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Thursday, November 23, 2017

How to capture another country + 3 more


How to capture another country


In 1949, the Chinese Communist government seized control of Xinjiang province which is far, far to the west of Beijing. The native people are Turks, the largest population of which is the Uighur community. To take control and establish dominance, the Chinese officials began relocating its Han Chinese people to that area. They now outnumber the locals in all respects. The Han Chinese are migrants to the region yet they’ve become the dominant group and are imposing their cultural will. This is an age-old strategy.

How China took over Tibet

Prout philosophy states, "When the British handed over power to Mr. De Valera, they divided the country into Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland. Many settlers came from England and settled down in the extreme northern portion of the country. In the same way the Chinese sent many people to settle in Tibet so that the Chinese population would outnumber the population of Tibet, and finally Tibet would become a part of China. When Manchuria was occupied by Japan it was renamed Manchu-ko, and many Japanese settlers were sent there so that the Manchurians would be outnumbered by the foreigners. The same thing happened in the case of Ireland. England sent many people to settle in the northern corner of the country." (1)

In Xinjiang province where the Uihgurs are now vastly outnumbered, the same technique has been employed. The local Uighur population is quite suffocated by the presence of the Han Chinese because the Han Chinese do not consider themselves to be part of that land per se, but are trying to take that place as their own. This area known as Xinjiang province used to be its own country, just as Tibet used to be independent. All this creates strife, struggle and so many problems like the killings and brutal beatings in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang province.

Around the globe, there are many areas where locals are slowly being outnumbered by outsiders such as in the Philippines and parts of Africa where the Chinese are massively increasing their numbers. Those countries should be vigilant and alert - lest they lose their autonomy. For all these reasons, Prout’s mandate is that under no circumstances should migratory workers be allowed.

Prevent outsiders from joining local economy

Prout philosophy states, "Outsiders must be strictly prevented from interfering in the local economy." (2)

Instead those workers should be given a means to live in their homeland. Or if going to another land, they must merge their interest with the local interest. Prout's policy is that one may only work in a different land under the following condition.

Prout’s policy is, "The fundamental issue is whether or not each person or family has identified their individual socio-economic interests with the collective interests of the concerned socio-economic unit." (3)

According to Prout, a person may only live and work in another region if they have merged their socio-economic interests with that area. Merely going there to get a job or impose one’s culture is not part of Prout as it leads to the destruction of the local people, ongoing wars, death, and bloodshed.

How China will capture other countries

At present, the biggest transgressor is China. With their booming population, rising internal strife and discontent, growing wealth disparity, and emerging economic influence etc, the Chinese are exporting their populations all over the globe. Their aim is to gain political control, exert economic influence, capture local resources, and direct the country.

For years in China, there was a single birth policy, whereas the hoards of Chinese who lived outside - such as in Africa, SE Asia, North America, or elsewhere - were strongly encouraged to produce many children - just like the Muslims do. That was a key component of capturing the area. And the results are quite contentious as those regions are marred by bloodshed, tension, brutality, and street riots etc.

Prout’s warnings

The overall issue is alarming and from the get-go Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar - the Propounder of Prout - has warned of the dangers. His Proutistic guidelines offer so many red flags as to the adverse effect of a floating, migratory workforce.

Prout philosophy states, "For economic democracy is that outsiders must be strictly prevented from interfering in the local economy. The outflow of local capital must be stopped by strictly preventing outsiders or a floating population from participating in any type of economic activity in the local area." (4)

Prout philosophy states, "The psychological defect of a floating population is this – the people fail to accept a new locality as their own home, so they cannot forget the land they left behind." (5)

Prout philosophy states, "The population of every socio-economic unit should be organized on a scientific basis. The problem of a floating population should be tackled on the block level itself. Where there is a floating population, it should be either permanently settled or returned to its original region." (6)

Prout philosophy states, "The elimination of the floating population will also protect the social life of the cooperative from the possibility of adverse social influences." (7)


Although it is a complex issue, Shri Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar has addressed it from all angles and given a comprehensive solution. Those living and working in an area must accept that place as their own by merging their identity with the interests of that locale.

Prout philosophy states, "Local people are those who have merged their individual socio-economic interests with the socio-economic interests of the socio-economic unit they live in. Clearly, this concept of local people has nothing to do with physical complexion, race, caste, creed, language or birth place. The fundamental issue is whether or not each person or family has identified their individual socio-economic interests with the collective interests of the concerned socio-economic unit. Those who have not done so should be branded as outsiders." (8)

If one fails to embrace the new, local place and join the interests of those people, then they must not be allowed to go and live there. That is the Proutistic teaching. Side by side, in all areas, local people should be guaranteed work, then they will not turn toward becoming a migratory worker.

Prout guides us, "In economic democracy local people will hold economic power. Consequently, local raw materials will be used to promote the economic prosperity of the local people. That is to say, the raw materials of one socio-economic unit should not be exported to another unit. Instead, industrial centres should be built up wherever raw materials are available. This will create industries based on locally available raw materials and ensure full employment for all local people." (9)

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Cause is one - problems are many

This problem is not entirely one-sided. The problem is not just that outside workers are coming to a new place and pushing aside local people and customs. Outside workers are leaving their areas for a reason. They are getting squeezed out. No one likes to leave their hearth and home, their friends and family unnecessarily. But people are forced to migrate or float to a place where they can survive.

With no other option, they often go in search of work, leaving their family behind. This happened centuries and decades ago with the rise of many cities in the west. And now all over the globe it is happening. Africans are heading to Europe for work; Mexicans and Central Americans are entering the US; the Chinese are going all over Southeast Asia. It is a pervasive issue. And behind it all, greedy capitalists are trying to control the resources, minerals, and land of far-away areas.

Although the root cause is one - migratory workers - the problem gets expressed in multiple ways and in the end local people clash with migrant populations and neither are happy. Migrant peoples were forced to leave their original place due to intolerable living situations and the local people feel threatened and suppressed by the arrival of outside workers. The situation does not work well for anybody.

Throughout His Prout teachings Shrii PR Sarkar has warned that this does not bode well for humanity. Unfortunately, this very problem is mounting as (a) capitalists have their sight set on resources in distant places and (b) local people are forced to leave their homeland.

Prout brings smooth progress of society

The awful situation in Xinjiang should stand as a warning to all. This is what happens with the rise of  a migratory workforce and huge population influx. Social discord and chaos results and it is not easy to restore a sense of peace. All such situations should be prevented and all areas forewarned about the impending disaster. Prout philosophy offers the solution and if applied now, so much fighting and bloodshed can still be averted..

Prout philosophy states, “Economic democracy will devise ways and means to effect the smooth progress of society." (10)

By applying the principles of Prout regarding immigration and a floating labour market / migratory worker, all such crises will be solved and future crises will be prevented. This is quite relevant to the world we live in today.

Everyone should be aware

Crackdowns and rioting in Urumqi are regular affairs as the Chinese seek to control this capital city of Xinjiang province. The world looks on in shock as huge clash occurs between the local Uighur population and the ruling Han Chinese, fueled by the ongoing migration of Chinese nationalists to that far distant province.The spilling of blood, the killing, the ethnic cleansing - all this horror has devastated the region.

Long ago Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar - the Propounder of Prout philosophy - warned of this very problem and stated that there can never be peace where migrant worker populations or floating laborers are used and encouraged.The world did not listen then and still no one is listening today as this very circumstance which caused the riots in Urumqi touches down in so many other regions across the globe. The result will be absolutely disastrous if prompt action is not taken. Everyone in all places should be aware.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 19, The Short History of Ireland
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Economic Democracy
3. Proutist Economics, Decentralized Economy – 1
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Economic Democracy
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Economic Democracy
6. A Few Problems Solved - 8, Block-Level Planning
7. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, Cooperatives
8. Proutist Economics, Decentralized Economy – 1
9. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Economic Democracy
10. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Economic Democracy

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Which religions sees the world this way

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "At one time people were told that this world is for human enjoyment only, so the existence of all the plants, of all the birds and animals, in the world is intended merely to provide objects of enjoyment for human beings. Their hopes and aspirations, their intense desire to live, their pains and pleasures, their affectionate family or community lives are simply without value. However much a baby goat may wish to live, the main consideration is how much meat that kid carries on its frame. This defective philosophy has made people ruthlessly violent – even more dangerous than blood-thirsty tigers. Tigers kill only to fill their stomachs, to preserve their physical existence; whereas human beings kill animals mostly out of greed. Generally people have resorted to hypocrisy to camouflage this instinct of greed; they have killed animals on the pretext of pleasing the gods, while actually their main motive in doing so was to please their own tongues. These are all the inevitable results of such defective philosophies." (1)

Answer: Baba is talking about the Semitic religions.

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Sadhana & groupism are inversely related

In His below teaching, Baba guides us that when we see someone supporting a particular group or an agenda based on caste, creed, colour, race, then we should be alert. By digging down, we will find that the person is not sincere in sadhana. Because Ananda Marga sadhana is the sadhana of the infinite Parama Purusa. By ideating on Him, the mind becomes larger and larger. That is why standard sadhakas do not support any kind of groupism etc. So watch out: if someone is supporting any group then try to politely convey that they should increase their sadhana. By this way their mind will expand, and in result from the core of their heart they will naturally keep its distance from the lowly outlook of groupism etc. This following quote from Sadguru guides us in this direction.

   Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The more the human mind becomes magnanimous or expanded, the more it rises above the sentiments of tribalism, communalism, provincialism, etc. Often I hear people say that nationalism is an appreciable sentiment and that there is no narrowness in it. But is this true? Nationalism is also relative, just like tribalism, communalism or provincialism. In some places it is more worthwhile than tribalism, communalism or provincialism, while in other places it is less worthwhile..."
   "Hence it is observed that communalism, casteism, provincialism and nationalism are all of the same defective type. Those who are able to capitalize on one of these sentiments advocate it volubly. In fact, every one of these sentiments suffers from the defect of ism, and is completely filled with narrowness, violence, envy, mean mindedness, etc. Those who enter the field of social welfare by creating divisions between “yours” and “mine”, substantially widen the fissures of fissiparous intellect in human society."
   "Those who want to promote the welfare of all human beings, remaining above all sorts of parochial sentiments, have no alternative but to embrace universalism with their heart and soul – there is no other way. As universalism is totally devoid of any characteristic of ism, it is not proper to depict universalism as an ism. If everyone is looked upon as one’s own, no one remains beyond the periphery of one’s kith and kin. Naturally, then, there is no scope for violence, envy, narrowness, etc….The more the human mind becomes magnanimous or expanded, the more it rises above the sentiments of tribalism, communalism, provincialism, etc." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #18

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

“नरक” में भी रहना पड़ेगा

“तो, देखो एक मनुष्य मान लो बहुत-सा पाप किए | अब, उन पापों का अगर उनको फलभोग करना पड़े, तो एक ज़िन्दगी नहीं, वह हो सकता है बीस पचीस, पचास ज़िन्दगी लग जाएगी | तब ? उसका क्या भविष्य नहीं है ? वह केवल बार-बार दुनिया में आएगा पाप का फलभोग करने के लिए | उसका भविष्य क्या है ? भविष्य अन्धकार है ? तथाकथित-सभ्यता का जितना अधिक विकाश हो रहा है, उतना ही मनुष्य तो नीचे की ओर गिर रहा है, मन नीचे गिर रहा है | उतना ही मनुष्य पापी बन रहे हैं | तो, पापी का कोई भविष्य नहीं है ? यह क्या बात है ? कर्म का प्रतिकर्म अगर पूरा भोगना पड़े, तो मुक्ति-मोक्ष तो हर मनुष्य के लिए बहुत दूर की बात रह जाएगी | तब ? पापी का भविष्य नहीं है ? तो, हाँ भविष्य अवश्य ही है | जो परमपुरुष की शरण में आ गए, तो परमपुरुष उनके लिए अवश्य ही कुछ करेंगे | पापी के लिए भी कुछ करेंगे | क्यों ?  उन परमपुरुष के सम्बन्ध में कहा गया "ऊतामृतत्वस्येशानो |" अर्थात्‌ वे नरक के भी ईश हैं, “नरक” के भी ईश्वर, और, “स्वर्ग” के भी ईश्वर | तो, “नरक” में बसनेवाले जो पापी हैं, वे भी परमात्मा के, परमपुरुष के साथ हैं | क्योंकि वे भी परमपुरुष के प्यारे हैं | और उनको प्यार देने के लिए परमपुरुष को “नरक” में भी रहना पड़ेगा उनके साथ |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई]Reference
1. हिंदी, अप्रकाशित,Transcribed ver. GD 12 August 1978 Patna

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

অধর্মের বিরুদ্ধে

 “অন্যায়ের বিরুদ্ধে সংগ্রাম করতে-করতে নিজেকে সত্পথে রেখে এগিয়ে চলতে হৰে, চলতে হৰেই |  “চলতে হৰে, এগিয়ে যেতেই হৰে | এবং অন্যায়ের বিরুদ্ধে সংগ্রাম করতে-করতে নিজেকে সত্পথে রেখে এগিয়ে চলতে হৰে, চলতে হৰেই | কিন্তু চলতে হৰে ৰুদ্ধি-সম্মত পন্থায়, ধর্ম-সম্মত পন্থায়--অধর্মের বিরুদ্ধে, সংগ্রামের মাধ্যমে | নিরীহকে রক্ষা করৰার ব্রতের মাধ্যমে এগিয়ে যেতে হৰে |” (1)

1. Egiye Cala'i Ma'nus'er Dharma

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:1. Posting: How to capture another country
2. IT: Which religions sees the world this way
3. IT: Sadhana & groupism are inversely related
4. Links

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

See who is Civilised + 5 more


See who is Civilised


Here are a few points related with the general society.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "I would say, the greater the support of judgement in action and behaviour, the better shall be the expression and development of civilization." (1)

So those actions supported by intellect and a keen sense of discrimination (viveka) are civilised.

Selling womb is uncivilised

In many countries, the selling of one's own bodily organs for money is illegal and not condoned. On this point, such countries are civilised. In contrast, in other countries like Iran, people can opt to sell various organs of their body. So on this issue, those countries are uncivilised. Because as we know, intentionally destroying one's own body goes against human dharma and defies all logic and rationality. If any society or community allows its citizens to openly sell their organs, then on this particular point that society or country is uncivilised. In the certain areas, there are numerous funeral businesses that do secretly sell the organs of their deceased clients. Any person running their business in this way is certainly uncivilised.

Neglecting the elderly is uncivilised

In some places, the elderly are generally left uncared for and neglected. There is not a deep understanding that seniors should be respected and given proper care. Wherever you look there are always exceptions where we see that the elderly are cared for such as if they have large bank accounts to afford quality care or if their family plays an active role in their well-being. Tragically though, in some places the general standard of care and concern for the elderly is quite low. Thus on this particular point, such related countries are uncivilised. If anyone uses their logic and reasoning it is wholly evident that the elderly should be cared for, yet this is not done in certain communities. Wherever the elderly are neglected then that area is uncivilised.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "We may call those human acts and behaviour civilized that give evidence of this discriminative judgement, in a great measure." (2)

Thus only those actions that are supported by rationality can be considered as civilised.


Ananda Marga philosophy states, "I would say, the greater the support of judgement in action and behaviour, the better shall be the expression and development of civilization." (9)

So those actions supported by intellect and a keen sense of discrimination (viveka) are civilised.

The measuring rod of Ananda Marga ideology is that only those actions are civilised which are supported by logic and reasoning.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Two examples of uncivilised society

Here are some of Baba's related teachings on the overall topic of this letter, i.e. what it means to be civilised.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "What we see in the marketplace and railway stations is the exhibition of half-clad street beggars and lepers – all stretching out their begging bowls, the only means of earning their livelihood. They are fortunate if anybody contemptuously flings a copper coin at them. The old blind beggars wait all day long at the bridge and lift their bowls as soon as someone walks past them. Their shrill cries fall on deaf ears only. On the other hand, the affluence of foods kept ready in luxurious houses to entertain the big guns of society ridicules the present human civilization." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If “a life for a life” is considered an unassailable principle of justice, then there is nothing more to say. But remember that born criminals commit their crimes due to their physical or psychic abnormalities; are not the so-called civilized people who make no effort to cure such born criminals, guilty of the same crime? Does not capital punishment amount to cutting off the head to get rid of a headache? In my opinion to take the life of a born criminal of this type is as much a crime as it would be to pass a death sentence on a patient just because we could not cure the person's illness. It is the duty of a civilized society to arrange for born criminals to be cured of their ailments. Killing them to lighten the burden caused by their lives is certainly not indicative of a developed civilization." (4)

Uncivilised literates

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "To be civilized means to give a refined form to everything, and it is inseparably connected with education. But if refinement takes second place and hypocritical behaviour becomes the primary means of expression, that cannot be called civilization or education. If a man who is invited to a dinner party only nibbles at the savouries, saying, “I am sorry, I cannot eat any more,” then goes home to devour a hearty meal and later brags that he eats very little, an impression of abstemiousness may be created in the minds of others, but there is a complete lack of straightforwardness in his behaviour. In modern society many aspects of civilization and education are of this sort." (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "However, there is at this time a class of self-styled scholars who want to establish separate clubs for themselves for no particular reason. Is there any altruistic motive behind their demand? None at all. The actual reason is that they feel that if they mix with the illiterate masses their social prestige will be undermined. If you investigate more deeply, you will generally find that in such “gentlemen's clubs” immorality is rampant and wine flows in abundance. Should we, then, consider the members of these clubs to be civilized, cultured and educated scholars while other people are uncivilized, uncultured and uneducated fools? Such silly nonsense propagated in the name of civilization cannot be allowed to continue." (6)

Uncivilised people kill millions of unarmed, innocent people

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The vanity expressed by the so-called civilized human beings of today is extremely dangerous. These people hide the cruder propensities of the mind under the cloak of sweet words and decent behaviour. They are more harmful to the well-being of the human race than the so-called uncivilized humans, because they are hypocrites. The defects of the uncivilized humans pale into insignificance before their abominable hypocrisy. The uncivilized humans of the past may have killed twelve people at most in the battles they fought with bows, arrows, sticks and spears, but the so-called civilized human beings of today kill millions of unarmed, innocent people indiscriminately with their dreadful and lethal weapons. Human society of today is being exploited by the so-called civilized people. Such people should not make themselves look ridiculous by claiming otherwise." (7)

Ananda Marga ideology teaches us, "As you know, all are the progeny of the same Supreme Progenitor. He created this universe and He created this material world, as well as His living children. Now, when he created the material world, the inanimate world, the plants and the human beings, common sense says that the entire world belongs to His children irrespective of caste, creed, religion, nationality, standard of education, standard of wisdom, or standard of physical, mental or spiritual strength. It is the vested interests, with their mean and base motives, that create disparity among living creatures, especially among human beings. So those who exploit others and want to enjoy this created world by depriving others of their legitimate and paternal rights, are the enemies of society. They are the enemies of humanity, and they are the enemies of the cultured and civilized world." (8)

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, "Once I heard about a doctor, standing by the bed of a poor, distressed patient, who said in an authoritarian way, “You must pay my fees at once. I won't listen to any excuses.” A poor relative of the patient left the house in despair, borrowed money by giving an IOU, and paid the doctor's bill. I doubt whether a country can be considered civilized if the strictest reform measures are not taken against such human demons." (10)

Uncivilised people misusing science

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, "In the present age, civilization is on the wane due to science enjoying the pride of place. But developed as science is today, if civilization is pushed up again to the top, people can reach a greater height than ever before." (11)

In His above teaching, Baba is bringing attention to the fact that these days science is doing so many things that are harmful to mind, body, and one's overall well-being. Unfortunately, civilisation does not have control over science. Right-minded people are unable to guide researchers what to invent and what not. Science has the upper hand over civilisation. In that way science has become an agent of so many noxious things like drugs, violent video games, pornography, degrading films, and various other inventions that undermine the welfare of society.

Here below Baba is reviewing the condition of various African peoples and why some of those communities and nations lagged. Following are the reasons.

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, "Black people did not lag behind either. True, compared with other races their contribution to human civilization is less impressive, not because of their racial inferiority, but because the so-called civilized races (for their selfish political interests) deprived them of sufficient scope in their development. Furthermore, the hostile natural environment did not allow introversion of their psychic potentialities." (12)

Bear in mind however that one thing remains consistent throughout.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
2. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
3. Social Values & Cardinal Principles
4. Human Society-1, Justice
5. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
6. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
7. Ananda Marga Ideology Way of Life - 8, Struggle & Progress
8. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, The Birthright of the Microcosm
9. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
10. Humans Society - 1, Various Occupations
11. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
12. Human Society - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible

== Section 2: Hindi Quote ==


 "ऊतामृतत्वस्येशानो"---”अगर परमात्मा decide करें ऐसा कि---"मैं पापियों का नहीं हूँ | पापी निकल जाए |” तो, पापी पूछेगा---"कृपया यह तो बताओ, मैं कहाँ जाऊँ ?" देखो उनके बाहर में तो कुछ नहीं है | वे बाहर जाने के लिए अगर बोलें, तो बोलेंगे कि---"मेरा जो area है, सरहद है, उसके बाहर चले जाओ |” “तो, तुम्हारे सरहद के बाहर कौन जगह है, बता दो ज़रा ? बताओ ?” वे तो नहीं बता सकेंगे | तब उनको क्या करना पड़ेगा ? अपना ही थोड़ा-सा portion को अलग करके बोलना पड़ेगा---"तू वहाँ जा |" तब थोड़ा-सा area जब बाहर उनसे चला गया, तब वे तो सर्वव्यापी नहीं रहे | उनके बाहर में वे पापी लोग चले गए |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई]  (1)

1. S24-06

== Section 3: Prabhat Samgiita ==

We are all collectively singing the song in unison

"Sabáre kari áhván,sabái ámár práńa,..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2945)


The clarion call is for one and all.  Everyone is my own; everyone is my pra'n'a; everyone is close to my heart. We are all collectively singing the song in unison and moving towards the Supreme Goal - Parama Purus'a. Together we will move on the path of Ananda Marga and bask in His divine effulgence.

We will help one and all - nobody is to remain left behind. We should carefully see that no one in society is crying, or rendered as downtrodden or neglected. Everyone should be cared for and looked after. We are all singing the marching song of life collectively, with one tune and one melody.

There is no difference between one human being and another. Everyone's desires, aspirations, and hopes are the same. We are all moving on one path by the inspiration of the great ideology, which will lead towards greatness...

== Section: Prout ==

Customs vs culture

Prout philosophy states, "Culture is a vague term. It is the collective name for different expressions of life. People eat, enjoy hospitality, laugh on some occasions and shed tears on others, and thereby express life through various actions. The collective name of all these actions is culture."

"According to PROUT all of society has the same culture. There are local variations in the mode or state of cultural expression, but the expression is universal. While everybody eats, some eat by hand, others by stick and still others by spoon. Indian dance is based on Mudrá or dance postures, and European dance is based on rhythm, but they do not represent two different cultures."

"Local variations will diminish if there is a close blending between different groups of people, because this will create common customs. In Nepal there is a blending of Hindu and Buddhist customs. In Bengal there is a blending of Aryan and Dravidian customs. These local variations are called customs. Thus local modes of expression bearing local or group specialities are customs, but the expression itself is culture. Therefore it is a mistake to readjust boundaries on the basis of language and culture. Indian culture and the culture of the world are one and the same." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Bhaktas feel all as their own kith and kin

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Parama Puruśa looks deep into the inner thoughts and feelings of human beings. He is omniscient, forever watching throughout the creation those who are meditating upon Him with undivided attention, and those who have been patiently waiting with an unwavering mind to realize Him. These are expressions of those with an integral outlook. Only such people, irrespective of caste, colour, creed, community, national or geographical barrier, etc. can look upon each and every human being as their own kith and kin. They are free of all discrimination. They even treat the animals and plants as being intimately related to themselves." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy - 5, Integral and Non-Integral Outlook

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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Superstitions in AMPS etc


Superstitions in AMPS etc


Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The social laws of the Marga do not only make no distinction between one person and another, but ensure that both sexes have to share equal responsibility in life. All social superstitions, such as discrimination against widows, etc., are discarded.” (1)

India Superstition: torture of widows

In various countries widows were not given equal rights. This was especially the case in India in certain communities.
(a) Widows were forced to remain celibate for the rest of their life.
(b) Widows were made to wear white uniforms.
(c) Widow were not allowed to participate in any festivities.
(d) Widow were forced to lead the life of a hermit and follow very restrictive conduct rules regarding food, and lifestyle habits etc.
(e) Due to childhood marriages, sometimes the infant of 2 or 3 years of age would become a widow and that child was forced to do twice monthly ekadashii fast without water. And their parents used to eat fish in front of that small child. And that infant would cry. What to say about food, the baby widow was not allowed to drink water. In severe conditions they would pour water in her ear to cool her down. This barbarous treatment went on for hundreds of years. This all happened due to the superstition of widowhood. That widow was treated as a demon who swallowed her husband. That was the belief.
Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "​उस time में कम उमर में शादी होती थी | तीन-चार साल की बच्ची विधवा हो गई | तो, हम जानते हैं बङ्गाल में वह तीन-चार साल की बच्ची को भी एकादशी में उपवास करना पड़ता था---निर्जला, निरम्बु, without water | तो वह रोती थी, बच्ची तीन साल की विधवा | तो वह तालाब में  ऐसे बैठ सकती थी, किन्तु पानी पी नहीं सकती थी | और, जब अधिक चिल्लाती थी, तो relative लोग क्या करते थे ? तालाब से थोड़ा पानी लेकर उसके कान में डाल देते थे; मुँह में नहीं---यह क्या है ? Dogma | तो, मनुष्य-मनुष्य में भेद है ? और उसी बच्ची  जो बाप-माँ, वे बैठकर मछली और भात खाते थे | यही सामाजिक सुविचार है ? इस dogma के ख़िलाफ़ तुम लोगों को आवाज़ बुलन्द करनी है |" (2)

Superstitions in AMPS

(a) If you are born in a particular caste then you will be in central office.
(b) If your mother tongue is of a particular language then only can you govern a unified AMPS.
(c) If you are born in a particular country then you can get a top or key post like SS or central.
(d) If you are born as a certain gender then you have to be subservient to the other gender.

Ananda Marga philosophy does not support these above or any superstitions. But the organisation AMPS which is made to propagate Ananda Marga philosophy is slowly drowning in superstition. We have to be alert. Now please see what Baba says about superstition.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Superstitions have not left any field uncontaminated. In the social sphere there is no dearth of superstitions. Witchcraft, discrimination against widows, etc., are curses in society only due to such superstitions. In the psychic sphere there are deep-rooted superstitions such as the belief in ghosts (bhút), etc. Not only this, but superstitions related to shráddha [funeral ceremonies], etc., have also bound down even the progeny of a person. In the spiritual field, also, ignorant people have been forced to do many things only because of the deep-rooted superstition of heaven and hell. All these only disturb psychic equilibrium and bring about discord and worry in society. For the preservation of peace, the fight against superstition is of prime importance." ( A Few Problems Solved - 7, Social Psychology)

Europe: Superstition about illegitimate children

A similar thing happened in Christian countries also. For example, in Ireland if a girl got pregnant out of wedlock she was forced to live in a caged house. In that segregated place, cut off from the rest of society, the girl would lead a life of humiliation. After giving birth she was basically separated from her child. Just during specific times those women would take care of the child and then spend the bulk of the time as slave labour for the church. When the child became a year old that child was forcibly separated from the mother as punishment to both the mother and child for giving birth out of wedlock. This was due to the superstition that both child and mother were both work of the devil. And they should not live in the society otherwise the society would get destroyed. When the mother was outside the compound she was forced not to talk with anyone about the child. By this punishment, both mother and baby were terribly harmed. The child was emotionally scarred as that baby did not get love and affection it needed and the mother was also scarred as she lost her child. Ultimately, the church put the child up for adoption and that child was often abused by the adoptive family.

Africa: torturing children as being the devil

In Africa there are thousands of innocent kids no older than 3 or 4 years of age who are accused of being the incarnation of the devil. Those kids get beaten and removed from their homes. Those kids are completely alienated as no one wants to go close to those kids. So those children start living in the street like dogs. At times a few good people care for them, but thousands of those innocent children die of neglect. This entire scene is similar to the Salem witch trials in the US during the 1690’s when certain women were declared as being witches and they were often tortured to death.


In our Ananda Marga there are no such superstitions. Widows are not harshly labeled as outcastes etc simply because they are a widow. Widows are granted the same rights and respect as everyone else. And children born out of wedlock are also given 100% of the rights as those kids born to a married parents. Those born out of wedlock are not stigmatized. Baba has given Ananda Marga to eradicate all sorts of religious superstition and dogmas.

In Him,

~ Courtesy of CNN ~

“CNN: Excavations have uncovered "significant quantities of human remains" at a former home for unmarried mothers run by nuns in Ireland, officials said Friday. Tests indicated they belonged to young children. An investigation was opened following public outcry when a local historian said in 2014 that she believed the bodies of 800 children could be buried on the site of the former St. Mary's Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, County Galway. The remains were found in the chambers of an underground structure next to a septic tank which could have been used for sewage storage or treatment, the Commission on Mother and Baby Homes said in a statement Friday.” (3)

~ Courtesy of Wikipedia ~

“Wikipedia: Recent reports by UNICEF, UNHCR, Save The Children and Human Rights Watch have also highlighted the violence and abuse towards children accused of witchcraft in Africa. Accusations of witchcraft in Africa are a very serious matter as the witch is culturally understood to be the epitome of evil and the cause of all misfortune, disease and death. Consequently, the witch is the most hated person in African society and subjected to punishment, torture and even death.”

“The victims of witchcraft accusations in African societies have usually been the elderly, the disabled, albinos and anyone who was considered different. In recent years due to the impact of rapid urbanisation, economic decline, as well as the HIV/AIDS pandemic, children have become more and more the victims of witchcraft accusations, especially orphans. Child victims of witchcraft accusations are more vulnerable than adult victims as they cannot defend themselves as they are confronted with physical and psychological abuse from their family and community. Children accused of witchcraft may be subjected to violent exorcism rituals by African Pentecostal-Charismatic pastors who mix Christianity with African witchcraft beliefs. Such exorcism may include incarceration, starvation and being made to drink hazardous substances. In other cases accused children are expelled and end up living on the streets, are trafficked and in some instances they are killed.” (4)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Ananda Marga – A Revolution
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 13, chapter 4
3. Courtesy of CNN
4. Courtesy of Wikipedia

== Section 2: Links ==

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More important letters

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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Shape of our future generations + 5 more


Shape of our future generations


Human beings are constantly undergoing change - in the physical realm, the psychic realm, and the spiritual realm.

Struggle & class brings development

Where there is physical clash [physical struggle] there will be physical development. An example of this is a person who trains for years and years to be an Olympic gymnast. By that physical engagement, the muscles develop and their physical body undergoes change - it grows. In contrast, if one does not exercise their physical body they will become physically weaker. A patient bedridden in the hospital does not have opportunity to walk or run; in result, they will lose their muscle mass and become weaker. So where there is physical clash there will be physical development, and vice versa.

Next is the psychic realm: Here also the same premise holds true. Where there is psychic clash [psychic struggle] there is psychic development. A classic case is the student deeply involved in university studies. As they are fully engaged in the learning process and constantly taking in and processing new information, they experience great change in the psychic or intellectual realm. In contrast, a person who never thinks deeply, and just goes through the day in a mechanical way, will lose their psychic faculties. Such is the law of nature.

So the theorem is: Physical clash [physical struggle] then physical development; psychic clash [psychic struggle] then psychic development; and longing for the Great then spiritual development.

Accordingly, some wonder what will the human body look like in the future.

Will be unable to walk

Over time, as humans struggle and adapt to ever-changing conditions - on the personal, societal, and environmental level - naturally the body changes. The gene code changes according to human need.

Essentially those changes are gradual, but they are nonetheless occurring. It is just like how if you see an 8-year-old boy everyday then you will barely notice any change. But if you go away and return two, five, or ten years later, you will see tremendous change in the boy. Seeing him five or ten years later you may not even recognise him at all. Same is the case with humanity. From one generation to the next, you may not notice much changes in the human specimen, but over the course of 50 generations, there were will be tremendous change. One may hardly even recognise them as human beings.

So what will the human body look like in the future?
  • 1. The head will be bigger, and
  • 2. The body will be smaller / weaker.
There are two basic forces at work toward these transformations. Firstly, with more and more mechanization in society, humans do less and less physical work. Long back, a typical human might walk 30, or 50, or even 100 miles in a single day - and they would not feel tired or sore. Today, however, most rely on some form of transportation whether it be bicycle, rickshaw, bus, taxi, train, automobile, helicopter, or airplane etc. To the degree one relies on mechanized form of transportation, one becomes physically weaker. This is the norm. Most would be stricken by the idea of having to walk 30 or 50 miles in a single day.

Why head will become bigger

And not just with transportation but in all realms of life there are great gains being made in the field of technology that makes like physically easier for us. That means less physical clash [psychical struggle] and a corresponding loss of physical activity and strength. And verily the physical body will get smaller. In one of His teachings below, Baba hints at how human beings will not even be able to walk - their legs will not support them. That is one-half of the equation.

The other half is that people will gradually become more and more mind-oriented. Instead of addressing life's problems with their might, they will rely on their intellect. In the past, to solve basic problems like water humans would carry buckets or build aqueducts. It was primarily a physical process. Now, however, to solve a similar problem, we use our psychic quality to come up with a solution and then implement that solution using computers, engines, and other mechanical or electronic devices etc . So the solution lies in the mental sphere. Essentially, humans will undergo more and more psychic clash [psychic struggle] and they will grow in the mental-cum-intellectual realm. And since the brain and brainstem are highly linked with the mind, the brain will become more complex and the cranium and head will become bigger - much bigger. And indeed, since long scientists have documented how the human cranium has evolved and grown over time. And this will continue at a more dramatic and faster rate in the future.


The rule is that if you utilise any limb or organ then it gets strengthened and if you do not use that organ or muscle then it weakens. In the present day world people do not use their arms or legs very much so those faculties are getting weaker. Whereas nowadays people have to use their brains for so many daily engagements so the brain is becoming bigger. If you go one million years back those early humans had smaller brains than modern human beings. And still today, indigenous tribes living in the wild, where they are not connected to modern civilisation, have a smaller cranium and a smaller vocabulary as well. In this world nothing is fixed. According to the need, nature provides. Based on this theory we can understand how in future generations - after a few thousand years - humans will be completely different from today’s population.

This theory of struggle and progress can be utilised in favour of present-day human health. To keep your arms, feet, and legs strong, exercise them regularly. Putting stress on those joints, muscles, and limbs will keep them strong. Similar is the case with the brain also. If you want to remain alert even when you are elderly, then keep active and always engage in intellectually challenging endeavours. Then brain diseases will be kept at bay.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Change in the nerve cells

Here following are Baba's teaching that demonstrate who due to increased mechanization and psychic engagement, the future humans will have bigger heads and smaller bodies than that present humanity.

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Human beings were born onto this earth about one million years ago. In those times, human beings were primitive. The people of today are very different from those primitive personalities - there is a great difference between them. How did this difference occur? Due to constant changes in structure a metamorphosis took place. An evolved psychic structure emerged and a corresponding change occurred in the physical structure to facilitate a proper physical medium for that evolved psychic structure. Human beings started thinking about certain subjects and remained in that state of contemplation for a long period. Human beings could not make their undeveloped nerves and nerve cells serve as the correct medium for their evolved psychic structure, so a change in the nerve cells had to be brought about. And so a change in the nerve cells and nerve fibres occurred. As a result the human face has also changed. The humans of one million years ago had a very small cranium. These so-called humans had a very small number of nerve cells. Their brains were small and their bodies were relatively big."
   "So humanity continued progressing in the intellectual spheres and grew weaker in the physical sphere. Naturally, the cranium grew, while the remaining portion of the body became weaker." (1)

Arms become thin & head will be abnormally large

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Thus, in the future, as people’s thought processes become more complicated, many new vrttis will develop. The number of vrttis may not stay at fifty. Just imagine the situation that will arise in the future as a result of humanity’s ever increasing thirst for knowledge. To meet these developments the nerve cells and nerve fibres will have to become more complex. Consequently, the human cranium will become larger and the size of the head will increase. The hands and feet will become weaker and weaker and human beings may even lose the ability to walk. Today, the human toes have almost stopped functioning – in spiritual actions we have almost no use for them – whereas at one time, when we used to walk on four legs, we used our toes as much as our fingers. The front legs were used less and less, and were transformed into arms, and thus these days it has become almost impossible for us to crawl on all fours. There was a time when humans would run on four legs, but today they cannot do that. After a time, children feel uncomfortable crawling around on all fours and try to walk on their hind legs. In the initial stages, when they try to stand up, they soon fall down. Again they stand up, again they fall down. When they finally develop the habit of standing on two legs, there are corresponding changes in the physical structure so that the use of their arms becomes less. In the future, the legs will be used less and less and the capacity to move on them will decrease. The arms will become thin, and the head will become abnormally large."
   "Today we think that such people will look very strange, but in the future one may hear people commenting, “Oh, how handsome he looks with eyes as small as little peas and arms as thin as jute sticks. He can’t hear anything with his ears. In fact, he hasn’t got any ears at all! What an attractive man.” Although it seems slightly repulsive to us, this will become the standard of beauty in future. People will judge beauty according to the standards of the day, saying, “Oh, those stick-like arms of his make him look so handsome. The fellow can’t walk properly. How wonderful.” And if someone can walk, people will say, “How indecent that fellow looks hobbling around on two legs!” But if he crawls along the ground they will say, “How wonderful, how beautiful!” If we were to see this sort of scene today, however, we would say, “How unsightly. That fellow is uglier than an owl.”" (2)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, The Psycho-Spiritual Evolution of Humans
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Sádhaná, Abhidhyána and Kiirtana

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Baba, You are hiding in the depths of the mind

“Maneri gahane tumi ácho, ácho prabhu sadá jege ácho…” (Prabhata Samgiita #4380)


O' Prabhu, You remain always in the depths of my mind – and never leave me. By Your grace, I am never alone. You are always awake, regardless of the time and date. You go on working day and night, beyond time, without ever getting tired or stopping. Whatever You want to do, You go on doing ceaselessly without rest.

O’ Parama Purusa, this whole animate and inanimate universe is Your playing ball. You are the ever-present, beginningless and endless, non-decaying, eternal Entity. You are ever divinely vibrated, always smiling in Your magnificent flow like the kimshuk flower. You want that those under the spell of slumber of the six enemies and the eight bondages should awaken from their infatuation and inertia. Baba, You are deeply and blissfully busy in Your cosmic liila.

Baba, O' Parama Purusa, although they do not have means but You are the Goal of all; everyone wants You. Every jiiva keeps You in their heart always. That is why they are always trying to come close to You by their virtuous deeds, shravan, manan, nididhyasana, and dhyana. Only those who are blessed are able to realise You, and have Your darshan and proximity. You dance and express Yourself in the mirror of Your ma’ya’ amidst the mountains and the ocean, and from dwellings to the wilderness, hills, and flower gardens.

Baba, You are krpa-personified; I surrender at Your holy feet...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Practical application of loopholes in Indian constitution

   Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "There are several fiscal and psychological loopholes in the Indian constitution. The constitution of India proclaims that all are equal in the eye of the law. But in practice, this principle is not followed, and as a result disparity is growing in the arena of law and justice. Such disparity is adversely affecting the different groups of people in the country. For example, there are disparities between the Hindu Code and the Muslim Code. Hindu women and Muslim women, although they are all Indian citizens, do not get equal advantages of law. For instance, according to Hindu law, a man cannot have more than one wife, but a Muslim man is entitled to have more than one wife. A Hindu husband or a Hindu wife is required to approach the court to secure a divorce, while a Muslim man is entitled to divorce his wife without the permission or approval of the court. Moreover, a Muslim husband can divorce his wife but a Muslim wife cannot divorce her husband. Besides, a Muslim husband is not required to show [[any reason for the divorce]].”
   “Disparity in the eye of the law is creating all these problems. The root of all these evils lies in the psychological loopholes of the Indian constitution. Why is the constitution allowing the Hindu Code and Muslim Code to stand side by side? Let there be only one code – the Indian Code. This Indian Code should be based on cardinal human values, with a universal approach and Neo-Humanistic spirit. Then only equality before the law can be established in practice, and equal protection of the law for all can be guaranteed. So the constitution should remove the psychological loopholes by eradicating existing disparities in the eye of the law.”

1. A Few Problems Solved Part 8  “Requirements of an Ideal Constitution”

== Section 4: Comment ==

Re: Answer for future healthy brain


Your article on brain diseases and the AM dances given by Baba is very enlightening. I used to do 30 rounds of tandava and 30 rounds of kaoshikii almost daily as long as my job permits me. I am already 57 years and still relatively healthy and could teach whole day without much difficulty. But I just do it in the morning. In your article you mentioned that we need to do it twice. Thanks for the reminder.


- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic - Answer for future healthy brain

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे परमपुरुष! तुम्हारे बिना कृपा कौन कर सकता है, कोई नहीं

प्रभात संगीत 350:- तुमी बिना के वा कृपा korite पारे...

परिचयः- यह गीत भक्ति की अनुध्यान नामक अवधारणा से संबंधित है।


हे परमपुरुष! तुम्हारे सिवा मुझे कौन आशीष दे सकता है, कोई नहीं। इस विश्व  में  किसे मैं अपना मान सकता हूँ - तुम्हारे सिवा किसी को नहीं।

तुम्हारी कृपा की चाह में सब तुम्हारी ओर देख रहे हैं।  हे बाबा ! आज मेरे मन से केवल एक ही स्वर निकल रहा है। तुम्हीं सब कुछ हो। तुम्हीं सब कुछ हो। मेरे सभी कष्ट तुम्हारी कृपा के सागर में डूब गये हैं। तुम्हारी कृपा से मेरे सभी कष्ट  दूर हो  गये हैं और सभी  दुख आनन्द में बदल गये हैं।

सभी लोग तुम्हारे दिव्य आकर्षण में तुमसे प्रेम करते हैं, इस लिये नहीं कि तुम परम पुरुष हो और तुम्हारे अनन्त गुण हैं।  वे  इसलिये प्रेम करते हैं  क्यों कि यह तुम्हारी कृपा है , तुम्हारी कृपा हैं।

यह सोचकर कि यह तो मूर्ख है, बुद्धिहीन है तुम उससे घृणा नहीं करते। तुम तो सबके सर्वाधिक प्रिय हो। तुम सबके अनुध्यान हो जो कि सबके हृदयों का वास्तविक लक्ष्य है। इन सभी कारणों से तुम सभी के अंतिम लक्ष्य हो । सभी तुम्हारे निकट आकर संतुष्ठी का अनुभव करते हैं।

हे बाबा! मैं तो सब प्रकार से तुम्हीं पर आश्रित हॅूं। (1)

1. Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

To blame God: good or bad

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Logically it has been proved that the experiencing of the reaction (karmaphala) of an action cannot be evaded. That being so, blaming God (Bhagaván) for the consequences of our actions or praying to be released from bearing the consequences is only foolishness. One who performs actions will have to bear the reactions also. If you plunge your hand in fire you will surely burn it. To blame God for burning your hand is merely ignorance or stupidity. It is the nature of fire to burn, and whatsoever comes in contact with it will be burnt. Similarly, it is a self-evident law of Prakrti or Her very nature that all actions will have reactions. God (Bhagaván) is not in the least responsible for it. The performer of the actions is responsible for it. The performer of the actions is responsible for the reactions also, since God has not performed the actions. He cannot be responsible for the reactions. It is only people who are responsible for actions as well as for bearing the consequences of these actions." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?

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This email contains five sections:1. PS #4380: Baba, You are hiding in the depths of the mind
2. Posting: Shape of our future generations
3. IT: Practical application of loopholes in Indian constitution
4. Comment: Re: Answer for future healthy brain
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