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Friday, October 4, 2024

Bhakti lasts life after life + 2 more

Bhakti lasts life after life

In Ananda Marga, spirituality is the highest attainment, and that the golden nugget of spirituality is bhakti-- love for Parama Purusa.

Baba says, "Spirituality is the summum bonum of life in all its aspects." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The devotional sentiment is the highest and most valuable treasure of humanity." (2)

So, by His above well-known teachings and by our own sadhana, each and every Margii knows that bhakti is something very sacred-- the best quality. Furthermore, Baba reveals one other highly unique aspect of bhakti.

Only bhakti is permanent

Next, Baba pointedly guides us that bhakti remains with us throughout-- not only in this life, but life, after life, after life. The bhakti that we have never leaves us. And it is this very bhakti which carries us up to that eternal supreme stance.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Devotion enables spiritual aspirants to attainthe pinnacled goal of their lives. It is this devotion that human beings have been seeking since time immemorial. When they finally attain the Guru and get initiation, then they begin to walk on this path of devotion. And those who have started on this path realize that they are sure to reach their destination, that to reach their goal is the sole reason for their birth. You should remember why you have been born. Following the path of devotion, you will have to ultimately reach Parama Purus'a. This is the pinnacled point, the supreme point of human glory. You should always remember this, during your lifetime and even after your death." (3)

So the whole entire idea is that bhakti is a permanent quality, and that it remains with us eternally-- "even after your death". This is Baba's expressed teaching and holy guarantee.

Bhakti: a heavenly attribution

Thus, according to Baba, devotion is a heavenly attribution. It has no parallel. If one has bhakti they have everything. On the other hand, in spite of having all the worldly commodities, if one does not have bhakti then they are a pauper. 

The relation between the Lord and the bhakta is eternal. It is beyond the boundary of time, space, and person. That is why it carries from one life to the next, and beyond.

Physical possessions do not last

Our worldly possessions and physical achievements are temporary and fleeting in nature; they are ephemeral. Whether it be one’s clothes, stove, bicycle, or finances, none of these physical things remain with us forever. We just have them for the short-term.  

Indeed, in this human life, so many mundane things come and go-- they do not last. Today they are; tomorrow they are not. At some point, sooner or later, they will disintegrate or perish. This is the common reality. Thus, one cannot take any physical property along with them at the time of their death. This is not at all possible. Nor will one necessarily have that wealth in their next life.

Psychic attributions also temporary

A similar fate exists for psychic qualifications. The knowledge one has in this life, one may or may not have in the next life. A Samskrta professor may not even remember a single syllable of Samskrta after his death. In his next life, he may not have even an iota of understanding of Samskrta. And the same is the case with all the intellectual knowledge and facts and figures which we acquire in this life. All of that is short-lived; we hardly remember much of it in this lifetime - let alone the next. So psychic knowledge too is temporary and fleeting. From one life to the next, people lose and gain so many things in the physical and psychic realms. Because none of those things are permanent.

Conclusion: spiritual wealth is ever-lasting

In contrast, one's spiritual wealth is ever-lasting; bhakti for Parama Purusa is permanent-- eternal. In each and every case, bhakti carries over from one life to the next. It remains with us and increases, incarnation after incarnation, till we reach our final Goal-- Baba. 

A clear-cut case of this is that in their early childhood some persons are great bhaktas and completely sadhana-minded. This is because of their accumulated bhakti from previous lives.

Here the whole idea is that bhakti is never lost. Whatever bhakti one acquires remains with them from one life to the next. And whatever amount of devotion which gets aroused in their next life will be added to their existing amount. Like this, it goes on and on. Never is a drop of devotion lost. Rather it keeps growing and becoming more and more. Bhakti is one's only permanent property. This is Baba's eternal mandate: That bhakti is ever-lasting.

In Him, 

If one has bhakti that is everything

Here Baba guides us that when one has the permanent attribution of devotion, then they have everything and they will get eternal salvation.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Bhakti (Devotion) is the best of all the means for attaining Moks'a. Whatever a sa'dhaka has to do is to be done for the arousal of Bhakti. He is not the beggar of anything except Bhakti. When one's Bhakti is once attained one is not a pauper but an emperor." (4)

Bhakti is our permanent possession

Here, again, in this following teaching Baba reveals how only devotion remains along with us from one life to the next. And that this bhakti is what leads us to our cherished goal, that is, our beloved Baba.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "You have no other wealth superior to devotion. All other worldly possessions will prove of no avail. Only devotion enables you to come into close contact with Him. This is the goal of human life. This is true process."   "You have been wandering through the labyrinth of a myriad of lives. You have been ever advancing toward this stage. Knowingly or unknowingly you are being drawn unto Him. This is the summum bonum of life." (5)

Stays with us even after death

Here again is Baba's most gracious blessing where He guides us that our devotional feelings are our permanent property and that they will remain with us even after our death-- till we ultimately reach up to Him.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Following the path of devotion, you will have to ultimately reach Parama Purus'a. This is the pinnacled point, the supreme point of human glory. You should always remember this, during your lifetime and even after your death." (6)

1. Idea & Ideology, The Cosmic Brotherhood, '93 Edn, p.77 
2. Neo-Humanism-Liberation Of Intellect, Aspects of Devotional Sentiment and Neohumanism, '87 Edn, p.3
3. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order
4. Subhasita Samgraha -18, Yoga and Bhakti
5. Subhasita Samgraha -10, Mantra Caetanya
6. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order, '91 Edn, p.140

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Requesting Your karuna

"A'ma'r manero gopa'l eso ka'che..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4509)


O’ Parama Purusa, my dearmost, You are the Gopal, the controller of my mind; please grace me and come close. I have been searching for Your divine presence again and again through my manan, shravan, and nididhyasana. Baba, You are the be-all and end-all of my life. Except You there is nothing; who else is mine - no one. My Hari, I remember You always. You are my dearest One.

O’ Parama Purusa, You reside everywhere. You are the eternal universal Entity and remain wherever You like. But please be gracious and always stay eternally in my mental vrindaban. Kindly make my mind colourful, always decorated by Your august presence. Hari, if I see You in my mind, in my Guru cakra, then there is no need for me to look around searching for You in the external world, or in any other so-called heavenly abode, or in any loka or kosa. Because, by Your grace I have You right there in my mind.

Baba, Your glory is unfathomable: You are ever-new as well as the most ancient One. You are hidden in my mind. O’ Patitpavan, Saviour of the sinners, on this earth nobody cares about those suffering, downtrodden, and neglected people. They do not have anything in their life, not any hope. Baba, but You are there graciously watching over and caring for their well-being. You love them; that is why You are Narayan. O' Parama Purusa, this atom, this little unit being, is requesting Your karuna, Your divine compassion.

Baba, please grace me and keep me eternally under Your shelter...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita:

[1] Patitpa'van: One of the infinite attributes of Parama Purusa is that of Patitpa'van, where He is the benevolent saviour of the fallen. He boldly rescues and lovingly purifies those who become degenerated and lifts them back up onto the path of beatitude.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “The omniscient purus'a, the Pratyagatma', is the Lord of both heaven and hell. He is the father of both developed sa'dhakas and sdura'cha'ris or maha'pa'takis. There is, therefore, no question of [His] hating the sudura'ca'rii and loving the good sa'dhakas: All are one to Him. He can't ostracize the former and embrace the latter. There is no place outside Him where He can throw off the sudura'ca'riis. He also can't disown them, for in that case He would not remain 'Patitapa'vana'.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 19, Mysticism and Spirituality

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Recipe for success - 2


Every human being wants to be successful. Who does not want to be successful? Whether in the realm of art, law, medicine, schooling, business, literature, science, or architecture - or any other field or endeavor - everyone wants to be successful. Knowing how to be successful then is an important recipe.

Baba has graciously given us His special guidelines wherein He explains how the 'Seven Secrets of Success' apply not just to spiritual life, but to worldly life as well. Here we examine the second secret of success: vishvása.

Vishvása: In spiritual life this means having firm determination for one's Goal. Yet Baba guides us that in worldly life this is also needed. If before studying for an exam, a student thinks that, "I will never be able to pass", then they are doomed. Certainly they will not be able to get success. Similarly, if an adult walks into a job interview thinking that, "I will not be able to get this job - it is beyond my qualifications", then they will have little or no chance of getting that job. So vishvása in worldly life is a big point. It refers to having confidence and a positive outlook before pursuing any endeavour.

Baba has blessed us all with great teachings which lead us to success, including how to utilize the Seven Secrets of Success in our worldly endeavours. So we should pay heed to this doctrine not just in spiritual life but in all our worldly dealings as well.

Baba says, "You, boys and girls, should remember the points and do accordingly. It will help you in your all-around success." (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, Seven Secrets)

Bhakti Bhusana