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Monday, February 28, 2022

Historia de Baba


Historia de Baba


Sadguru Baba presentó Sus diversos planes y programas en un enfoque dividido en fases. A través de este método, Él demostró prácticamente la amplia gama de proyectos que deben implementarse adecuadamente. Con este fin, publicó y volvía a cambiar Wts (acaryas) de un proyecto a otro para enseñarles mejor sobre los diversos tipos de trabajos que debían realizarse. Acerca de esto se discute a continuación, así como también cómo Baba trazó un plan completo para servir a la humanidad.

Cuando los trabajadores fueron transferidos a nuevos puestos y trabajos, desarrollaron una mayor experiencia y aprendieron nuevos idiomas, psicologías y habilidades para resolver problemas, etc. Todo el tiempo, Baba estaba creando más y más programas nuevos en sucesiva. Si esos Dadas se hubieran mantenido en esos programas antiguos, entonces quién habría estado disponible para aprender los nuevos programas.

Fase de imprenta y diarios

Baba ordenó que cada diócesis tuviera que tener una imprenta para poder publicar nuestros propios periódicos porque los medios controlados por los explotadores no propagarían nuestras noticias. Así que Baba creó muchos periódicos diarios y margiis y wts recibieron la tarea de ejecutar este plan, de lo contrario, DMC sería cancelado. En algunos lugares, Baba no tomaba Su desayuno hasta que recibía el diario local de esa unidad. Bajo presión, los margiis reunían cantidades sustanciales de dinero para comprar una prensa y dar un informe a Baba. Baba sólo quedó satisfecho cuando tanto wts como margiis se dieron cuenta de la importancia de tener nuestro propio diario periódico

En algunos casos, la prensa estuvo funcionando durante algún tiempo, y en otros casos no funcionó en absoluto, pero la mayoría en AMPS aprendió la lección de que “Debemos tener nuestro propio periódico”. Incluso entonces, en esta situación, algunos simples margiis no podían entender por qué Baba les estaba dando un trabajo arduo y difícil. En algunos lugares, un proyecto estaba funcionando bien y luego alguien fue transferido o alguien dejó su puesto wt y ese proyecto se caía al suelo, es decir, a cero. Esta fue la forma en que los proyectos subieron y bajaron, esto sucedió en muchos lugares.

Hoy, mañana y por miles de años

Pero los margiis & wts (acaryas) sinceros pudieron entender que Baba estaba enseñando para hoy, mañana e incluso durante miles y miles de años hasta la eternidad. Eran tantas las cosas que Baba tenía para dar. Y en este caso particular, la enseñanza fue que, “Cada bhukti debe tener su propio periódico”. Eso es lo que Baba quería que todos supiéramos.

Solo a los bhaktas se les permitía acercarse a Parama Purusa. Así que no había cientos de millones de personas. El número de margiis y trabajadores era bastante pequeño y Su gama de proyectos era inmensa, presentando todos los muchos planes y programas de Su ideología de Ananda Marga. Esos pocos Wts necesitaban aprender muchos proyectos.

La necesidad del día entonces era transferir Wts rápidamente de un proyecto a otro. Esa era la única forma de entrenarlos y presentarles la noción de que había que hacer muchas obras. Debido a que los recursos de AMPS, tanto en términos de dinero como de personas, eran pocos, todos los Wts involucrados en el proyecto anterior de imprentas, etc., se cambiarían al siguiente proyecto nuevo. En ese caso, era deber de los margiis mantener esas prensas, y si no podían hacerlo, ese papel colapsaría.

Todos los trabajadores de tiempo completo avanzarían a toda máquina con el próximo plan de Baba. El nuevo programa no se pudo detener. De esta manera, la rueda giraría y Baba introduciría un programa tras otro: Imprenta, hogares infantiles, escuelas, AMURT, pracara, unidades maestras, jagritis, Rawa, RU, GP, WWD Gurukul, Seva Dal, Hari Pari Mandal, y UPYF, etc.

Cómo algunos malinterpretaron los caminos de Baba

Este fue el plan práctico de Baba para mostrarnos todo lo que se necesitaba para la humanidad. Al participar en proyectos, cometer errores y solucionar esos problemas, todos en AMPS aprendieron mucho. Algunos no-sadhakas ignorantes pensarían que el proyecto fue un fracaso y que nuestra Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha era incapaz de hacer ningún trabajo concreto, mientras que otras organizaciones no-margii construyeron escuelas enormes y hermosos hospitales, etc. Pero sabemos que esas otras organizaciones, etc., no tenían un plan panorámico extenso como el de Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.


Margiis y wts sinceros pudieron entender que Baba está enseñando para el presente así como para miles de años en la eternidad. Estaba presentando meticulosamente una forma práctica de servir a la humanidad. Baba tenía tantos planes y programas que ofrecer para el bienestar de todos.

en Él,

Wts confundidos en comparación con el monje budista Marpa

Algunas personas desinformadas pensaron que Baba estaba dando objetivos de trabajo difíciles cuando teníamos una capacidad limitada. En su mente, pensaban que Baba estaba a la par del dogmático gurú tibetano Marpa y que los Wts y margiis eran como el discípulo Milarepa. Aquellos con una perspectiva racional entendieron fácilmente que esto no era correcto. Porque Marpa solo abusó y agobió a Milarepa con la tarea sin sentido de construir, diezmar y reconstruir la misma choza de piedra, etc., y nunca le enseñó prácticas espirituales. Mientras que Baba graciosamente otorgó todas las gemas y joyas de la espiritualidad sublime y, al mismo tiempo, presentó meticulosamente una forma práctica de servir a la humanidad. Aquellos que no pudieron entender esta verdad fundamental se alejaron y abandonaron Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. Y los que se quedaron se beneficiaron inmensamente, es Su gracia.

De hecho, aquellos que hacían una sadhana más profunda sabían que todo esto era parte del plan divino de Baba para enseñar lo que se tenía que hacer al presentar un plan.

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Baba story

- Here are more Spanish postings

I am neo-humanist + 5 more


I am neo-humanist

Here is one important and unique teaching from Baba that is highly suited to the present circumstances of some in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha these days. Some margiis say that, "I am not a follower of any group; I visit every group, attend their programs, and support them psychically and economically. I am not groupist, rather I am a neo-humanist."

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Some intellectuals are in favour of respecting all religions. I say that such people cannot do anything to promote the solidarity of the human race, for most religions demand blind faith rather than rationality from their followers. “Don't argue,” they proclaim. “Accept the teachings of the scriptures for they are the direct word of God.” The cunning intellectuals of the past imposed the importance of blind faith on the minds of their gullible followers. They told them to obey the teachings, rational or irrational, otherwise there would be no respite from the endless suffering of human life, no other path to take them to the eternal bliss of heaven." (1)

In His above teaching, Baba clearly points out that those who compromise with and follow all the various dogmatic religions can never bring unity or welfare to humanity. Following all the dogmas of the numerous religions cannot bring forth one human society. Likewise, those who attend all the various group functions and follow their dogma can never bring unity in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

Satire: "my lifestyle" part 1

(A) On Friday, I go and pray at the mosque with the Muslims. I grow my beard, eat halal meat from the slow-butchered animal with chants of  the Quran, and perform 5 times namaz (prayer). I strictly follow all Islamic rituals and dogmas. I support the edict that non-believers of Islam should be fined, forcibly converted, or killed. On that day I only raise the slogan: Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. My God is only god - all others are false.

I strictly follow this prophet's ideal, “I am the last prophet. Prayers must be said before God a specific number of times in a certain manner each day. Special animals must be sacrificed on particular days. These are the wishes of “merciful God”. Those who follow these injunctions will attain heaven on the Day of Judgement.” (2)

On Fridays, during Ramadhan, I fast during the day and feast at night. 

(B) On Saturday, I walk to synagogue with all the Jews and adhere to their dress code. I follow a Kosher lifestyle and adopt all Judaic rituals and dogmas. I only eat kosher meat in a special way, the animal butchered animal with chants from the torah. On that day, the torah is everything for me. And I wholeheartedly embrace the notion, "We Jews are the chosen people, and others are inferior."

(C) On Sunday, I attend church with the Christians, and - stone to death those involved in adultery and spread communal sentiments against other religions. I also strictly adhere to all Christian rituals and dogmas. I devour meat all day long meat. On that day, I think only about Lord Jesus Christ - My God is the only God - all others are heathens. My slogan is: "“Our prophet is the only saviour. There is no escape from mundane sufferings except by taking refuge in him....Know ye, my son, thy God is the only God. All other gods are false gods.”" (3)

(D) On Monday, I go to the Sikh temple. I tie my hair on top of my head and carry a sword. I eat jhatka' - i.e. goat killed in a swift manner - and follow all Sikh rituals and dogmas. That day I only repeat the name of Guru Nanak.

Satire: "my lifestyle" part 2

(E) On Tuesday, I attend the Hindu temple to honor the monkey god Hanuman. I wear a shawl that says "Ra'm Na'ma'" and chant the holy mantra Ram, Rama, Ram, Ram, Rama, Ram. I follow all Hindu rituals and dogmas. And on that day, only I worship Ram.

(F) On Wednesday, I go to the Buddhist monastery and wear their robes and follow their customs. I chant: “Buddham sharanam gaccha'mi” and eat meat. I strictly adhere to all Buddhist rituals and dogmas, and fully embrace the notion, "Life is suffering."

(G) On Thursday, I practice prayer at the Jain temple. I walk there with a broom to ensure I do not step on any organisms; I sweep away all the bugs so I do not step on them. And I put a cloth over my mouth to ensure that when I breathe I did not kill any organisms etc. And I follow a very strict vegetarian diet and I do not eat any root vegetables (like beets) or tomatoes - or anything that is red as it resembles the color of meat. In this way, I follow all the rituals and dogmas of the Jain religion. On that day, I only seek the blessing of Lord Mahaviira Jain.

In this way I pass the week. I do not consider myself a part of any one particular religion. Rather, I remain a friend of them all and follow all their rituals and dogmas. That is why I am a neo-humanist.

One should oppose their dogma...

In our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, there are some margiis who say that, "I am not a follower of any group, I visit every group, attend their programs, and support them psychically and economically. I am not a groupist, rather I am a neo-humanist." Such people who attend the rituals and dogmas of all the groups think that therefore they are not in any group.

Now we have to decide: If someone follows the dogmas, rituals, and narrow-mindedness of all the groups, then is that person a neo-humanist? Is that the definition of neo-humanism? The key defining point is that if anyone goes to any group function, then they must point out the dogma of that particular gathering. This is the moral responsibility of every disciple of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji.

...but instead people follow their dogma

Typically though, what we see happening is that if someone attends one group's gathering, then they keep mum about the dogma going there - they do not oppose anything; only they speak ill of the other groups. This is the common phenomenon. Verily each group has their loyal cadre of supporters who pay a blind eye and a deaf ear to the wrondoings, dogma, and injustices associated with that group. They follow the party line - completely.

The only thing worse than that are those who attend the functions of all the groups and compromise with and support (morally, financially etc) each group's dogma. This is the absolute worst category. Such persons often think that they are involved in something great like unity and neo-humanism. But, in truth, they are the agents of dogma at each and every step. You may have met some who fall in this category.

Those who attended any Fake Ananda Vanii program and did not oppose - this posting is for them. Those who attended any seminar or DMS where PP did not sing kiirtan or sit for dharmacakra etc, then this posting is for them. As we know, these are not the only dogmas in our AMPS these days, there are many dogmas. Those who are new and not aware about the various dogmas, please write us.


Baba is adamantly against the blind following of any group's dogmas. On the path of Ananda Marga, everything is based on logic and reasoning. Not a stitch of dogma is allowed anywhere. Ours is the path of rationality. On this point each and every Ananda Margii should be cent-per-cent firm. There is no room for compromise when it comes to groupism and dogma.

In Him,
Dharma buddhi

If the jagrti of one group is near you and you are attending dharmacakra there, that is ok - as long as you do not support their dogma. For example, if in that factional jagrti a same caste marriage is being performed then do not go and support that dogma. The sign of a groupist person is that they ignore the wrongdoings going on in their chosen camp / group. And they only highlight the wrongs of other groups. Going and attending mahaprayan and keeping quiet means supporting dogma. As a dharmika, one should be active in opposing their dogma.

~ In depth study ~

To remind oneself

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Almost every religion has claimed that only its followers are God's chosen people and that the rest of humanity is cursed and bound by the chains of Satan." (4)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Some intellectuals are in favour of respecting all religions. I say that such people cannot do anything to promote the solidarity of the human race, for most religions demand blind faith rather than rationality from their followers. “Don't argue,” they proclaim. “Accept the teachings of the scriptures for they are the direct word of God.” The cunning intellectuals of the past imposed the importance of blind faith on the minds of their gullible followers. They told them to obey the teachings, rational or irrational, otherwise there would be no respite from the endless suffering of human life, no other path to take them to the eternal bliss of heaven." (5)

About PP dogma

Baba did not make a special Caryacarya for for PP dada / didi. Because he or she is also a disciple and must adhere to Sixteen Points etc, but at present they are not doing this.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless
2. Human Society - 1, Moralism
3. Human Society - 1, Moralism
4. Human Society - 1, Moralism
5. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Goal of Ananda Margiis vs materialists

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The person with whom you live with all the warmth of your life will ultimately desert you – it is a cruel game. Confronted with this grim reality one should be very cautious about selecting one's goal. One thing is clear – the Supreme Entity alone should be accepted as ones goal." (1)

Note: If you ask someone, "What is the most important thing in your life?", then most will respond that it is their kids, or spouse, or job etc. Or they will say that their goal is to become a billionaire. This is what most commonly think. Their goals are mundane.  People forget that everything in this world is moving - temporary. And when one's goal is mundane then that too is transitory - here today, gone tomorrow.

It is just like if two people fall in love on the platform of the railway station, and then each gets on separate trains. Then so long as those two trains are moving at the same rate those two people can see  each other. But that condition will not last long. Soon the trains begin moving at different speeds and going in different directions. Similarly, if a person thinks that their children or wife are everything, then it means they have forgotten the fact that their time together will be short-lived - for a maximum of 125 years. Either they or their family members will die first. No one can live forever. 

Whose eyes have been opened by Guru

But people cannot think in this way - instead they think they will live forever. This is the play of avidya maya at work. They do not realise what is going on. Only those blessed people - whose eyes have been opened by Guru - realise that only the Cosmic Entity can be the Goal. Life is for Parama Purusa, not any mundane object. Those worldly things are for objective adjustment only. 

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutsehll, Ekendriya – 4

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Recognize the disrespected

   Ananda Marga ideology states, "Human beings neglect many things in this world without any plausible reason. They forget that Parama Puruśa resides in every object, even the most neglected one. They fail to look at the world with proper social benevolence. Suppose a pig is writhing in pain. The onlookers casually say, “Well, it's only a pig – let it die,” and thus neglect Parama Puruśa in the form of a pig. Such an error will result in their overall progress being retarded. One should not detest anything as everything is a manifestation of Parama Puruśa. Parama Puruśa cannot hate anyone or anything in this world – how can He, all are His manifestations – so on what grounds can humans hate anyone or anything. If one hates His manifestation it means that one hates Parama Puruśa Himself. Let no human being be so arrogant.”
   “It has been said, “Amáninam mánadeyam” – “respect the disrespected.” Those who are disrespected and rejected by society should also be recognized by us as manifestations of Parama Puruśa. We must respect them with due honour as Parama Puruśa has chosen to manifest them in that particular way. We should always be very courteous to them. Hence the third duty of a devotee is to respect those people whom no one respects. We must approach those who are unloved, ridiculed, and in need of affection, and tell them we care for them. By honouring them and restoring their dignity we will make them happy; their minds will become filled with joy." (1)

1. Anadna Vacanamrtam - 7, How Should a Devotee Behave?

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Impotency & modernity

These days around the globe in so-called advanced countries impotency is on the rise. In western countries, the rate of impotency is growing. Proof of this is that adoption agencies are earning a lot of money; they bring children from very poor areas like Africa, parts of Asia, free of cost and sell them to Euro-American countries for thousands of dollars. But the main problem is that impotency and infertility are on the rise. Here Baba gives the causes as well as the solutions.

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says, "If excessive waste of semen occurs due to the bad habit of masturbation during adolescence or youth, or due to lack of restraint in married life, the seminal fluid becomes thin and the symptoms of seminal weakness appear. This is also a kind of sexual debility, and it is called seminal infertility."

"A serious lack of sexual restraint will make the nerves of the pelvis and genitals weak or damaged...This is called genital impotency."

"As I have already said, impotency and infertility, in most cases if not all, are diseases of over-indulgence; so one should keep control over their thoughts and actions. The male should stay away from feminine company as long as the disease is not fully cured." (1)

Note 1: Those who suffer from this should take it very, very seriously. And others must understand so that they can help educate and serve the suffering masses. Looking around there are so many people who do not know these beautiful rules of Baba and they invite danger.

Note 2: Because of this the population is decreasing amongst certain communities.

1. Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies, Impotency and Infertility



Subject: Reason behind changes / distortion of Baba discourses
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 16:19:14 +0530
From: Devesh Kumar <>
To: anandamarg <>, Babasdream <>


The truth is that errors have been happening while printing Baba's discourses unknowingly as well as knowingly. Baba delivered discourses in three languages Hindi, Bangla and English in DMC in Anandanagar. In Kolkata and in Bengali area, Baba spoke in Bengali language where as Baba spoke in Hindi language in North, West and Central India. In Overseas countries, Baba spoke only in English language.

If English book has to be printed, then Hindi and Bangla discourses will have to be translated into English. Similarly, if Hindi books are to be printed, English and Bengali discourses will have to be translated into Hindi. Sometimes double translations are happening and hence Baba’s divine words are getting distorted unknowingly.

Sometimes, translations are happening from Hindi to Bangla and again Bangla to Hindi and then printing Hindi discourses which do not match with original Baba’s spoken Hindi words. Sometimes translations are happening from Hindi to Bangla and then Bangla to English. Double translations distort Baba’s divine words to a great extent and do not match with Baba’s spoken words when compared with CD or cassettes.

In brief, errors are happening due to following reasons:

·         Error in listening from CD and Cassettes and typing different words while printing

·         Double translations

·         There are numerous instances of both intentional and unintentional errors that have crept into the printed and electronic editions of Baba's books and discourses.

If you read carefully trailing email and earlier emails on “Distortion of Baba discourses”, you can easily understand the main reason behind distortion of Baba words.

Baba says, "The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless. And the pioneering personality must be a strict and benevolent guardian with unyielding conviction." (Namah Shivay Shantay, page.200, Edition 1995)

Baba also says, “mantra mulam gurur vakyam". Guru's word is “mantra” for all of us. Whatever Baba Says, each and every word told by Baba carries a great importance. In future, people will research each and every word told by Baba. Remember- We, unit minds, human beings, do not have right to distort or alter “HIS Words” or anything told by Cosmic mind our beloved Baba.

In view of above, it is critically important that there should be one original transcript of His actual discourses in the exact form HE gave them. In this way if there is any question regarding the meaning or interpretation of a particular published discourse, then margis can always go to the unchanged original transcript to see whether Baba's words have been changed in the published discourse? Today margii don’t know what discourse BABA has actually delivered.

Baba says, "Absolute knowledge is the direct message from God...The books in A'nanda Ma'rga philosophy are all absolute knowledge." (PNS-18, p.10)

Devesh Kumar

== Section 2: Links ==