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Friday, October 11, 2024

Mahaprayan vehicles in Orissa + 3 more

Mahaprayan vehicles in Orissa


After 1990, B group propagated their so-called mahaprayan programme as something very unique and godly—a special occasion reserved solely for Mahasambhuti. And they tried to hide the reality behind this mahaprayan term. By the following, it will be clear to one and all that the mahaprayan term is a very common term for the deceased and death; verily, it is related with cadavers, skeletons, corpses, and the funeral vehicles which carry these cadavers from the hospital to the burial or cremation place for common folk. By this way, B group’s attempt and tactics to cover this up are completely exposed.

Mahaprayan vehicles to carry dead bodies
Recently the Odisha state government started one programme related with the last rites of the deceased. The name of this government initiative is the mahaprayan programme. In their mahaprayan project, every hospital has mahaprayan vehicles to carry groups of dead bodies from the hospital to the cremation grounds. For more details, please continue reading and you will understand that the word mahaprayan itself is a very common term related with funeral homes and the carrying of dead bodies in trucks and buses. Especially in Odisha, the funeral vehicle which carries the dead body is known as mahaprayan. 
Here below is the vehicle they are using to carry dead bodies and cadavers from point A to point B for the government mahaprayan programme. The name of the vehicle itself is mahaprayan (written in Oriya) and there are hundreds of such vehicles that have been purchased by the Orissa / Odisha government for transporting those corpses from the place of death to the next desired location.

So although after 1990, B group propagated their so-called mahaprayan programme as something very unique and godly, it is quite apparent that the term mahaprayan is rather pedestrian and related with death, corpses, cadavers, and burial grounds etc. It is not some exotic spiritual term related with Mahasambuti. Mahaprayan is firmly rooted in the death and lifeless body of any ordinary person, as the government’s newly named mahaprayan vehicle suggests. 


In Odisha and Bengal, the mahaprayan term is very pervasive, related with the cadavers, skeletons, corpses, and the funeral related vehicles which carry these cadavers from the hospital to the burial or cremation place for common folk.

In Him,
Devavrat Maharathy

Mahaprayan scheme: To carry the cadaver
[Courtesy of India ...]
“Bhubaneswar.  Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik  launched the Mahaprayan scheme, announced six months ago, for taking a dead body from the hospital to the deceased’s house. Mahaprayan scheme was launched keeping in view the success of Harischandra Yojana.

Under Harischandra Yojana, poor people get financial assistance for cremation, while Mahaprayan scheme would facilitate transportation of bodies from hospital to the village of the deceased, Patnaik said while launching the scheme at Mahanga in Cuttack district.”
“There has been a state-wide outcry over non-implementation of the scheme, which was announced in February this year. The government came under severe attack after a tribal man had to walk around 10 km carrying his wife’s dead body on his shoulder from a government hospital in the backward district of Kalahandi, as he was unable to get a vehicle to take the dead body to his village.”
“The scheme to facilitate transportation of dead bodies from government hospitals to the place of the deceased person’s residence will be monitored by General Administration (GA) and Health and Family Welfare departments, an official said.”
“As per the scheme, 40 dead body carriers (vehicles) were to be procured for 30 district headquarters hospitals, two each for three state run medical college hospitals, one each for Capital Hospital in Bhubaneswar, IGH, Rourkela, Sishu Bhavan in Cuttack and Cancer Hospital in Cuttack.“ [Here ends the news from India ....]

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Special spiritual guideline

Here below is an English summary of Baba’s Bengali teaching in Subhasita Samgraha - 16, chapter 4

In order to become one with Him, what is required is that one must ask for His grace. He is within your mind in the smallest form, so He hears whatever you think. Certainly then your desires, hopes, and aspirations are heard by Him. He is your nearest relative and greater self, so certainly He will fulfill your logical demands.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 16, chapter 4

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Ultra-modern sex change

Ananda Marga ideology states, "So the characteristic of the human mind to attract or to be attracted depends on mental tendency. If there is a glandular change in the physical structure there will be a corresponding change in the saḿyojanii or vibhájanii forces of the mind. Even if the mind thinks deeply about a person of the opposite sex, its own inherent saḿyojanii or vibhájanii shakti gets changed to some extent. If there is a major change in either of the forces there will be a corresponding change in the physical body. As a result, males can be converted into females and females into males." (1)

According to Ananda Marga ideology, the mind has enormous capacity. As one thinks so one becomes. With this theorem, a person can actually change their gender: Males becoming females and females becoming males. There is no operation involved, just by mere thought this transformation of gender can occur. Such is the incredible capacity of the mind. Naturally then, if one thinks about animalistic desires then their personae will be shaped in that way. They will take on those qualities. So one should be very careful about the thoughts they harbour, and recognise the enormous capacity of the mind and goad it toward the Supreme. 

1. Form and Formless, 11 November 1957, Nathnagar

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Impotency of merely doing good deeds

In the general society you will find so many people who do not like to do sadhana. They justify to themselves and to others that, “I am not harming anybody and I am busy in social service - helping the poor. So I do not need anything more. By this way God will be gracious. And I will realise Parama Purusa.”

The central idea is they in a confused state think that by doing good deeds and social service, that is enough. And there is no need to follow 16 points / sadhana etc, to realise Parama Purusa.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Some people say, “Keep on doing good deeds – that is sufficient.” No, that is not enough. Suppose some people perform good deeds, but they have no definite goal before them: this will not produce any good result, their effort will be futile. Suppose you want to move forward: you should also know which way to move, otherwise your entire movement will be meaningless. All your time, your hard effort, and your sincerity will go in vain. Hence it is not enough to simply say, “Keep on doing good deeds.” Even those good deeds should have a clear goal. Why should I do good deeds? I should have a clear idea in which direction to move while doing those good deeds.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "It is incorrect to say that merely doing good deeds is enough: People must hold an object of ideation in their minds. And that supreme object of ideation is Parama Purusa. Only then if some good action is performed will it be successful. Now if one wants to do some good deed excluding Paramatma that will not be a good deed. This will be sheer selfishness on your part, and nothing good can come from it." (2)

Moreover, Guru’s teaching points out that if you do good deeds devoid of Cosmic ideation then you will be bound. And also your ego will mushroom and you will degenerate.

In human life there should be a goal. Doing anything without a goal is useless. And the goal should always be Parama Purusa the eternal Entity. So doing good deeds alone is not enough. One has to do sadhana and the goal should be Parama Purusa.

Only those works done with the motive of serving and pleasing Parama Purusa can be called good works. Failing that, it is just an act of selfishness. Thus every sadhaka must work thinking of Him - and for that sadhana is needed.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, What Is the Way?
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, What Is the Way?

== Section 2: Links ==