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Saturday, August 31, 2024

To be teacher in tantra + 3 more

To be teacher in tantra


In Baba's system of tantric education, the teacher’s role is absolutely central to student success. The teacher is highly regarded for their skill and responsibility, and thus must be of impeccable character and exemplary conduct. Remember, the students are not there just to learn a particular course of study or given subject material, but to emulate the teacher’s conduct on all levels of life and become great moralists, sadvipras, and tantrikas in society.

Teachers: supreme character & exemplary conduct

Here, below, are a few of Baba's guidelines which clearly state that teachers must fully exemplify their ideal in their day to day living: 

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The first and most important factor is to select teachers carefully. Those who have the required academic qualifications do not have an automatic right to become teachers. Teachers must possess such qualities as strength of character, righteousness, sense of social service, unselfishness, an inspiring personality and leadership. They are the preceptors of society, and that is why it is not possible for everyone to do this job." (1)

By Sadguru Baba’s above guidelines, it is evident that in our tantric system teachers must be strict moralists and sterling examples of AM ideals. These are two of the key components to being a proper teacher. So first and foremost is their character. Then of course they must be knowledgeable about the subject material and have the requisite patience, skill, and insight to impart that knowledge to others. But it all starts with having a teacher who is firmly grounded in yama and niyama and committed to spiritual practices.

Worldly qualifications not enough

In our tantric system of education, mundane educational qualifications and certificates alone are not enough to make one a proper teacher. Rather, ideal conduct is the main criterion. This is the foundation of AM philosophy and our tantric cult, and teachers must be living embodiments of those ideals. So if any teacher exhibits any slackness in this regard they must be rectified at the earliest - such slackness will not be tolerated, what to speak of any type of deviant and derelict behaviour like smoking, drinking, eating meat, and sexual dealings. Such gross contraventions of our moral code may be grounds for immediate termination etc. Here below Baba explains the consequences of indisciplined behaviour on the part of teachers. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “There are also teachers who, after discussing the abuses and evils of intoxicants in the classroom, immediately go outside and start smoking. This sets an extremely bad example. If the teachers would just use intoxicants, without saying anything about them, it might not be so bad. But this approach naturally encourages the students to be undisciplined. They will think that the use of such things must be enjoyable, and that their teachers deprive them so that they can enjoy them alone.” (2)

So regardless of whatever worldly qualification a person has, if their conduct is poor, then in our AM society that person will not be granted a glorified position such as that of teacher. They will first have to rectify their conduct. This is a completely unique aspect of our AM system of education etc, whereas in materialistic societies such a standard is miserably lacking as all sorts of debauched people hold positions of great power and respect.

Tantric measuring rod

In our tantric culture, good conduct is the starting point. Without proper conduct, one cannot move even a single step forward on the path of liberation and service to humanity. Anyone who does not have good conduct cannot be regarded or accepted as a teacher of AM spiritual philosophy or social philosophy. Hence, as Ananda Margiis, we have to follow our tantric philosophy and use that measuring rod to analyze each and every circumstance.

Giving the post of AM teacher to any Shyam or Ram, regardless of their character and conduct, will not bode well. What to speak of not enabling our sublime ideology to be taught in the proper way, there will be controversy and scandal. That is why 'A Guide to Human Conduct', the first book of AM, emphasizes that we are to follow good conduct from the very beginning. 

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "It is therefore emphasized that even before commencing sadhana one must follow moral principles strictly. Those who do not follow this should not follow the path of sadhana; otherwise, they will bring about their own harm and that of others." (3)

And Baba warns us that those whose conduct is not good should not be given positions of leadership.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Those not established in yama-niyama should not get the opportunity to assume leadership.” (4)

Adherence to moral principles is essential for becoming a teacher in our tantric system of education. Those unable to follow those principles should not be given the distinguished role of teacher. Not only will they harm themselves, they will also be the cause of disaster in society. The foundational point is our tantric culture is based on ideal conduct. 


Ultimately, by remaining firm in our tantric traditions of ideal conduct, our AM society will certainly rise up, and our teachers of AM spiritual philosophy or social philosophy will truly be the guiding light for the entire humanity.

In Him,

Unfit to become 

Sadly, there are several examples in our AM society where some so-called learned people were given the elevated status of teacher, yet they were clearly unfit for the post due to: (a) extramarital affairs / sexual misconduct; (b) thievery; (c) bribery; (d) debauched habits of any sort etc. In all those cases, there was a horrible fallout.

So educational qualifications and book knowledge of AM philosophy alone are not sufficient. If in their personal lives, they have any black spot or weakness - or are following a degraded lifestyle - they cannot be a teacher. Indeed, those not of proper character can never lead humanity and should not be allowed to become teachers, as they will ruin themselves and drag society into the depths of darkness. 

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Those who proceed to build a benevolent society, without having undergone meticulous self-preparation and self-discipline themselves, will bring about not only their own downfall but they will lead the whole of humanity to disaster as well. They will be incapable of implicitly trusting the very people for whom they are to work. At the outset they may exert a little to attain for themselves some requisite qualifications of leadership...[but] their work is doomed to failure in the end if they lack sadhana or spiritual practice." (5)

1. Human Society Part 1, Education
2. Human Society Part 1, Education
3. A Guide to Human Conduct, Introduction
4. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point 26d
5. Human Society Part 1, 1987 Education

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You never come or go

Tha'ko tumi tha'kiya' ya'o...Chile a'cha theke ya'be tumi...
Tumi desha'tiita ka'la'tiita, Bandhana tumi ma'na na' (Prabhat Samgiita #1194)


Baba, please always remain with me, and for time immemorial stay close to me - and don’t go far. Tell me who else is there to whom else can I tell my innermost thoughts and feelings. Besides You, I have no one who is my own. You are my Dearest.

Those who come also go. Verily, the beauty of this earth also vanishes one day. But You Baba - You were, are, and will always remain. You are beyond the relative factors of time and space. You never come or go; You exist eternally.

Those bound by place, time, and person undergo the change of coming and going. Baba, You are beyond place and time and are not confined to any maya. Nothing can bind you. Baba, by Your divine grace, in my heart I realise that You are that Ever-Present Eternal One…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why violence in Islam
In the following teaching, Sadguru Baba is indirectly talking about Islam where music, dance, drama and all such forms of artistic expression are not allowed. Due to the prohibition of music etc, strict Islamic followers become severely psychically diseased and ultimately very brutal and cruel. They become absolutely ruthless. So, we should take a lesson from this and encourage aesthetic science wherever we get the opportunity. In result, the finer human senses of love and compassion will develop for fellow human beings, and violence in the society will wane and be completely eradicated. This terror torn earth will become loving, compassionate, and caring.
Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Humanity, in its all-out quest for this aesthetic science, attained spirituality. One must acknowledge this. Herein lies the excellence of aesthetic science. For this reason, I have given my whole-hearted and explicit support for nandana vijiṋána. You know that there are certain religions [Islam etc] which do not encourage aesthetic pursuits. You will notice that in those religions inertia, inferiority complexes and a sense of violence are predominant.” (1)
Some think that Islam includes those sufis who sing, dance, and play musical instruments, but that is wrong. In the Quran Sharif, songs are forbidden. And strict Islamists treat Sufis as heretics.
1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 10, Yatamána – the Stage of Perseverance

== Section 3: Links ==