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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Seeing Baba: Victory Day + 3 more

Seeing Baba: Victory Day


The grand occasion of our Ananda Marga festival, Vijay Dashamii coming soon. Here are some past remembrances from this magnificent occasion.

Vijay Dashamii (Vijyaotsava) stands for the permanent victory of dharma (righteous forces) over adharma (negative powers), i.e. the victory of virtue over vice. It is the grand celebration of the final victory against the immoralists - where the mythological demon Ravana faces his ultimate defeat. Hence, it is a day of great celebration for sadhakas.

In the life of spiritual aspirants, challenges and opposition come at every step. This is the mark of movement on the path of dharma. Victory over the stagnant, negative, dark forces signal one's forward journey. Here is an unforgettable memory of celebrating Vijaya Dashamii in the presence of Sadguru Baba.

Sadguru Baba's darshan - Victory Day 1990 

Those days in 1990 I used to attend almost all important occasions when Baba was giving His discourse, blessing, and varabhaya mudra. And I can never forget the auspicious occasion of Victory Day, Vijaya Dashamii 29 Sep 1990.

The general darshan was organised and held in the jagrti hall because the gathering of margiis for this event was huge. You may recall that on Sundays Baba used to give His discourses in the Baba's Quarter, Madhu Koraka, Tiljala. But when the gathering was more than 1000 persons, then Baba used to give His discourses on the ground floor of the Jagrti.

That particular day, there was so much bhakti and longing for Him. The atmosphere was fully charged with spiritual feeling. So many margiis were rushing towards the dais 4 hrs before the program began. Many margii brothers and sisters occupied their seats in front. It was so crowded that due to a lack of space people were sitting on each other's laps - their minds glued to Baba, eyes fixed on Him.

On the physical sphere it was quite uncomfortable, but even then everyone was feeling very blissful. I was sitting in the second row. When I became thirsty then I thought about it for 1/2 hr and then decided not to get up because I feared that I would lose my seat in the front of the hall. So ultimately I stayed right there. So much attraction and heart-felt yearning filled the air. The whole scene was charged with His incomparable subtle waves. It was a completely unique day. I cannot find words to express the blissful feeling that everyone was enjoying. It was pure ecstasy.

In Him, 

~ In-depth study ~

Vijaya vs. jaya:  victory of a permanent nature

Ananda Marga ideology states, “You know, in Sanskrit there are two similar words, jaya and vijaya. Jaya means "victory", victory over the inimical force, but victory of temporary nature. When the enemy is defeated, you become a jayii; but in the next phase or in the next moment the enemy may again rise up, become victorious -- you may be defeated. And what is vijaya? Vijaya means "victory of a permanent nature when the enemy is completely destroyed." (1)

Indeed for every sadhaka, this fight between vidya (righteousness) and avidya (darkness) is always going on- in one's personal life, social life, collective life, and spiritual life. The final victory - vijaya - is moksa, or salvation.

As all are aware, Vijay Dashamii (Victory Day) is an official holiday in our Ananda Marga. Here following is Baba's description in Caryacarya how the day is to be celebrated.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Dashamii (Vijayotsava): Procession with music and tandava dance, wearing colourful dress; then collective Iishvara Pranidhana and Varn'a'ghyada'na, salutations and affectionate embraces etc, and entertaining guests and visitors at one's residence." (2)

The meaning of utsava: fresh inspiration to live

Each and every festival days in Ananda Marga is known as utsava. Here Baba describes its inner significance.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "People often feel bored with their humdrum lives, with their mechanical routines; thus a fresh start must be created through festivals or utsava. The root verb su means “to be reborn.” Su plus -al suffix = sava. The substance which produces new vigour in the body is called a’shava, or wine. Similarly ut + su + al = utsava, which means “festival.” “Ut” means “towards up” and “sava” means “life” ; so utsava means “an occasion which gives human beings fresh inspiration to live a new life." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "When people become tired and uninspired, when they can no longer look towards the future with hope, when their colourful dreams are shattered, at that time the sweetness of a festival brings new joy and vigour in life. Thus in individual and collective life, the importance of festivals is tremendous. One should always remember that festivals should be such that all can take part in them without any ostentatious display of wealth, and with an upsurge of their life force. And these festivals should be conducted in such a way that people take part in them from a spontaneous inner urge. I hope that you will make such arrangements so that all are attracted towards your festivals which will be more and more charming – and this will bring about your collective welfare." (4)

Way to live a long a dharmic life

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Human beings want to live dignified lives; they do not want to live insignificant lives like earthworms. If someone is told to live like an earthworm, he or she will simply refuse. In the Vedas it has been said:

Kurvanneveha karmáńi jijiiviśecchataḿ samáh;
Evaḿ tvayi nányatheto’sti na karma lipyate nare.

[While performing actions in this world, cherish the desire to live for a hundred years. You will not get enmeshed in actional bondage. There is no other way.]

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "While living a life charged with action, one should pray to live for one hundred years, only to continue performing noble deeds. There is a common notion that people in ancient times lived longer than the people of today; but this is incorrect. Rather due to scientific progress and advances in medical science, as well as spiritual progress in Tantra Yoga, modern humans are living longer lives than the ancients. People in the olden days hardly lived longer than forty-five years; but today people live much longer. To live a life of one hundred years was a rare accomplishment in those days. And thus the sage said, “Human beings may pray to God for a long life of one hundred years – in order to perform noble deeds” (otherwise why should they drag on their existences unnecessarily?). In the present-day world, there are a few people who have passed the age of one hundred, but not very many." (5)

"It is futile to live just like an earthworm" - Baba

   Ananda Marga ideology says, "Mere survival is not enough; what is important is to live a dignified life. The excellence of human life lies in action; it is through action that human beings survive. They should aspire to live long while performing noble deeds; it is futile to live just like an earthworm. Indeed, each and every human being should vow, “I do not know how long I will survive; but as long as I exist I will live a glorious life, not an ignominious existence like that of an earthworm.”"
   Ananda Marga ideology states, "Human beings have to earn their livelihood and perform their assigned duties. The degree of physical labour they have to perform depends on the economic condition of their land. The citizens of those countries which are socio-economically developed have to perform less physical labour; instead their intellectual labour has increased. This is the natural law. The human beings who lived one hundred years ago used to perform much more manual labour than do those of today." (6)

   Ananda Marga ideology states, "Spiritual practice makes the mind calm and quiet, and maintains the nerves in a state of equipoise; and thus spiritual practice increases longevity. Those Vaishnavites who are vegetarians, who regularly sing spiritual songs, do meditation, perform virtuous deeds and think pure thoughts, live longer than ninety years.
   Now, one may say that some people like Vivekananda did not live long; but the cause of their early death was excessive labour. Extreme physical labour definitely reduces one’s longevity. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu lived [less than fifty] years; he could perhaps have lived longer, but due to excessive labour, he could not survive. He undertook long tours throughout India on foot. Shankaracharya did not live long, either, because he also toured India on foot; he walked from Cape Comorin to the Himalayas. This extreme physical labour told upon his health; otherwise he could perhaps have lived longer.
   I want you all to live long – but you must live glorious lives, not like those of earthworms. Your lives should be bustling with activity.
   Human beings always yearn for the destruction of the evil forces, for the removal of darkness and the flooding of effulgent light. Let your dynamic forward movement make your lives ever joyful – see that you never lag behind, or slump down dejected. No human being wants this. Rather let your slogan always be, Caraeveti, caraeveti [“Move on, move on”]. Let the chant of your forward movement be ever on your lips." (7)

Victory means victory of wisdom over ignorance

   Ananda Marga ideology states, "You should remember that this type of victory celebration was also popular during the Buddhist period, when people used to organize autumn festivals with much music, dance and revelry. In the original Rámáyańa, Ramchandra attained victory in the Lanka war, and hence there was a victory celebration. But Krittivas added a religious dimension to the victory celebration of Bengal. Actually the former victory celebration was nothing but an autumn festival."
   Ananda Marga ideology says,"During this season, all of nature remains pure and sentient: the sky is free from clouds, and there is an atmosphere of joy all around. A sweet breeze blows, and the beautiful kush and kásh grasses abound everywhere. In fact, the entire environment makes people intoxicated with joy. Against this background, people long for the victory of righteousness over the evil forces, the victory of knowledge and wisdom over the darkness of ignorance." (8)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "This victory celebration was clearly symbolic of the victory of humanity over the evil forces, over the forces of destruction. Thus human beings should take a vow that their lives will be utilized in waging a ceaseless struggle against the demonic forces. The very prospect of this struggle brings joy, and the joy becomes still greater when the evil forces are totally vanquished and righteousness is established. And in this great task of establishing righteousness, we also should make a maximum contribution." (9)

Be vigorously engaged in action

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "In the ancient days, there was a popular belief that even the gods were to come down to earth to perform spiritual practice. The reason is, when one does not have a physical existence, one cannot perform action. So long as human being is alive, so long as one possesses one’s physical structure, one cannot but engage one’s body in action. One should not remain idle for a second. Once a leader said, “Árám hárám hyáy” (“Idleness is harmful”). Although many of his sayings are not to be accepted as true, this one saying deserves acceptance.” (10)

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "However, as long as the human beings remain alive in the world they can utilize body, mind and Self. Now what will the Átman or Self do? It will proceed more and more to the internal world. It has got no other function than this. So the function of mind is that it should always remain engaged in virtuous deeds for the purpose of continuous spiritual progress. Physical body also should be utilized constantly for noble deeds. Because if the body is engaged in noble deeds, the mind also remains engaged in virtuous deeds. If a person is a thief by nature whenever they think something in seclusion they will think of thieving. So, his mind will be degraded. Physically, he is not stealing, yet his mind is degrading. On the contrary, when a person is engaged in good deeds his mind also remains engaged in good thoughts and his spiritual progress remains unhindered even though physically he may not be active and imposed saḿskáras which are instrumental for people’s progress or degradation." (11)

You have come here to do dharmic work

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "In fact why have we come to this world? Certainly to do some good work. But when a vehicle runs, when an engine functions it needs fuel, water, coal, etc. Now, when human beings have come on to this world to perform some actions they require some food. Actually, they have come for the work and not for eating. And hence they should try to perform more and more action as long as they live, even if they survive for 100 years." (12)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Thus if people continue to perform deeds for public welfare then they will be able to avert the bondages of action. They will not be required to be reborn in a world to reap the consequences of their actions. Good deeds produce good reactions and bad deeds produce bad reactions. To reap the good reaction and bad reaction they will not be required to come to this world, if they perform deeds with the sole intention of public welfare and not any other intention. Then they can avoid being trapped into bondages of actions. Then the welfare of others brought about by his deeds will be considered a reward for his deeds. This is the life of a real person – a righteous person. This is the reason for which human beings have come to this world." (13)


So once again the festival of Vijay Dashamii is coming up. May we celebrate by inculcating all of Sadguru Baba's blessed guidelines; as sadhakas we should aim to live long, industrious lives, ever-involved in the propagation of the great ideology.

1. Ananda Vacanamratm - 6, The Cosmic Father Has a Special Responsibility
2. Caryacarya - 1, Social Functions and Festivals
3. A Few Problems Solved Part 5 - On Festivals
4. A Few Problems Solved Part 5 - On Festivals
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, You Must Live Glorious Lives
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, You Must Live Glorious Lives
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, You Must Live Glorious Lives
8. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, You Must Live Glorious Lives
9. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, You Must Live Glorious Lives
10. Ananda Marga Karma Yoga - “Kurvanneveha Karmmáńi”
11. Ananda Marga Karma Yoga - “Kurvanneveha Karmmáńi”
12. Ananda Marga Karma Yoga - “Kurvanneveha Karmmáńi”
13. Ananda Marga Karma Yoga - “Kurvanneveha Karmmáńi”

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Vast blue cosmic sky

"Tomáke cine ot́há dáy, otah prota bháve thákileo, dhará náhi jáy..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3291)


My Parama Purusa, it is so hard to realize You. You are ever-present and connected with me all through Your ota and prota yoga. Even then it is very difficult to get You. Because avidya maya tries to pull me back. You can’t be held easily. 

My Supreme Entity, You are omnipresent in both the refulgence and darkness. You are everywhere, but You are hiding and can’t be seen. Bathed in the fragrance of the mental garden or orchard, in my mind You are ever-present, enthralled in melodies, rhythms, and beats of kiirtana, along the shore of my spiritual life. You are always emanating Yourself in various expressions of this universe around me, yet remain beyond the reach of my mind. One can only attain You with Your grace.

Baba, according to Your sweet will, You make others laugh and cry. Everything happens according to Your desire. As the Supreme Controller, You make them float in Your divine ideation, across the vast blue cosmic sky. In Your unknowable play, You make everyone dance or cry as per Your wish and direction. Nobody can understand Your liila…

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #3291:

What is ota-prota yoga - 1

[1] Ota-Prota Yoga:
 By way of analogy we can best understand this term. Suppose a mother has five children. When she loves any one of them individually then that is akin to her ota yoga relation with that particular child. She has this type of ota yoga relation with each and every one of her children on a personal, individual level. In contrast, when that same mother loves and cares for her five children all together as a whole, collective family then that is akin to prota yoga.

Similarly, Parama Purusa has an individual loving relation with every bhakta on a personal, individual level. Whatever that bhakta thinks and says then Parama Purusa lovingly listens and cares for that bhakta. So that is the very personal relation of ota yoga. And when He thinks about the entire creation and the welfare of all at the same time, then that connection is prota yoga.

In their own personal life, every bhakta should appreciate Parama Purusa’s relation as ota yoga - i.e. a very intimate, personal link; whereas, lower grade bhaktas relate more to Parama Purusa via His approach of prota yoga.

In Subhasita Samgraha part 17 (Gwalior DMC in 1984), Baba has given the meaning of ota yoga and prota yoga in English. Ota yoga is "individual tactuality" between Parama Purusa and the unit entity; and, prota yoga is "collective tactuality" between Parama Purusa and all the entities, simultaneously.

The above definition describes the intimate relation between Parama Purusa and His jiivas through His ota & prota yoga. This same term has been explained in a slightly different manner in the following discourse.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "What is ota-yoga? He as the Cosmic Father has a direct relationship with each and every entity of this world...All are His affectionate children. This is His ota-yoga. Each and every entity, animate or inanimate, has a direct link with Him. Just as ota yoga means the Cosmic Father's relationship with each entity individually, prota yoga means His relationship with all collectively." (1)

What is ota-prota yoga - 2

Otahprotah yogábhyáḿ saḿyuktah Puruśottamah.

[Puruśottama is linked to each entity individually and to all entities collectively.]

Ananda Sutram Purport: Puruśottama, the Nucleus of the universe, is the witness of and is directly concerned with every unit entity. This association of His is called ota yoga [the yoga of individual association]. Evidently Puruśottama is the collective entity of the universe as well as witness of the collective mind. This association of His with the collectivity is called prota yoga [the yoga of pervasive association]. In other words, it may be said that the one who is associated with His objects through both ota and prota yogas at the same time is Puruśottama. (2)

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Suppose there is a virtuous discussion going on somewhere. If you invite two hundred people to this discussion, you will find that only sixty invitees have turned up, at the most. Out of these participants about ten or twelve people at most listen with patience and bhakti to the talks; and out of these listeners, only some properly understand the subject discussed. Then again, out of this small group that has understood, only a very few may retain in their minds what they have understood. Lastly, only one or two persons of this last group may practice in their daily lives what they have learnt and understood. This is only due to the clash between vidyá and avidyá in the mind, and in this clash the triumph of avidyá or the extroversive force means running from the introversive bent of vidyá. It is because of the saḿskaras of animality that the introversive momentum is rare in the average human mind. The sensuous desires of avidyá continue to infiltrate into every thought process. Such a situation continues for a long time in a sádhaka’s life.” (3)

[2] Razor’s edge: Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Wherever there is devotion, there is Paramátmá. For jiṋániis (those who want to realize God only with intellect) and logicians, the path of Dharma is a razor’s path, but, for sádhakas (spiritual practitioners), it is like a flower. Since God is attainable only by devotion, therefore He is with you. Victory will certainly be yours.” (Ananda Vacanamrtam 1 - Uttiśt́hata Jágrata . . .)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6
2. Ananda Sutram, Sutra 2-10
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Bogus justification for exploiting others

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “False philosophies have taught, “Well, if we exploit the people with our intellect, what’s the harm? It is also a labour to apply the intellect, and we have the right to do so!” On the basis of this argument a handful of parasites have gorged themselves on the blood of millions of people, while countless people have been reduced to living skeletons. Such fraudulent philosophies have diverted many people from the path of morality and left them devoid of dharma, addicted to carnal pleasures – infernal creatures.” (1)

Here Baba is talking about capitalism. Capitalists think if you use your brain to drain the wealth from others pockets and exploit them then that is ok. However, in the society, every person is not of the same intellectual standard. People are not of the same level of intelligence. That is why exploiting others with one’s intellect is sinful. And the second point is that capitalism preaches materialism is everything. Preaching this faulty idea, capitalism has turned human beings into animals.

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)