Life codes of AM vs religion
Here is a look at how our Ananda Marga's approach to morality compares with that of the major religions and even nations. Sadguru Baba guides us that it is appropriate to respectfully outline the philosophical defects of a given belief.
Pointing out religious loopholes
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Read any so-called religious book: one will seldom find anything resembling tolerance of the religious beliefs of others...If necessary, different views can be compared and presented in philosophical books. The philosophical and psychological loopholes in an argument may be pointed out without being disrespectful.” (1)
First off, let us remember that Ananda Marga is not a religion. And in Ananda Marga, morality is that which helps the human mind proceed to Supreme Consciousness, whereas in the various rotten, dogmatic religions, morality leads one toward their outdated dogmas. Here we are not referring to AMPS per se, but rather the teachings of Ananda Marga philosophy.
Code of AM morality is yama & niyama
For instance, in Ananda Marga our code of morality is yama and niyama which propels the sadhaka forward on the path to the Divine. Practicing the tenets of yama and niyama goads the mind towards Parama Purusa. Our code of morality is universal and dogma-free. That is in stark contrast: to the approach of the various religions.
(a) The morality of Hindus was in the past based on brahmin supremacy wherein dalits (untouchables) were not allowed to wear shoes, use an umbrella or walk on the roads. In addition, Hindu morality preached that women must not hear the vedas or else molten lead would be poured into their ears. Plus there are any number of aspects of Hindu morality that suppressed certain castes and maintained the status quo etc in the past.
Who says: "all of creation is for my enjoyment"
(b) The morality of the Christian and Semitic religions is to follow rotten dogmatic, biblical dictates etc, and engage in the crusades in so many poor countries throughout Africa and Southeast Asia etc, and kill non-Christians. Their moral code also preaches killing and slaughtering animals. Their ethic is: "All of creation is for my enjoyment." To that end they ruin the lives of countless living beings without considering the innate rights of those animals etc.
Three women equal to one man
(c) The morality of the Muslims is to follow the rotten, dogmatic dictates of the Quran and do public beheadings to non-believers. Their ethic is to cover women from head to toe and claim that three women are equal to one man, and embark on various jihads etc. Indeed there is a whole component of Islamic laws and moral codes that go directly against neo-humanism. All Semitic religions did similar things in the past.
(d) Where capitalism reigns such as in the US, Europe and other countries, the code of morality is always changing. Across US history, the moral code at one point allowed slavery, and now slavery is illegal, whereas things like gay marriage which were once banned are now being embraced. It all changes according to the whim of the leading capitalist exploiters. Likewise in many European countries and in certain places in the US like Nevada etc, prostitution is now legal whereas in the past it was outlawed. And there are so many examples of how the materialistic code of morality is just based on materialistic enjoyment - not welfare.
In all the above cases from the various religions and materialistic nations etc, their code of morality strays far from goading the mind towards God. Whereas Ananda Marga morality is based on the universal ideals and neo-humanism which goad the mind towards God / Parama Purusa.
Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Morality propels the microcosms [unit mind] towards Him [Parama Purusa] without break or pause." (2)
The morality of the Hindus, Christians, Muslims are outdated, rotten dogmas. While capitalists engage in sensual indulgence and selfishness.
AM morality goads mind towards Parama Purusa
In Ananda Marga, the code of morality is unique; its sole aim is to goad the mind towards God. On the path of salvation, the tenets are universal as they apply across time, space, and person. The Ananda Marga code of morality must be propagated to all as it leads to the emancipation of unit beings and brings universal welfare to society and perfect peace in individual life.
in Him,
Unfortunately, nowadays in AMPS the top moral principle is to become sycophants of “big thugs.”
Role of morality in Ananda Marga
The Supreme Command says, “...Without yama and niyama, sadhana is an impossibility...”
The question then arises how is it that without yama and niyama one cannot do sadhana? Here is the answer.
By strictly adhering to the codes of yama and niyama then the mind will no longer lust or wish for mundane things. Those practicing aparigraha will not harbour thoughts of becoming a millionaire or billionaire. In that case, their mind will be easily channelised towards Parama Purusa. And those following the tenet of santos’a will not be hankering after prestige and popularity. And similar is the case with: ahimsa, satya, asteya, brahmacarya, shaoca, tapah, svadhyaya, and iishvara pranidhan. Then, the mind will naturally ideate on Parama Purusa at the time of sadhana. And that is the key aspect of Ananda Marga morality. It harnesses the mind in such a way that worldly passions and desires drift away and the mind is goaded towards Cosmic ideation.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "On your plane of morality, there are two divisions: psycho-physical emanation and physico-psychic movement. In Sanskrit, this psycho-physical emanation is called Yama and physico-psychic movement is called Niyama." (3)
In religion morality means
In the various religions morality is used only to protect one’s self-interest. For example, they think, “I will not hurt you so you will not hurt me.” So there is no greater aim and goal than one’s own selfish, narrow-minded sentiment.
1. Human Society - 1, Moralism
2. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order
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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.
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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==
Did idol give the answer?
Some claim to communicate with the gods and goddesses of certain shrines to obtain cures for a disease. And veritably, when they visit those religious sites, sometimes they do indeed receive the remedy. The question arises, do the gods and goddesses really give them the cure to those diseases? Here below Sadguru Baba uncovers the mystery behind this.
Ananda Marga philosophy says, “The remedies for illnesses or answers to questions that a person receives at the shrine of different gods and goddesses is not due to the greatness of those gods and goddesses. As a result of sincere longing a state of one-pointedness arises in the mind and if, at that time, that person falls into deep sleep because of physical tiredness then the answers to his or her questions may descend from the unconscious mind into the subconscious mind. There the person receives the answers to his or her questions about illness or other questions according to his or her mental conceptions and beliefs. The person thinks that he or she has perhaps received these answers due to the grace of such-and-such god or goddess. Actually, thanks to the grace of the Supreme Consciousness, his or her unconscious mind is the hidden repository of infinite knowledge. Due to one-pointedness, the person has been able to temporarily submerge part of his mind within the boundaries of that profound knowledge.” (1)
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Those staging a dharńá are convinced that a certain deity will give the cure for a disease or answer any question they may ask. Therefore, when the answer comes, they naturally conclude that it was given by that very same deity. In fact, this vision of the deity, like the vision of the ghost, is simply a play of the mind. After being told about the greatness of a particular god or goddess a person will go to make offerings and will often receive the expected cure or answer. There is no question of a god or deity being involved here; God had nothing to go with what happened. It is purely a psychic phenomenon. The effectiveness of the cure or answer depends upon the degree of concentration of the mind." (2)
When a person has been fully concentrating on a particular problem or circumstance, then they may draw the answer from their unconscious mind, which is the hidden repository of all knowledge. And that is exactly what happens when some people sit before an idol or shrine seeking a cure to their ailment. With their intense mental engagement that person has been able to submerge their mind into the pool of infinite knowledge. That is how they get the cure. The imaginary god and goddess of those dogmatic religious sites have nothing to do with it.
In Him,
1. Shabda Cayanika - 2, Indukamala to Iyatta (Discourse 7)
2. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 3, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt B
== Section: Important Teaching ==
Why important to be diligent in sadhana
Ananda Marga ideology says, “Bábá demonstrated these basic points by touching and sending into samádhi four persons. He also showed that through the grace of the Almighty as represented by guru krpá (the guru's grace), the evolutionary rise through sádhaná can be accelerated, and the slow walk can be maximized into a gallop. In this way samádhi can be induced from any cakra. But a success easily gained may not be fully appreciated and valued. Therefore, normally the sádhaka should be allowed to work out his success through the hard way of diligent sádhaná.” (1)
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, Sálokya, Sámiipya, Sáyujya, Sárúpya, Sárśt́hi
== Section 3: Links ==
Other topics of interest