Sexual crime: cause
At present, life in materialistic communities suffers from an
absence of higher values wherein degraded behavior thrives. Even
good people are pulled into the ways of sin and crime. One of the
most glaring manifestations of this equation is sex offenders.
Offenders are rampant and their crimes horrific. But, the manner in
which the authorities handle the situation makes the matter even
All understand that perverted conduct and sexual crimes are some of
the most disastrous and revolting incidents. Authorities and
agencies primarily differ on how to address those situations.
The root of the problem
In Ananda Marga philosophy, Baba has given the solution to each and
every social problem: From the most complex to the most basic. Here
below Baba has given the exact answer as to why there are sexual
crimes being committed in the materialistic nations.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In the modern world there is a wide
variety of films which excite the passions and have a degrading
influence on boys and girls, adolescents and young men and women.
Such films create in cinema-goers the desire to emulate in their
individual lives the criminal activities, the vulgar expressions of
love, or the adventurous behaviour that they see enacted on the
screen. This is another example of how keeping bad company causes
depravity." (1)
Whether in the films or in advertisements or in whatever arena, Baba
clearly guides us that a depraved environment is the root cause of
sexual crimes. Here again Baba identifies the problem.
Ananda Marga philosophy says, "There are glaring examples that
honest people can become dishonest as a result of environmental
pressures...Nearly all deceitful acts, such as swindling, fraud,
gambling, looting, seducing women, and travelling without a ticket,
are commonly a result of the influence of bad company." (2)
By His precise evaluation, it is clear that the degrading
environment - not the individual - is the root cause of the rash of
sexual crimes in materialistic societies.
Materialism breeds criminals & sex offenders
Lacking any higher goal or proper vision, life in grossly
materialistic nations moves along the degrading path of sensual
pleasures. The general flow of society is matter-based and most life
according to their baser propensities - animal life. Often sexual
overtones and sensual expressions are rampant. Plus the media and
big business use sex as the way to lure people to their messages and
products. Sexual display is such a prevalent and rampant problem
that half-naked bodies have become accepted as the norm - both in
real life and in advertisments and films etc. This has become the
very pulsation of life in materialistic societies.
That is why people have become numb to it. No one blinks an eye at
overt sexual display; no one is shocked by seeing this. Rather
everyone expects to see sexually revealing dress & behavior
everywhere: On the TV, in the restaurants, in the banks, everywhere.
Obviously such a morally degrading environment breeds temptation and
adversely affects both the individual and collective psyche.
Yet this is not regarded as a problem - until the worse-case
scenario occurs and a sexual crime is reported. Then the authorities
become very strict and condemn the guilty party to the depths of
hell. Indeed once one gets labeled as a sex-offender they will never
get a job, never find an apartment, never be able to survive. Just
they are outcaste to the dungeons of the prisons or the outskirts of
society. And with no process of rectification etc, and sexual
temptation rampant, such convicts inevitably become repeat
offenders. At the next opportunity they commit another sexual crime.
Analogy: mosquitoes & swamp
If anyone walks into a hot, muggy swamp then they expect to
encounter an onslaught of mosquitoes. This is the expectation.
Because everyone with an iota of common sense understands that
swamps breed mosquitoes. Similarly, when a society is deluged with
sexually provocative scenes in each and every direction. And when
overt references to sex are part of the ebbs and flow of life, then
in that degenerated state surely there will be a rash of sex
offenders. Because the very environment breeds such criminals.
That is why it is not at all surprising to read a statement such as
this on one of their websites:
"A sex offender could be a person across town, your neighbor across
the street, or someone you know very well."
The point here is that sex offenders are everywhere in the
materialistic countries. Because everyone's lower vrittis are
constantly getting stimulated and lacking any proper guidance people
commonly lose control of their senses. This happens even to good
people. That is why the large bulk of the population in the US is
either actually committing sexual crimes or they have a strong
desire to do so but out of fear of the police they refrain and end
up just being frustrated and depressed.
Even then, the authorities do not consider the matter-centered
environment to be the problem. Rather they think the only solution
is more and more databases to identify the ever-growing number of
Duty of the judge to remove them from that environment
In His perfect and thorough approach, Baba then gives the next mode
of action to overcome this problem of sexual crimes.
Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "If, after thorough
investigation, it is discovered that particular people or
circumstantial pressure have caused these criminals (whatever their
age) to take part in antisocial activities, it will be the duty of
the judge to remove them from that environment." (3)
As Baba explains above, if the negative environment is the cause
then the judge's duty is not to just throw the offenders name on
some public database. That will not help the situation. Instead Baba
guides us that the offender should be removed from that negative
stimuli. Then they can grow in a proper way.
Here Baba gives the final-steps in solving this problem of sexual
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Civilized people today should be
more interested in preventing base criminal propensities from
arising in human beings in the first place, than in taking
corrective measures." (4)
By His above guidelines it is clear that the best way to overcome
this systemic problem of sexual offenses is by removing the negative
influences in the environment and inculcating a new set of values in
the society. Building countless electronic databases listing the
offenders will not yield any fruit. Rather the depraved sexual
overtones of society must be eradicated and a bright new mental
outlook is needed. This all must happen on the collective level. In
this next guideline, Baba gives an easy comprehensive way for
everyone to proceed in their individual lives.
Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, "Mental purity helps
particularly in keeping a person healthy...That is why every human
being should make a strong as habit as possible of selfless service
and Iishvara Pran'idha'na (meditation). The best way to attain
mental purity is to follow the principles of Yama and Niyama." (5)
By His above guidelines anyone can understand that shifting from a
sexually oriented materialistic society to a spiritually based
society with high ideals is the ultimate solution.
Ananda Vanii says, "...Your endless efforts to broaden and smoothen
the path of human movement will render your present existence, and
your future history inestimable." (6)
In Him
~ In-depth study ~
Encourage criminals onto the proper path
Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "There are many petty criminals
in today’s society. If you keep calling them sinners, they will
develop a complex deep in their minds. “I am a sinner. I am a
wretch. I am mean and vile. I have no future,” they will think. You
must not do anything like this. Rather, you should find their good
qualities and praise them. This praise will encourage them to
cultivate their attributes and move along the path of virtue. They
will concentrate more on their good qualities than on their
wickedness, resulting in the gradual diminishment of their sinful
tendencies. Finally the day will come when they will be so
preoccupied with doing good deeds that they will cease to commit any
crime. That is why I say, “Praise the good qualities in human
"But if these criminals are neglected, their progress will be
checked and they will become even more sinful. If they are
repeatedly called sinners, if they are subjected to social
punishment, their habit of committing crimes will become stronger."
"Even the worst sinners have some good qualities. If you
appreciate their good qualities, they will be encouraged to take to
the righteous path – there will be a great change for the better in
their lives. This is the right approach. If, instead, so-called
sinners are ostracized or criticized by society, they will no longer
strive to cultivate their inherent good qualities but will stick to
the path of vice so tenaciously that one day they will become a
great burden on society."
"As most people do not know basic human psychology, their actions
result in the so-called criminals becoming a greater burden on
society. Having been subjected to much social injustice and
criticism, some people think, “Now that I have stepped onto the path
of vice, now that I have fallen down, I will not stop until I reach
the deepest hell.” You should not do anything, even unconsciously,
which goes against fundamental human psychology, and you should
ensure that other people do not get any scope to make such mistakes
either. If so-called sinners are repeatedly scolded, they will never
become transformed into good people. Even bad people, under indirect
pressure, or external attraction, or urge for Parama Puruśa, can
turn into good people." (7)
Craze against sex offenders
Right now in materialistic nations like the USA, there is a mad dash
to identify and lock-up every sex-offender. People act as though
there is a full-blown war against sex criminals-- as if those
offenders are the source of the problem. To that end, the various
authorities have created on-line databases that identify thousands
and millions of sex offenders who are moving around the USA. This is
their materialistic approach to manage the situation. To put full
blame on the sex offenders and expose them in front of all.
How a teetotaller becomes an alcoholic
Here below Baba shows how a wrong environment affects even good
people with good habits.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Suppose a teetotaller mixes
regularly with a group of alcoholics. The frequent anti-teetotaller
gibes and the positive portrayals of the wondrous virtues of wine by
the alcoholics will one day tempt the teetotaller to taste a little
wine. His drinking friends will say, "We don't want you to become
drunk. But what's the harm if you just taste a little! This surely
won't make you a bad person! What a moralist you are! Oh friend, to
be such a moralist in the world today is ridiculous!" So one day the
teetotaller tastes wine and this becomes the cause of his downfall.
But on the day the unsuspecting teetotaller took wine, he did not
realize that from that very day wine would become the cause of his
degeneration." (8)
Similarly those people who are normal and good people get goaded
into sexual crimes due to the degrading ways of society. Either by
watching lewd movies, seeing porn websites, or by drinking liquor
etc, then even upstanding citizens may fall and commit a sexual
offense. All due to the negative environment of materialism.
1. Human Society - 1, Justice
2. Human Society - 1, Justice
3. Human Society - 1, Justice
4. Human Society - 1, Justice
5. Yogic Treatments, Appendix, Sect. G
6. A'nanda Va'nii #55
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, Exploitation – No More
8. Human Society - 1, Justice
* * *
The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to
the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.
* * *
== Section 2: Important
Teaching ==
When democracy becomes a joke
Prout philosophy states, “The fact that voters without political
consciousness weaken the governmental machinery cannot be denied. In
the interests of the general public, it is desirable that uneducated
and less-educated people do not have the right to vote.”
“Democracy is a mockery in a country of uneducated people. In
such a country cunning, fraudulent persons very easily secure or
purchase the votes of illiterate people. Moreover, the general
public in such a country is easily misled by the propagation of
casteism or communalism.”
Prout philosophy states, “The success of democracy depends upon
educated, sensible voters. Hence, in a democratic country, the
spread of education is of the highest priority. For the convenience
of the general public, the educational system must be free of cost.
No overbearing government pressure should be exerted on the
educational system, otherwise the party in power will continue to
propagate its ideas through the medium of education.” (1)
1. Problems of the Day, Point #33
== Section: Important Topic ==
Historical backdrop to washing
Ananda Marga philosophy states, ”Regarding the Sixteen Points, it was said that ácárya/ás or senior persons would see if you were observing them properly or not. Similarly, I gave a directive to all that they should keep watch on one another. No one will exempt anyone else regarding the Sixteen Points.” (1)
Because Sixteen Points is an essential part of our existence, it is helpful to have more information about these pointed guidelines. Here below are some of the historical, social, and practical aspects of the first point of 16 Points.
Long ago in India, thousands and thousands of years ago, various rishis and seers of the society introduced the idea that water plays an important role in life - especially for health, hygiene, and proper maintenance of the human body. And people introduced the idea to the old Indian society that water should be used for washing before and after meals, before cooking, and those rishis also told that one should wash with water after passing stool as well as after urination etc.
And we have to remember that this was all given in that pre-historic era when the general population around the globe was hardly even aware about hygiene; rather people were more involved in animalistic ways of living. In that historical context, those rishis introduced certain sentient habits.
So since long these these practices were established in India. Yet over the course of time, degeneration occurred and the general populace lost the idea of using water after urination. But the practice of washing the backside with water after defecation did not get lost - primarily because people understood that it was obviously dirty. So people were conscious about that aspect. That was the case in old India and that continued up to the present time.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, ”Regarding the Sixteen Points, it was said that ácárya/ás or senior persons would see if you were observing them properly or not. Similarly, I gave a directive to all that they should keep watch on one another. No one will exempt anyone else regarding the Sixteen Points.” (1)
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action
== Section
3: Links ==
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