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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Story: when 16 Points was given + 2 more

Story: when 16 Points was given


In countless discourses, Baba guides us that bhakti lies within. That sweet, close devotional proximity with Him is achieved internally. This is Baba's eternal teaching on bhakti. We also know that everything Baba has given is 100% clear, consistent, and conclusive. In that way, His every thought, word, and deed are perfectly accordant with His AM ideology.

Sixteen Points & Emergency

In those weeks and months before going to jail, Baba beautifully introduced His divine system of Sixteen Points. Now, in retrospect, we can clearly see that this was His special timing. Being the omniscient Parama Purusa and knowing that the unjust jail period was upcoming, Baba introduced Sixteen Points with the intention that even during His physical absence –  i.e. jail period – all margiis would be able to endure and have ample resilience to face the difficulty of the Emergency. By strictly adhering to Sixteen Points, margiis would have the strength, vigour, and bhakti to overcome all obstacles.

So, in that pre-jail period around 1970, Baba was living in Patna, and, on a regular basis, He began checking up on everyone's Sixteen Points, ensuring that all were following properly. Baba knew that without those special guidelines it would be impossible for sadhakas to survive the Emergency. Whereas, by following Sixteen Points, every margii would have the requisite bhakti to withstand any and all difficulties. This was Baba's unique and special planning.

Ananda Vanii guidelines

And, during the Emergency period itself, Baba graciously issued these below dharmic mandates about Sixteen Points in His eternal and timeless teachings of Ananda Vanii Samgraha.

Ananda Vanii says, "Be firm on Sixteen Points. Unite all the righteous forces. All the tall talks of the evil forces will be silenced." (1)

Ananda Vanii says, "In order to march ahead on the road of human welfare, we will have to strengthen ourselves in all the arenas of life. The complete seeds of welfare in all the spheres -- physical, mental, moral, social and spiritual -- are embedded in the SIxteen Points. Hence be firm on the Sixteen Points." (2)

So this is one special aspect of that jail period, and that universal teaching holds true for today and eternity: By strictly adhering to Sixteen Points, one's level of bhakti will blossom.

Baba’s special reply to sadhakas

During the jail period, many margiis visited Baba, and Baba graciously gave countless guidelines to all those who came — often directing people in their personal lives and answering their various questions about how to proceed. All through His incarceration this was going on. But, over the course of this entire period, there was one query that was asked again and again. And that question was, “How to best manage during this difficult time?” After all, each and every Ananda Margii was facing many challenges, and every disciple was also keen to keep the flag of AM upright in this hostile environment. Baba’s reply was, “Tell everyone that they should be very strict and sincere in following Sixteen Points.”

After the Emergency period ended, many of our dedicated Ananda Margiis (Wts and general margiis) were pardoned and released from jail. However, Sadguru Baba's case was still pending so He had not yet been released. Naturally, everyone was eagerly asking about how they could best carry on while He was still in jail. Here again, Baba’s guideline was to strictly adhere to Sixteen Points. And this lesson was not just applicable for that juncture, but stands as an eternal guideline for those on the spiritual path.

Even CBI agents will be transformed

Each and every Ananda Margii knows in their heart that bhakti transcends the physical sphere as it is a psycho-spiritual quality. And Sixteen Points is essential for developing bhakti. After all, so many communist spies and CBI agents were planted here and there, physically watching Baba intently during DMCs and His field walks etc. But such communists and CBI agents did not have an iota of bhakti in them. Rather, they were totally against AM and did not understand anything about Baba's divine advent. So, even though they were watching physically, they could not get the real nectar. Even Jyoti Basu-- the crooked communist leader of West Bengal-- who lived in the same city for years, did not have any inkling of bhakti. However, had those same nefarious people become strict in Sixteen Points they would have been wholly transformed and become great bhaktas. 

Central dadas had to do sadhana

Here is the other half of the equation. Various central workers were around Baba 24hrs a day, but they still had to do sadhana and follow Sixteen Points. Baba never said to them that since they were in His physical proximity they did not have to do sadhana or follow Sixteen Points. This was never Baba's instruction. Instead, even if a Dada had been working all morning with Baba then, before lunch, that Dada still had to do half-bath, sadhana etc. It was not that he could skip sadhana and eat just because he had been physically close that morning. Rather, the rule was always, 'No sadhana, no meal'. So sadhana (i.e. following Sixteen Points) always had to be done regardless of the degree of one's physical proximity to Baba.

We can say then that bhakti is such a unique force that is not limited to the physical sphere. Rather we know-- and in numerous discourses Baba guides us-- that the secret to the higher stages of bhakti is dhya'na; and, that dhya'na is not possible without strict adherence to Sixteen Points. So Baba’s guideline is to be very strict in Sixteen Points, as by this avenue one will become an elevated sadhaka and gain those deep spiritual realisations and samadhis etc. 

Here, Baba beautifully describes how internal bhakti and sadhana are the key ingredients for attaining Him. Thus, strictness in Sixteen Points is needed. 

Ananda Marga ideology says, "It is wrong to think that Parama Purus'a is realizable by man through empirical knowledge...To attain Brahma you shall have to do sa'dhana' or spiritual meditation. You should make Him the only goal of your life. For this you require integrity, devotion and singular and earnest love for Him. He is not attainable without reverence and unflagging and unflinching devotion. When the devotional depth will come, love, too, will be out-brimming with high sentiments - will be full and over-flowing... In that state alone will come your final realization of the Supreme Consciousness." (3)


Sixteen Points is essential. It is vital towards our well-being in all fields of life. And by being strict in Sixteen Points one gains that crown-jewel of life: bhakti. So no matter what phase of life one is in, and no matter the circumstances one is facing, every sadhaka should be very strict in Sixteen Points. And one will feel Baba’s divine presence always. That is His great blessing upon us.

At His lotus feet,

To understand AM books requires the mind of a sadhaka and that’s why non-margiis do not understand our AM books. AM books are the theoretical side, and the practical side is spiritual practice. Those who do not do sadhana will not understand Baba's teachings. For example, the Indian CBI had all our books, including the acarya diary, but they did not understand anything. Rather, they became paranoid by reading the word sadvipra leadership.

1. Ánanda Váńii #44, 1 January 1976
2. Ánanda Váńii #45, Ánanda Púrńimá 1976
3. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 3, Desire and Detachment

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Revolving around You

"Tumi a'ndha'r ghare jva'lo a'lo, vyatha'hate ba'so bha'lo..." (Prabhat Samgiita 2018)


Parama Purusa, You shower Your divine refulgence even in the deep, dark abode, of that non-spiritual human mind and make it resplendent. You grace everyone and love those who are stricken with grief, and remove their misery. Baba, with Your own hands, You wipe away the stains of sin from the body of sinners.  

Parama Purusa, in this mortal world, except for You nobody has anyone else. Worldly relations are transitory - today they are, and tomorrow they vanish. Because of this, everyone looks towards You for Your eternal shelter and cosmic grace. Baba, by Your infinite compassion, I remain always in Your shelter. My life is always revolving around You. And You eternally shower Your love.
Parama Purusa, not a single person is ever alone or weak, never - always Your varabhaya mudra is present. Baba, by Your divine blessing the impossible becomes possible. Even the highest mountains bow their heads. In the deep, black cimmerian darkness, the colourful panorama and grandeur of the light can illumine in a flash.  

My Supreme Entity, You always shower Your causeless grace on one and all. You are karuna sindhu - the infinite ocean of divine grace... 

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #2018:

[1] Mountains bow down: By the eternal blessing of Baba's varabhaya mudra, nobody can harm that bhakta. Even the most arrogant person will bow their head down to the bhakta and accept their mistakes.

[2] Darkness: In the sinner's depraved mind.

[3] Light: When one leads a life based on bhakti.