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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Breathing: special yogic techniques + 3 more


Breathing: special yogic techniques


In Ananda Marga, all are aware that proper breath control and the correct use of the nostrils plays a vital role in our physical well-being, mental health, and spiritual growth. From proper digestion to the sublime aspect of our spiritual practices, the science of svara shastra (breath control / science of breathing) has a significant effect. And this letter explores more on this important topic.

Nostrils: right, left, & both

In the general society, little is said about the science of svara shastra (i.e. science of breathing). Common people just go on with their days unaware about the flow of the air in their body. But every Ananda Margii knows that Sadguru Baba places much importance on right breathing, and He gives particular instruction as to what types of actions correspond with each of the nostrils.

In quick review, as a basic rule, when the body is engaged in physical works - such as running, walking, etc - then the right nostril should be the dominant nostril. That means the air should be flowing primarily through the right nostril.

Included within this category is the process of eating. Food should also be taken when the air is flowing freely and predominantly through the right nostril. And for proper digestion half-an-hour prior to taking food, during the meal itself, and for the first hour after eating, the right nostril should be dominant and managing most of the airflow into and out of the body. Only in this way will the body be able to digest the food properly. On the whole, all physical works (moderate to hard) are done using the right nostril.

In contrast, during more psychic or mental types of activities like studying, reading, memorizing, doing svadhyaya, and sadhana (dharana, dhyana, pratyahara, Guru puja) etc, the left nostril should be dominant. That means the air should be flowing primarily through the left nostril during these engagements. Included in this is the drinking of fluids. During that time also, i.e. while drinking, the left nostril should be controlling most or all of the air flow.

And when left or both the nostrils are open this is very  good for sadhana. Yet there is no breathing rule for second lesson and half-meditation.

For very healthy people who have no stomach issues, most of the time this switching over of the nostrils happens quite naturally - that is to say the body does this automatically. Even then it is extremely important for sadhakas to be aware about this process because due to stomach disorders, a change in routine, or for any reason, it can happen that the correct nostril is not dominant. In which case, one will have to switch the nostrils otherwise that will only invite more problems. Here is a quick look at the inner science of the functioning of the nostrils.

The science deep within

In the human body, there are three nadiis or subtle nerve channels: (a) Ida, (b) Piungala, and (c) Susumna. And these three nadiis run from the muladhara cakra to the ajina cakra. And where they all cross is known as the cakra.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The cakras are situated at the intersecting point of ida, sus'umna' and piungala." (1)

These nadiis are deeply linked with the inner functioning of the body, the human psyche, and with our spiritual lives. And, in addition, each nadii is intrinsically related with a particular type of breath control. For example when ida nadii is dominant or active then the breath flows through the left nostril; when the piungala is active then the air is flowing primarily through the right nostril; when the susumna is active, then both nostrils are open.

When one nadii is dominating then that corresponding nostril is open. So the whole inner science of breath control is based on the dominance of the nadiis - when one or another or both have an active role. Accordingly - depending on the nadii - that type of work or activity can be done.

Nostrils: what to do when - food & sadhana study

Here then are some of Baba's important guidelines about what can be done:

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Take solid food when the right nostril (Piungala Na'd'ii) is predominant." (2)

So the right nostril is used for taking solid food and doing physical work.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "When your left nostril (Ida' Na'd'ii) is active you should take liquid food." (3)

The left nostril is used when drinking and for doing mental work.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "When your Id'a' Na'd'ii is working predominantly, you should utilize the time for your sadhana." (4)

And sadhana is to be done when the ida nadii alone is open or when it is functioning in cooperation with the right nostril. In that manner, Baba specifically guides us that our actions must correspond with the dominance of a particular nadii.

Dominant nadii: awareness needed

So our awareness about all this is highly needed and useful in our practical lives. Because the entire theory svara shastra is one grand science and not just some dream or menagerie. When our left nostril is dominating then our thinking will be optimal. And when the right nostril is open then digestion will be proper and our body will be ready to do work. And when the left nostril or both nostrils are open then that is especially advantageous for sadhana.

But if due to a change in routine, sickness, or for whatever reason, if the proper nadii is not dominating for the appropriate activity, then that will create serious problems. If the right nostril is not open while eating food then it is sure that digestion will not be proper. And that will invite diseases like acidity, indigestion (dyspepsia) etc. And when reading or reflecting, if the left nostril is not dominating, then one's whole thinking pattern and mental processes will be sporadic and imbalanced etc.

Our awareness of breath control and which nostril is open is very important to know about. Because if ever the wrong nostril is dominating and one realises it, then that person can do something to switch over to the dominance of the other nostril. And thus affect positive change in the life - either physically, psychically, or spiritually.

Which position is best for sleeping

In brief it is always best to sleep on the left side because in general sleep slows down the digestion process, in which case it is important to keep the right nostril open by lying down on the left side. Doing so will help with digestion. Even our sleep cycle is linked with the system of nadiis. To continue, a bad position for sleeping is is to lie flat on one's back. Even worse is to sleep lying on the right side. The absolute worst position for sleeping is sleeping on the stomach; that should be completely avoided - it is unhealthy. All this was told by Baba in various reporting sessions. But in particular one time He told all these points concerning sleep when publicly correcting the way one Wt was sleeping.

With regards to the science of svara shastra (i.e. science of breathing), sleeping on the left side is most helpful as it opens the right nostril for better digestion.


Overall, being familiar with the science of svara shastra (i.e. science of breathing) and following Baba's special guidelines in this regard will lead to the all-round development in all the spheres of life. Because this science of breath control has a deep seeded effect and is one essential factor happening in each and every moment of our lives. So although this science is basically ignored by the common society, in the life of a sadhaka it is extremely important and meaningful.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Here is a summary of Baba's guidelines on svsharshastra (i.e. science of breath control). The below points have been organised according to the nature of human activity and engagement.

- Overall approach - influences people in various ways

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Moreover, the process of breathing, depending upon whether the breath is flowing through the right nostril or the left nostril or both nostrils, influences people in various ways. It was Shiva who determined what kind of activity should be performed, depending on which nostril the breath was flowing through, and depending on whether the id́á or piungalá or suśumná channel was active. He set down specific rules and regulations as to when one should undertake physical, psychic or spiritual activities. He further instructed when and in what circumstances one should do ásanas, práńáyáma, dhárańá, dhyána, etc. This science, which Shiva invented and developed, was known as svara shástra or svarodaya [science of breath control]. Prior to Him, the world was not aware of this science. Shiva also gave clear instructions how this science could be applied by people in the practical field of action. In fact, this svara shástra did help the people later to solve many problems in their mundane as well as spiritual lives." (5)

- Sadhana is to be done

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "When your Id'a' Na'd'ii is working predominantly, you should utilize the time for your sadhana." (6)

And sadhana is to be done when the ida nadii alone is open or when it is functioning in cooperation with the right nostril.

- Physical exercise - lifting a very heavy load

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "When doing a heavy job while breathing normally, a person might have serious difficulties - perhaps one's limbs might be broken - but in a state of baddha kumbhaka or purna kumbhaka (with the lungs full), one can easily do the same work. While doing some over-strenuous activity in a state of shunya kumbhaka (with the lungs empty) one might even die." (7)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Suppose you are climbing to a high place or lifting a very heavy load. If you do not follow the system of breathing while lifting the load, your hands may become painful or your bones dislocated. If you do the same work in a state of shunya kumbhaka (lungs empty), you will have great difficulty - you may even collapse. If on the contrary, you perform any strenuous activity in purna kumbhaka, taking a deep breath, you can easily do it. All this comes within the scope of that svaravijinana." (8)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "You might have read in the Ramayana that Hanuman, by taking a deep breath, made his body swell and lifted a whole mountain. Although it is a mythological story, it refers to the science of svaravijinana." (9)

- Food: breathe mainly through the right nostril

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Take solid food when the right nostril (Piungala Na'd'ii) is predominant." (10)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "When your left nostril (Ida' Na'd'ii) is active you should take liquid food." (11)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "It is good to take food when the main flow of breath is through the right nostril. Even after food, it is good if the flow of breath mainly through the right nostril continues for some time. Because that is the time when the digestive glands start secreting a sufficient quantity of fluids to help digestion." (12)

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says, "During mealtime and for an hour thereafter the breath should be flowing through the right nostril." (13)

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says, "It is desirable to take food or to defecate when the main flow of breath is through the right nostril. Even after food, it is desirable if the flow of breath mainly through the right nostril continues for some time. Because that is the time when the digestive glands start secreting a sufficient quantity of fluids to help digestion." (14)

- Helpful on fasting days

Svara shastra - the science of breathing and breath control - is helpful on fasting days also. Those intimidated by fasting can resolve their problem by doing this. Start your fasting day, and when the feeling of hunger arises then lie down on your right side. That will make the left nostril dominant and the feeling of hunger will dissipate. And if the feeling of hunger arises again then again lie down on the right side. By this way, one can control the urge to eat and have a successful fasting day.

- Treatment: flowing through the patient’s right nostril

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says, "As with dyspepsia, during mealtime and for an hour thereafter breath should be flowing through the patient's right nostril. At the time of severe colic pain, the dominant flow of breath should be changed from the nostril through which it was flowing at the time the pain started to the other nostril. Allowing the bile to accumulate by not taking something when one is hungry should never be permitted, because in that event the undigested bile itself will become the cause of acidity." (15)

- Asanas: left nostril or both nostrils

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Practise Asanas only while breath is flowing through the left nostril or both nostrils; do not practise asanas when the breath flows only through the right nostril." (16)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "There is no restriction of nostrils for the following asanas: Padmasana (lotus posture), Siddhasana (Siddha posture), Ardhasiddhasana (half Siddha posture), Bhojanasana ('cross-legged sitting posture'), Viirasana (Viira posture), Diirgha Pranama (long bowing posture), Yogasana (Yoga posture) and Bhujaungasana (snake posture)." (17)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "For all those asanas where there is no restriction of nostrils, there is no restriction on food either." (18)

More about svarashastra

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "[Sadashiva] also invented sha'stras; that is, He found the link between the exhalation and inhalation of breath...This is called svarashastra." (19)

This entire science of svarashastra is highly significant and occurs deep within the subtle processes of the body. All this occurs within the internal workings of the human structure. Rather it all happens automatically-- deep within all this is going on.

Because when the body is in a state of balance and health then automatically the proper nostril will be working according to the type of activity one is involved in. If anyone is not accustomed to or less aware about this, then at any given time they can test which nostril is working by placing their finger(s) just below the two nostrils while exhaling. Then one can feel the air flow and it becomes quite evident which nostril is dominating.

So again, this all happens quite naturally when the body is healthy.

The purpose of this letter is to bring awareness to times when the body is not functioning properly and empower one with the ability to make the body healthy and balanced by changing the dominant nostril. This is one very helpful and practical technique.

And this applies not just to physical health but psycho-spiritual well-being also. For instance, if sadhana is not pointed and the mind is running hither and thither, then check to see if the left nostril is dominant. If not, then make it dominant by lying on the right side for a few minutes. Once the left nostril becomes dominant, return to your sadhana and certainly you will experience a shift in the quality of your meditation.

For better sadhana it is ideal for both nostrils to be of equal flow. But that is extremely rare and it is difficult to create this artificially. So the next best scenario is to have the left nostril dominant - and that will help in sadhana.

So this is quite practical on many fronts.

1. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Plexi and Microvita
2. Caryacarya - 2, Social Norms, Point #35
3. Caryacarya - 2, Social Norms, Point #35
4. Caryacarya - 2, Social Norms, Point #36
5. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, 95 Edn, p. 25-6
6. Caryacarya - 2, Social Norms, Point #36
7. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva – the Focal Point of Everything (Discourse 3)
8. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva – the Focal Point of Everything (Discourse 3)
9. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva – the Focal Point of Everything (Discourse 3)
10. Caryacarya - 2, Social Norms, Point #35
11. Caryacarya - 2, Social Norms, Point #35
12. Caryacarya - 3, Procedure for Eating
13. Yogic Treatment, Acidity
14. Yogic Treatment - Dyspepsia (Indigestion)
15. Yogic Treatments, Acidity
16. Caryacarya Part III, chapter 8, pt #6
17. Caryacarya Part III, chapter 8, pt #19
18. Caryacarya Part III, chapter 8, pt #20
19. Song Dance And Instrumental Music

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Drowned in vanity

Note: Parama Purusa is sitting next to the bhakta that’s why in the purport O’ is not written.

“Tomáre khunjechi janam bhare, áloke ándháre ságar páre…” (Prabhat Samgiita #4923)


My Parama Purusa, I have searched for You my whole life, in broad daylight, in the darkness of night, and also across the vast ocean. I have sought You in honey-filled, flower bouquets, as well as in terrible, frightening mountain caves, rushing river waters, old shrines, and remote so called pilgrimages. I have traveled around to the so-called holy places of numerous villages, towns, and cities with the hope of having Your darshan. I went to various so-called tiirthas  - Varanasi, Puri, Mecca, Rome, Jerusalem, and I also went to Ananda Nagar, Tiljala, and Jamalpur to find You. But my longing was not quenched; Baba, You were not seen in any of those places. I have looked for You everywhere. 

In my penance - in hopes of having a glimpse of You - I almost embraced death. In doing the tapasya of climbing treacherous mountains to reach so-called holy places, I almost died in an avalanche, and nearly breathed my last. I also kindled diipávalii - i.e. lit the ritualistic lamp. After blowing the conch, I also poured the so-called holy Ganges water, and engaged in all kinds of dogmatic rituals - one after another. Baba, I made various efforts to have Your darshan, but, alas, I did not find You there.

Baba, my Parama Purusa, I have completely forgotten how much time has passed. I wasted so much of my valuable life in useless penance, rituals, so-called tiirthas, and dogma. The cream of my life was squandered. Dominated by my own ego, I thought that since I have done all kinds of so-called holy rituals, then surely I am going to get Your grace. I figured I need not ask. Drowned in vanity, I failed to ask for Your krpa, and did not seek a wee-bit of karuńá from You. Due to my crude outlook, I never thought that You were there - deep within the core of my mind. 

Today, You have graced me and given me the realisation that You are residing in my heart - always. In search of You, I need not go anywhere….

== Section: Important Teaching ==

God-fearing vs atheists

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The word “godly” and “god-fearing” do not have the same meaning. Behind godliness is a soul-stirring sentiment – an ardent zeal to realize one’s true Self; and the reason behind the fear of God is the important attempt to escape from the consequential suffering of one’s misdeeds. Yet the latter is still superior to the atheists, because at least for fear of divine punishment they refrain from sinful acts. The greatest advantage of the theists is that they do not endure the pangs of internal clash. But no matter how brazenly sceptics indulge in tall talks or sharpen the edge of their verbal weapons to win in an argument, there is always a fight going on in their minds. Reading a few pages of a book or listening to the eloquences of a few speakers, they seek to violate their own nature. With their fragmental external knowledge they try to struggle against the indivisible Supreme Entity, and in the end, being defeated, they say, “If He does exist, then why can’t we find Him?” Yet all the while their inner selves lament within them.” (1)

Note: There are three key and important points from the above teaching.

(1) The religions preach that one must be God-fearing, otherwise God will punish and destroy you. They think that is the best possible relationship one can have with the Divine, i.e to be God-fearing. According to Ananda Marga philosophy, fear is the worst type of relation with God. If one fears Him they will not like to go close to Him. In which case, one can never become one with that Supreme Entity. So it is very obvious that by this religious formula, no one can realize God.

(2) The teachings of Ananda Marga are the topmost: Ananda Marga preaches that one should cultivate love for the Divine Entity. By that way, the bhakta wishes to go close to Him and ultimately becomes one with Him, by His grace.

(3) The status of atheists is worse than followers of the dogmatic religions. Religious adherents refrain from doing bad due to fear of the Lord. But atheists have two problems. First, they do not have any genuine, dharmic rules in their life. Secondly, such atheists perpetually suffer from existential issues. With their logic they say they do not believe in God and try to disprove His existence, yet their heart tells them otherwise. Then their logical mind retorts, “If God exists then why can I not see Him?” So they live in a perpetual dilemma—always in limbo. The all-knowing Baba knows everyone's thoughts, and He says that no one is an atheist. In sum, the condition of such atheists is pathetic as they live in perpetual crisis and misery.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure

== Section: Important Teaching ==

What the future holds

Prout philosophy states, “Compared to mechanical babes, biological babes will be perfect. Ova and spermatozoa, both being chemical compounds, can be created in a laboratory. Embryos, created by the fusion of spermatozoa and ova, can also be developed in a laboratory. Babes created by such a method will be called biological babes. The entire body, including the brain, can be created, but it is beyond the scope of human endeavour to create mind. As in the natural evolution of human beings, nature will put a bodiless mind into the embryo of the laboratory babes. This explains why a laboratory babe will not be free from saḿskáras or the reactions to past actions. With the development of medical science, laboratory babes can be given a long life in comparison to normal human beings.”

“It may be possible for future humans to disconnect their limbs and move anywhere freely with their brain only. The different parts of the body of a biological babe can be replaced, but the brain cannot be replaced, for it is a brain with a particular set of saḿskáras, and hence replacement of the brain would mean replacement of the personality. The brain is a collection of nerve cells, the totality of which is the personality. It is not possible to change the brain without changing the nerve cells and consequently the personality.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Politicians are bankrupt in this field

Prout philosophy states, “The fight between vidyá and avidyá will continue as long as the creation exists. Politicians averse to spirituality will never be able to stop this fight by delivering high-sounding speeches from public platforms or by releasing white doves. To fight against avidyá, human beings will have to become powerful. For this, the power of weapons, psychic power and spiritual power – all three – are required. Those who are professional hypocrites will never perform spiritual practices. Even if they deliver high-sounding speeches on spirituality to further their own interests, they will not be able to inspire the common people to adopt spiritual practices, because they themselves lack the required strength of character. Bitterly disgusted with the deceitfulness of such leaders, the common people will not get any of the ingredients necessary to increase their psychic wealth. Finally politicians will come to depend solely on the strength of arms. Thus it is found that brute force alone is their only refuge.” (1)

Note: To guide the public in proper direction three forces are needed: physical, psychic, and spiritual. But political leaders lack this. That is why we see that they exclusively rely brute force. For example, the public could be educated how humans are all connected and part of the same great family, so any type of discrimination is bad. But the leaders, devoid of higher moral values, cannot guide the society. So ultimately they give the duty to police to arrest people for hate crimes and put them in jail. Second, drug addiction has become a pervasive problem. But they use only brute force to catch smugglers and arrest those dealing drugs. Those caught in possession are also put in jail for extended years etc. There are so many examples where only brute force is used to address a given social issue.

1. Problems of the Day, Point #28

== Section: 
Important Teaching ==

Prout: intuitional knowledge for solving mundane problems

   Prout philosophy states, “The approach of PROUT is subjective approach through objective adjustment. This presupposes a connecting link between intuition and intellect. This connecting link or touching point is called “Bodhi Jiṋána”. With the help of Bodhi Jiṋána, intuitional knowledge can be utilized for solving mundane problems. Thus PROUT is a Bodhi Jiṋána.”
   “Logic is a psychic survey. Such a survey may or may not be correct, therefore it is futile to follow logic blindly. The result of your psychic survey is called your rationality. This psychic survey, embedded in relativity, may or may not be correct. Intuitional vision is the best logic. Intuitional vision should be your guiding ideology. For example, it is an axiomatic truth that everything has come from the Cosmic Father and everything will merge in Him, but this truth is beyond the scope of intellectual logic.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout