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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Sadhana perezosa


Sadhana perezosa


Sadhana es el pilar en la vida de todos y cada uno de los humanos. Es una parte integral de la propia existencia. Al mismo tiempo, todos sabemos que el progreso en la meditación es sistáltico: se mueve a través de períodos de velocidad y pausa, a veces es suave y a veces es duro. Es un esfuerzo constante para todos y cada uno de los sadhakas involucrarse más en su sadhana. Esto requiere tanto sinceridad de corazón como dedicación al ideal espiritual tal como lo dio Baba. En ese caso, cada sadhaka puede profundizar sus prácticas espirituales, por medio de Su krpa’.

Los puntos expresados aquí no pertenecen a aquellos que solo hacen de 5 a 10 minutos de sadhana antes de comer. Las ideas expresadas en esta carta están relacionadas con aquellos profundamente comprometidos con la sadhana que dedican una cantidad adecuada de tiempo a su práctica diariamente. En este sentido, durante las vacaciones y los descansos, etc., todos deberían tratar de pasar más tiempo enfocados en sadhana. Las grandes personas tienen una mente enfocada y dedican el máximo tiempo a la sadhana.

Cuando uno hace su sadhana correctamente, se genera una cierta vibración dulce. Una energía bienaventurada distintiva recorre el cuerpo e impregna la mente y el aspirante se embriaga espiritualmente en dicha. Y esta vibración en sí misma es una señal positiva de que la meditación de uno está en el camino correcto.

Ciencia espiritual práctica: paso a paso

Desde una perspectiva más introvertida, podemos decir que hay etapas particulares de nuestro iishvara pranidhana sadhana que representan cómo emerge la vibración sútil antes mencionada. En iishvara pranidhana, inicialmente por la bendición de Baba y con nuestra iccha shakti (fuerza de voluntad) surge un fuerte deseo de obtener la Entidad Cósmica. Como resultado, la mente se concentra. Luego, paso a paso, se desarrollan las siguientes etapas. Se cultiva un sentido de entrega y con ese sentimiento y anhelo íntimo, combinado con bhakti, uno comienza su mantra japa - repetición de mantra. A medida que continúa la práctica de mantra japa con bhakti, entonces ocurre mantra'ghat. Es decir, el mantra golpea el kulakundalini y el kundalini comienza a elevarse. Esto hace que una ola de sentimientos de bienaventuranza consciente se extienda a lo largo de la existencia de uno, y la mente se embriague espiritualmente en dicha.

Esto no es solo una idea lejana; cualquier sadhaka sincero puede experimentar esto. Ananda Marga sadhana es muy científica y todos los Ista mantras de AM  son mantras siddha cargados. Cuando se repite correctamente con bhakti, el mantra siddha funciona el 100% del tiempo. Inmediatamente, genera ondas espirituales. No se necesitan meses, años o siglos de práctica de sadhana. Esto es similar a encender el interruptor e inmediatamente el ventilador comienza a funcionar; no lleva tiempo. La espiritualidad es aún más instantánea. Cualquiera que conozca el proceso adecuado y recite su mantra siddha con el sentimiento sincero de bhakti, sentirá instantáneamente una vibración espiritual y la mente se embriagará espiritualmente en dicha. Todo sadhaka puede experimentar esto. Lo que está escrito aquí es el primer paso. Cualquiera puede darse cuenta de esto muy fácilmente. Ananda Marga sadhana es tan única en este sentido. Pero sin bhakti (es decir, amor por Parama Purusa) nada sucederá.

Entonces, con una mente enfocada y la práctica correcta de la meditación, un flujo dichoso consume nuestra existencia y la mente se embriaga espiritualmente en dicha. Es decir, se despierta una vibración sútil.

En la sadhana seca: no llega ninguna vibración espiritual

Si no sentimos ninguna vibración cuando hacemos sadhana, entonces sabemos que el mantra no se estaba recitando correctamente con bhakti, y que la mente esta corriendo de aquí para allá. En ese caso, esa sesión de sadhana no fue bien utilizada. Cuando uno es capaz de recitar el mantra con plena ideación y bhakti, siempre surge una vibración consciente. El despertar de una vibración dichosa indica un cierto grado de "éxito" en la sadhana. Pero, esta no es la culminación completa de la propia sadhana. Más bien en este punto se ha llegado a una encrucijada inicial.

#1: El aspirante puede continuar enfocándose en su mantra japa con bhakti profundizando en su meditación.

#2: El aspirante pierde su enfoque en su ista mantra en sadhana, y la dulce vibración se desvanece.

Algunos puntos importantes a saber:
(a) El peor tipo de sadhana es si uno no siente ninguna vibración espiritual en su práctica.
(b) Un paso mejor es alcanzar alguna vibración espiritual pero hacer que disminuya debido a la distracción de la mente.
(c) Lo mejor es enfocarse y repetir el ista mantra con bhakti todo el tiempo cultivando un intenso anhelo por alcanzarlo; el resultado será una vibración espiritual dichosa.

Debemos recordar que la sadhana no es algún tipo de espectáculo externo o presentación superficial  la sadhana es completamente interna. Aquellos que intentan fingir en sadhana, para impresionar a los demás, son lo peor de lo peor. Debido a su hipocresía, nunca dan un paso adelante en su camino espiritual. Estas personas se engañan a sí mismas y arruinan su práctica debido a su exhibición falsa. La cualidad básica de un sadhaka es la simplicidad.


El ista mantra personal de uno es una herramienta divina para llamar a Parama Purusa. Y con un corazón lleno de bhakti uno debe continuar su mantra japa con bhakti y enfocarse exclusivamente en eso en sadhana. Entonces, cuando se despierte cualquier vibración sensible, uno podrá cruzar fácilmente ese umbral y sumergirse aún más en Su flujo divino, en el reino de la bienaventuranza.

Independientemente del estado o la calidad de la sadhana de uno, todo el mundo debería hacer esto. Al sentarse en sadhana, enfoca la mente en el ista mantra personal de uno: conoce su significado y repítelo conscientemente con plena ideación y bhakti. Si uno lo intenta, la mente se calmará. De lo contrario, si uno está sentado en sadhana y pensando en otra cosa, entonces todo es un desperdicio. Los mantras de Ananda Marga están cargados (siddha), por lo que cuando se hace mantra japa con bhakti, son efectivos el 100% del tiempo.

En Él

Siempre debemos apuntar a mantener el cuerpo inmóvil y la mente enfocada en el mantra y acercarnos más y más a Él. Si en cualquier sesión uno no siente ninguna vibración, entonces esa es la sadhana de más baja calidad

~ Estudio en profundidad ~

Siempre que sea posible, uno debe salir de la casa y salir a practicar sadhana durante un período prolongado de tiempo para practicar la meditación. Entonces uno dejará atrás todas las distracciones mundanas y podrá enfocar la mente en su mantra y llamarlo con el amor del corazón. Por la misericordia de Baba, todos avanzaremos en nuestra sadhana y experimentaremos internamente Su bienaventuranza cósmica. Por Su gracia, que cada sadhaka sea bendecido con la oportunidad de complacer y servir a Parama Purusa en su sadhana.

Sadhana: ¿por qué debe mantener la espalda recta?

#1: En el capítulo del Diario del Acarya Senior sobre Iishvara pranidhana, sección - "shuddhis", Baba describe que cuando se está sentado en meditación (padmasana, siddhasana, viirasana) uno debe mantener la espalda recta para que la kundalini pueda hacer que el pasaje se eleve hacia arriba. de muladhara a sahasrara.

#2: En un resumen en español de Caryacarya - 1, “The Process of Initiation”, Baba nos dice: Se les debe enseñar a sentarse en padmásana [postura del loto], pero en lugar de entrelazar los dedos, pueden descansar una palma sobre la otra y mantener la columna erguida... (resumen en español)

#3: En un resumen en español de Yoga Psychology, “The Human Body Is a Biological Machine”, Baba nos dice: A los monos sin cola se les puede enseñar sádhaná después de un poco de esfuerzo. Los bípedos con cola no podrán hacer sádhaná como los bípedos sin cola porque la columna vertebral de los bípedos con cola, que contiene los puntos de control de los cinco factores fundamentales, no viene en una sola línea. Los puntos de control caen en una línea curva, por lo tanto, no pueden realizar sádhaná correctamente. (resumen en español)

#4: En un resumen en español de Yoga Psychology, “The Human Body Is a Biological Machine”, Baba nos dice: Los seres rectos o erguidos pueden realizar sádhaná muy bien porque los cinco puntos de control de los factores fundamentales caen en una línea recta... Ves lo afortunado que eres de tener un ser una estructura biológica humana. Tienes una forma humana. Los humanos deberían estar obligados a la Conciencia Suprema por este favor. (resumen en español)

#5: En un resumen en español de Namami Krsnasundaram, “Párthasárathi Krśńa and Vishiśt́ádvaetaváda”, Baba nos dice: Aquel que ha seguido el camino recto del canal sus'umna' hacia arriba se vuelve uno con Parama Purus'a. (resumen en español)

#6: En un resumen en español de Ananda Marga Karma Yoga in a Nutshell, “Kurvanneveha Karmmáńi”, Baba nos dice: Ujure uju cháŕi ná leo re báḿka. La palabra "uju" en Saḿskrta se deriva de la palabra "rju" de Saḿskrta. “Rju” significa recto. El significado de esta línea es “no aceptes el camino torcido rechazando el recto”. Es decir, sigue por el camino de “suśumná” y no por el camino de “id́á” y “piuṋgalá”. (resumen en español).

Ocho tipos de poderes ocultos

En un resumen en español de  Subhasita Samgraha - 18, “Cult, Inference and Propensity”, Baba nos dice: Por lo tanto, el aspirante espiritual no debe correr tras estos poderes ocultos intrascendentes, aunque pueden desarrollarse mientras practican el culto espiritual. No debes olvidar que todos tus logros deben mantener el ajuste con las principales propensiones de la mente, y en el proceso de ajuste, todos estos ocho tipos de poderes ocultos se presentan al aspirante espiritual. (resumen en español)

Poderes ocultos como polvo en la carretera

En un resumen en español de  Subhasita Samgraha - 18, “Cult, Inference and Propensity”, Baba nos dice: Al practicar el culto espiritual, debe recordarse que los aspirantes espirituales no deben practicar para adquirir estos poderes ocultos. El objetivo de la práctica espiritual es realizar la Entidad Suprema. Buscar cualquier otra cosa está mal. Los poderes ocultos son como el polvo al borde de la carretera. La atracción por Parama Purus'a es el objeto más valioso; todo lo demás es solo el polvo de la tierra. (resumen en español)

Sadhana es el camino de la vida.

Aquí Baba nos recuerda nuevamente que el camino de la sadhana es el esfuerzo más significativo de la vida.

Vrtha' janma...

En un resumen en español de  Subhasita Samgraha - 3, “Vibration, Form, and Colour”, Baba nos dice: La ideación sobre Brahma debe hacerse escrupulosamente, o más tarde te arrepentirás y lamentarás la futilidad de tu vida con la última gota de tus lágrimas en tu última hora. Debes hacer que tu vida valga la pena a través de tu sadhana. . ¿Cuánto pueden hacer por usted sus amigos y parientes mundanos? Después de su muerte, sus parientes tal vez pregunten: "¿Cuánto dinero ha dejado atrás?". Sus amigos pueden ir al crematorio y disfrutar de recuerdos halagadores sobre usted. Su esposo o esposa puede llorar por ti durante unos diez o doce días y luego recuperar su compostura normal. Tu suerte será solo un profundo suspiro, un registro de la futilidad y la frustración de tu vida. Así que no pierdas tu tiempo para que luego no tengas que arrepentirte. (resumen en español)

Sadhana sincera: las vibraciones mentales provocan cambios radicales

En un resumen en español de A Guide to Human Conduct, “Iishvara prańidhána”, Baba nos dice: Cuando el flujo mental de un aspirante espiritual se mueve a lo largo de la fase introvertida de la meditación macrocósmica, la fuerza animadora de uno, que tiene la potencialidad de la divinidad misma, se eleva por encima de todas las tendencias, todos los samskáras, y avanza hacia la bienaventuranza eterna. En este estado la mente vibra con el sentimiento Cósmico. Las cualidades divinas no expresadas de las glándulas superiores encuentran expresión y la resonancia de la mente hace vibrar el sistema nervioso. Esto da lugar a expresiones piadosas en el cuerpo físico. En el caso de aquellas personas cuyos sentimientos ocultos no se expresan físicamente por causas asociadas a los nervios, las vibraciones mentales provocan ciertos cambios radicales, en las diversas glándulas del cuerpo. Estos sentimientos ocultos son básicamente de ocho tipos: stambha (asombroso), kampa (temblor), sveda (sudoración), svarabheda (ronquera), ashru (lágrimas), romáiṋca (horripilación), vaevarńa (cambio de color) y pralaya ( desmayo). Hay otros sentimientos asociados con estos sentimientos principales. Por ejemplo, nrtya (bailar), giita (cantar), viluńt́hana (bailar), kroshana (llorar), huḿkára (rugir), lálásráva (salivar), jrmbhańa (bostezar), lokápekśá tyága (indiferencia), at́t́ahásya (estallarse en carcajadas) , ghúrńana (girar), hikká (hipo), tanumot́ana (relajación del cuerpo físico) y diirghashvása (respiración profunda). (resumen en español)

A primera vista, las reacciones anteriores pueden parecer extrañas, pero estas son expresiones de felicidad y si uno experimenta esto, lo añorará una y otra vez. Aquí debe notarse que un aspirante dado experimentará solo una de esas expresiones basadas en su samskara inherente. Así que no es que un aspirante en particular experimente múltiples o todas estas reacciones. Aunque el sistema de sadhana de Ananda Marga es muy científico, aquellos que no hacen el sadhana adecuada, es decir, aquellos que tienen sadhana seca, nunca experimentarán estas reacciones.

Vácanika y upáḿshu japa son inútiles
   En un resumen en español de A Guide to Human Conduct, “Iishvara prańidhána”, Baba nos dice: La probabilidad de tales señales es muy pequeña en el caso de vácanika y upáḿshu japa. Esa expresión es muy natural en el caso de aquellos que han aprendido el proceso correcto de sádhaná. Estos están asociados con el placer, y no con el dolor de ningún tipo. Por lo tanto, aquellos que no practican sádhaná no deben temer innecesariamente estos signos.
  Cuando aparecen tales síntomas ocultos, el sádhaka tampoco debe preocuparse de ninguna manera. En este estado, si los sádhakas prestan atención a expresar esos signos, su progreso se retrasará. Si reprimen estos sentimientos ocultos, su bháva o ideación misma se verá perturbada y sus mentes se distanciarán de Iishvara prańidhána. Siempre debes recordar que el sentimiento cósmico está por encima de todo lo demás; no es prudente perder el tiempo prestando atención a los síntomas externos de la ideación o bháva.
   Estos síntomas ocultos desaparecen tan pronto como la mente se separa de la objetividad cósmica. Cuando los sádhakas alcanzan la capacidad de establecerse en el sentimiento cósmico durante largos períodos, esas ideas se limitan únicamente al cuerpo mental y el cuerpo físico se calma en gran medida. (resumen en español)

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Lazy sadhana 

- Here are more Spanish postings

Devoid of bhakti + 2 more


Devoid of bhakti


We all know Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old errors over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the pitfalls of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the development of any society.

As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS). Please read this below letter as an historical account of an important conversation about Guru and His teachings from Acarya Diary etc. 

In Him,
Dr. Gopal

Note: This below letter was first posted in October of 2002 and delineates key points for everyone to be aware about.



We must follow Baba in all respects. He has given all that is needed - everything. He has given the sadhana; He has given the social teachings; and, He has given all our days of festival and celebration. There is nothing that He has not given. Those who insist that the dogmatic mahaprayan program is part of our AMPS, knowingly or unknowingly, insinuate that Baba is incomplete or imperfect - as if He forgot to tell about so-called mahaprayan.

And here below is more explanation about why Baba does not appreciate this mahaprayan program - as well as other reasons for why it is just one dogmatic function.

“Man vrndávane rayecho…” (Prabhat Samgiita #4749)

“Mor man vrndávaneri rájá…” (Prabhat Samgiita #4491)

The general idea of the above lines is: Baba, O' Parama Purusa, You are always present in my mental Vrindaban...

My question to Dadaji

One time I asked my DC [VSS] Dada that, "Dadaji, you told that Baba has given everything in Ananda Marga - all the solutions to the problems of the present world and beyond. But is it that He might have forgotten to tell about this so-called mahaprayan (MPD) program, & that is why our Central Dadas introduced MPD themselves in Oct 1990? Because one margii was telling that, “How can Baba tell His disciples when He is going to withdraw His Mahasambhuti form, and what His disciples should do after He withdraws His Mahasambuti form.” That margii, Satyadeva, further told that Baba might have thought that if He tells margiis or discloses about His mahaprayan then margiis will cry out. So Baba did not include mahaprayan ceremony in CC part 1. Dadaji what is your comment on this."

Teaching From Acarya Diary

Dadaji replied, "You see, those who got acarya training know that Baba as a Guru, HE tells all the dos and don’ts for His disciples. For example, in our Acarya diary, Baba says such things which I am giving you the outline here. While teaching about system of Guru Puja in Ac. Diary appendix, Baba describes that if disciples / sadhakas have strong feeling to offer some worldly things in Guru Puja, they can do it. Even those sadhakas could give those things to Guru during His presence as Mahasambhuti. But Baba directs us that after He withdraws His Mahasambhuti form then those material things, which we desire to offer to Him, should be distributed to needy people. And if sadhakas are offering some flowers then those should be thrown into flowing river water. Baba explains all this very clearly in the Acarya Diary."

Dadaji said, "So, do you understand?"

I said, "Yes Dadaji. I think as you told that when Guru is present then we can offer worldly things to Him directly - if a sadhaka desires. Baba then directs us that if one has a strong desire to offer physical objects to Him after He withdraws His Mahasambhuti form, those objects should be given to appropriate members of the society who are lacking those very things - because He is not present as Mahasambuti to receive those things. That will be the true service to Baba."

Dada replied, "Very good, and here the main point is that Sadguru Baba has given all the instructions for all kinds of circumstances, even addressing the situation after He has withdrawn His form this earth. So this proves that Baba is willing to talk about that. So no one can claim that Baba could not tell about mahaprayan. The fact is that Baba purposely never planned any annual death ceremony like mahaprayan because it is dogmatic and against our Ananda Marga ideology."

Caryacarya scripture is complete

Then Dadaji said, "Baba has given the full list of social and spiritual functions of Ananda Marga in our Caryacarya part 1. This list does not include Mahaprayan (MPD)."

He continued,  "No doubt, some dogmatic people may be thinking that Baba deliberately did not speak about what His disciples should do or should not do after He withdraws His Mahasambhuti form because it would have been intolerable for most to hear. But I think this very idea is completely incorrect. Because when Baba talks about how to do Guru Puja after He withdraws of His form as Mahasambhuti and remains in nityananda in the Acarya Diary, then if He would have felt necessary then surely He would have included this MPD function into our Caryacarya scripture as well. But Baba did not do so. So according to the logical conclusion, mahaprayan itself is negative program and it is not approved by Baba because it is against the fundamental teachings of Marga Guru."

"With their rational mind one can say mahaprayan is dogma because it has no logic, just MPD is one imposed, restrictive idea. Just see what Baba says on this point." Then I looked in the book - “A Few Problems Solved.”

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Perhaps you know what dogma means. Dogma means an idea around which some line is demarcated, beyond which it is prohibited to go. 'You will have to accept this doctrine, you cannot go beyond it.' -- this sort of restricting idea is called dogma...Remember, you are not alone in this world, not only in this world but also in this entire universe. This universe is pervaded by Parama Purusa. We are always sitting on His very lap." (1)

"So see" Dadaji explained. "Baba tells that Parama Purusa is everywhere; Baba tells dogma is that which restricts the mind; so-called mahaprayan says Baba has departed or gone away; then surely mahaprayan comes under the category of dogma."

Baba still guiding everyone’s sadhana

"Look at it this way", Dadaji added, "You see when any acarya teaches or imparts initiation, any sadhana lesson increase, or lesson revision, then if that acarya is proper then they must sit for a few minutes in dhyana and take the permission from Baba. After getting Guru’s permission, one has the right to teach sadhana, especially 6th lesson. So this is the system."

"But if Baba is gone forever and no more, i.e. if so-called mahaprayan happened, then how one could get His permission? One could not. To get this divine permission, we have to see that Baba is not just one worldly / physical entity. Surely ordinary mortal human beings die or become gone or passed away, but not in Baba's case. Our Baba is not an ordinary mortal; He is Parama Brahma.”

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Guru, that expression of Parama Brahma that dispels all your spiritual darkness, is Parama Brahma. That is, Parama Brahma exhibits Himself in the form of Guru just to dispel your clouds of ignorance and spiritual slumber." (2)

So Baba, being the Parama Brahma, or Taraka Brahma. Like this Dadaji told.


All-knowing Sadguru Baba’s teachings are complete - He has graciously mapped out all the do’s and don’ts. And nowhere did He mention anything about mahaprayan. Why? Because so-called mahaprayan is against the ideological foundations of Ananda Marga. Instead, mahaprayan is the brainchild of a few human beings involved in their own narrow agenda.

In Him,

What does it mean by “Baba’s withdrawal of His Mahasambhuti form”

Mahasambhuti: Taraka Brahma is an ever-present Entity. When Parama Purusa functions and plays this role He cares about the well-being of creation - and helps everyone in all kinds of situations. And in His role as Taraka Brahma, He also grants liberation. But from time to time, when society goes astray then He takes advent on this earth and the name of that role is Mahasambhuti. So we say that the advent of Mahasambhuti has happened. After establishing dharma He withdraws His Mahasambhuti form and remains in nityananda - and He loves and cares for His creation. When He established dharma then gradually it manifests to all. Initially the common people cannot perceive that dharma is established. That is why when He withdraws His Mahasambuti form then many get confused and think that dharma is not established so how can He withdraw His form. But gradually people realise and see that dharma is established and demonic forces get destroyed. The good things that were impossible earlier became a reality. Anyhow, this is just a side point.

~ In-depth study ~

All know that Baba, as the Parama Purusa, has perfectly given everything, including what to do after He withdraws His Mahasambhuti form. Yet He never mentioned one word about so-called mahaprayan. Here the point is that we should follow Baba, not those with their own agenda.

Now again the season has arrived where various hosts and advocates etc are promoting their so-called mahaprayan program. We all know that Baba is eternal but certain persons are trying to impose their dogmatic mahaprayan function on the common margiis. Most have rejected this program as it goes against our basic feeling of bhakti. 

Inventors of MPD forgot Baba is Parama Brahama

When we are preaching others then we preach, that there is no comparison of the Personality of Taraka Brahma.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Tula' va' upama' Krs'n'asya na'sti; Krs'n'a Bhagava'n svayam.” (3)

Meaning: There is no comparison of the Lord's attributions. Taraka Brahma can be compared with Himself and Himself alone. No entity is similar to Him.

Dada went on, "It is so regrettable that according to our convenience sometimes we preach that Baba is Taraka Brahma Sadguru, and other times according to selfish convenience we compare Baba with mortal human being and think that He passed away as normal human beings do. That is not good."

"I think that those who believe in Mahaprayan (MPD), they think of Baba as ordinary mortal. These MPD believers forget their Goal that Baba is Sadguru, the All-Pervading Omnipresent Being. And that very Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is unparalleled, beyond comparison. Then why we should compare that very Supreme Entity as normal human being coming under the domain of life and death?"

"When we are preaching Baba's stories then we comprehend that idea that Baba is above all human beings, Baba is living with us and He is helping. But the next moment when we talk about Mahaprayan (MPD) then we just overlook the whole spiritual philosophy or devotional aspect and start thinking Baba as one mortal frame. How ironic!"

The sun is not harmed

"If we think carefully then we can understand and we should correct also that according to our convenience we should not degrade Baba's status. If any person tries to spit on the midday sun that is high in the sky, you can guess who will be affected. Surely not the sun. So one should be careful. Undermining Baba will not harm Him but onself. So my feeling is that Baba is with us alwayas and we should not compare Him to ordinary human being like those who get mahaprayan etc. Rather our approach should be like how Baba describes here in Neo-Humanism book."

Then Dadaji showed me this beautiful passage from 'Devotional Sentiment and Neo-Humanism':

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "As we have already said, the greatest human treasure is devotional sentiment, devotional wealth. This devotional wealth must be preserved....Whenever we see that the pressure of external circumstances threatens this life essence we should appeal to the Supreme, "O Lord, please be kind enough to protect our inner vitality from total destruction-save us from the agony of total loss." (4)

By this I understood, that we must protect our devotional feeling from the onslaughts of worldly pressures and events such as so-called mahaprayan, and we should ask help from Baba in this regard.

Words from a senior sadhaka

When I was talking with Dada about all this, then one senior margii Ram Dayalji also came and joined. And he explained some of the motivations behind the creation of so-called mahaprayan.

Ram Dayalji told, “This invention of mahaprayan was done with the motive to infuse an inferiority complex in the mind of those sadhakas who could not see Baba in Mahasambhuti frame. Those central Dadas selfishly thought that this will be one plus point in their favour. Because they can easily undermine those suffering from an inferiority complex, i.e. those who did not see Baba before 1990. In result such margiis can be treated as 2nd class citizens and easily pushed around.”

Here is more of what Ram Dayalji was talking: “The founders of mahaprayan preach that since Baba “passed away”,  now there is no scope to go close to Baba, or have His close proximity. That opportunity is gone forever. By that way those who could not avail the opportunity or those who were born after 1990 or because of any reason those who could not see Baba, they should realise mentally that they are all unfortunate beings.”

Ram Dayalji concluded, "Excuse me this above approach is not my feeling. This is the background thinking of those who cultivated the ideas of so-called mahaprayan. By that way they think that in Ananda Marga society they will be treated fortunate because they lived along with Baba, and those who could not live in Baba's physical proximity they are all in subordinated category. By this way inferiority complex has been injected by introduction of mahaprayan."

Those physically close might be psychically very far

So after sharing with you all I heard and learned from my respected Dada and Ram Dayalji, I am ending with one song of Baba.

Those who are bhaktas, they know that this PS # 3286 "Keu ka'che peyeo" gives this message that living physically close has no value. Many physically live close but they are living far from Him. But many live physically far but keep Him in their hearts.

"Keu ka'che peyeo cinate na're, dure thekeo cene..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3286)

Purport: By getting physically close they do not recognize Him, whereas some even from a distance recognize His magnanimity. Whereas others by getting His sweet touch even, then they drown in staticity. And some without knowing, they unknowingly believe fully in His greatness. O' my Lord You are doing so many things for me. You are filling my heart with nectar. I am so unfortunate that after all this grace I do not recognize You and remain oblivious...

So let us all be like those A-grade bhaktas who with deep inner bhakti recognise Baba's divine beauty and treasure Him always in their heart.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Rise Above All Complexes
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Guru Pújá
3. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Pariprashna (Discourse 24)
4. LIberation of Intellect - Neo-Humanism, Devotional Sentiment and Neohumanism

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You remaining distant

"Tomáte ámáte kabe kár paricaya, ár keu jáne ná, tumi jáno…” (Prabhat Samgiita #2632)


Parama Purusa, this sweet relation of ours is eternal. Since ages and ages we have been together. How long has this intimate link between You and I been going on, nobody knows; only You know. In the very beginning You were all alone - there was no one for You to love, and nobody to love You. So You created this expansive liila. The jiivas sing and chant Your glory. This intense closeness between unit and Cosmic becomes known to all. You also know and accept this very fact and shower Your grace and love the bhaktas. 

There is such a loving feeling and affectionate tenderness between the bhakta and their Lord. At any cost, the jiivatma cannot remain without the Cosmic Entity. And in absence of the unit, the Cosmic Entity cannot exist either. The sweetness and beauty is due to both - the sadhaka and the Supreme One. They are loving each other. O’ Parama Purusa, why then are You remaining distant and far away from me and not allowing me to come near. You know that both the individual and Supreme merge together to become one, then why do You not accept this very truth. 

O’ Parama Purusa, Baba, each and every moment with rhythmic expression You are present in all the lokas as well as beyond the lokas and in the astral world. You are everywhere, hiding in my mind playing Your divine liila. Then why do You not hear my mental thoughts and feelings - the tale of my heart - alas, You do not pay any attention. 

Baba, please give me shelter at Your lotus feet...

Note: The above Prabhat Samgiita reveals how Parama Purusa created this grand universe to have the company of His bhaktas. The song further expresses how the bhakta cannot live without Parama Purusa and that Parama Purusa cannot exist without His bhaktas. So both are mutually dependent upon each other; and, in their own way, both are thinking that the other is something very great - superior. This is part and parcel of the wonderful message of the above Prabhat Samgiita. And this same unique idea is beautifully explained in this below excerpt:

Ananda Marga ideology says, "When there were no devotees, God had no name -- He was nameless. When there came to be devotees, then God became named God. I was saying in Delhi that the fight between God and devotees is an old fight, a sweet fight. And what is that fight? God says to devotees, 'It is you who are superior. Because of you, I have been named. Had it not been for you, who would have called me by the name of God? Even if I was God, I was not 'God'. Because of you, I have become God.' And devotees say, 'You are the base of my life. In Your absence, the existence of my life becomes jeopardized. You have created, and You alone are the base.' Devotees consider God to be superior, and vice versa. This fight to make the other superior has no end." (1) 

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Na'm & Na'mii

== Section: Important Teaching ==

To enhance digestion

  Baba says, "Black pepper stimulates the secretion of saliva, increases hunger, and helps to enhance digestion. Plus it makes the nerve fibers alert. Furthermore it is a medicine and remedy for lethargy and melancholia."
  "If you make a paste by mixing the top layer of milk with black pepper and apply it to the face it prevent acne." (1)

Note: People should also be aware that black pepper, especially coarse grain black pepper, should not be applied directly on the food when one is eating. Rather it should be prepared with the food. That way in the cooking process the black pepper will mix with the water and get distributed evenly throughout the dish. Whereas if one eats raw black pepper directly on their food then it enters the body in a very concentrated form which the body cannot be easily digested, in which case you may not get the full benefits. If the black pepper is extremely fine like dust, then one can eat it directly; but best is to soak it in water first and then let it sit for a while in a container and then sparingly put that sauce (i.e. pepper water) on your food. Or you can cook your food in that black pepper mixture.


1. Shabda Cayanika - 8

== Section 3: Links ==

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