Sometimes folks talk among themselves and wonder, “Why have people become so selfish these days?”
In His teachings, Baba cites the example from ancient India when a king saw a hawk catch a small, helpless bird. The king stepped forward to rescue that bird. Then the hawk asked the king, “What am I going to eat?” In turn, the king coaxed the hawk into releasing the small, tender bird, and the king offered his own flesh to the hawk to eat. That type of teaching was given to young children. So in their infancy those small kids learned to sacrifice for the welfare of others. The general human tendency is to rush and help those who are suffering.
The same question arises, “Why do some people become selfish?” The answer is embedded in the below letter. Kindly read carefully and you will get the answer.
Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.
"Golden rule"
The following is the Christian perspective of their stated golden rule.
We shall compare the above golden rule with the neo-humanistic principle of sádhutá. Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.
View of AM: debate on religious loopholes
First we should bear in mind that Baba guides us that open and healthy debate is welcomed on points of philosophy. Some may wrongly think that we are not permitted to point out any religion etc. However, Baba's guideline is that we must not mock their beliefs, but on points of philosophy, open and respectful debate is needed.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Different views can be compared and presented in philosophical books. The philosophical and psychological loopholes in an argument may be pointed out without being disrespectful.” (1)
Now let’s examine the operative factor of this rule by examining some practical applications.
"Golden rule" in action
Here are some practical applications of how the so-called golden rule - "Do unto others as you would like done to you” - functions. By this way we may best understand how it works.
(A) A person may think, “If I need my house fixed then I should be sure to help others fix their house so they in turn will help me. And if I do not need to fix my house, then there is no need for me to help others fix their house. Reason being: I do not get any benefit from that; I do not need them to do that same work for me. In that case, why should I help others. After all, the rule is: "Do unto others as you would like done to you." And since my house is not in need of repair, there is no reason why I should help someone else fix their house.”
(B) A person living in an area with ample rainfall with access to all the food and water they need will not be concerned about those suffering from drought and starvation in the desert. Because those communities have nothing to offer that individual. Rather that person will think, “There is no reason to help those deprived of food and water, because I am not in need of those resources."
Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.
This is the "golden rule"
Now see the operative factor of this rule by examining some practical applications.
(C) If a person thinks, "I need someone to watch my kids one evening a week, so I will offer to watch my neighbor's children for an evening a week. Not because my neighbors need help in that regard, but because I need that type of support." Or, goaded by the psychology "do to others to get your own desire met", a person who has no children will see no reason to help those who have children. That person may think, "Why should I help out and watch over their kids when I myself do not have any children. If I help their kids there is nothing in it - i.e. no return - for me."
Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.
Immoral alliance to protect self-interests
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The apparent morality in a materialistic society is nothing but an immoral alliance to protect self-interests. Without spiritual ideals true morality based on universal love cannot be awakened.” (2)
In western / Semitic thought, there is a maxim:
Ananda Marga philosophy espouses the following tenet:
Some naively conclude that these two outlooks are the same. Here we delineate the stark differences between these contrasting outlooks so that there should not be any confusion about this.
It should be clear that the first approach - “Do unto others as you would want done to you” - is based on selfishness and narrow-mindedness. Whereas the neo-humanistic ideal of Ananda Marga - “Just as you hold your life dear to you, others also cherish and hold dear their own lives, so one must have compassion for them” - is wholly based on service and selflessness. The two approaches are worlds apart.
The problem is that some persons preach that both of these credos are the same: That our neo-humanistic approach is on par with the religious code known as the golden rule etc. This letter aims at addressing this misunderstanding. It logically proves how the Christian golden rule - based on the principle Christ taught - is grounded in selfishness.
Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.
Thus in so many ways, Baba has presented His neo-humanistic principle that we should have compassion for others and serve them remembering that they value and cherish their lives, and they are also the blessed children of Parama Purusa. That sadhu mentality stands in stark contrast to the selfish, provincial approach of the golden rule.
In Him,
(Jacob Unger)
The Semitic religions -- Islam (Shia, Sunni), Christianity (Protestant, Catholic, and Mormons etc), and Judaism -- are just theologies. These religions don't have any philosophy per se. That's why in the intellectual realm they are operating from a deficit; they only have their dogmatic beliefs, not any intellectual analysis. In fact, intellectual discussions about their core values are not even allowed in these Semitic faiths. One is not allowed to question the foundational pillars of those religions like the Bible, Torah, and Quran (Koran); one must just blindly accept those religious canons. In contrast, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism have their own philosophy. That's why Baba discusses those religions in a more comprehensive and in-depth manner. Just having a theology - and no philosophical tenets that can be challenged and respectfully argued - that is forced on people is bogus. In that case, i.e. in the Semitic faiths, those religious propounders made grand declarations in the name of God because they had no other tool or strategy. Devoid of philosophy - or logic and reasoning - their entire modus operandi was grounded in making sweeping declarations in the name of God and making implied threats to those who refuse to follow. Sadguru Baba mocks such false proclamations. Baba indirectly says that those propounders were cowards because they did not have the courage to say “I say”, but instead proclaimed outlandish things in the name of God. This was the adopted strategy by those propounders of the various Semitic faiths, and that's why Sadguru Baba does not address those religions in an in-depth, comprehensive manner.
~ In-depth study ~
Myth: AM is mix of the various religions
1. New sadhakas must be educated about the difference between the selfless outlook of Ananda Marga and the selfish approach of certain religious perspectives. New margiis should not be left to understand that Ananda Marga is an extension of existing religious thought, or that it is a mix of the various religions. The Ananda Marga outlook is completely new and unique and stands as the basis for neo-humanism. By their actions, it is very evident the various religions are not up to this standard. Thus one should not be inclined to appreciate or accept the "golden rule" as their polestar.
2. At present, the entire world is running after western pseudo-culture, and we must clearly warn them that the selfish, materialistic ways of capitalism west are not ideal. Using the purview of neo-humanism though, it is evident their actions and overall aim is materialistic. Here the point is that without sadhana and a deep commitment to the spiritually based outlook of neo-humanism, one unknowingly accepts and embraces materialism. Their body, mind, and outlook get coloured in that way.
3. It is our duty to spread Ananda Marga ideals and ignite discussion and debate on this issue so others may gain the requisite knowledge to understand.
Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.
What are Semitic religions
When we speak about the Semitic religions, we are referring to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. The word Semitic describes the people who came from the Middle East and their languages. Arabs and Jews are both Semitic. Christianity is a Semitic religion because it originated in the Middle East.
Healthy discussion & debate
Baba guides us that open and healthy debate is welcomed on points of philosophy. Some may wrongly think that we are not permitted to point out any religion etc. However, Baba's guideline is that we must not mock their beliefs, but on points of philosophy, open and respectful debate is needed.
Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Different views can be compared and presented in philosophical books. The philosophical and psychological loopholes in an argument may be pointed out without being disrespectful." (3)
Thus, reviewing the integrity of the Christian golden rule on points of its philosophical meaning and practical application is most definitely allowed and approved by Baba. Only the neo-humanistic outlook of Ananda Marga - not any other so-called golden rule - can lift humanity out of its present plight and bring that balm of peace.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Neohumanism is the only way – human beings will have to accept it today or tomorrow." (4)
Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.
"Golden rule" based on self-serving
That neo-humanistic sadhu mentality that is grounded in compassion and sacrifice stands in stark contrast to the above selfish, provincial approach of the golden rule.
Pillars of neo-humanism: service & selflessness
Here below is another guideline from Sadguru Baba that demonstrates that our neo-humanistic approach is based on service and selflessness. The key element is that it is not about wanting or receiving anything in return, but is fully focused on serving others.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Bear in mind that you have a duty towards – indeed, you owe a debt to – every creature of this universe, but towards you, no one has any duty; from others, nothing is due." (5)
And in another discourse, Baba explains this same shloka in a very similar way.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "'Every living being’s own life is the dearest life to that being. Just as my own life is dear to me, so is the life of others dear to them. One who knows the truth and looks at others as one’s own, and has feelings of sympathy and kindness for them, is a sa'dhu.' This type of person is born on earth in order to render selfless service to humanity." (6)
Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.
1. Human Society - 1, Moralism
2. Tattva Kaoumdii, Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy, Q & A #45
3. Human Society - 1; "Moralism"
4. Neo-humanism in a Nutshell - 1, Perfect Spirituality and Neohumanism
5. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, Point #3
6. Discourses on Krsna and the Giita, Why Does Supreme Consciousness Descend?
The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.
* * *
== Section 2: Important Teaching ==
Unjust naming of Mt Everest
Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Mt. Everest, of the Himalayan range, is the highest mountain in the world. This fact was established by Ra'dha'nath Sikadar. Most probably he named the peak after his supervising officer, the Surveyor General of that time, Mr. Everest." (1)
Note 1: Baba is revealing the reality that Ra'dha'nath Sikadar of India first established the truth that Everest is the highest peak in the world. Hence credit should be given to Ra'dha'nath Sikadar, not Mr. Everest. But Mr. Everest took the credit and kept it in his own name. Otherwise the name would be Mt. Ra'dha'nath.
Note 2: Generally speaking, people are not aware how this illustrious mountain of the Himalayan range was named. In particular, why was a European name given for this peak when other Himalayan peaks are named in Sanskrit - like Mt. Kaela'sh.
Note 3: During the British rule of India, the 'Surveyor General' post was occupied by Mr. Everest.
1. Varn'a Vicitra, Sanskrit Grammar Book, last discourse part 1
Recipe for greatness
Ananda Marga ideology states, “महत् कौन हैं ? महत् के सम्बन्ध में | जानते हो शब्द है महत्, प्रथमा एकवचन है महान् | तो, महान् कौन है ? महत् कौन है ? इस सम्बन्ध में कहा गया क्या ? न, ‘परोपकारात् महत् इति ज्ञेयम्’ | अर्थात् जो परोपकार करते हैं, उन्हीं को महत् कहते हैं | और, जो काफ़ी लिखा-पढ़ी सीखे हैं, काफ़ी धनराशि इकट्ठा किए हैं, काफ़ी मान लो पूर्व पुरुष का सम्मान है, सामाजिक प्रतिष्ठा है, सब कुछ है, तो भी वह महत् नहीं है | क्यों ? न, परोपकारात् महत् इति ज्ञेयम् | परोपकार जो करते हैं, वही महत् हैं | और, परोपकार के लिए अधिक धनराशि की भी आवश्यकता नहीं है | तुम्हारे पास जो सम्पद है, उस मौजूदा सम्पद से तुम परोपकार करो | शरीर मज़बूत है तो शरीर से करो | पैसा है, पैसे से करो | बुद्धि है, बुद्धि से करो | क़ुव्वत है, क़ुव्वत से करो | कुछ नहीं है, सद्भावना से करो | [मार्गी लोग---"बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !"] | तो, परोपकार से ही मनुष्य महत् बनते हैं | और जहाँ परोपकार नहीं है, वहीं वे क्षुद्र बन जाते हैं, छोटा बन जाते हैं” (1)
Here below is an English summary of Baba’s above Hindi teaching.
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 28 (H), chapter 19
Recent Postings
Golden rule vs neo-humanism
Sometimes folks talk among themselves and wonder, “Why have people become so selfish these days?”
In His teachings, Baba cites the example from ancient India when a king saw a hawk catch a small, helpless bird. The king stepped forward to rescue that bird. Then the hawk asked the king, “What am I going to eat?” In turn, the king coaxed the hawk into releasing the small, tender bird, and the king offered his own flesh to the hawk to eat. That type of teaching was given to young children. So in their infancy those small kids learned to sacrifice for the welfare of others. The general human tendency is to rush and help those who are suffering.
The same question arises, “Why do some people become selfish?” The answer is embedded in the below letter. Kindly read carefully and you will get the answer.
Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.
"Golden rule"
The following is the Christian perspective of their stated golden rule.
The Christian golden rule is based on the principle Jesus Christ taught in Matthew:7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.: "Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them," adding, "for this is the Law and the Prophets.
We shall compare the above golden rule with the neo-humanistic principle of sádhutá. Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.
View of AM: debate on religious loopholes
First we should bear in mind that Baba guides us that open and healthy debate is welcomed on points of philosophy. Some may wrongly think that we are not permitted to point out any religion etc. However, Baba's guideline is that we must not mock their beliefs, but on points of philosophy, open and respectful debate is needed.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Different views can be compared and presented in philosophical books. The philosophical and psychological loopholes in an argument may be pointed out without being disrespectful.” (1)
Now let’s examine the operative factor of this rule by examining some practical applications.
"Golden rule" in action
Here are some practical applications of how the so-called golden rule - "Do unto others as you would like done to you” - functions. By this way we may best understand how it works.
(A) A person may think, “If I need my house fixed then I should be sure to help others fix their house so they in turn will help me. And if I do not need to fix my house, then there is no need for me to help others fix their house. Reason being: I do not get any benefit from that; I do not need them to do that same work for me. In that case, why should I help others. After all, the rule is: "Do unto others as you would like done to you." And since my house is not in need of repair, there is no reason why I should help someone else fix their house.”
(B) A person living in an area with ample rainfall with access to all the food and water they need will not be concerned about those suffering from drought and starvation in the desert. Because those communities have nothing to offer that individual. Rather that person will think, “There is no reason to help those deprived of food and water, because I am not in need of those resources."
Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.
This is the "golden rule"
The Christian golden rule is based on the principle Jesus Christ taught in Matthew:7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.: "Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them," adding, "for this is the Law and the Prophets.
Now see the operative factor of this rule by examining some practical applications.
(C) If a person thinks, "I need someone to watch my kids one evening a week, so I will offer to watch my neighbor's children for an evening a week. Not because my neighbors need help in that regard, but because I need that type of support." Or, goaded by the psychology "do to others to get your own desire met", a person who has no children will see no reason to help those who have children. That person may think, "Why should I help out and watch over their kids when I myself do not have any children. If I help their kids there is nothing in it - i.e. no return - for me."
Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.
Immoral alliance to protect self-interests
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The apparent morality in a materialistic society is nothing but an immoral alliance to protect self-interests. Without spiritual ideals true morality based on universal love cannot be awakened.” (2)
In western / Semitic thought, there is a maxim:
“Do unto others as you would want done to you.”
Ananda Marga philosophy espouses the following tenet:
“Just as my own life is dear to me, so is the life of others dear to them. As I want to live all other beings also wish to live. So one must have compassion for them.”
Some naively conclude that these two outlooks are the same. Here we delineate the stark differences between these contrasting outlooks so that there should not be any confusion about this.
It should be clear that the first approach - “Do unto others as you would want done to you” - is based on selfishness and narrow-mindedness. Whereas the neo-humanistic ideal of Ananda Marga - “Just as you hold your life dear to you, others also cherish and hold dear their own lives, so one must have compassion for them” - is wholly based on service and selflessness. The two approaches are worlds apart.
The problem is that some persons preach that both of these credos are the same: That our neo-humanistic approach is on par with the religious code known as the golden rule etc. This letter aims at addressing this misunderstanding. It logically proves how the Christian golden rule - based on the principle Christ taught - is grounded in selfishness.
Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.
Thus in so many ways, Baba has presented His neo-humanistic principle that we should have compassion for others and serve them remembering that they value and cherish their lives, and they are also the blessed children of Parama Purusa. That sadhu mentality stands in stark contrast to the selfish, provincial approach of the golden rule.
In Him,
(Jacob Unger)
The Semitic religions -- Islam (Shia, Sunni), Christianity (Protestant, Catholic, and Mormons etc), and Judaism -- are just theologies. These religions don't have any philosophy per se. That's why in the intellectual realm they are operating from a deficit; they only have their dogmatic beliefs, not any intellectual analysis. In fact, intellectual discussions about their core values are not even allowed in these Semitic faiths. One is not allowed to question the foundational pillars of those religions like the Bible, Torah, and Quran (Koran); one must just blindly accept those religious canons. In contrast, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism have their own philosophy. That's why Baba discusses those religions in a more comprehensive and in-depth manner. Just having a theology - and no philosophical tenets that can be challenged and respectfully argued - that is forced on people is bogus. In that case, i.e. in the Semitic faiths, those religious propounders made grand declarations in the name of God because they had no other tool or strategy. Devoid of philosophy - or logic and reasoning - their entire modus operandi was grounded in making sweeping declarations in the name of God and making implied threats to those who refuse to follow. Sadguru Baba mocks such false proclamations. Baba indirectly says that those propounders were cowards because they did not have the courage to say “I say”, but instead proclaimed outlandish things in the name of God. This was the adopted strategy by those propounders of the various Semitic faiths, and that's why Sadguru Baba does not address those religions in an in-depth, comprehensive manner.
~ In-depth study ~
1. New sadhakas must be educated about the difference between the selfless outlook of Ananda Marga and the selfish approach of certain religious perspectives. New margiis should not be left to understand that Ananda Marga is an extension of existing religious thought, or that it is a mix of the various religions. The Ananda Marga outlook is completely new and unique and stands as the basis for neo-humanism. By their actions, it is very evident the various religions are not up to this standard. Thus one should not be inclined to appreciate or accept the "golden rule" as their polestar.
2. At present, the entire world is running after western pseudo-culture, and we must clearly warn them that the selfish, materialistic ways of capitalism west are not ideal. Using the purview of neo-humanism though, it is evident their actions and overall aim is materialistic. Here the point is that without sadhana and a deep commitment to the spiritually based outlook of neo-humanism, one unknowingly accepts and embraces materialism. Their body, mind, and outlook get coloured in that way.
3. It is our duty to spread Ananda Marga ideals and ignite discussion and debate on this issue so others may gain the requisite knowledge to understand.
Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.
What are Semitic religions
When we speak about the Semitic religions, we are referring to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. The word Semitic describes the people who came from the Middle East and their languages. Arabs and Jews are both Semitic. Christianity is a Semitic religion because it originated in the Middle East.
Healthy discussion & debate
Baba guides us that open and healthy debate is welcomed on points of philosophy. Some may wrongly think that we are not permitted to point out any religion etc. However, Baba's guideline is that we must not mock their beliefs, but on points of philosophy, open and respectful debate is needed.
Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Different views can be compared and presented in philosophical books. The philosophical and psychological loopholes in an argument may be pointed out without being disrespectful." (3)
Thus, reviewing the integrity of the Christian golden rule on points of its philosophical meaning and practical application is most definitely allowed and approved by Baba. Only the neo-humanistic outlook of Ananda Marga - not any other so-called golden rule - can lift humanity out of its present plight and bring that balm of peace.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Neohumanism is the only way – human beings will have to accept it today or tomorrow." (4)
Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.
"Golden rule" based on self-serving
The Christian golden rule is based on the principle Jesus Christ taught in Matthew:7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.: "Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them," adding, "for this is the Law and the Prophets.
That neo-humanistic sadhu mentality that is grounded in compassion and sacrifice stands in stark contrast to the above selfish, provincial approach of the golden rule.
Pillars of neo-humanism: service & selflessness
Here below is another guideline from Sadguru Baba that demonstrates that our neo-humanistic approach is based on service and selflessness. The key element is that it is not about wanting or receiving anything in return, but is fully focused on serving others.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Bear in mind that you have a duty towards – indeed, you owe a debt to – every creature of this universe, but towards you, no one has any duty; from others, nothing is due." (5)
And in another discourse, Baba explains this same shloka in a very similar way.
Pránáh yathátmano’bhiiśt́ah bhútánám api te tathá;
Átmaopamyena bhutánáḿ dayáḿ kurvanti sádhavah.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "'Every living being’s own life is the dearest life to that being. Just as my own life is dear to me, so is the life of others dear to them. One who knows the truth and looks at others as one’s own, and has feelings of sympathy and kindness for them, is a sa'dhu.' This type of person is born on earth in order to render selfless service to humanity." (6)
Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.
1. Human Society - 1, Moralism
2. Tattva Kaoumdii, Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy, Q & A #45
3. Human Society - 1; "Moralism"
4. Neo-humanism in a Nutshell - 1, Perfect Spirituality and Neohumanism
5. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, Point #3
6. Discourses on Krsna and the Giita, Why Does Supreme Consciousness Descend?
* * *
The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.
* * *
== Section 2: Important Teaching ==
Unjust naming of Mt Everest
Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Mt. Everest, of the Himalayan range, is the highest mountain in the world. This fact was established by Ra'dha'nath Sikadar. Most probably he named the peak after his supervising officer, the Surveyor General of that time, Mr. Everest." (1)
Note 1: Baba is revealing the reality that Ra'dha'nath Sikadar of India first established the truth that Everest is the highest peak in the world. Hence credit should be given to Ra'dha'nath Sikadar, not Mr. Everest. But Mr. Everest took the credit and kept it in his own name. Otherwise the name would be Mt. Ra'dha'nath.
Note 2: Generally speaking, people are not aware how this illustrious mountain of the Himalayan range was named. In particular, why was a European name given for this peak when other Himalayan peaks are named in Sanskrit - like Mt. Kaela'sh.
Note 3: During the British rule of India, the 'Surveyor General' post was occupied by Mr. Everest.
1. Varn'a Vicitra, Sanskrit Grammar Book, last discourse part 1
== Section: Important Teaching ==
Recipe for greatness
Ananda Marga ideology states, “महत् कौन हैं ? महत् के सम्बन्ध में | जानते हो शब्द है महत्, प्रथमा एकवचन है महान् | तो, महान् कौन है ? महत् कौन है ? इस सम्बन्ध में कहा गया क्या ? न, ‘परोपकारात् महत् इति ज्ञेयम्’ | अर्थात् जो परोपकार करते हैं, उन्हीं को महत् कहते हैं | और, जो काफ़ी लिखा-पढ़ी सीखे हैं, काफ़ी धनराशि इकट्ठा किए हैं, काफ़ी मान लो पूर्व पुरुष का सम्मान है, सामाजिक प्रतिष्ठा है, सब कुछ है, तो भी वह महत् नहीं है | क्यों ? न, परोपकारात् महत् इति ज्ञेयम् | परोपकार जो करते हैं, वही महत् हैं | और, परोपकार के लिए अधिक धनराशि की भी आवश्यकता नहीं है | तुम्हारे पास जो सम्पद है, उस मौजूदा सम्पद से तुम परोपकार करो | शरीर मज़बूत है तो शरीर से करो | पैसा है, पैसे से करो | बुद्धि है, बुद्धि से करो | क़ुव्वत है, क़ुव्वत से करो | कुछ नहीं है, सद्भावना से करो | [मार्गी लोग---"बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !"] | तो, परोपकार से ही मनुष्य महत् बनते हैं | और जहाँ परोपकार नहीं है, वहीं वे क्षुद्र बन जाते हैं, छोटा बन जाते हैं” (1)
Here below is an English summary of Baba’s above Hindi teaching.
Who is mahat (great)? who is maha'na (great)? About this it has been said, 'paropaka'rat mahat', i.e. those who serve others are mahat. Even if one has studied volumes of books, or accumulated huge wealth, or has a prestigious family heritage, or a good reputation in the society, they are not great if they do not serve others. Only those who serve others are mahat (great). To do social service, huge money is not needed. Whatever strength you have, utilise that to serve others. If your body is strong physically then serve people with your physical might. If you have money, then serve people financially. If you have intellect then serve others with that capacity. If you have courage then serve others by your bravery. And if you do not have anything, then serve others with your good thoughts and well-wishing. Human beings become great by serving others. If a person does not serve they become low and mean. They become meager.Reference
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 28 (H), chapter 19
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