Baba has given many pointed guidelines about money, expenditure, debt, and loans. Because if one can develop a proper understanding and exercise strict control on these points, one will have a greater chance of escaping the deadly noose of materialism.
Specifically, in the chapter "Aparigraha" of A Guide To Human Conduct, Baba condemns the practice of taking loans and living in debt. Baba critiques those seekers of luxury who fall into debt. Such a condition should be avoided at all cost.
Those who have a strong desire and cannot control their thirst to have fancy things should exercise caution and refrain from taking any loan. Because taking loans for excess leads to the long spiral downward of a mind drawn into the whirlpool of materialistic mentality—i.e. spend beyond your means by taking loan. And this is very negative because then the mind is not capable of or even interested in higher pursuits.
Baba has given the guideline that it is the collective responsibility of society to oversee those who are extravagant in their expenditures and incur debt. Those making unnecessary expenditures should be restrained in some way. That's why before purchasing any costly things etc, it is suggested that sadhakas should get permission from their acaryas.
Extravagant expenditures
Baba has condemned the atheistic philosopher Carvak because he was preaching the gospel of materialism. Carvak was telling: Enjoy crude material life by taking loans and indulging in lowly worldly desires. Spend what you like because you need not pay back anything.
Baba condemns this preaching of Carvak because remaining in debt is very bad. Often those who are taking loans don't think about the consequences. And the consequences are that this very mentality of acquiring more and more material objects invites all types of sin, crime, lawlessness, and various negativities. And when people have a desire, or they don't know how else to manage, they fall into debt.
The central idea is that one should not fall into the dark depths of materialism. Because human life is not for satisfying crude worldly desires. Living a life of materialism is sheer waste of human potential. Rather, as human beings, we have come here to move along the spiritual path and enjoy permanent peace. The worldly approach of materialism has not any redeeming quality or lasting value.
If one is in trouble, others should come forward
In the book, A Guide to Human Conduct, there is a chapter entitled "How To Live In The Society." There Baba has written that the whole society is one integral entity. All members are one joint family. So if one is in trouble, then others should come forward to help. But Baba is very strict. Those margiis and WTs who are making extravagant expenditures beyond their means don't ask their acarya, bhukti pradhan, or top level authorities. That is, at the time of spending they don't take permission, but later when they are in debt and in problem, they cry for help. This type of mentality, Baba condemns.
Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Not to consult anybody at the time of spending money but to ask for help from all when in debt, is not a good practice. Such a mentality cannot be encouraged. To purchase, by incurring surely against the principle of aparigraha." (1)
So we should be very careful that if any of our margii brothers and sisters in our unit are doing unnecessary expenditure we should warn them--- and not allow them to fall into crisis unnecessarily.
In Him,
Note: In some select circumstances, Baba has condoned taking business loans with the approval of a board etc.
1. A Guide to Human Conduct, How to Live in Society
The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.
* * *
== Section 2: Important Teaching ==
Restraint in the face of injustice
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Human beings will have to practise tolerance. But this spirit of tolerance must be developed only in individual life; in collective life it must not be expressed. If a country illegally grabs even one inch of your land you must take one mile of the aggressor’s land; no spirit of tolerance in this regard is permissible. If you show your tolerance then they will take one inch today and one mile tomorrow. However, you can practise toleration as much as possible in individual life, and that will be considered a sign of greatness." (1)
Here Baba is guiding us that we should never overlook any injustice in collective life, and in His above teaching Baba gives the example of encroachment by a hostile enemy. At the same time, we should understand what it means to practice tolerance when facing an injustice in individual life.
For instance, when Ananda Margiis faced abuse and torture while in jail then they did not react quickly and escalate the situation. Rather, they quietly bore the brunt of those injustices and by enduring those troubles they gained some psychic stamina and strength, as opposed to so many others who broke, became lunatics, got depressed, or compromised with their values when undergoing similar troubles.
Here the operative factor is that one should not quickly react when facing difficulties in individual life. As far as possible, one should endure and carry on. That will lead to greater mental fortitude and equipoise. It is akin to going for night sadhana in the blustery, cold season and keeping’s one’s focus and not leaving their sadhana prematurely. Most people could not imagine bearing such hardship, but that sadhaka tolerates the conditions, thrives in that struggle, and gets the grace of Parama Purusa.
1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle
Financially irresponsible
Baba has given many pointed guidelines about money, expenditure, debt, and loans. Because if one can develop a proper understanding and exercise strict control on these points, one will have a greater chance of escaping the deadly noose of materialism.
Specifically, in the chapter "Aparigraha" of A Guide To Human Conduct, Baba condemns the practice of taking loans and living in debt. Baba critiques those seekers of luxury who fall into debt. Such a condition should be avoided at all cost.
Those who have a strong desire and cannot control their thirst to have fancy things should exercise caution and refrain from taking any loan. Because taking loans for excess leads to the long spiral downward of a mind drawn into the whirlpool of materialistic mentality—i.e. spend beyond your means by taking loan. And this is very negative because then the mind is not capable of or even interested in higher pursuits.
Baba has given the guideline that it is the collective responsibility of society to oversee those who are extravagant in their expenditures and incur debt. Those making unnecessary expenditures should be restrained in some way. That's why before purchasing any costly things etc, it is suggested that sadhakas should get permission from their acaryas.
Extravagant expenditures
Baba has condemned the atheistic philosopher Carvak because he was preaching the gospel of materialism. Carvak was telling: Enjoy crude material life by taking loans and indulging in lowly worldly desires. Spend what you like because you need not pay back anything.
Baba condemns this preaching of Carvak because remaining in debt is very bad. Often those who are taking loans don't think about the consequences. And the consequences are that this very mentality of acquiring more and more material objects invites all types of sin, crime, lawlessness, and various negativities. And when people have a desire, or they don't know how else to manage, they fall into debt.
The central idea is that one should not fall into the dark depths of materialism. Because human life is not for satisfying crude worldly desires. Living a life of materialism is sheer waste of human potential. Rather, as human beings, we have come here to move along the spiritual path and enjoy permanent peace. The worldly approach of materialism has not any redeeming quality or lasting value.
If one is in trouble, others should come forward
In the book, A Guide to Human Conduct, there is a chapter entitled "How To Live In The Society." There Baba has written that the whole society is one integral entity. All members are one joint family. So if one is in trouble, then others should come forward to help. But Baba is very strict. Those margiis and WTs who are making extravagant expenditures beyond their means don't ask their acarya, bhukti pradhan, or top level authorities. That is, at the time of spending they don't take permission, but later when they are in debt and in problem, they cry for help. This type of mentality, Baba condemns.
Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Not to consult anybody at the time of spending money but to ask for help from all when in debt, is not a good practice. Such a mentality cannot be encouraged. To purchase, by incurring surely against the principle of aparigraha." (1)
So we should be very careful that if any of our margii brothers and sisters in our unit are doing unnecessary expenditure we should warn them--- and not allow them to fall into crisis unnecessarily.
In Him,
Note: In some select circumstances, Baba has condoned taking business loans with the approval of a board etc.
1. A Guide to Human Conduct, How to Live in Society
* * *
The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.
* * *
== Section 2: Important Teaching ==
Restraint in the face of injustice
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Human beings will have to practise tolerance. But this spirit of tolerance must be developed only in individual life; in collective life it must not be expressed. If a country illegally grabs even one inch of your land you must take one mile of the aggressor’s land; no spirit of tolerance in this regard is permissible. If you show your tolerance then they will take one inch today and one mile tomorrow. However, you can practise toleration as much as possible in individual life, and that will be considered a sign of greatness." (1)
Here Baba is guiding us that we should never overlook any injustice in collective life, and in His above teaching Baba gives the example of encroachment by a hostile enemy. At the same time, we should understand what it means to practice tolerance when facing an injustice in individual life.
For instance, when Ananda Margiis faced abuse and torture while in jail then they did not react quickly and escalate the situation. Rather, they quietly bore the brunt of those injustices and by enduring those troubles they gained some psychic stamina and strength, as opposed to so many others who broke, became lunatics, got depressed, or compromised with their values when undergoing similar troubles.
Here the operative factor is that one should not quickly react when facing difficulties in individual life. As far as possible, one should endure and carry on. That will lead to greater mental fortitude and equipoise. It is akin to going for night sadhana in the blustery, cold season and keeping’s one’s focus and not leaving their sadhana prematurely. Most people could not imagine bearing such hardship, but that sadhaka tolerates the conditions, thrives in that struggle, and gets the grace of Parama Purusa.
1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle
== Section: Important Teaching ==
This following teaching has two main parts:
(a) If someone harms you in personal life and their behaviour is rectified and they feel repentant then you should forgive them - highlighted in green.
(b) If some wrongdoer harms the society then you should force them to rectify themselves - highlighted in yellow.
Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “The faults of others should be excused as far as possible. If you find that the conduct of an individual is antisocial, you should try to reform his or her nature by resorting to whatever severe measures may be necessary. Remember, he or she is not your enemy, but his / her conduct is the enemy of your society.” (1)
Note: In His various teachings, Baba says that it is bad to prematurely forgive someone, i.e. if the wrongdoer’s conduct has not changed. However, if the person is repentant and they have truly transformed themselves then, in our personal life, it is incumbent upon us to forgive them. And that forgiveness should be done in the proper spirit.
In the world, there are two types of forgiveness. One is real and one is pseudo. For instance, suppose there are two teenagers, Rob and John, and they get into an argument. Ultimately, Rob beats John and the police arrest Rob. For this crime, Rob felt repentant, and his personality changed. Seeing this transformation, John said, “I forgive you for beating me.” But if John is just offering forgiveness to ease the hatred and pain in his own mind then that is just pseudo-forgiveness. Forgiveness is not done merely for one’s own comfort and relief. When forgiving anyone, one must have a genuine feeling for the next person’s welfare.
1. Caryacarya - 2, Society, point #19
== Section: Important Teaching ==
Are you aware about drumstick
The following is an English summary of the original Bengali from Shabda Cayanika part 20:
The roots, barks, leaves, flowers, branches and seed of the drumstick plant, are all very good. In winter and spring when you get opportunity then you should take drumstick*. By this way the liver, kidney, blood, and skin will be healthy and better. When acne starts appearing on the face of boys and girls of adolescent age then that very time by eating even a small amount of drumstick flower, bark, leaf, branch, or seed, then the acne will be fully controlled. Another good medicine of acne is to mix ground red lentil with pure butter and then apply it on the affected area. Or rub the roots of the silk cotton tree with pure butter. That also will control the outbreak of acne. These two latter treatments are external whereas the use of drumstick is internal. (1)* Drumstick: In India this is called sahajan, shojane, shobha’injan, and munga’.
1. Shabda Cayanika (B) - 20, disc. 157, pt 20, p. 87
== Section: Ananda Vanii ==
March on and on
“Marching ahead is life, crushing the pebbles of hindrances and obstacles with a stroke of your feet, disdaining the frowns of tornadoes, meteors and roaring thunder, and rendering all superstitions to ashes without any second thought. March on and on, Parama Puruśa is with you. Victory is yours.” (Ananda Vanii #29)
Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.
== Section 3: Links ==
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