Dhyana became harmful
All are aware that Sadguru Baba has given this below guideline.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "You shall protect, in all respects and at all costs, the dignity of your treasures and the sanctity of your flag, of your emblem, and of the pratikrti [photo] of Márga Guru." (1)
By the above teaching, it is clear that the sanctity of Baba's photo / image must be upheld. That means no one should paint Baba's image, as that will invariably confuse others about what Baba really looks like.
Prior Mahasambhutis: difficult dhyana
Regarding Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna, they are also Mahasambhuti and Taraka Brahma. But when they took advent on this earth, the technology had yet to be developed to capture their image. So their real, true form is not available. Just those followers are depending upon their dhyana mantra of Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna as those dhyana mantras describe how Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna look. But that is a very difficult and arduous approach.
In order to achieve salvation, meditation on the form of Taraka Brahma is needed. And it is useless to do so with fictitious images, that is why followers of Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna are operating from a deficit. They lack an accurate photo or picture. The original form is very important, and if anyone alters it in any way then they are committing terrible sin, mahapapa. For this reason Caryacarya guides us to uphold the sanctity of Guru's pratikrti [photo]. That means Guru’s image should not be altered in any way.
Non-margiis will do what they do and prakrti will punish them accordingly. At the same time, no sane margii will not go against Sadguru Baba's aforesaid teaching.
Proper image needed
Here below Baba guides us how the image of Sadguru is indispensable for dhyana, and if that image is altered then one is doing sin as they will be blocking the spiritual progress of others. For Guru dhyána, a true and proper image is needed so changing or altering any approved image of Guru is inviting very negative samskaras.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The different types of lessons in Ananda Marga sádhaná [spiritual practices] are designed to strengthen the different cakras and control the propensities. Guru dhyána [meditation on the guru] strengthens the sahasrára cakra." (2)
See below this next teaching about the sanctity of Sadguru's photo.
Caryacarya states, "They [bhukti pradhans] are to maintain the sanctity of all jágrtis, dhvajas [flags], pratiikas and pratikrtis [photos of Márga Guru] with the help of the jágrti secretary and others." (3)
in Him,
Vya’pti devii
Baba encourages the practice of the fine arts but that does not mean that in the name of fine arts one should alter Guru's photo; and it does not mean that in the name of the practice of the fine arts one can create degraded 3x (i.e. dirty) images of women. One has to always exercise viveka and discretion when using any art form.
If anyone meditates on a false or "touched-up" or painted or fake image in their dhyana, then that is not real dhyana, rather it becomes harmful.
Warning: adulterated photo
Sadly, some continue to adulterate, photoshop, and manipulate Baba image / photo. That is what was done below. This is a very negative practice on multiple levels, as explained above, and one should refrain from engaging in this terrible sin (mahapapa).
1. Caryacarya -1, Treasures of Ananda Marga
2. Yoga Psychology, Glands and Sub-Glands
3. Caryacarya -1, Bhukti Pradhan
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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.
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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==
Key guideline for unity
Ananda Marga philosophy says, "How far is the unification of all religions possible?"
"Ans.: – To seek infinite bliss is the only dharma of humanity. Humanity has but one dharma. Thus, the question of the unification of religions does not arise. The apparent dissimilarity between various religions arising due to differences in their ritualistic practices is not a spiritual difference. Whenever rituals dominate and efforts to attain bliss are feeble, whatever that may be, it is not spirituality." (1)
Mixing the various religious dogmas
According to the above guideline, the only way to create ek manav samaj (one human society) is to rid society from all such dogmas and build a neo-humanistic social order based on the pure spiritual ideals of Ananda Marga. However, in the general society, the prevailing confusion is that if we mix the rituals of various religions like Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and people follow the religions accordingly then society will be harmonious. In many countries there are religious places where all kinds of believers attend and practice their dogma. The organisers think by this way there will be unity in the society. But according to the above teaching there will not be harmony. Only they can create a pseudo type of harmony by superficially following their religious edicts. But the moment they become strict in their religious dogma a fight will break out.
For instance, religion A preaches, “My religion [religion A] is the real thing and others are heathens, so you can forcibly convert them or even kill them.” And in response, religion B preaches “This religion [ i.e. religion B] is the real thing and others are heathens, so you can forcibly convert them or even kill them.” So if both religions A & B think like this and believe only their religion is great, then they can never unite. As long as their religious feeling is superficial then they can sit in one room, but the day they become strong adherents of their religion they cannot bear seeing each other. So humans cannot be united on the point of religion.
AMPS must be dogma-free
Sincere margiis want to unite various factions of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. However, unity cannot be achieved by mixing various group agendas and dogmas. Please again see Guru’s above teaching highlighted in yellow. The summary is that the first work is to remove all factional dogma from our landscape. No group agenda can be in vogue. For example, so long as mahaprayan (MPD) and Jamalpur holy land dogma exist there cannot be unity. To unite and move together all dogma must be removed, including the dogma of geo-socio sentiment etc.
The idea and reality of ek manav samaj can only be achieved by creating one human society based on the universal, dharmic teachings of neo-humanism and Ananda Marga ideology. In that endeavour there is no scope or question of creating organisational or social unity by merging the various sects, or the dogmas of the different groups of AMPS, or compromising with their dogmas. That will never bring harmony, inside or outside the organisation.
in Him,
1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell Part 3, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt B, question #49
== Section 3: Links ==
Other topics of interest