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Saturday, January 25, 2025

Is AM on the verge of extinction? + 2 more

Is AM on the verge of extinction?


Sadguru Baba guides us that the chief import of history is so that we may learn from the past - and not repeat those mistakes of old - and apply those lessons in the present to help society advance. In that vein, here are a few historical reminders that shed light on our duty as Ananda Margiis.

Historical examples of degradation due to Islam

Example #1: Ruination of Buddhist universities

For centuries upon centuries up until 1947, present day Pakistan was a part of India. Buddhism was dominant everywhere 2400 years ago. And, at that time, there were three extremely large universities (vishvavidyalaya): (a) Takshashiila (formerly in western India), (b) Nalanda (in Bihar), and (c) Vikramshila (in Bihar). In those days, 2400 years ago, those universities served several hundred thousand students. They were thriving institutions, and now, tragically, they are all in ruins — all three were utterly destroyed. Ultimately, Buddhism was eradicated from India during the time of Shankaracharya and the ensuing period. The area of Takshashila vishvavidyalaya (university) is now part of the Muslim country, Pakistan. This is an iconic example of how an area can be completely degraded. What was once home to advanced teachings and sentient studies during the Buddhist era became the place of a dogmatic and lowly way of life. That high-minded society was destroyed. And still today that land area is dominated by rigid, exploitative Muslim clerics whereby females have no rights. Verily, according to Islamic law, three females are equal to one male.

Example #2: Degeneration in Afghanistan 

Present-day Afghanistan suffered a similar fate. A few thousand years ago that area was also a part of India, dating back to the Mahabharata period. The historical King Dhritarashtra's wife was from the area known as Khandahara. And in those days everyone spoke Samskrta in that locale. The world-renowned grammarian Panini was also born in that very land. Moreover, that entire area was dominated by Vaedika civilization, and even the Yajurveda was composed there. So that land has a very rich history; it was a part of India that was intimately linked with the Vaedika civilization and the refinement of the Samskrta language etc. And, when the whole of India was converted to Buddhism that area also became Buddhist. The story of the Bamiyan Buddhas is one of the destruction of two giant Buddha statues carved into the mountains of Afghanistan in the 6th century. The statues were destroyed by the Taliban in 2001.

In that area, during the Mahabharata era and down to the Buddhist period - a span of about 1,000 years - the general standard of human beings was very high. And now today it is a completely different story. 

The people who reside there do not want to know or associate with their lineage as they are now steeped in Islamic dogma. Furthermore, the country is ruled by the extremist Taliban group and is home to several hundred thousand Islamic terrorists.

Example #3: Extinction of Zoroastrian

India is not isolated in this regard. All over the world, there are countless places where this has occurred. For example: In Iran, Zoroastrianism was the predominant religion. Then, after the Muslim invasion and forced conversion, almost all of the followers of the prior Zoroastrian religion were maimed and killed. The remaining followers fled and escaped to India to save their lives from those barbarous Islamic invaders. And still to this day their descendants are living in India; and, now Iran is a full-fledged Islamic country. 


The main point of this entire letter is that if dharmic teachings are not practiced, followed, and handed down properly generation after generation, and  no arrangement is made to safeguard those high-minded teachings then that noble society may face a severe downturn wherein people start living in a debased manner like animals. The historical examples mentioned above should alert all Ananda Margiis to the importance of maintaining Sadguru Baba’s teachings. That means all AM teachings - sadhana 16 Points, yama and niyama, asanas, all conduct rules etc - should be practiced, followed, and handed down properly generation after generation. Only then can we ensure our AM society, and all those dharmic teachings, shall remain intact.

Conclusion: How to save

 As His disciples, it is incumbent on us to carefully and properly learn Baba’s teachings so that we may be shining examples to the rest of society. We must protect Baba’s teachings so that no inimical force will have any opportunity to destroy them. The main vehicle to propagate Ananda Marga is Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha--- AMPS. Unfortunately, at present, that vehicle has gone off the tracks and is not only dysfunctional but self-destructive as we are losing members left and right. That places our future in a precarious position. Old members of AM are on the verge of leaving this earth, and new members are not being created. If this situation continues, then AM philosophy will be extinguished from this earth. Pessimists make such claims, but I am not a pessimist. The vigorous energetic youths of AMPS should be encouraged to practice and propagate Ananda Marga philosophy among the new generation so that more people will understand and want to follow the sublime teachings of Sadguru Baba.

Sadguru Baba states, “From place to place, from age to age, the elixir of immortality has been flowing forever. Through the medium of human structures this message of immortality is transmitted onwards. So no human beings should ever belittle or slight themselves, rather they should make rigorous efforts to become worthy mediums (media). The wise and intelligent ideate less on their defects and demerits and more on the Supreme desideratum.” (1)

In Him,

Torchbearers of AM ideology

   Ananda Marga ideology says, "Crisis is quite natural for something moving. Wherever there is movement, there is struggle...But you know, I am not a pessimist. I am always an optimist. And I want all my sons and daughters to be optimists. And I want them to struggle against this death signal of humanity, and come out successful."
   "And I am sure that you boys and you girls must be optimists; and it is your duty to save humanity. And I hope you will be able to save humanity, because, just like me, you are also optimistic. You should know that great, or good, people are few in number, they are not many. They do not come within the scope of millions or billions. They are always few in number. And these few, they are the torchbearers of human society, they are the pioneers, they are the vanguards of human society. So it is your duty to save humanity. And those who are unable to shoulder their own bags and baggages -- their responsibilities are to be shouldered by you. You should remember that the life of a spiritual aspirant is a mission. One's entire life is a mission, one's entire existence is a mission. And your mission is -- what? To save humanity from this crisis. I hope you will be successful. And I not only hope, I am sure that you will be successful." (2)

1. Ánanda Váńii Saḿgraha #66
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, To Save Humanity

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

One golden dawn

"Eso tumi a'ma'r ghare, baso hiya'r a'sane..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0906)


O’ Parama Purusa, please come to my humble abode and sit in the inner core of my heart. For ages and ages, I have been longing for You. My Supreme Entity, in one lonely place, in my mind I have prepared the seat of a thousand petaled lotus for You, and decorated it with the love of my heart. I have created an altar for You and embellished it with flowers of bhakti.

O’ Supreme One, for such a long time I have been coming and going onto this dusty earth - through countless cycles of birth and death. In Your cycle of creation, there is no leisure time for taking rest, i.e. no pause. Those who come one day go, and those who have gone will one day come in new life. So there is no period of repose in Your continuous cycle of srsti cakra. Always one is either coming or going.  By Your grace, in one golden dawn, my spiritual journey, my sadhana to immortality started in my mind. 

O’ Parama Purusa, while moving on the spiritual path, from time to time I go astray and lose the way. I compromise with my sadhana and 16 points. Each moment, fatigue overcomes my body and mind. So I am incapable of moving properly; that is why I go off the path. Baba, please forgive me; bless me and shower a wee-bit of Your causeless grace, and bring me back onto whenever I veer off in the wrong direction. 

Baba, please come in my heart. In my Guru cakra, I have prepared a thousand petaled lotus for You...

== Section 3: Links ==