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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Value of singing + 4 more

Value of singing


In this ultra-modern and technological era, where machines and gadgets are often dominant, there is the tendency just to listen to kiirtan via a stereo, mobile phone, or computer etc - and not sing ourselves. The reliance upon technology can enter into every aspect of one's existence, including spiritual practices like kiirtan. So while living in this modern era every sadhaka should be aware.

Why sing in a loud voice

Sadguru Baba's guideline is that to get the real benefit of kiirtan then one must sing - loudly.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "To proclaim the glories of Parama Purus'a, the Supreme Consciousness, in a loud voice is termed 'kiirtana'. The Sam'skrta root verb kirtt means to 'utter something loudly so that others may also hear it'; thus kiirtana means to proclaim the glories of the Lord loudly for all to hear." (1)

Here again Baba delivers the same message, in slightly different language.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Kiirtana means to utter good words loudly; not mentally, nor in a whisper, but loud enough for everyone to hear. It is never done secretly, but always openly...So devotees will openly sing praises to Parama Purus'a. Kiirtana means, as I said a little earlier, to sing the Lord's glory in a loud voice." (2)

As Baba explains above, part and parcel of "doing kiirtan" means singing kiirtan - not just listening to kiirtan. And best is to dance as well. In this way one can get 100% benefit: A unique spiritual feeling overcomes the entire existence and one feels a deep sense of peace within.

All the organs vs one organ busy

There is an underlying science behind all our spiritual practices. In this respect, Baba guides us that by singing kiirtan we are engaging more of the body's organs than if we just simply listen. By singing, the mouth, throat, tongue, and vocal cords are also involved. This enhances one's ability to focus on the kiirtan. So best is to involve a maximum number of the ten motor and sensory organs.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "At the time of kiirtana, the vocal cord sings, the ears hear, and the hands and feet dance, and thus all the organs are kept preoccupied with the divine. They are not allowed to move wherever they want but are kept engaged...if the sensory and motor organs are not kept engaged in the attainment of the divine, they may lead one astray. Kiirtana is therefore most beneficial as it keeps all the organs fully engaged in a spiritual pursuit." (3)

By singing kiirtan the mind is more engaged in the practice of kiirtan than if one is just listening. And best is to dance also as this involves more motor and senory organs. By this way, sadhana will be improved.

Natural flow of bhakti

Some may say or think that they do not have time to stop and sing kiirtan. But the reply is that singing kiirtan itself need not take any extra time. One can sing kiirtan while doing mundane duties such as when cleaning the kitchen or when bathing etc. In this way, singing kiirtan can be done frequently throughout the day. That will spiritualise all one’s daily activities and then when sitting for sadhana one will automatically feel the difference. There will be a natural flow of bhakti, by His grace. So while traveling, or walking, or when preparing meals, one can sing kiirtan. Actually, if we look carefully, we will come across so many moments in our day where we can sing kiirtan in a loud voice - thereby enhancing life in the sphere of bhakti.

Doing proper kiirtan is not a matter of singing in tune or in a particular pitch.  When anyone sings kiirtan, Parama Purusa only thinks about the sweetness and sincerity of the bhakta’s heart - not the tune or melody. So no one should suffer from any type of complex about whether they have a good voice or not. One should consider whether they have a "beautiful voice" or not. One should always remember that we are only singing to please Parama Purusa. For this we simply need to awaken that subtle feeling of bhakti that is inherent to one and all. Ultimately between Parama Purusa and the bhakta there is an innate feeling of love based solely on the heart. With this personal link to Ista one should sing kiirtan.


Our Baba Nam Kevalam kiirtana mantra is meant to be sung out loud and by this way the bhakta will be benefited in numerous ways, including an enhanced sadhana practice. So every sadhaka should always be eager and keen to practice kiirtan regularly and sing aloud.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Kiirtan purifies the mind for sadhana

In various discourses Baba says that when the mind is not concentrated in sadhana then one should do kiirtan wholeheartedly and then sadhana will be much better.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Now the time has come to manifest the glory of kiirtana. And I also want to say further that those who wish to attain spiritual progress in their sádhaná will have to do more and more kiirtana. By kiirtana, the mind becomes pure, and with this pure mind, one can do sádhaná. If the mind is made pure even for five minutes by kiirtana, then if you do sádhaná for only five minutes, your sádhaná will be very good – you will surely attain spiritual progress. And because of your spiritual progress, you will come closer and closer to the Supreme Consciousness, you will come in contact with His psychic waves. And in that state you will be able to render still better service to human beings, animals and plants, by means of Neohumanism. May you all be blessed." (4)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Just to concentrate your mind during your occult practice, you must dance and sing kiirtana, because kiirtana is the best purifying agent. It purifies the mind, and its meaning is also very good. Its meaning is, “O Father, I am to take your name and your name only.” Bábá means “the nearest and dearest one”." (5)

Kiirtana cures psychic ailments, suicide

   Ananda Marga ideology says, "These days many psychic diseases have appeared as a result of this mental complexity. Many people are committing suicide; many people are becoming lunatics. The reason is that people are unable to adjust with the various types of complexities in life."
   "The human brain is limited, and its nerve cells also have a limited capacity: they cannot tolerate these growing complexities. Kiirtana gives bliss to Parama Puruśa in the mental sphere, and it also brings joy to human beings both individually and collectively; it leads them on the path of welfare and frees them from all these complexities. It removes all the diseases of the intellect and allows people to think easily and in the proper way."
   "So intelligent people should do kiirtana as much as possible. When people, due to psychic complexities, cannot find the solution to their difficulties and they are at a loss what to do, if they sit together at any place and do kiirtana wholeheartedly for a while, their psychic complexities will be removed and they will easily seize upon the solution to their problems." (6)

Bhaktas are never helpless

By Baba's grace, singing and dancing kiirtan brings tremendous bliss in life and enhances sadhana. One should always remember that no matter what the circumstances, always He is listening to your kiirtan. This is His unfathomable blessing.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Everywhere you are with Parama Purus'a, and never in this universe, nowhere in this universe, are you alone. So you are never helpless. Wherever you may be, do your Kiirtana, 'Ba'ba' Na'ma Kevalam.' He is with you. You are never alone. You are never weak. You are never helpless." (7)

In the life of each and every sadhaka - in the heart of every A'nanda Ma'rgii - there is an inherent desire to make sadhana better and better, by His grace. This is the common feeling amongst all bhaktas. To that end, we follow Baba's various do's and don'ts. Before sadhana we do half-bath, find a quiet place, do sastaunga pranam, and then sing and dance kiirtan before sitting for meditation.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Supra-Aesthetic Science and Music
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, How Should a Devotee Behave?
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Sádhaná, Abhidhyána and Kiirtana
4. Neohumanism in a Nutshell Part 2, Spirituality and This Panoramic Universe
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Everything Comes from Something
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 22, Serve the Supreme by Kiirtana
7. Ananda Vacanramtam - 12, From the Physical Stratum to the Apex

*        *        *

The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Dry heart

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Some so-called bhaktas – those who do not have genuine devotion - pretend to be devotees just to cheat others. That is, they ring the bells as they should be rung and light the candles as they should be lit, but without any feeling, so that after some time they become like machines. A person lacking devotion becomes like a machine. There is no more joy; only the mechanical turning of the parts. A heart devoid of joy is as barren as a desert. When one becomes as dry as the desert sands, one is compelled to cry out, “Oh Lord, save me. Protect me from the scorching heat of the desert.”" (1)

Note: In the life of a sadhaka on the spiritual journey, the first and foremost ingredient is surrender. Yet surrender itself is defined and described in a multitude of ways. In the above quote, surrender is explained in a very simple manner.  

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Do Virtuous Deeds Day and Night – 2

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Very unique life


Ananda Marga ideology states, "Even after getting human life, only a few get the opportunity to listen to dharmika discourses. Among those, only a few develop the desire to practise dharma sádhaná. And even among these, only a few actually grasp the spirit of Sádhaná. Those rare ones who understand, perform sádhaná, and reach the goal are truly blessed." (1)

In the above teaching, Baba is expressing how each and every Ananda Margii is extraordinary as they have already crossed so many hoops and became an Ananda Margii. And there are a few more hoops to go. So one should always be alert not to get stuck in the present stage. Please read carefully to understand which stage you have crossed and where you are going. 

in Him, 

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, The Requirements for Sádhaná

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Types of sin

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Pa´pa means "to do that which should not be done". For instance, stealing is pa´pa, telling lies is pa´pa. In addition to pa´pa, there is another word - pratyava´ya. Pratyava´ya means "not to do what should be done". For instance, parents should educate their children. If they do not, they are said to have committed pratyava´ya. In some countries, parents are responsible for arranging the marriage of their daughters who are of suitable age. If they do not, they are said to have committed pratyava´ya. In common parlance, pa´pa means both pa´pa and pratyava´ya. The common word pa´taka [sin] thus has two branches - pa´pa and pratyava´ya." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Regarding the special meaning of pa´pa: Pa´pas are of two kinds. In the social order, there are certain vidhis and certain nis´edhas - certain dos and certain don'ts. "You should do this, you should do this, you should do this, you should do this" - these are the dos of society. These dos are called vidhi in Sanskrit. And there are certain don'ts - "Don't steal, don't do this, don't do this, don't do this." These don'ts are called nis´edha in Sanskrit." "What if you go against the vidhis, for example, "feed the poor," "serve the ailing humanity" (these are all vidhis - "Do this" - that is, positive orders)? For example, if you are to serve ailing persons but you are not serving ailing persons, then you are going against a vidhi. To go against a vidhi is called pratyava´ya. If you are not serving a man in distress, then you are committing pratyava´ya." (2)

1. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 18
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Sinners and Their Rectification

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Step-wise development of world government

Prout philosophy states, "Divergent national interests and popular scepticism may stand in the way of the formation of a world government. To allay baseless fears from the minds of the people, this task should be carried out step by step. Obstacles will have to be negotiated with an open mind, and the world government will have to be strengthened gradually, not suddenly. For example, to run the world government, two houses may be maintained for an indefinite period. The lower house will be composed of representatives from various parts [countries] of the world, elected on the basis of population. The members of the upper house will be elected country-wise. This will provide opportunities to those countries which cannot send even a single representative to the lower house due to their small population, because they will be able to express their opinions before the people of the world by sending their representatives to the upper house. The upper house will not adopt any bill unless it has been passed by the lower house, but the upper house will reserve the right to reject the decisions of the lower house." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #19

== Section 3: Links ==

Prout’s stand on leftists + 2 more

Prout’s stand on leftists


Now that the wealth disparity has become completely untenable where a mere handful of persons control most of the money and property, the cracks of capitalism have come to the fore, and some have taken a sympathetic turn towards the leftists. Terms like “democratic socialists” have captured the imagination of idealistic youths. But everyone should approach this new landscape with their eyes wide open. Although capitalism has fallen from its crest, as Ananda Margiis we should be cent-per-cent clear about the ills, demerits, and pitfalls of the leftist movement, i.e. those socialist flagbearers.

Alert: watch out for leftists

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Those who are leftists in the world are even more dangerous...they are deliberately seeking out the dark and dirty aspects of life and, like flies, growing fat on the secretions of society's festering sores. It must be remembered that flies do not heal sores-- rather they exacerbate them, because the very pus of these sores provides them with their vital juice. So the filthy aspects of society are the only wealth on which these [leftists] subsist." (1)

Here it should be understood that artists come in all shapes and forms. Essentially, anyone who applies themselves to a particular field is an artist in that arena of life, including politics. Some artists promote universal welfare, and some do for selfish, malevolent purposes. Those politicians, regardless of their party affiliation or the name of their political party, who use their artistry to manipulate and befool the common people are negative artists; indeed, by their action, they are leftists. They talk ill of others for their own personal gain, and never try to solve the problem or lead humanity in the proper direction. In contrast, Baba’s dharmic guideline is to point out the problem and give the solution. By just criticizing and never resolving any issue, they are just like flies festering on society’s wounds. Their advertisements blast the other party solely to confuse and swindle voters. This negative approach is rampant amongst today’s politicians, regardless of their party affiliation or the name of their political party. Baba takes an uncompromising stand against such people.

They only criticize - have no true plan

Moreover, it is commonly known that leftists do not have any constructive ideal. They have only one single item of agenda: abuse capitalists. But we have seen that this type of abuse does not produce results because, by this abuse, capitalists become more alert about their mode of exploitation. And, ultimately, capitalist exploiters invent new techniques to cheat and exploit the general mass.

Prout philosophy states: "Those who lack a constructive ideal help the capitalists in their exploitation. Only criticizing capitalism will not do any service to the people, rather it will help the anti-social elements in finding out or inventing more tactics for exploitation." (2)

Here is another way of thinking about this same situation and the defective tactics of leftists. In the political map of the whole globe, wherever capitalism has spread its noose, they employ one special technique. Capitalists influence the prevailing government and capture the political power indirectly. And their rapacious exploitation continues in new and newer form. So, by only criticizing capitalists, the leftists do not produce any yield because these leftist people do not have any practical solution for how to eradicate capitalism and / or implement anything better. Just their sole method is to abuse capitalists, but such abuse is worthless without a constructive plan. Their sole method is to abuse capitalists and capture power.

Prout philosophy further states: "The leftist groups are engaged in criticizing the capitalists, which is bearing no fruitful results, and capitalists have captured power by influencing the ruling party." (3)

Why Proutists must not align with leftists

Hence, there is no sense for Proutists to join hands with such leftists and accept their strategy and propaganda because their whole approach is contrary to ours. For example, these leftist / socialists do not have any proper ideal; whereas we Proutists have an ideal. Moreover, they are materialists, and we are not. These leftists are fighting with capitalists, whereas Prout fights capitalism. So the stand of Prout and that of the leftists are diametrically opposite, i.e. vastly different.

Prout philosophy says, "Ours should be a constructive ideal and we should wage a ceaseless and pactless struggle against all anti-human and anti-social factors. We are to fight capitalism and not the capitalists." (4)

Whether we call it socialism, communism, Marxism, or even democratic socialism, they are all one and the same. They are all standing on the leftist platform. Yet, they keep adopting new appellations to escape from their past horrors. When one cunning tactic gets exposed, negative people invent new techniques and brandish themselves with new names in order to continue their same misdeeds. Their sole method is to abuse capitalists and capture power.

For decades, atrocity after atrocity has been committed by different communist countries on their own people. That is why the whole globe treats communists as abhorrent. No intelligent person has any positive opinion about communism. So cunning communist-minded leaders give many new names to their movement, including leftists. But their limited strategy is always the same. Those leftist members time and again criticize capitalists, multinational corporations, globalisation, IMF, etc, but they never, ever raise accusations about the suppression which existed and still may exist in communist countries like China, Vietnam, Russia / USSR, North Korea, etc.

Socialism is state capitalism

In His 'Economic Dynamics’ discourse, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar exposes both capitalists and communists / socialists on how their economy is a centralised economy such that the whole profit goes either to the pockets of a few certain individuals or in the pockets of the communist party leaders. So capitalism and communism are both working under the direction of a centralised economy, i.e. the profit goes to a few individuals. Profit does not go to the common people. Ultimately, the money that is accumulated lands in the hands of a certain few individuals. In stark contrast, in Prout, the profit goes to the common people. Hence, the stand of Prout is completely different— directly opposite.

Prout philosophy states, "In capitalist economies, production is for the profit of the capitalist and the profit goes to individuals, groups and the state exchequer. In socialist economies or so-called communism, the profit goes to the state exchequer and a microscopic fraction of the profit goes to the actual producers. In both cases capitalism exists." (5)

It is therefore evident that leftists, or socialists, or communists, whatever they may be, wholly adopt the system of state capitalism by their actions and approach. Such communists, leftists, and socialists aim to have their party heads control all of the mundane wealth. In that sense, they are as bad as the capitalists. Verily, they all are materialists where matter is taken as the be-all and end-all of life. 

Prout philosophy states, “Even if there is abundant production in a country, the common people do not benefit. The rich become richer and get more scope to continue their merciless exploitation. In state capitalism, the exploitative rulers tighten their grip over society even more. State capitalism may call itself capitalism, socialism or communism, but ultimately it stands before the masses as more dangerous and bloodthirsty than bloodsucking ghouls and demons.” (6)


Prout’s approach is entirely different from these materialistic philosophies. Prout's work is to out root capitalism. To establish Prout, we should stand firm on our ideological principles. We should never compromise on our ideological fundamentals by linking up with such materialistic leftists.

Prout philosophy guides, "Those of you who ardently believe in PROUT should be vigilant in this regard...Human beings want selfless service. PROUT is dedicated to the service and welfare of one and all. You should immediately build a one and indivisible human society without further delay by popularizing PROUT." (7)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Carry on a ceaseless and pactless fight against dogma. You are sure to be crowned with victory." (8)

in Him,
Shyam deva

False promises

In addition to their incessant criticism of capitalists, leftist promise that they will create a level playing field by the redistribution of wealth: taking from the rich and giving to the poor. But that never happens. Rather in their approach, the state captures all of the wealth. So those leftists are just full of empty promises. Moreover, theirs is a godless approach that negates spirituality. Hence, all practices - sadhana, kiirtana, puja, etc - have to be done underground for fear of being rounded up by the state.

Be aware

On and off, over the last few decades, some so-called Prout leaders have been enamoured with groups like the World Social Forums and other leftist-minded approaches, just because they criticize capitalists, but this is wholly against the ethics and ethos of Prout. We should stand firmly on our Prout fundamentals and not align ourselves in any way with those from the leftist paradigm. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Do not have any dealings with a party whose policies are opposed to those of the Marga." (9) 

1. A Few Problems Solved Part 1, The Practice of Art and Literature
2. Prout in a Nutshell Part 4, Discourses on Prout
3. Prout in a Nutshell Part 4, Discourses on Prout
4. Prout in a Nutshell Part 4, Discourses on Prout
5. A Few Problems Solved Part 9, Economic Dynamics
6. Proutist Economics, Keep Money Rolling
7. Prout in a Nutshell Volume 3 Part 12, Prout in a Nutshell Part 12
8. Neo-Humanism in a Nutshell Part 1, The Liberation of Intellect
9. Caryacarya, Part 2, Society Point 26b

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Lose themselves in deep meditation

“Svarńa shatadal pulake jhalamala, aruńa áloy tumi dharáy esechile…” (Prabhat Samgiita #3083)


Parama Purusa, You have taken advent on this earth in this glorious crimson dawn. You are seated on the hundred-petaled golden lotus, glittering in bliss. You have set afloat the fragrant floral aroma on the gentle, spring, ocean breeze. In a blink of an eye, with Your sweet love, You have beautifully captivated everyone’s mind and heart.

Parama Purusa, Baba, You remain ever-awake age after age, and stay by everyone’s bedside with Your ota yoga. You saturate one and all with sweet love, affection, mine-ness during their pains and pleasures, and through the whole gamut of their emotions. You are new and still newer in meditation everyday. Supreme Entity, You are ever-new. Swaying in their mind, You blessed everyone to lose themselves in deep meditation.

Baba, Your ahaetuki karuńá (causeless karun’a’) cannot ever be forgotten. You go on floating in the rhythm of life with green and fresh beauty, and with Your exquisite charm. Baba, You exist, so I exist. I am dancing and centering around Your lotus feet. By pouring the sweetness of my heart in each gesture and movement of my dance, I surrender at Your altar always…

== Section 3: Links ==