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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Author of apta vakya + 2 more

Author of apta vakya

Baba guides us that there are two types of knowledge: relative knowledge and absolute knowledge: (a) pra'pta va'kya and (b) a'pta va'kya, respectively. As Ananda Margiis, we should clearly understand this distinction and learn how we may become perfect media for receiving eternal guidelines directly from the Cosmic Mind.

Pra'pta va'kya (relative knowledge)

Prout philosophy says, "Whatever people learn from the external world-- be it from a book of facts or a learned discourse or any source of knowledge-- is prapta vakya or ‘relative knowledge’." (1)

Thus, pra'pta va'kya is that knowledge which comes from a mundane source such as when people learn from their surroundings using their sense experience etc. But here we should be very clear that that knowledge is relative, i.e. it is subject to changes in time, place and person. For instance, many years ago it is a factual statement to say that the country of India shared a border with Afghanistan. That was a true statement prior to 1947. However, with the rise of Indian independence and the partition of India, that is no longer a factual statement. So that is an example of how relative knowledge is subject to time, space, and person. 

Another key aspect of pra'pta va'kya is that it may be fallible from the outset. For instance, the ancient astronomer Ptolemy put forth the idea of a geo-centric universe wherein the earth is the epicenter. But that theory was 100% false. It was never true. Thus, in the case of scientific premises, they are often proven to be completely wrong and / or are consistently being updated. Moreover, pra'pta va'kya can create terrible problems in the world such as racial divides or the misuse of the atom bomb etc.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Relative knowledge [prapta vakya] often encourages divisive ideas...It often tends to suppress other castes, communities, creeds, etc or wants to annihilate them completely." (2)

A'pta va'kya (absolute knowledge)

In contrast, a'pta va'kya, or absolute knowledge, is that knowledge which is ever-perfect, pure, and lasting and comes directly from Parama Purus'a. And, furthermore, it is always benevolent.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Absolute knowledge is the direct message from God...and is always conducive to human welfare." (3)

Sadguru Baba says, “The proper mark of identity of absolute knowledge is that it must be universal, rational and psychological. Certain instances of absolute knowledge are as follows – the goal of human life is the attainment of Brahma; human beings are the progeny of Parama Puruśa; this universe is created by the macrocosmic conation; matter is the crudified form of the universal mind; by dint of sádhaná or spiritual practices human beings gradually become divine; whoever is born will have to die one day; liberation is the birth right of all living beings; human society is one and indivisible; diversity is the law of nature; no two entities in this universe are uniform." (4)

So Baba’s philosophical teachings and guidelines about the nature of this universe and the aim of human life  etc are eternal and they are never going to change. They are absolute and the supreme truth.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The books in Ananda Marga philosophy are all absolute knowledge [ie. permanent truths, not relative knowledge]." (5)

However, our Ananda Marga socio-political philosophy and Caryacarya are not apta vakya. 

Receiving guidelines directly from the Supreme

Here is another key aspect of this discussion. Namely, when sadhakas are able to concentrate deeply in sadhana, then, by His divine grace, they can receive knowledge directly from Parama Purusa, and that which they intuitively receive from Him is also known as a'pta va'kya.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "When human beings, through psycho-spiritual practice, make their minds as expansive as the Cosmic Mind, they can receive instructions or directions directly from Him due to His proximity. The knowledge thus acquired is called 'apta vakya' or 'absolute knowledge'. (6)

Thus, bhaktas or advanced sadhakas-- due to their extreme love for God and His divine grace-- have the unique ability to intuitively get His guidelines. Those divine teachings and theorems will always be consistent with AM teachings. So if any fanatical preacher proclaims that he has received the word of God and that women are to be treated as 2nd class citizens, then we know that person is a fake and that what he says is totally unrelated to a'pta va'kya. Rather, it is all harmful dogmas.

But those great rishis of old, who were dedicated to the Supreme Self, did actually receive guidelines directly from God and shared those great teachings with the world— such as the Samgacchadhvam mantra and countless shlokas and sutras, most of which have been included in AM books. And all those teachings are consistent with AM ideology, and that is why we consider those selected teachings to be a'pta va'kya. 

So a'pta va'kya is that which is eternally true and comes directly from Parama Purusa. When sadhakas, by His grace, link their minds with that divine Entity then they also became a receptacle for getting absolute knowledge or a'pta va'kya.


As sadhakas on the tantric path, wherein Taraka Brahma is the Guru, there is, by His grace, tremendous scope for sincere and ardent practitioners to receive His eternal guidelines intuitively. This will be a tremendous boon for humanity, and such sadhakas will go down in history as great seers who help change and hasten the arc of human progress.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Spiritual aspirants become one with the nucleus...then they become Maha'deva." (7)

At His lotus feet,
Nitya Surya Deva

Special permission given

Every margii is aware that AM shastra is tri-sha'stra, that is, it has three sections: spiritual, philosophical, and social. Baba has made a special guideline and classified His smrti sha'stra (social scripture) and political teachings as pra'pta va'kya because they are related to this ever-changing world.

1. Prout in a Nutshell Part 18, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya
2. Tattva Kaomudii Part 2, Relative Knowledge and Absolute Knowledge / Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya
3. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell Part 4, Relative Knowledge and Absolute Knowledge / Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya
5. Tattva Kaomudii Part 2, Relative Knowledge and Absolute Knowledge / Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya
6. Prout in a Nutshell Part 18, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya
7. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 11, The Essence of Spiritual Progress

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Satiated in bliss
"Tumi jáke bhálobáso, se keno árále tháke prashansáke hásimukhe, kenoi bá se dúre rákhe..." (PS #3333)


My Parama Purusa, one thing I do not understand. Please tell me, why do the ones whom You love wish to remain hidden and brush aside all name and fame. Why do they not like to accept any praise. If someone applauds and commends them, they ignore those words and merely smile. By Your grace, they understand that humans have nothing to brag about and that everything comes from Parama Purusa. Those bhaktas think that whatever they do is due to the supreme blessing of Parama Purusa. So there is no question of any gloating. Why do they do like this? 

Supreme Entity, You give riches and strength to others - i.e. those who are not bhaktas. You place them on the summit of mundane powers and grant them wealth and fortune. But for bhaktas, You steal away their sin and fill their mind with bliss of bhakti. Why do You do like this? 

Parama Purusa Baba, the eight occult powers make others lose their viveka. They misuse their abilities to harm innocent people and prop up their prestige by referring to themselves as some “great yogi.” Their ego gets puffed-up and they lose their senses and degenerate. They do what should not be done, follow the path of negative pratisaincara, and become one with the matter. Supreme Entity, You alone utilize those occult powers. For those bhaktas, by attaining You, they are ensconced in anandam every moment. By Your mercy, their mind is established in the divine world, and they remain satiated in bliss. They hold You in their heart and their deep longings and desires are fully satisfied. For them, sorrow is no longer sorrow, and happiness is no longer happiness. They are always immersed in Your infinite bliss and live forever in Vrindaban, i.e. with Parama Purusa. In liilananda they enjoy divine pleasure, and in nityananda they bask in perfect peace. Their life becomes successful as they become one with the Parama Purusa. lt is Your krpa. 

Parama Purusa Baba, why do bhaktas not die for their own prestige and praise…

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3333:

[1] Bhaktas do not ask anything from Parama Purusa other than He Himself. Whereas those who are ordinary people ask for name, fame, money, power, post etc. So accordingly Baba grants them and fulfills their desire.

[2] Viveka: “Viveka is that kind of deliberation where there is a conscious endeavour to decide in favour of shreya (benevolence) when confronted with the two opposing ideas of shreya and preya (malevolence).” (1)

[3] Vrindaban: “Vrndávanaḿ parityajya pádamekaḿ na gacchámi [“I won’t go anywhere, not even one step, from Vrindavana”]. This is not the terrestrial Vrindavana, but the Vrindavana of the devotee’s heart. In this Vrindavana, both the devotee and the Lord are there. They are playing the game of hide and seek – now He attracts the devotee, now He hides Himself. When the devotee rushes to Him, he or she discovers that the One who was attracting from behind the scenes was actually close at hand; and so he or she attains Him.” (2)

[4] Liilananda & Nityananda: “When a sádhaka’s mind oscillates [among different experiences] along the paths of the saiṋcara and pratisaiṋcara of Brahma and becomes inextricably merged with Its panoramic expressions, that condition is called liilábháva, and the sádhaka’s blissful feeling is called liilánanda. In liilábháva the sádhakas’ entire existences become vibrated with the vibrations of the Cosmic dance, causing them to burst out in dance, laughter, tears and song. But in nityánanda there is no such expression as this. Puruśottama [the Nucleus Consciousness] is the supreme source of the countless forms and flows that emanate during liilábháva; but His own stance is nityabháva [eternal and unchangeable]. So the ánanda which sádhakas experience when united with Him in His unchangeable, eternal stance is called nityánanda.” (3)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, The Five Kinds of Conscience (Viveka)
2. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 27
3. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Sadhana