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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Raising child: collective oath + 3 more

Raising child: collective oath


Baba has blessed us with all the practices and ways to build up a healthy human society. One unique facet of this is our baby naming ceremony, ja'takarma. As you know,  our Ananda Marga baby naming ceremony is not just a casual affair but a commitment.

The occasion of ja'takarma (baby naming) is an integral and revolutionary part of how we are to create a single universal family based on love, affection, and mutual respect. As we know, it demands our lifelong commitment and dedication. Let's take a closer look at this program of ja'takarma and examine just exactly what it entails.

In our Ananda Marga units and at our regional and sectorial retreats, baby naming ceremonies are commonly held. Over the years, we might have attended dozens of such programs.

Every attendee takes an oath to care for the child

The first and foremost point to keep in mind is that in our Ananda Marga baby naming ceremony, everyone who participates - i.e. each and every attendee - is taking an oath to be an active force in raising that child.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The mantra of ja'takarma is the first step of human approach in rousing the sense of responsibility and affection in man. Those, who will be present on the occasion of the child’s ja'takarma, must also indirectly have to bear the responsibility of bringing up the child. In other words it will not do to sit inactive saying that the direct responsibility in this connection is on its parents." (1)

All participants - all attendees - of the baby naming ceremony are bound under oath to take an active role in ensuring the welfare of that child, from its first feeding up till adulthood and beyond. We should also remember that the oath taken by every attendee present at the ja'takarma program is done in the name of Gurudeva. It is a serious commitment. As long as we are living on this earth we should consider and fulfill this responsibility. Indeed, as Baba says, this is part of our sadhana.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The oath taken on the occasion of ja'takarma will reawaken the sense of that duty again and again. Any grown-up person or any father shall not forget his duty when he has once looked at the helpless face of the child. It does not end here. In pursuance of the mantra of ja'takarma in A'nanda Ma'rga, a child has not simply been regarded as a child only but also a manifestation of Brahma in the child. So, serving the child, shall be a part of sa'dhana' (Brahma-Sa'dhana') to him." (2)

Our oath to watch for the welfare of the newborn is not just a commitment to a particular person, but an oath to watch over that baby as a manifestation of Brahma. This oath is to Parama Purusa and comes within the scope of our dharma sadhana.

Collective oath relieves pressure on the parents

People in the general society commonly think that when a married couple has a newborn then that child is the sole responsibility of the parents. Most of the communities and countries of the world function under this paradigm. A person, even a new margii, might think that it is solely the duty of the parents to bathe, clothe, feed, educate and look after the newborn up to adulthood.

But in Ananda Marga this is not our approach. Nowadays society is suffering terribly and one of the reasons is that parents are overwhelmed and challenged socially, economically, spiritually, and in so many ways. Under such pressure, they cannot raise children by themselves. That is why the population in decreasing in Japan. To eradicate these problems and bring relief to those parents in need, Baba has given this special system of ja'takarma.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "It will not do to sit inactive saying that the direct responsibility in this connection is on its parents." (3)

Rather in our unique system, that child is society's responsibility and in particular those in attendance at the ja'takarma ceremony are taking an oath to care for and ensure the proper growth of that babe. As we all know, bearing the responsibility and taking oaths are part of our debt and service to Guru. We are most fortunate to have been graced with such an opportunity.

Ananda Vanii says, "...The best you can do is only to serve. Remember, you are to serve bearing in mind that every creature is verily the living manifestation of the Supreme Consciousness. Remember also that the credit of service is not yours; it is due to the Supreme and the Supreme alone, whose ideation has inspired you to acquire the capability of rendering service." (4)

Meaning of ja'takarma mantra

Now, let us take a closer look at the baby naming ceremony itself as well as the oaths involved.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "When an infant is six months old (or any time between six months and one year of age), at least five members of Ananda Marga will gather together on a convenient day, and the infant will be laid before them." (5)

In Caryacarya Baba further guides us about the program and also presents the oaths to be taken by all attendees - i.e. all A'nanda Margiis attending the program.

First we are under oath to watch for the physical well being of the child.

“O gracious Brahma, may we unitedly be able to arrange for the upkeep, medical care and physical growth of this infant who has entered our society today.”

Thereafter we take an oath to ensure the proper psychic growth of the newborn.

“O gracious Brahma, may we be able to provide adequate education for the mental development of this infant who has entered our society today.”

Then we take an oath to care for the spiritual development of the child.

“O gracious Brahma, may we succeed, through proper education, in effecting the spiritual elevation of this infant who has entered our society today.”

Finally, we take the oath to always remember that the child is but a manifestation of the Supreme.

“O gracious Brahma, may we be able to see Your pervasive manifestation in this infant, in the form of which You have appeared to us today. We collectively give this baby the name . . . . . . .”

Upon the completion of this oath the newborn is given its Saḿskrta name.

Oath is strict commitment to Guru

By all respects then, the oaths administered in the ja'takarma program are most comprehensive and serious. It is verily a strict commitment by every Ananda Margii present. To go against any of the oaths is to break our vow to Guru. We should all take particular attention as to how we are to fulfill this oath. By taking the oath seriously, Baba will surely gives us the courage, ability, insight, and opportunity to properly fulfill that oath.

Many in our Marga are aware about all this and have taken (in)direct responsibility for many newborns and babes in our Marga society. And for others, perhaps there is scope for improvement. This is a moment to re-evaluate the content and responsibility associated with our jata'kjarma ceremony.

In the mundane society, thieves, politicians, lawyers, and all kinds of people take oaths, only to soon break those oaths in a matter of days or weeks. But in Ananda Marga oath means a strict commitment to Guru; it is a lifelong responsibility.

Baby-naming ceremony creates long-lasting social bond

Here Baba describes how the ja'takarma program helps create a human society based on love and fraternity.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “In this occasion no covering of the child has been prescribed so that such a fine picture of the occasion may be stamped in the minds of those present in the ceremony, as will not fade even when the child will be full-grown. In later years, when the child will come to him dressed as a gentleman, he will look on him as the self-same child of the past ja'takarma ceremony and not as a gentleman of the present day and will express signs of tenderness and responsibility in his dealings. The fact that he had taken oath regarding the child will rise afresh in his mind. When the child also, thus dressed as a gentleman, will learn that he is one among those who took part in his ja'takarma ceremony, he will respect and regard him as a father and this will result in a sweet social relation.” (6)

We should carry this forward; by this way so many good results will occur in the society. Through this unique ja'takarma system, no one will feel isolated - all will feel cared for - no one will be left behind. Gradually the whole society will purified. Through these oaths, all are seen as family members and those elders rightly earn the respect of the youths. Indeed, when the baby grows then there is a sweet and blissful relation amongst all. That is Baba's teaching.


The Ananda Marga baby-naming ceremony is highly unique. Such a system is not present anywhere else. We should all aim for that high ideal and carry out all oaths accordingly. By properly fulfilling the oaths related with ja'takarma, a great new society will flourish on this earth, by His grace.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Society must ensure that proper care is taken of human babies who are totally dependent on the care and protection of their parents for their existence. These helpless children can only convey their pain and discomfort through tears. To raise children from infancy to maturity is an immensely important task. I have said before that the members of society must advance in unison. The newborn babe is another traveller on the path. To adopt a child as our companion, as one included in the society, is called the “ja'takarma” of the child." (7)

We should all be (a) eager to attend the baby-naming ceremonies in our Marga and (b) ready to fulfill our moral, social and spiritual duties with regards to the raising of that child. By taking an active role and attending to our oath in a serious manner, Sadguru Baba will surely grace us with the energy, understanding, and ability to be successful.

In Him,

Actual time of birth

Human life starts at conception, but in various ceremonies the start of life is recognised as at the time of birth. Even then, we should be more precise as to the time of the actual birth. The precise point of birth starts when the child first starts crying, as this marks the moment when their lungs are working. At this point the babe is functioning independently on its own. In that case, the time of birth could be a few seconds after the newborn emerges from the birth canal. Sometimes you have to make newborns cry so their lungs start functioning. So again the real time of birth is when the child first cries as that indicates that their lungs are working. Unfortunately, people often note down the wrong time. 

1. Táttvika Diipiká (Caturtha Parva), Játakarma
2. Táttvika Diipiká (Caturtha Parva), Játakarma
3. Táttvika Diipiká (Caturtha Parva), Játakarma
4. A'nanda Va'nii #23
5. Caryacarya - 1, Infant's Játakarma: The Naming of and First Feeding of Solid Food to an Infant
6. Táttvika Diipiká (Caturtha Parva), Játakarma
7. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Spirit of Society

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Endless fountain streams

“Ke go ele sudhá jhará...” (Prabhat Samgiita #1157)


Who are You who came showering spiritual nectar. My Sudha' Jhara, due to Your august presence everything has become blissful. By removing all the darkness of ignorance, dogma, mean-mindedness, and groupism, You have made this earth refulgent and wiped away all the filth of sin from this world and filled it with neo-humanism.

My Parama Purusa, I came to know You ages and ages ago - who knows when - it was Your grace. In that liila’, with spiritual flashes of a new illumination, today, You released the sentient flow of endless fountain streams.

Baba, please come into my life, into the depths of my mind - secretly, in Your attractive, charming Mohan form. Madhura, You are the embodiment of sweetness. Kindly satisfy my hope, satiate my heart, and grant me the highest bhakti.

My Bandhu, I surrender at Your lotus feet...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #1157:

[1] Sudha' Jhara': This is one of the names of Parama Purusa which describes one of His infinite attributions: The Entity that showers nectar.

[2] Second Stanza, First Line: Here the exact date, hour, minute, and second of the introduction to Parama Purusa is not known to the bhakta. Only the he knows that it was a long time ago that he first came in contact with that supreme Entity. Yet all along that Entity was aware about bhakta.

[3] Flashes (jhilike): To progress along the path of spirituality, the grace of Parama Purusa is needed, but not need a full load or large amount if grace, just a wee-bit of grace is enough. If He graces fully then human beings will become overloaded, i.e. flooded. It is just like if your crops are very dry and needs water, then just a small amount is enough; if those crops become flooded in 2ft or 10ft of water, they will not be able to survive. Similarly, in human life, just a wee-bit of grace is sufficient. Human beings cannot tolerate more.

[4] Second Stanza, Second line: This line depicts how the sadhaka's relation with Parama Purusa has deepened to a new degree of closeness and intimacy. Earlier the relation was normal and today it became extremely powerful and devotional. Parama Purusa showered enormous spiritual waves of intimacy and strong yearning of bhakti.

[5] Madhura: Here the bhakta is addressing Parama Purusa as: O' most loving One. Parama Purusa has infinite attributions and this name for Him depicts His quality of overflowing with sweetness and love.

To understand more deeply about the meaning of madhura, one should be familiar with madhura bhava, i.e. that intimate relation between bhakta and the Lord. This is an extremely close and intimate loving relation, just like the great bhaktas Miira and Radha had with Lord Krsna. All this Baba has explained beautifully in His book, Namami Krsnasundaram. This type of very intimate relation is called madhura bhava. The Entity who is most loving is addressed as Madhura and is also madhu bhara, i.e. filled with sweetness and charm. That is why He is most loving.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Fear contrary to AM ideology

If an Ananda Margii uses intoxicants that is against the ideology. In a similar way, if a sadhaka is afraid of anybody it means they are not following the ideology. If one is drinking liquor that is anti-ideological, and if someone is suffering from fear that is also unideological. The reason is that srsti (this creation) is in the mind of Parama Purusa, and He loves His bhaktas more than anyone else. And the person who is scaring you is also getting their energy from Parama Purusa. But because Parama Purusa loves you more and everything is in His control, then there is no reason to be afraid. Being afraid means not trusting on Parama Purusa. 

For example, suppose you visited your parents after a long time. And this is the first time you are meeting your mother’s new, large, ferocious dog. And mother is greeting you with her menacing dog on a leash, then by seeing the dog will you be afraid? If you are afraid it means you do not trust your mother. In the same way, being an Ananda Margii, if you are afraid of anyone it means you do not trust Parama Purusa. And not trusting Parama Purusa means one is not following the ideology. This is the gist of what Baba explains in the following teaching. 

Ananda Marga ideology states, “As I have said previously, our ideology maintains that no one need be afraid of anything under any circumstances. If anyone does become afraid, it should be understood that he or she is doing something opposed to our ideology. So you should remember that no situation will ever arise in this world which will give you cause for fear. It has been said that Parama Puruśa is the fear of fear. That is, fear is as afraid of Parama Puruśa as humans are afraid of [objects of] fear. Bhiiśańaḿ bhiiśańánám – “He is the dread of all dreaded things.” A feared object is as afraid of Parama Puruśa as others are afraid of it. So, as you are the progeny of Parama Puruśa, who or what can possibly give you cause to fear?” (1) 

1. Kolkata, 14 November 1978, As-Is version

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Humans doing God’s work


The work of Saguna Brahma is related with srsti - creation: To present more and more created beings into this manifested cosmos. Now, however, with the advancement of science, laboratory specialists are taking over that work, day by day. 

Already laboratory babes are being produced. Scientists take one ovum and spermatozoa and combine them in the lab. In that process of fusion, the two initial cells die and an entirely new third entity is created. That is the initial stage of a human life; at that very juncture mind is attached with that entity. And then that newly created being is inserted into the womb of a surrogate mother.

When Baba delivered this discourse in 1958 the aforesaid process was unthinkable. Yet what Baba told has now become a living reality here on earth. Scientists have made such advancements. Now, people are ordering babies according to their liking. Some parents want a mixed baby with certain Asian physical features, along with the height of a Scandinavian etc. In this way, people are designing and ordering their babies. And then scientists get the relevant ovum and spermatozoa from those human communities and join those cells in the lab. 

They even know how to remove particular genes that produce dangerous diseases. And verily this science will continue to develop and become more widely used around the globe. In this way, humans are taking over the work that is normally done by Saguna Brahma.

Verily we have witnessed the dramatic impact humans have made with dog breeding. Each year they are combining favourable breeds of dogs to make an entirely new breed. In this way, humans are introducing new and newer beings into creation. In the past this was all done by allowing prakrti to exert her influence over Saguna Brahma. In that way so many shapes and forms were created in this world: rivers, mountains, oceans, animals, and human beings. 

And in another discourse, Baba guides us that as human intuition develops, those human beings will know more and more. And when they meet others they will be able to see each other's past lives - stretching back several incarnations - and know what they were and from where they came. 

Humans will even be able to restore life to dead bodies

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Science is moving fast – it is moving ahead and it will continue to move ahead. Nobody can check the advancement of science by criticizing it. Those who try to make such attempts will themselves lag behind – they will be rejected by the modern world."
   "Human beings will definitely be able to increase human longevity by scientific techniques. In certain special cases they will even be able to restore life to dead bodies. The endeavour to expedite the advent of that auspicious day of science is certainly an important part of social service."
   "One day human beings will also learn how to produce human babes in science laboratories. Perhaps then it will be possible for human beings to place an order for their children and to get children according to their choice. Why should these laboratory babes lag behind modern humans with respect to intellectual and spiritual wealth! Those opposed to science today challenge, “Let human beings demonstrate that they can produce living entities!” By producing laboratory babes, the human beings of the future will give a befitting reply to this challenge."
   "The development of intuition will make human beings more spiritually inclined. What Saguńa Brahma [the Qualified Supreme Entity] is directly doing today will be done increasingly by the human beings of tomorrow. In that age the reproductive capacity of the human body will gradually cease to exist." (1) 

In Him,

1. Problems of the Day, Point #25

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Dogma: Death Valley 


See the below image. The organisers of Jamalpur DMS have imposed the dogma that Death Valley (Jamalpur) is a holy place. Their aim is to make this into a famous site and generate huge profits. To that end, they have started a kiirtana programme under one tree in Death Valley itself. Sadly, this is the same strategy all the religions employ to cheat the common public. It is so unfortunate that AMPS has lost its spirit to propagate Ananda Marga ideology.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The Supreme Being is omnipresent, all-pervading….It is not proper to confine Him to a particular place and say that He has eaten butter at this place or taken a dip in the Ganges at that particular place, thus limiting Him to a particular region or a particular country or the glorification of a particular sacred place, and thereby limit His all-pervasiveness." (1)

In Him,
Vya’pti Yadav

2nd gross injustice: harming tree

In the above photo there is a tree in the center with a concrete block encircling it. That cement structure is completely inimical to the tree and causes the tree to suffer. That is why the tree cracked and broke the cement. It is completely against the ethics of PCAP to put cement around the tree. This platform should be removed so Baba’s teachings about serving plants can be implemented, thereby saving the tree.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 11, The Psychology behind the Creation of Mythological Gods and Goddesses

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Way to bring sinners onto the path


When discussing Ananda Marga teachings with negative elements or bad people in a particular area, then it is better not to go alone. Having more than one, two, or three margiis present - or as many as you can take - will give greater psycho-spiritual strength to overpower those bad minds. By this way those negative elements can be convinced and brought into the fold.

This strategy is especially applicable when anyone feels uncomfortable going alone to meet with such anti-social elements, or so-called very famous people. In that case, bring other Ananda Margiis along with you to help convince that party about the ideals of Ananda Marga, and turn them into ardent sadhakas.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Every human being has certain merits and demerits. Suppose a person has forty  percent merit and sixty percent demerit: the resultant demerit is twenty percent. If a weak person whose resultant demerit is forty percent comes in contact with a person whose resultant demerit is more than forty percent, he will certainly degenerate. Obviously, a thief will not be a durjana (wicked person) for a perfectly honest person because the latter will easily counteract the thief's negative qualities. But for an ordinary person without any notable attributes, the thief will certainly be a durjana. Those with less psychic or spiritual power can easily be influenced by a wicked person. Those who are psychically and spiritually developed, however, are not so easily influenced and for them even a very wicked person may not be a durjana. It is the duty of every human being to avoid wicked people. You may ask, 'Can wicked people ever become virtuous?' Of course they can, but remember that only those people having greater psychic power than them should try to transform them. So what should you do? Instead of going alone, you should take five or ten friends with you so that your collective psychic strength will be greater than theirs." (1)

The same approach applies when addressing those Wts who are not following Ananda Marga WT conduct rules. If you think a particular Wt will not listen to you when you raise the matter, then go en masse with other margiis and address that worker. Then surely you will get success. That is the gist of the aforesaid Baba’ quoted guideline.

in Him,

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, What Should Human Beings Do?

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Some characteristics of Sadguru

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "In the Vedic language, the word 'guru' is derived from the root 'gur' plus the suffix 'un'. The root 'gur' means 'to train others how to speak, how to behave in a dignified manner'. The Guru teaches us to follow a methodical way of life. To love is not the only work of the Guru. One who only loves you is your enemy, and one who only punishes you is also your enemy. But the one who both loves and punishes in a balanced way is the real Guru." (1)

Note: Along with the Guru-disciple relation, this aforesaid Baba's teaching is equally applicable in (a) ideal parent-child relations, (b) ideal "shraman'a"-trainee relations, and (c) ideal teacher-student relations.

And the following stanza from Prabhat Samgiita #4528 projects this same idea:
ápan bolei karo shásan,
duhkhe sukhe ápanár jana
ándhár ráte mańir matan,
álo jvalo tákáini,
bhuleo kabhu bhávini
1. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why worse than animals

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Human beings devoid of bhágavata dharma are just like animals. I have already said that if human beings lack bhágavata dharma they are actually worse than animals. Animals do not have a developed intellect or consciousness; human beings do. If human beings fail to utilize their developed intellect and consciousness, choosing to avoid the pursuit of bhágavata dharma, they are the enemies of humanity and a slur on the human race. Their actions, having no relation to bhágavata dharma, should be considered contrary to humanity and their innate characteristic. Their future is bound to be doomed, like that of a huge tree struck by lightning. The downtrodden masses who long to better themselves should embrace the path of bhágavata dharma. The easiest and most natural way for human civilization and humanity to grow is through bhágavata dharma. There is no other way. Hence, those who sincerely seek the welfare of humanity must uphold bhágavata dharma.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life, Bhágavata Dharma

== Section 3: Links ==

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