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Monday, September 25, 2023

El matrimonio gay está en contra de los ideales de AM


El matrimonio gay está en contra de los ideales de AM


Ananda Marga se basa en el bhagavad dharma. Por eso se dice que Ananda Marga es una misión de creación de hombres. Hay varias actividades animalísticas promovidas en la sociedad en general que son perjudiciales para el desarrollo integral de los seres humanos que no están respaldadas por la ideología AM debido a su naturaleza bestial. Esas cosas degradan la mente.

Aquí hay un ejemplo de relaciones animales: LGBT (lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transgénero). En las siguientes enseñanzas, Baba muestra claramente que Ananda Marga promueve los matrimonios entre hombres y mujeres. Con ese principio, los matrimonios bestiales como LGBT, etc., no tienen cabida en el estilo de vida de Ananda Marga. Las relaciones animales LGBT son perjudiciales para la sociedad humana.

Matrimonio AM: solo entre el chico y la chica - 1

En un resumen en español de “Tattvika Praveshika”, Baba nos dice: De la manera prescrita para el matrimonio en nuestro Marga, tanto el niño como la niña deben asumir la misma responsabilidad. Las mujeres y los hombres son considerados en pie de igualdad, y no hay lugar para que los hombres se consideren superiores a las mujeres. (resumen en español)

En un resumen en español de Caryacarya -1, “Marriage Ceremony”, Baba nos dice: Si el muchacho y la muchacha deciden su matrimonio por sí mismos, es apropiado que los tutores den su consentimiento. En caso de que los tutores consideren que las consecuencias de tal matrimonio serán perjudiciales, podrán pedir al chico y a la chica que reconsideren su decisión. (resumen en español)

AM matrimonio entre hombre y mujer solamente

En un resumen en español de Caryacarya -1, “Marriage Ceremony”, Baba nos dice: Los miembros masculinos de Ananda Marga pueden casarse con mujeres fuera de Ananda Marga, pero será mejor casar a una mujer miembro de Ananda Marga con un hombre miembro de Ananda Marga, en la medida de lo posible. (resumen en español)

En un resumen en español de Caryacarya -1, “Marriage Ceremony”, Baba nos dice: La novia y el novio, vestidos con ropa pulcra y apropiada, entrarán al salón de bodas. (resumen en español)

Matrimonio AM: solo entre el chico y la chica - 2

En un resumen en español de Caryacarya -1, “Marriage Ceremony”, Baba nos dice: Los tutores no deben considerar la casta o la nacionalidad de la novia y el novio, sino la familia y los méritos y deméritos de los dos. Los tutores, antes de fijar el matrimonio, revisarán la opinión de la novia y del novio y procederán en consecuencia. (resumen en español)

En un resumen en español de Caryacarya -1, “Marriage Ceremony”, Baba nos dice: En el caso de matrimonios arreglados, los tutores deben finalmente reunirse y verificar el consentimiento de la novia y el novio, y bendecirlos, al menos un día antes de que se solemnice el matrimonio. (resumen en español)

En Él,
(Danielle Morrison)

- Here is a link to the original English posting: GP ruined + Gay marriage

- Here are more Spanish postings

- Here is a link to Spanish Prabhat Samgiita

Guru puja arruinado


Guru puja arruinado


Aquí hay una guía importante de Baba sobre el pratyáhára yoga. En presencia de sadguru Baba, Guru pújá (pratya'hara') se realizaba regularmente con una sola persona dirigiendo el canto y todos los demás cantando después. Entonces, en el momento de DMC, generalmente una persona asignada, acarya o un margii de familia, comenzaría el canto:

Akhan'd'a man'd'ala'ka'ram' vya'ptam' yena cara'caram'

Y a partir de entonces todo el colectivo Marga repetía esa misma línea: "Akhan'd'a man'd'ala'ka'ram' vya'ptam' yena cara'caram'"

Luego, el líder designado recitaría la siguiente línea:

Tadpadam' darshitam' yena tasmae Shrii Gurave namah.

Y en consecuencia, todos repetirían esa línea "Tadpadam' darshitam' yena tasmae Shrii Gurave namah".

Entonces, este estilo de 'llamada y respuesta' era la forma en que Guru pújá (pratya'hara') se realizaba generalmente en esos días, la mayor parte del tiempo. Cualquiera que haya asistido a DMC seguramente recuerda lo hermoso y espiritualmente conmovedor que era Guru pújá en esas ocasiones. Guru pújá fue verdaderamente conmovedor y totalmente transformador. Uno podía sentir tangiblemente el efecto sutil y la dulce vibración. Todavía hoy, cuando se realiza correctamente, la “llamada y respuesta” colectiva de Guru pújá trae el mismo grado de bhakti.

Llamar y responder es lo mejor

Es bien sabido en los corazones y mentes de los bhaktas que el mejor estilo de Guru Pújá (pratya'hara') es el formato de llamada y respuesta. De esta manera, un aspirante puede idear mejor a Sadguru durante Guru pújá. Porque en Guru pújá miramos directamente a Sadguru o lo visualizamos sentado frente a nosotros. Y el formato de llamada y respuesta durante el Guru pújá colectivo (pratya'hara') permite que la mente se concentre mejor, ya que uno no necesita usar energía mental preguntándose cómo se cantará la melodía, etc.

Por todas estas razones, a lo largo de los años, cuando cualquier bhúkti pradhan o cualquier margii superior reverencialmente pedía a Sadguru Baba que hiciera Guru pújá, entonces se entendía que Guru Pújá debería hacerse en formato de llamada y respuesta, donde una persona era designada como el líder, y todos los demás repetirían a partir de entonces, una línea a la vez. Porque de esta manera se mejoraría el nivel de bhakti y experiencia espiritual.

En DMC, este estilo de llamada y respuesta era la norma. Rara vez, sólo cuando había una escasez extrema de tiempo y/o por lo avanzado de la hora se hacía de otra forma más rápida. Entonces, el mejor enfoque para Guru pújá (pratya'hara') es que se haga llamada y respuesta.
En un resumen en español de Caryacarya - 1, Sadhana, Point #5,“Pratyáhára”, Baba nos dice: Pratyáhára significa literalmente "retirada" - retirar la mente inestable de la atracción de objetos particulares. Varñárghyadána [Guru pújá], ofreciendo los colores de la mente al Márga Guru, es el medio más simple para retirar la mente, pero este proceso de pratyáhára puede practicarse incluso si Márga Guru no está presente en Su forma física. Ácárya/ás darán entrenamiento en pratyáhára. (resumen en español)

Malo: tira y afloja sobre la velocidad

Desafortunadamente, especialmente en nuestros sectores en el extranjero como NY, Suva, GT y Berlín, el estilo de llamada y respuesta de Guru Pújá (pratya'hara') rara vez se lleva a cabo. Más bien, en los retiros todos cantan al mismo tiempo. Pero en ese caso surgen varios problemas:

- A menudo hay un tira y afloja en cuanto a qué tan rápido se debe cantar;
- Las personas están más involucradas en emparejar la voz que en la ideación;
- No hay tiempo para respirar o enfocar la mente;
- No hay oportunidad de pensar entre líneas;
- Y en general hay una falta general de prama (equilibrio).

Por todas estas razones, cuando el Guru Pújá se realiza en masa, el bha'va (ideación) se pierde o disminuye fácilmente.


Cuando hay un líder designado que está debidamente capacitado en la melodía y la pronunciación de Guru pújá, entonces todos los sadhakas se sumergen fácilmente en el flujo sutil y la ideación y no quedan atrapados en las peculiaridades mundanas, etc. Esa es la belleza de el estilo llamada y respuesta de hacer Guru pújá.

En Él,
D. Schultz

- Here is a link to the original English posting: GP ruined + Gay marriage

- Here are more Spanish postings

- Here is a link to Spanish Prabhat Samgiita

Baba story: sadhana time + 3 more

Baba story: sadhana time


Before going into the Baba’s room I had many questions, but once inside His room He saturated and ensconced me in His endless bliss. In that exalted state, I did not have any desire or energy to ask anything from Him. After quite some time, with a very soft, sweet voice, Baba asked, "What time do you do sadhana every day?"

I replied, “Baba, I do not have a fixed time. Usually every day the time differs.”

Baba smiled and told, "That's why I asked you the question. For better sadhana, the time should be fixed. It is just like, if your sleeping time is fixed, then at that moment time tiredness comes. And if one’s food time is fixed, then at that moment you will feel hunger. In contrast, if you do not have a fixed time for taking food then you will invite stomach diseases like acidity, if you eat when you are not hungry etc. The human body functions best when one has a routine or habit. Randomly changing the time of taking food and going to sleep will disturb the body and mind. The same is the case with sadhana, asanas etc. For better health in all the realms - physical, psychic and spiritual - one should follow a strict routine. Sadhana also needs a fixed timing. If the time is set and one practices daily at that time, then naturally at that moment you will like to do sadhana. And sadhana will be better."

When Baba guided me about all these points, I did not have any question or any desire to ask anything. And after some time, very lovingly He told that, "Now you should go." After doing sastaunga pranam with a heavy heart, unwillingly I came out.


Strict priority should be given to sadhana and creating and following a proper routine. Because sadhana is the most important aspect of life.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Human life is short. It is wise to get all the instructions regarding sadhana as soon as possible." (1)

In Him,
Ananda Maungal

~ In-depth study ~

The four sandhyas

Baba has given the following definition of the four sandhya's, i.e. junction of time.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states,"The four sandhya's:
(1) The period from forty-five minutes before to forty-five minutes after sunrise is called 'dawn', and dawn is the first sandhya'.
(2) The period from 9 A.M. to 12 noon is called the noon sandhya'.
(3) The period from forty-five minutes before to forty-five minutes after sunset is called the evening sandhya'.
(4) The period from forty-five minutes before to forty-five minutes after 12 midnight is called the midnight sandhya' (11:15 P.M. to 12:45 A.M.)." (2)

In daytime, 9a to 12p is very important; and at night 12a - 3a is highly important.

Sandyas: ancient tantrika system

The entire system of tantrika sadhana was invented by Lord Shiva. And that very time -- 7000 years ago -- human beings were calculating everything in the night by the presence of stars in the sky or their various primitive ways. The modern system for calculating the time had not been formulated. They founded the period we term as midnight. Various junctions of day and night play a very significant role in infusing the good qualities, sentient feeling in the human mind. And these junction periods in tantrika language are called as "sandhya.”

In the past, I was thinking that sandhyas were something dogmatic. The various Hindu dogmatic rituals observe sandhya' in their prayers etc. In the temples, they do their rituals and worship in the morning, in the evening, and at midday etc. That's why I was thinking that the sandhya' theory is dogma.

However, in the true sense, in our day to day life, these four sandhya's - (a) morning, (b) midday, (c) evening, and (d) midnight - are very significant for our various types of sadhana. Not only sadhana, but other dos and dont's are also involved. Baba has written about this in various discourses and books.

For instance, among the four sandhya's, three sandhya's are very good for bathing.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Bathing at midnight is prohibited. One must not take a bath in the midnight sandhya'. Everyone must bathe in any one of the other three sandhya's. Taking into consideration one's health and the climatic conditions, one may also bathe in one or both of the remaining two sandhya's." (3)

About Brahma Muhurta

For longevity, one has to get up in brahma muhurta. That is just 45 minutes before sunrise.

Baba says, "Brahma Muhurta. 45 minutes before sunrise; the best time for meditation. At that time the omnipresence of Brahma is felt." (In the Land of Hattama'la)

In this morning sandhya', paincajanya is also done.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "At five o'clock every morning, sa'dhakas [spiritual aspirants] will assemble at a ja'grti, and where there is no ja'grti, at a fixed convenient place, and participate in singing five minutes of Prabha'ta Sam'giita, in performing fifteen minutes of kiirtana, and lastly in performing ten minutes of collective meditation. This should be the practice on all days of the week except Sundays. On Sundays, there should be singing of ten minutes of Prabha'ta Sam'giita, performance of fifteen minutes of kiirtana, and performance of at least ten minutes of collective meditation. This programme is known as Pa'incajanya." (4)

Timing of kapalika & madhura sadhana

There is a three-hour period allotted for kapalika sadhana, from midnight for three hours up to 3am. While madhura sadhana can only be done during the 1.5 hour period of midnight sandhya', i.e. from 11:15pm to 12:45am.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "As a general rule the grace of Parama Purus'a is expressed through positive microvita in different plexi. Noticeably or conceivably a sweet aroma comes from the concerned plexus. When a spiritual aspirant attains mental concentration or composure, as in madhura sa'dhana' [a particular type of meditation], he or she experiences a sweet aroma and the mind feels peaceful or composed. Parama Purus'a gives the bliss of tactuality through different plexi." (5)

Life is for sadhana

Baba gives the following lines which convey a deep sense of how life is only for sadhana.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The worship of Brahma should be done scrupulously, or else you will later regret and bemoan the futility of your life with the last drop of your tears at your last hour.  You should make your life worthwhile through your Sa'dhana'.  How much can your worldly friends and relations do for you? After your death your relatives may perhaps ask, "How much money has he left behind?"  Your friends may go to the crematorium and indulge in flattering reminiscences about you.  Your husband or wife may cry for you for about ten or twelve days and then regain their normal composure.  Your lot will be only a profound sigh -- a record of the futility and frustration of your life.  So do not waste your time lest you later have to repent."

"Vrtha' janma goina'yaluin hena Prabhu na' bhojaluin
Khoya'yalu soha gun'anidhi,
Hama'r karama manda na milala eka bunda         
Premasindhu rasaka abadhi.

Fruitless, O Lord, has been my life         
That sang not of glories Thine;
Lost in the worldly strife
And lost Thee, most precious treasure of mine.

Fate's long and ominous hand
With compassion, cold and daft,
Strayed me out of Thy Love's strand
Deprived, alas of a single Draught." (6)

On this occasion, Baba gave me the opportunity to go inside His room and massage His feet. That was unforgettable: such a soft touch of His fragrant His body. I was aware that Baba never uses any scent. The sweet aroma which was coming from His body had no comparison. It was so divinely intoxicating that my voice was choked - full of bliss.

1. Caryacarya - 2, Sádhaná (Intuitional Practice), point #8
2. Carya'carya Part 3, Bathing Procedure and Pitr Yajiṋa
3. Carya'carya Part 3, Bathing Procedure and Pitr Yajiṋa
4. Caryacarya - 1, Páiṋcajanya
5. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
6. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

*        *        *

The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Always keep the great ideology in mind

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart.

"Yugántarer tamasá náshite, álor jhalake esechile..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4718)


My Parama Purusa, to eliminate the darkness piled up over the ages, You came in the flow of light. In those dark days of the distant past the whole society was drowned in dogma and everyone was suffering in pain and agony. In that desperate moment, in a flash of lightning - floating in the rhythm of dance, You took advent as Mahasambhuti. You came and showered Your grace to wipe away the age-old staticity and inundate this earth with bhakti. 

Baba, Parama Purusa, before Your auspicious arrival, it was very bleak; there was no positive pulsation of life. There was just sorrow and misery in every direction. People were depressed. The society was submerged in the murkiness of materialism and selfishness. There was greediness, infighting, and hatred all around. Nobody had the stamina to shake the struggling humanity from its inertia. No one valiantly came forward and declared, “Arise, awake, the new dawn has come! Get rid of all dogma and follow the path of neo-humanism!” No one called out, “Always keep the great ideology in mind: True progress is only when one is advancing towards divinity, Supreme fulfillment, and the Cosmic Entity.” 

My eternal Bandhu, Your victorious chariot is fast moving forward, with its rattling sound, in the bhuloka, duloka, and triloka and throughout the infinite arena. Your exquisite vibration is reaching each and every corner of this vast cosmos. The entire universe is being transformed in all the realms: physical, psychic, and spiritual. Parama Purusa, You told everyone this eternal truth, “In your frustration do not sit and cry in the depths of hell. Arise, awake, and follow the sublime path. Human life is very valuable and you must not forget that Your destination is Parama Purusa.” Baba, You bestowed this magnificent and blessing upon all.

Parama Purusa, You came and wiped away all the darkness by infusing Your endless refulgence. It is Your grace, it is Your mercy...

Note about Prabhat Samgiita #4718:

The below passage from Ananda Marga ideology following discourse expresses the conclusive idea of this Prabhat Samgiita.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "O human beings, you are fortunate. The clarion call of the Universal has reached you. Not only has the call come, but you are hearing it and it is vibrating in every cell of your body. Will you now lie in the corner of your house as an inert being and waste your time by clinging to old skeletons and bemoaning them? The Supreme Being is calling you in the  roar of the ocean, in the thunder of the clouds, in the speed of lightning, in the meteor's flaming fires. Nothing good will come from idleness. Get up and awake the clouded chivalry of your dormant youth. It may be that the path is not strewn with flowers and that inferiority complex will be attempting to hold fast your each advancing step, but even then you have to proceed onwards tearing the shroud of darkness. You will tear the thick darkness of despair as you advance in the racing chariot radiant with the Sun's brilliance towards the attainment of the Supreme state." (1)

Those same divine ideas which Sadguru has given in His various discourses are also present in Prabhat Samgiita. That means the ideas which have been given in prose have also been given in the music and poetry of Prabhat Samgiita. The main difference between Ananda Marga ideological discourses and Prabhat Samgiita is that Prabhat Samgiita is quite concentrated. Those teachings of Prabhat Samgiita are presented in a very condensed form - such as in half a line or less; whereas in Ananda Marga discourses that same idea might be explained over the course of several pages or more. That is why without proper translations and purports, Prabhat Samgiita is often unintelligible.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Call of the Supreme

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Best & worst bonds

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is the sense of duty that causes one person to renounce everything; and it is the sense of duty that inspires another person to readily accept the burden of caring for his or her family. It is the sense of duty that makes a person great. Of all bonds, the bond of duty is the strongest, and the bond of moha [blind attachment or infatuation] is the worst. Humanity will have to break the bonds of moha and increase the bonds of duty willingly and consciously. This is the law." (1)

1. Namámi Krśńasundaram, Disc: 13

== Section 4: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest