself in such a manner so as to satisfy yourself mentally, that you never wasted your time uselessly on this earth.” (Ananda Vanii #33)

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.

== Section 3: Links ==