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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Proper commitment in sadhana

Proper commitment in sadhana


As Ananda Margiis, we know that sadhana is an essential element of life. Here following is one key point for enhancing the practice of sadhana.

The meaning of samkalpa: firm determination

As we all have seen, each and every aspirant is moving towards that Supreme Goal, towards Parama Purusa. Yet only those who have firm determination and have taken a strong vow - i.e. samkalpa - can get real success and reach higher stages of realisation, by His grace. In their march towards Him, only they can reach unto Him, thus attaining the Goal. Samkalpa, or firm determination, is one key point for success in spiritual life. So we should know the true meaning of samkalpa.

Ananda Marga ideology teaches us as follows, "What is sam'kalpa? When the mind is firmly associated with its object in a relationship of iron-determination it is called sam'kalpa." (1)

And here again Parama Purusa highlights the importance of samkalpa.

Ananda Marga ideology teaches us as follows, "'Sa'mkalpa' means 'firm determination'. 'I must do it. I must be successful in my mission. I must adhere to the principles of my life. This firm determination is [a] requisite factor." (2)

Baba's guideline is that every sincere sadhaka should apply this feeling of samkalpa in their spiritual practices - in their  sadhana.

Lighting fire of spiritual fervor: "I must get Parama Purusa"

As we know, for proper bhakti sadhana, Baba's guideline is that we must allot ourselves sufficient time to delve into our practices. In particular, sadhana itself should take priority. As sadhakas, this should be our approach. So by His grace with this feeling of surrender and motivation we should begin our sadhana practice.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "“I must do it! I must come in contact with the Supreme Entity! I must be one with the Parama Puruśa.” This is firm determination." (3)

When we do sadhana, we must first lay prostrate to Him in sastaunga pranam and take that firm determination to get success in our sadhana. Our tantric approach is: “Parama Purusa, You are my nearest & dearest, You are my “bigger I”, You are my  Goal; I have to get You; I will get You; I must get You.” With this type of samkalpa or firm determination a sincere sadhaka will surely get His grace and will attain The Goal-- Parama Purusa. If however, we just do sadhana in order to take food etc, then we will never get success.

Sadhana not practised as just a gate pass

Unfortunately, for some people, sometimes sadhana just becomes something mechanical or just gets delayed right up until the neck of the hour when one is ready to eat. In that case sadhana is just a proverbial hoop to jump through in order to have some food. Then, sadhana is not done exclusively for reasons of spiritual attainment but merely as a token exercise in order to take one's meal. But sadhana should not be practised just as a gate pass for one’s meal. 

We have all seen such occasions where the idea can be “Let us do sadhana and then take food.” or more specifically “Let us do sadhana so that we can eat.” In that case sadhana is just a ticket or coupon to gain entry into the dining hall. Altogether this is just one lower type of attitude and by following such an approach one can never reach up to the higher realms or get that real sweetness in meditation.

So the degree to which one takes a deep samkalpa, accordingly they will achieve the result. Those who get enlightenment by Baba's grace, take a very strong vow. The main idea is that taking a samkalpa is necessary for spiritual attainment. And the more one's resolve, the greater the heights they will reach. With cent-per-cent of firm determination in sadhana, then by the grace of Parama Purusa that sincere sadhaka will reach new heights in their meditation and sadhana will become something meaningful - i.e. a truly spiritual practice in their life.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Sadhana lessons 3rd, 4th, 5th, & 6th etc
must not be done sitting beside others

As sadhakas, we are greatly benefited by going out and doing proper sadhana in an isolated place. Sadhana will be better - i.e. the time, length, and quality of sadhana will be multiplied. Baba says that an isolated place is very conducive to spiritual practice.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It cannot be denied that the noise of the bustling world is a hindrance to intuitional practice and makes solitude very desirable." (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is desirable to practise various lessons of sa'dhana' alone, in a lonely place." (5)

The sahaja yoga sadhana lessons 3rd, 4th, 5th 6th etc must not be done sitting beside others. Everyone will have their own experience about better and better sadhana when they start doing in an isolated place.

These days the opportunity for sadhana is far greater than it was in the past. Various obstacles that made it very difficult to do sadhana are no longer present in society. We should be vigilant to take advantage of and utilize this unique opportunity.

Death with its powerful fangs is fast approaching

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Each and every object is moving; none is immobile. Not a single entity in this universe is stationary. All are progressing, for none can be static even for a fraction of a second. Whether the mind likes it or not, whether the soul wants it or not, one has to run after things to come, leaving the present behind – this is Prakrti's inexorable course. No matter how dear a person may be to me, I cannot hold that person forever. Death with its outstretched powerful fangs is fast approaching to snatch my dear one away from me with its vicious grip. No finite entity is capable of thwarting its onslaught, for all finite entities are subject to time and Máyá. Only the essence of all His evolved entities – His characteristic Self that remains as the unexpressed witness of all is supratemporal, beyond the orbit of time.” (6)

  Ananda Marga ideology states, “[You] should remember always that you have come here for a short span. You won't remain in this world for a long period...But you are to live under certain limitations – limitations of time, space and person.”
  “So you should always remember that you have come here for a very short span. It is just like a waiting room of a railway station. You remain there for a short period and when the train comes, you leave the waiting room. This world is just like that waiting room. You are to remain here for a very short span.You should always remember this fact – “I have come here for a short span and I won't remain here for a very long period. My home is elsewhere. I am just like a tourist.” You should always remember this fact.” (7)

After your death your friends will carry you to the cremation ground

Sadguru Baba guides us, “After your death your friends will carry you to the cremation ground. After being burnt, the body is rendered into ashes. Your friends will spray some water on the ashes of the funeral pyre, and then go back home. As long as they are in the cremation ground, they remember you. After that they forget you. But dharma remains with you even after your death, and what you did for dharma in this world is never forgotten. Therefore, in your worldly life, you are to strengthen the hands of dharma, and in the world, dharma will strengthen you. So it is the duty of intellectuals and intelligent people to strengthen the hands of dharma. If you strengthen the hands of your friends, your friends will also strengthen you in case of urgent need. (8)

Strengthening the hands of dharma means practicing sincere sadhana.

If sadhana omitted, one should omit food & sleep

Ananda Marga ideology guides, “Strengthen the hands of dharma means doing sadhana...The supreme panacea to surmount all these triple afflictions is sadhana. So all human beings must do sadhana as much as possible; it is the main duty of the human life. If sadhana is omitted, then one should omit one's food and sleep also. (9)

Ananda Marga ideology guides, “Saḿkalpa means proper and firm determination. “I will do it, I must do it”. This firm determination is the secret of success in each and every human life. Where there is no firm determination, one will never be successful in any arena of human life. “I must do it! I must come in contact with the Supreme Entity! I must be one with the Parama Puruśa.” (10)

We are here for sadhana only. And when by sadhana and His grace one realizes the supreme truth then one’s life will be successful.

Sadhana: way to overcome small-mindedness

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "You will surely attain spiritual progress. And because of your spiritual progress, you will come closer and closer to the Supreme Consciousness, you will come in contact with His psychic waves. And in that state you will be able to render still better service to human beings, animals and plants, by means of Neo-Humanism. May you all be blessed." (11)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Sádhaná or intuitional practice means an effort to break through the barrier of this smallness." (12)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The unit beings that have been in possession of the Cosmic Mind in part and that have been progressing within It, are also conscious of their smallness and this very sense of smallness is their individuality – unit-hood. Sádhaná or intuitional practice means an effort to break through the barrier of this smallness." (13)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "How can one shake off the influence of static inertness? How can one get freedom from the bondages of names and forms? Just as the goldsmith uses a hammer and process of melting (in fire) to extract the real gold from the various ornaments, similarly a practical spiritual aspirant will have to break the bondages of names and forms in this expressed world through the cultivation of knowledge (which is mutative), devotion (which is sentient). By virtue of the heat of the fire of sádhaná and the strength derived from sustained intuitional practice, a sádhaka can overcome the static inertness." (14)

Sadhana: only way to achieve eternal peace

Sadguru Baba says, "One thing which helps in getting remission, or nivrtti, is called artha [that which provides temporary liberation from mundane desires]. But artha is purely physical, so it can bring only physical and temporary remission. For everlasting freedom from duhkha, Paramártha [that which provides permanent liberation] is the only remedy. Paramártha does not bring only temporary remission, but everlasting freedom from duhkha. Atyantikii nivrtti can be obtained only by Paramártha which relieves one of all duhkha: physical, mental and spiritual. This Paramártha can only be obtained by sadhana, that is, spiritual practices. For maintaining peace psychic equilibrium is necessary, and for maintaining this equilibrium freedom from all duhkha forever is necessary. Freedom from duhkha or atyantikii nivrtti can be obtained only from Paramártha, and Paramártha can be achieved only by sadhana, or spiritual practices." (15)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The attraction towards earthly things born out of lust (káma) and attachment (moha) makes conjugal relations a necessity. Intuitional practice helps one to overcome this need. One becomes indifferent to it." (16)

Perform sadhana to tear away veil of darkness

Marga Guru says, "A sadhaka, in order to attain spiritual progress, require the help of Vidyámáyá, but at the culminating stage of sádhaná, Vidyámáya has no further value. A sádhaka performs sádhaná to tear away the veil of darkness of the variegated world created by Avidyámáyá and to strive to established himself on the path of pratisaincara." (17)

Ananda Marga ideology teaches us as follows, "The endeavour to remove inferiority complexes from the mind leads human beings slowly but surely to the Supreme Entity and establishes them in universal humanism. Hence it will not do for those who are determined to solve the problems of humanity to accept inferior ideals; along with this they must also acquire the strength they need to implement their ideals. The active endeavour to acquire this strength is called sádhaná – the sádhaná of the Supreme. It should be borne in mind that no theory will ever bring people salvation. In fact, it is the inner strength gained from spiritual practices which helps to expand the individual mind. The tremendous force acquired from spiritual practices helps to bridge the gap between the harsh realities of human existence and the supreme desideratum of human life. This is an eternal truth, applicable to all spheres of life – social, economic, psychic and spiritual." (18)

With help of sadhana requital of samskaras ceases

Ananda Marga ideology teaches us as follows, “The jiiva and Shiva are the same” – this idea helps the jiiva to become one with Shiva. And “We are different; we are two entities” – this idea compels the jiiva to move round that Supreme Hub. What is your sádhaná? By sádhaná you are to free yourself from this ignorance, from the slumber of ignorance." (19)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Those who have tasted even a little of the flowing nectar of Brahma, know that they can never be impure. This constant thought of self-purity greatly helps to exhaust their samskáras or reactive momenta, as a result of which the samskáras held in the sthirabhúmi of their práńa are gradually destroyed. With the help of sádhaná or spiritual practice the spell of pleasurable and painful requitals ceases both internally and externally. Sádhakas call it the combustion of the seed of action in the fire of sádhaná." (20)

Divine help is certain

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “In the aspirant, in the spiritual aspirant, there must be this firm determination that ‘I must be successful in my mission.’” This firm determination is the first factor, first item, first requisite factor for success. If a man is doing something but has not got the firmness of determination – if within his mind there is a question “whether I will be successful – if I am not successful” – this kind of thing – then he will never be successful. There must be firm determination that “I must be successful.” (21)

Ananda Marga ideology teaches us as follows, "When a man, a devotee, a spiritual aspirant moves towards the Supreme Self, his body, that is his brain and intellect increases. And when he moves further, close to the Supreme Being, his spirit, that is his a’tman is also developed. His a’tman becomes more reflecting and more soothing to other existential vibrations because it comes closer to the emanating point of the Supreme Spirit." (22)

When we take a samkalpa then He graciously guarantees that He will help us - bless us - to achieve that Supreme stance.

Ananda Marga ideology teaches us as follows, "I know one is sure to get divine help. And I know further that one is getting divine help. And I know still further that in future, for infinite time and infinite space, one will be getting this divine favour. And you are all sa'dhakas. You will certainly attain that supreme stance and enjoy that divine blessedness. You are sure to enjoy it, my sons and my daughters." (23)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 9, The Science of Action
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Lord Buddha's Cardinal Principles
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, The Fundamental Principles of Life
4. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, Why Are People Afraid of Intuitional Practice?
5. A Guide to Human Conduct, Iishvara Pranidhana
6. Vibration, Form and Colour Phálgunii Púrńimá 1956 DMC
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam 12, Puńya All Twenty-Four Hours
8. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 4, Your Real Friend 
9. Kiirtana – the Panacea for All Afflictions 15 May 1982, Kolkata
10. The Fundamental Principles of Life, 16 August 1979 morning, Taipei
11. Neo-Humanism Nutshell - 2, Spirituality and This Panoramic Universe
12. Subhasita Samgraha - 2, The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 4
13. Subhasita Samgraha - 2, The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 4
14. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless
15. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Social Psychology
16. Elementary Philosophy, Why Are People Afraid of Intuitional Practice?
17. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, The Influence of Máyá on the Human Mind
18. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
19. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, The Noumenal Progenitor
20. Ananda Marga Ideology Way of Life - 5, The Chariot and the Charioteer
21. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, Be Free From All Complexes
22. Ananda Nagar, Morning Darshan, 12/30/80
23. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Stages of Samádhi

== Section 2: Links ==