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Friday, October 29, 2021

Baba siempre presente


Baba siempre presente


Durante mi estadía en Tiljala, estuve atendiendo al Amado Baba como médico. Era el año 1990. Esos días en mi sadhana solía hacer esta petición: "Baba, no quiero vivir en esta tierra sin un Guru, así que por favor no retires Tu forma Mahasambhuti mientras yo esté vivo". Por mi deber médico, cuando revisaba a Baba en Su habitación, solía hacer sastaunga pranam, tanto al entrar como después de terminar mi trabajo. En postración, ofrecía: "Que mi servicio te haga bien, Baba, por favor, ponte saludable".

Entonces la escena cambió. Después de un tiempo no pude controlar nada. Baba manifestó Su plan. Después de los eventos de finales de octubre de 1990, me sentía inmerso en la más absoluta oscuridad. Estaba pensando, "Baba es mi refugio y ahora Él retiró Su forma Mahasambhuti - no tengo refugio". Fue un período muy atormentador para mí. El tiempo pasó así: noviembre, diciembre y enero de 1991.

Grité fuerte y les dije a todos

Sorprendentemente, un día lo vi en la misma habitación donde lo trataría. Y en realidad lo estaba tratando. Increíblemente, Baba se puso bien y grité fuerte y les dije a todos las buenas noticias: "¡Miren, Baba está bien!" Después de eso, Baba me puso en Su regazo y me abrazó y me amó como mi Padre. Y me dijo: "Estoy sano ahora". Al escuchar esto, me sentí muy feliz. Cuando desperté de ese sueño, me sentía muy feliz. Cada célula y poro de mi mente y mi cuerpo vibraron con Su divina presencia. Me sentí completamente nuevo y revitalizado. Mi único pensamiento fue: Baba, eres tan amable.

Después de algún tiempo, tuve otra experiencia con él. Baba me dijo algo pero no escuché lo que dijo. Cortés y respetuosamente le pregunté: "Baba, ¿qué dijiste?" Baba repitió amablemente la pregunta: "¿Muere el Guru alguna vez?" ¿Qué podía decir? Baba estaba directamente frente a mí. Estaba tan avergonzado, ¿cómo pude haber pensado que Baba se iría? ¿Qué respuesta podría dar? Me quedé en silencio, disfrutando de la dulce cercanía de Su divina presencia. Entonces Baba me dijo: " El Guru nunca muere".

Después de ese segundo sueño, mi mente se transformó por completo, por Su gracia. Hoy, todavía siento que Baba siempre está conmigo. Él está aquí, conmigo: no estoy desamparado. Es Su gracia ... es Su gracia ... es Su gracia …

Como sabrás, el Dr. CG Goswami de Madhya Pradesh se desempeñó como uno de los médicos de Baba y vivió en Tiljala para monitorear la salud de Baba en 1990. La historia anterior es su propia narración en primera persona, por lo que el "yo" anotado en la historia se refiere al mismo Dr. Goswamiji.

Parama Puruśa está y siempre estará contigo

El enfoque espiritual en Ananda Marga es pensar en la verdad suprema de que Él está contigo, vigilándote y cuidándote todo el tiempo. Todos debemos prestar atención a la siguiente guía y mantenerlo a Él como el más cercano y querido del corazón.

Dúrát sudure tadihántike ca pashyatsvihaeva nihitaḿ guháyám

En un resumen en español de_. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 6, Microcosm and Macrocosm _ , Baba nos dice: "Si piensas que Él está muy lejos de ti, permanecerá para siempre fuera de tu alcance. Si piensas que Él está cerca, estará tan cerca que no tendrás que moverte ni una pulgada para alcanzarlo". 

En un resumen en español de _Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, Devotion and the Realm of Intellectuality _ , Baba nos dice: “Recuerda que en ninguna situación estás indefenso, en ninguna situación estás solo. Independientemente de que seas inteligente o tonto, rico o pobre, educado o no, nunca estás desamparado. En ninguna situación tienes que vivir solo. Parama Puruśa está contigo. Él permanecerá contigo. Permanecer contigo es Su dharma. No puede ir en contra de Su dharma ”. 

Por qué es antitético al bhakti

En un resumen en español de Discourses on Tantra-1, Yoga, Tantra, and Kevalá Bhakti  , Baba nos dice sobre la singularidad del camino del bhakti. Y el primer aspecto de esa enseñanza es el siguiente: Bhakti bhagavato seva,
significado: bhakti es servicio a Dios. 

Para servir a cualquier entidad, uno debe estar cerca; el servicio no se puede hacer a distancia. Y bhakti es servicio a Parama Purusa. Y si Parama Purusa está lejos, entonces no se le puede servir. Un bhakta significa aquel que siempre sirve a Parama Purusa. Aquellos que piensan que son bhaktas y juntos sienten que Parama Purusa está lejos de ellos, están confundidos. Es como si alguien dijera que tiene una vasija de cerámica hecha de oro. De manera similar, aquellos que son bhaktas no pueden pensar que Parama Purusa está lejos o se ha ido. Sin embargo, el significado mismo del llamado mahaprayan (MPD) es que Parama Purusa se ha ido. Es por eso que el dogma MPD es antitético al bhakti.

Que hipócrita y pecaminoso

La historia anterior nos enseña que el llamado mahaprayan es 100% falso. ¿Por qué? Porque mahaprayan en sí mismo significa que Baba se ha ido, sin embargo, el mensaje agudo y espiritual de Baba es que Él está siempre con nosotros. Los bhaktas obtienen esta comprensión de varias maneras, como cuando están despiertos, en sueños, durante el sueño, en la práctica espiritual, en la vida cotidiana, todo el tiempo. A lo largo de las escrituras de Ananda Marga, se afirma una y otra vez que "Parama Purusa está siempre contigo".

Y los verdaderos bhaktas también saben que en realidad no existe tal cosa como mahaprayan para Sadguru Baba. Como Sadguru, nunca muere. Entonces, aquellos que piensan que Sadguru está muerto y el dogma impuesto del MPD son hipócritas. ¿Por qué? Cuando esos mismos acaryas dan la iniciación, o revisan la lección de alguien, o dan más lecciones de sadhana, dicen: "Soy solo un médium, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji te está enseñando y Él está siempre presente". El Señor Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji te está guiando y en el siguiente suspiro dicen que está muerto, mahaprayan, eso es ser hipócrita y pecaminoso.

en Él,

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Ever-present Baba

- Here are more Spanish postings

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Myth about “Die while working” + 3 more


Myth about “Die while working”


In various discourses Baba guides us, "Die while working, and work even while dying." This guideline contains two key teachings - both of which are firmly rooted in bhakti.

Without sadhana one can’t do real karma

While some certainly understand Baba's guideline, a few remain confused. Some think that in order to follow the tenet - "Die while working, and work even while dying" - they should do relief work or their designated social service project incessantly. They work 24 / 7 for their project, even skipping their food and sadhana etc. Naturally one will die prematurely due to this approach. Unfortunately, they think they are following the guideline: "Die while working, and work even while dying."

Tragically, this has happened with many Wts and even some margiis. But if one studies our Ananda Marga philosophy, it is very evident what Baba means by His teaching: "Die while working, and work even while dying." Baba does not want us to destroy our human frame by drowning ourselves in work, disregarding our daily routine of 16 Points.

Others wrongly conclude that if one was busy doing work when they died then it automatically means they were following this tenet. However, if a non-margii employee dies in an industrial accident on the job-site, that does not mean that they were adhering to this tenet. That person was working to pay their bills, and for their own self-satisfaction. In that case, one is just involved in their own I-feeling and not thinking of Parama Purusa.

Whereas true karma yoga means doing with the feeling that Parama Purusa is the real Doer and, “I am just a tool in His hands to serve His creation.” This type of selfless endeavour imbibed with Cosmic ideation is real karma yoga. Without sadhana, one can never cultivate such an outlook. Thus merely dying on a job-site does not qualify oneself in following this tenet. And this applies to every Ananda Margii as well.

So this teaching is often misunderstood whereby the outcome is very tragic. To avoid such miseries and demise, this matter should be crystal-clear in the mind. Failing that, some degenerate due to their misunderstanding while others meet their demise far too soon.

Pitfalls of dry karma yoga

Unfortunately, some misunderstand Baba's above mandate and this leads to their downfall. For instance:

(a) Some think that "work while dying" means skipping all one's dharmic practices - asanas, dances, fasting, food, and sadhana - and plunging oneself in social service activities until the body is destroyed. For example, a Dada running a children's home may just think about doing relief, relief, relief and die in that way. This misguided vision leads to so many problems including frustration, ill health, anxiety, and desperation. Some even leave the path of Ananda Marga because they have forgotten their real purpose in life.

(b) Others think that "work while dying" means that, “With my own strength I am serving poor people etc.” This leads to ego and arrogance as one has forgotten bhúmadrśt́i, or cosmic outlook. By this narrow perspective, they are just involved in promoting their own petty greatness and glory. Verily they are moving away from Parama Purusa; their mind is in a state of contraction as it wraps more tightly around their own unit I-feeling. Such is their degeneration. They have wholly forgotten they are serving with His strength and that one is serving Him in the form of this manifested world. This type of self-engrossed mindset is not the path of true karma yoga. Real karma yoga means being immersed in bhakti thinking, "I am doing anything and everything with the energy being provided by Parama Purusa."

Unfortunately you may have seen some in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha bragging: "I have done this or that, I am very great, I have built this jagrti and I have published this book etc." This type of expression is the work of a degenerated mind puffed up with vanity.

(c) Some hold the misnomer that all work and all actions are karma yoga. Following this tenet they remain busy all the 24hrs in all kinds of worldly, mundane engagements, and overlook their sadhana in the name of doing karma yoga. In that case their work engagement only leads to bondage. True karma yoga actually begins when one feels that, "He is the Doer, I am just fulfilling my role in His liila." For this idea to enter the mind, all kinds of spiritual practices are needed. Then one's service will lead to liberation.

"Work while dying" means

So we should always remember that Baba's formula for adhering to the path of karma yoga - i.e. "die while working" - entails two conditions. First one should think that, "Parama Purusa has blessed me by giving me strength to serve: It is His strength not mine." And secondly one must ideate that "I am serving Parama Purusa in the form of this manifested universe - I am serving Narayana." And all along one must be strict in sadhana and all dharmic practices.

These are the prerequisite factors for adhering to Baba's teaching, "Die while working", and following the path of true karma yoga. And by this way one will garner more and more bhakti, by His grace.

When Baba says, "Work while dying", then some misunderstand what this means. They wonder, “How is it possible to work when the body is sick, old, and decrepit. How can one do work when they are on their deathbed.” But the answer is that at this point one's chief work is sadhana. We should remember that sadhana is also work. In various discourses, Baba says that sadhana itself is karma yoga. When infirmed, one may not be able to render disaster relief work to the society, however a sadhaka will be able to ideate on Him and do sadhana. That is how to pay heed to the teaching, "Work while dying."


Here again is Sadguru Baba's teaching: "Die while working and work while dying."

(#1) As Ananda Margiis, our preference is not to go and live in a retirement home and lie there listlessly etc. So long as we have energy then we will serve. And when we have lived our life to the fullest and have no energy left then we will remain in bed and do sadhana. That is the formula and how it works.

(#2) One day each and every person will complete their life and leave their body. And if you remember Parama Purusa then you will become one with Him. So one should go on doing sadhana. That is the main work. Hence, the formula of true karma yoga encompasses all kinds of spiritual practices.

(#3) Remember Baba's teaching is: "Die while working, and work even while dying." The first part of this teaching guides us to do social service and sadhana for as long as we can. And the latter half guides us that when we are on our deathbed we should complete our karma yoga by doing sadhana, and leave the body singing His name.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Differentiate between true & fake sadhakas

The main work of one who is taking their last breaths on this earth is to do sadhana and ideate on Parama Purusa. That will be, "Work while dying." Because sadhana is the greatest service to Parama Purusa. Sadhana is the greatest karma. All are aware that lazy persons cannot do sadhana - because sadhana is the most difficult endeavour.

Unfortunately, some cannot manage their meditation practice, and in turn they hide their weakness by mocking, discouraging, and maligning sincere sadhakas. Externally they brag about their own greatness that, "I do sadhana all night long in the cemetery - every night." But such proclamations are just empty words.

In contrast, those who do sadhana understand in the core of their heart that they should never brag about themselves. They cannot praise themselves. Whereas fake sadhakas are always looking for an opportunity to heighten their own image.

Distinguishing the gold from the mud - i.e. the sincere sadhakas from the tall-talkers, is very simple. Sincere sadhakas never openly brag about the greatness of their sadhana or how they sat in the remote cemetery all night long - night after night. No true sadhaka can gloat in this manner. But hypocrites always brag about their sadhana to boost their own prestige. Yet intelligent bhaktas know that a true sadhaka cannot brag about themselves. So if someone is singing the praises of their greatness in sadhana, then you know that person is fake.

Human body in only for doing sadhana

Here below Baba gives the answer to those who suffer from the dogma that they should submerge themselves in work and neglect their dharmic duties like sadhana, health, and hygiene. Over the years, many Wts have prematurely ruined their bodies due to neglect. They suffered from the misunderstanding that they should work and grind themselves to death. However, Baba's teaching is entirely different. One should diligently maintain the body in order to live 100 years, all the while thinking of and serving Him. So there should not be any confusion about this. It is a defective approach to neglect one’s existence and prematurely leave this earth by 35 or 40 years of age. That is not the dharmic approach.

Ananda Marga ideology states,“Why do you want to live for a hundred years? To do more and more work. You want to live long because you hope to do more and more work in this life – being goaded by this desire, you wish to live a long life. So in the psychic sphere one must always remember that one has a mission in life, and just to materialize that life, for proper practication of that mission, one is to remain in this world; otherwise one must not remain here, one should retire from life as early as possible.
   “Once I said, “It is good to die working, but still better to work even while dying.” So one should always bear in mind, “I am alive in this world for the fulfilment of my mission. This is the reason I am eating, dressing, sleeping. Apart from this, I have no worth.” And if one ever lives a life without a mission, then in that case, no endeavour in the psychic sphere will bring success. If you do not want to work, if you do not want to serve the world, you will become a burden on the world. It would be better to leave the world than to live as a burden on it. Human life should be enriched with intense activity.” (1)

Without spiritual practice one is unable serve society

   Ananda Marga ideology states, “Above the mental sphere there is the spiritual sphere. In the spiritual world, it is not enough to think (as in the psychic sphere) only of one's mission, because the purpose of a mission is service in the external world. Whatever might be one's [specific] mission in the objective or expressed world, fundamentally one's mission is to promote the welfare of the world. But when the movement is internal, that is, when the movement is from mind to spirit, then a mission of no importance, because you are withdrawing your entire existence towards supreme fulfilment. You may be active in your mission to promote the welfare of the world – jagaddhitáya – but that is not enough.”
   “Why do you undertake a mission? Átmamokśarthaḿ jagaddhitáya ca [“For Self-realization and for the welfare of the universe”]. You certainly undertake it in order to promote the welfare of the world. Along with this you have to take up another mission, and that is to bring about your own spiritual salvation. If one does not try for one’s own salvation, if one does not do spiritual practice, one can never serve society. It will be totally impossible.” (2)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, Incantation and Human Progress
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, Incantation and Human Progress

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You make me cry in bliss

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the 6th lesson of sahaja yoga meditation can realise this song in the depths of their heart.

"Tumi, phuleri buke madhu d́halile, ka'nt́ate golap phot́ale..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3346)


Parama Purusa, You are the Doer of everything. While hiding behind the scenes You go on doing all the works. Keeping Yourself invisible, You manage all of creation. You have filled the hearts of the flowers with nectar. From the thorny plant, You make the roses blossom. That which is impossible, You make possible. There is nothing that You do not do. To the hungry You provide food; to the thirsty You supply water; to the sick You offer medicine; and to the homeless You arrange shelter. Supreme Entity, in the cold, winter season You provide the soothing warmth of a fire. In the burning heat of summer, Your touch is like the refreshing coolness of sandalwood paste. You attend to every matter. Baba, You are the Supreme Controller of the universe.

Parama Purusa, according to Your desire, You work non-stop. Sometimes You make me cry in bliss, and other times You make me laugh and smile. It is Your unfathomable liila. All kinds of things You do. When I drift astray You bring me onto the right path with Your love and affection; with Your exquisite attraction You pull me near. On some occasions, even if I look towards You, You do not give any response. This is Your playful liila. And by this way You create more yearning and bhakti. Yet other times, You attract me with Your incomparable charm and magnetism. Baba, You are endlessly engaged in every corner and molecule.

Baba, Parama Purusa, You are ever-present. You are hiding in the warmth of the fire. At the same time You are in the water vapor floating in the sky. You are in the coldness of ice; You are in the greenness of the green vegetation; You are all-pervading. On the Peacock of my mind, You go on dancing and playing the game of shadow and effulgence. Sometimes I feel Your blissful presence and other times not. But I know You are most-loving.

Baba, You are always involved secretly and invisibly for the all-round well-being and emancipation of all. It is Your grace...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #3346:

[1] Cry: People cry for many reasons. Sometimes when people are very, very happy they cry. And, a bhakta may cry when they are in a deep state of bhakti and longing for Parama Purusa, and feeling the pain of separation.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

How to be mentally free

Here Baba supplies us with the special formula for keeping mental balance and not succumbing to any type of superiority complex. 

Ananda Marga ideology says, "People must always bear in mind that 'Whatever I have acquired is all by the grace of Parama Purus'a. If He decides that I should not possess wealth [or any other quality etc], He will take it away at any moment He wishes.' So no one should feel pride about anything under any circumstances." (1)

Note: By seeing everything as Baba's fathomless grace then we will not get puffed up with vanity and instead will be able to maintain mental balance at all times.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 16, “Mucyate Bhavabandhanát”

== Section: News from Nov 2020 ==

H group inflates the number


One of Rudrananda's favorite gimmicks is to puff up and hyperinflate the numbers of DMS attendees. Indeed, all the groups like to do this in order to brag about their popularity and so-called success. But now they are caught in their own web of deceit because in this era of covid every participant can easily see the exact number of attendees. So the organisers cannot openly lie by guess-estimating and padding the numbers of the crowd size like they used to do with outdoor DMS gatherings. But even then look what happened. Less than 200 people were online for the NY DMS and then Rudrananda's stooges paid money to put an article in Indian newspapers that thousands and thousands attended their DMS. But that is a blatant lie and falsehood because any who attended can easily see the exact number at any given time - and always it was a small, small fraction of what they are claiming. i.e. less than 2% or 3% of what they are claiming.  

in Him, 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Just a figure of mythology, not history

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Many of you are aware of the fact that Ramchandra was not an historical figure, but a fictional one: he was an imaginary character to represent an ideal king. Maharśi Valmiki was the first person to give proper expression to that character. But the poet Tulsidas tried still harder, in the Mughal period, not very long ago, to accomplish this through the Rámacaritamánasa, written in the Avadhii language. The Rámacaritamánasa is not the complete Rámáyańa. Tulsidas described the character of Rama as he thought Rama should be; he delineated the character of Rama as he conceived of Rama in his own mind. Tulsidas was a truthful person. He did not name his book the Tulasiidásii Rámáyańa, he named it Rámacaritamánasa [“The Life of Rama As Conceived by Tulsidas”].” (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya - All Bask in the Glory of Shiva – 1 (Discourse 6)

== Section 4: Links ==

Monday, October 25, 2021

Significado de los buenos sadhakas


Significado de los buenos sadhakas


Por la gracia divina de Baba, todos los que siguen los 16 puntos son extremadamente afortunados y esta carta explica exactamente por qué. Debemos considerar este asunto con seriedad al embarcarnos juntos en la vida en esta nueva era.

¡Cómo está esperando la humanidad sufrida!

Los talentos, habilidades y cualidades de una persona son más valiosos cuando se necesitan. Supongamos que un panadero acaba de hornear un camión lleno de comida y, de repente, las víctimas de una hambruna llegan a la ciudad. Naturalmente, el pan del panadero va a ser muy valorado. Porque ese pan es la solución para el problema actual: el pan ayudará a alimentar a los demacrados por el hambre.

Por el contrario, si el panadero anda con su pan y toda la población está bien alimentada, nadie buscará a ese panadero. En ese caso, sus servicios y panes no serán muy valorados.

Lo mismo puede decirse de un médico. Si vive en un lugar donde todos están sufriendo un brote de una enfermedad, entonces los servicios del médico se valorarán más; mientras que, si el médico reside en un distrito en el que todos gozan de perfecta salud, no se le necesitará mucho.

En esencia, si nadie sufre un problema en particular, entonces la solución a ese problema tiene poco valor. Considerando que, si una persona tiene las habilidades para resolver un problema urgente, entonces esa persona será muy apreciada. A continuación aplicaremos esta teoría a la vida de Ananda Margiis. Primero debemos entender la era en la que todos nacimos.

Por qué la gente honesta está contigo y permanecerá contigo

Vivimos en lo que se denomina yuga sandhi.

En un resumen en español de Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The Transitional Period, Baba nos dice : ¿Qué significa" yugasandhi "? Yuga significa “edad” y sandhi significa “articulación ". Por lo tanto, yugasandhi significa “coyuntura entre edades "... puedes ver por ti mismo como el movimiento social va rechinando hasta detenerse Cuando el progreso social pierde su velocidad, se le llama "yugasandhi" (período de transición) en Sam'skrta. (resumen en español)

El nuestro es el período de transición, marcado por una tregua severa, en el que la sociedad está enredada en tantos problemas. Además, durante el yuga sandhi hay una dicotomía estricta: hay algunas personas muy, muy buenas, así como algunas personas muy, muy malas. Y en el medio están las masas que están a merced de los explotadores. Estalla una lucha entre los dos bandos.

En un resumen en español de Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The Transitional Period, Baba nos dice : Todos ustedes han nacido en un período de transición y se han reunido aquí hoy. En el futuro, las personas honestas y virtuosas de la sociedad responderán a su llamado y se unirán. La misma polarización está teniendo lugar ahora. como ocurrió en el pasado: las personas honestas están contigo y permanecerán contigo; las personas deshonestas se opondrán a ti ahora y continuarán sus esfuerzos para bloquear tu progreso en el futuro. Siempre que haya una guerra entre el dharma y el adharma, estáte seguro para ser victorioso. No estás solo: el dharma está contigo, el intelecto benevolente está contigo y yo también estoy contigo. (resumen en español)

Entonces, en este yuga sandhi, la sociedad está devastada y todos buscan una salida. La gente buena está proporcionando las soluciones y la gente mala tiene como objetivo mantener su control explotador de la sociedad.

Yugasandhi: era de extrema bondad y maldad

El nuestro es el período de transición. Taraka Brahma ha tomado Su advenimiento para sacar a la sociedad de la oscuridad, y ahora se va a desarrollar el gran drama.

En la actualidad, podemos ver la polarización: buena y mala en ambos lados. Personas inteligentes y valientes están involucradas en salvar el planeta de la destrucción ambiental, abordar problemas sociales, llevar una vida más saludable, aprender a meditar y servir a los demás, mientras que lado a lado, los explotadores están atrincherados en engañar, masacrar y reprimir a las masas. Hay un bien extremo y un mal extremo.

En el medio, las masas están sufriendo muchos problemas: escasez de alimentos, problemas de vivienda, guerras y destrucción, enfermedades, trastornos financieros, invasiones, terrorismo y más. Abundan los problemas. Vivimos en una época en la que estamos rodeados de problemas gigantes en todas las direcciones.

Cómo la ideología AM es la piedra filosofal

Sadguru Baba ha venido gentilmente y ha dado todas las soluciones:

En un resumen en español de_Problems of the Day, Point #36 _ , Baba nos dice: Una ideología espiritual correcta es la única solución a los problemas que enfrenta el mundo. Desde esta perspectiva podemos llamar a la ideología de Ananda Marga la piedra filosofal. Así como la piedra filosofal está destinada a transformar todo en oro, la ideología de Ananda Marga puede, definitivamente, encontrar una solución justa y racional siempre que se aplique a cualquier problema. (resumen en español)

Así que aquí hay una descripción general:
1) Nuestra sociedad humana está sufriendo terriblemente;
2) Baba ha agraciado a la humanidad con la respuesta a cada problema;
3) Los explotadores están involucrados en su danza del mal;
4) Las masas buscan la salida, buscan soluciones;
5) Cada Ananda Margii es consciente de las soluciones en la forma de la ideología Ananda Marga y nuestro estilo de vida Ananda Marga.

Por lo tanto, se ha establecido el escenario en el que cada Ananda Margii será muy necesario para brindar soluciones a la humanidad desesperada.

La lamentable situación es que, en su confusión, la mayoría de la población busca en los lugares equivocados las respuestas. Son como niños hambrientos que recogen papel, bolígrafos, palos y piedras y se los llevan a la boca, pero eso no satisfará su hambre. Lo mismo ocurre con las masas de hoy. Miran enfáticamente en todas direcciones y prueban todo tipo de cosas, pero no están obteniendo la solución correcta.

El tiempo necesario para dar un paso adelante

Por lo tanto, todos y cada uno de los Ananda Margii han sido bendecidos y colocados en una posición muy especial. Hay problemas en el mundo y Sadguru Baba nos ha dado las respuestas. El nuestro es un papel necesario y nunca antes la situación había sido más urgente.

Así que ustedes son los que están siguiendo los 16 Puntos y son afortunados. Sus servicios serán muy apreciados, eso significa que han sido bendecido con la oportunidad de servir. No hay ningún esfuerzo más alto o más noble. Todo lo que se necesita ahora es la acción correcta y adecuada. Prepárese siendo más sincero en la sadhana y los Dieciséis Puntos y comience a enseñar y siendo un modelo a seguir de todo lo que sabes.

Si hubiéramos nacido hace unos cientos de años, no hubiéramos tenido esta oportunidad ya que los problemas no eran tan graves como hoy. Si hubiéramos nacido 200 años en el futuro, la mayoría de los problemas actuales se habrían resuelto y la sociedad avanzaría rápidamente. En ese caso, uno no tendría la oportunidad de ayudar verdaderamente a la humanidad. Porque para entonces la mayoría estará en el camino correcto.

Conclusión: una vida bendecida

Entonces, quien está siguiendo los 16 puntos es afortunado; la situación de los buenos margiis es única. Por la gracia de Guru, hemos nacido en esta era más desigual y devastada donde la lucha y la lucha son desenfrenadas. Y tenemos las soluciones: espiritual, moral, política, económica, personal, emocional, social e individual. En todas las esferas de la vida, Baba ha dado la solución.

Tienes la medicina o la cura para el día, en un momento en el que esas soluciones son muy necesarias. Las cosas no pueden empeorar: la sociedad ha tocado fondo.

Aquellos que conocen la sadhana de Ananda Marga y practican las enseñanzas de Ananda Marga tienen mucho que ofrecer, enseñar y distribuir a la sociedad. Eso significa que usted, como Ananda Margii, es un pozo profundo de conocimiento y sabiduría para las masas. Es por eso que los que siguen los 16 Puntos son afortunados. Porque tienen la clave de los problemas que más afligen a la sociedad. ¿Cómo una posición como esta podría ser más bendecida?

en Él,

~ Estudio en profundidad ~

Todo el mundo espera tu ayuda y orientación

Él depende de ti para guiar a la gente hacia adelante. Ese es Su preciado regalo para ti: sacar a la sociedad de la oscuridad. Por esta razón, los Ananda Margiis que siguen 16 Puntos son afortunados.

En un resumen en español de Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, Society Expects Your Guidance , Baba nos dice: Ustedes, niños y niñas, deben establecerse como seres humanos desarrollados y bendecidos con la gloria de la excelencia humana al frente de cada asunto. La sociedad los reconocerá por su servicio, por su sacrificio". . Y no solo eso, todo el mundo estará esperando para recibir su ayuda, su asistencia, su orientación, cuando exista una gran necesidad de la misma. Ustedes, niños y niñas, deben saber que yo solo dependo de ustedes para la traducción de nuestra noble ideología. (resumen en español)

Cual es nuestra arma?

  En un resumen en español de _ A Few Problems Solved - 7, Renaissance in All the Strata of Life, Baba nos dice: En el nivel psíquico puro, los pensamientos defectuosos prevalecen en la sociedad humana y, como resultado, un individuo o un grupo de personas a menudo tratan de reprimir u oprimir a los demás. Debido a este tipo de psicología defectuosa, una gran parte de la población sufre de depresión psíquica. El movimiento del Renacimiento tendrá que actuar contra este tipo de explotación y tendrá que salvar a la sociedad humana de las garras de estas filosofías defectuosas. Estas dolencias deben eliminarse y disiparse de la mente de los seres humanos.
  En la movilidad del mundo psíquico, prevalecen ciertos pensamientos defectuosos: que los humanos estamos destinados a gobernar esta tierra, y las criaturas están destinadas a ser gobernadas por nosotros. Tendrás que luchar contra este tipo de psicología con la ayuda de tu arma fuerte. ¿Qué arma es esa? Neohumanismo. (resumen en español)

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Significance of good sadhakas

- Here are more Spanish postings

Friday, October 22, 2021

Bogus story, but very famous


Bogus story, but very famous 

Note: This letter is very easy for some, but very difficult for others, unfortunately, especially those who have no bhakti or personal realisation in sadhana.


The idea that "Baba is a mystery" is very detrimental to bhakti, and that is why this fabricated notion of mystery has no place in His discourses; rather, AM philosophy is the exact opposite of the mystery story. The relation between the sadhaka and Parama Purusa is very personal, trusted, authentic, meaningful, and eternal. It is absolutely rock solid. Whereas if one feels that He is a mystery then that trust and closeness is undermined. 

In AM philosophy Baba spreads the message that Parama Pursua is your nearest, most caring, and most loving One. There is no such trusted eternal guardian or friend or intimate one other than Him in this universe. To such a Personality, calling Him a mystery is irresponsible and contravenes the cult of bhakti; moreover, it is a betrayal of His love and care. In that light, Baba warns us how one should not think of Parama Purusa as a vast or unfathomable Entity.

Baba says, "They think that since Parama Puruśa is so vast and so learned, whereas they themselves are foolish and illiterate – insignificant creatures. Thus they increase their radii, their distance from the nucleus. This psychology that Parama Puruśa is too vast and great for the devotees to attain Him is called mahimnabodha, that which keeps them away from Parama Puruśa." (1)

Mystery is contrary to bhakti & AM

The term "mystery" means uncertain and unpredictable; and those concepts are not suited to spiritual philosophy with regards to the relation between bhakta and Parama Purusa. In a similar manner, one would never use the term "mysterious" to characterize their close family member or friend or any trusted personal relationship. Rather the term "mystery" or "mysterious" is used to talk about someone who used to be close but is now no longer a personal relation.

Baba did not include this mystery term or notion in AM philosophy; indeed it is not part of AM scripture. And now someone is emphasizing and giving great importance to those bogus things like the term mystery and giving them equal status as AM teachings. And that is wrong. Keeping all this in mind, kindly read the following.

Two bogus mystery stories

Here in yellow highlight are two versions of the famous but fake story that numerous Dadas have recounted in their books.

"I [Baba] have come as a mystery, I will remain as a mystery, and I will leave as a mystery.”  - One Dada’s book


"Once, after repeated requests for Him to write his autobiography, He [Baba] handed a piece of paper to His disciples and said, "Here is my autobiography." The paper read: "I [Baba] was a mystery. I am a mystery. I will always remain a mystery." - Another Dada’s Book    

How to recognise true or false story

With any Baba story, the first test of authenticity is whether the idea which the story propagates is present in any of Baba’s thousands of printed or non-printed discourses. If that idea is not present in His discourses, then strike that story down and mark it as fake, as it is a false story that could not pass the test.

The above yellow highlighted story is fake because you will not find this idea anywhere in Ananda Marga literature. Baba has given hundreds of thousands of pages of discourses and He talks so much about Parama Puruśa, Mahásambhúti, Táraka Brahma, Sadguru, Saguńa Brahma, Nirguńa Brahma, and Niraksa Brahma etc, but nowhere has Baba told that these entities are a mystery. Rather He told that Taraka Brahma is the most loving One. That is why one of His names is Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, meaning Bliss Personified.

God is part of family: very intimate or close One - not a mystery

Especially in the Semitic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Muslim) people have concept about God related with being a mystery. Buddhism does not believe in God and Hinduism does not propagate the idea of being a mystery. Since the advent of the first Mahasambhuti on this earth, God has been part of the family as Father, Friend, etc.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Táraka Brahma is...the loving Father. He is the eternal companion of unit beings in their joys and sorrows – not a God in the distant sky but an understanding Lord in the house where they dwell.” (2)

Mysterious things are scary

People cannot have a relationship with a mysterious personality because who knows what the fellow is going to do. What will be the next move of that person. Suppose someone is sitting at your table or kitchen counter and he is mysterious then you will not feel comfortable - let alone having an intimate relation with them. Because you will think who knows when this person will disappear, or hide underneath the sink, or in a flash he will change himself or herself into a cat or mouse - or even an ant. - and start crawling around on the counter. After all, that is what mysteries do.

Parama Purusa is our very close

In thousands of discourses, Baba has preached:

Do not think that Parama Purusa is far away or some alien; He is your family member. He is very near and He helps you always - regardless of time and place. Always He is caring you; He is very kind.

So the relation between the bhakta and Parama Purusa is very predictable. You have trust that Baba is going to help and save you - no matter what. Baba is not at all a mystery for bhaktas.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Táraka Brahma is...the loving Father. He is the eternal companion of unit beings in their joys and sorrows – not a God in the distant sky but an understanding Lord in the house where they dwell.” (3)

How this bogus story took birth

The question then becomes what is the origin of this above yellow-highlighted false story. In Ananda Marga philosophy, Baba teaches us that there are three types of aspirants: bhaktas, jinanis, and karmiis. For jinanis, due to their extremely dry mental state and utter lack of personal connection with Parama Purusa, their God is in theory only just like some key mathematical formula. Devoid of any personal realisation or feeling in their heart, they like to imagine that God is mysterious. With their fertile, dry mind this bogus. yellow-highlighted story came into being.

Personal God of bhaktas

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, for bhaktas God is a personal God who remains in their heart and is very intimately linked with those bhaktas. So He is not mysterious, or unpredictable, or involved in strange behaviour. You can imagine if your own family member is mysterious then you will not have a deep connection with them as you do not know what that person is going to do next. It is entirely unpredictable. Thinking that Baba is a mystery is anti-devotional.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Táraka Brahma is...the loving Father. He is the eternal companion of unit beings in their joys and sorrows – not a God in the distant sky but an understanding Lord in the house where they dwell.” (4)


This fake mystery story in yellow highlight is very popular so to date people has not used their logical analysis; otherwise, they would have rejected it a long time back. But those have any kind of bhakti and have some feeling or realisation of Baba, they have do not appreciate this type of story in their heart of hearts. Now close your eyes and think in this way: Really Baba is a mystery for you or is He very near and dear? I do not think you will find Him to be a mystery. But if for some that is the case then simply do more dhyana. That is what Baba teaches us in the appendix of Namami Krsnasundaram where He guides us that one should have a personal relationship with Parama Purusa. Then God will not be a mystery but a very intimate relation.

Baba is guiding us how Parama Purusa is our very close family member - not some unknown, mysterious character. Rather He is with us each and every moment - good times and bad times - and we can always depend upon Him as our nearest and dearest One.

In Him,

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Táraka Brahma is...the loving Father. He is the eternal companion of unit beings in their joys and sorrows – not a God in the distant sky but an understanding Lord in the house where they dwell.” (5)

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Táraka Brahma is...the loving Father. He is the eternal companion of unit beings in their joys and sorrows – not a God in the distant sky but an understanding Lord in the house where they dwell.” (6)

Loving child

Ananda Marga ideology states, “What are you to think? What are you to ideate upon? That is: “Oh Father, I am your loving child. I was a bit misguided, now please help me. I want to sit on your lap, I want to remain with you, I want to be an ideal boy, an ideal girl of yours, just help me. I am very weak and you are the strongest personality”, you should say like this.” (7)

God is our nearest & dearest One

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “And that noumenal entity is the loving Father. One’s relationship with the loving Father is one of love and affection, is a domestic relationship. There is nothing formal, no sort of formality in it. It is purely domestic, a family relationship. So the noumenal cause is not just a theoretical entity; it is your Father, your nearest and dearest one.” (8)

“The dearest one” or “the nearest one”

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “The root meaning of the term bábá is “the dearest one” or “the nearest one”. As He is the Supreme Father, the Parama Puruśa, He is Bábá of the entire creation; and because you are the created beings, you are His loving children, you are also His Bábá – because bábá means “nearest and dearest one”...when His devotees, His children, sing Bábá nám kevalam, He also sings Bábá nám kevalam.” (9)

Note: This letter is very easy for some, but very difficult for others, unfortunately, especially those who have no bhakti or personal realisation in sadhana.

Dry Wts wrote many mystery books

Sadly so many of our Dadas are completely enthralled with calling Sadguru Baba a mystery. They do not realise that this undermines their stature as they expose their anti-devotional feelings. See here the list of books where Dadas refer to Baba as a mystery in the very title of their book. That is the main theme of their book. It is most unfortunate they could not grow in their sadhana.

  • Glimpses of a Mystery by Dada
  • Advent of a Mystery by Dada
  • Mere Rahasya Maya Ba'ba' (My Mysterious Baba) by Dada
  • Ya'tra' Rahasmaya Guru ke sa'tha (Journey with Mysterious Guru) by Dada
  • Rahasya May Guru (Mysterious Guru) by Ac.

~ In-depth study ~

More of Baba's teachings

Here below in the following teachings, Baba is guiding us how Parama Purusa is our very close family member - not some unknown, mysterious character. Rather He is with us each and every moment - good times and bad times - and we can always depend upon Him as our nearest and dearest One.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The Progenitor is the nearest and dearest one for the progeny, hence the progeny also is the nearest and dearest one for the Supreme Progenitor. Both are bábá to each other and one another.” (10)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “You must not have any worries and anxieties about your personal problems. Your problems are to be solved by the Supreme Father.” (11)

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Táraka Brahma is...the loving Father. He is the eternal companion of unit beings in their joys and sorrows – not a God in the distant sky but an understanding Lord in the house where they dwell.” (12)

Ananda Marga ideology says, “When the Supreme Father is your father, when you all are the children of the same Father; why should you suffer from any inferiority complex or any fear complex, when the Supreme Father is with you? You are not weak...He is with you, always He is with you to help you. You are never alone.” (13)

Ananda Marga ideology says, “You are the dignified children of Parama Puruśa, and He is always with you. You are never alone.” (14)

Popular bogus story (again)

Here in yellow highlight are two versions of the famous but fake story that numerous Dadas have recounted in their books.

"I [Baba] have come as a mystery, I will remain as a mystery, and I will leave as a mystery.”  - One Dada’s book


"Once, after repeated requests for Him to write his autobiography, He [Baba] handed a piece of paper to His disciples and said, "Here is my autobiography." The paper read: "I [Baba] was a mystery. I am a mystery. I will always remain a mystery." - Another Dada’s Book   

And various other Dadas have written this story in their books.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Supreme Desideratum of the Microcosms
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, A Devotee's Object of Ideation
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, A Devotee's Object of Ideation
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, A Devotee's Object of Ideation
5. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, A Devotee's Object of Ideation
6. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, A Devotee's Object of Ideation
7. Subhasita Samgraha -12, The Noumenal Cause and the Personal God
8. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, The Noumenal Cause and the Personal God
9. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, Microcosm and Its Object of Ideation
10. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, An Expression Is Never Alone
11. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, The God of Human Beings
12. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, A Devotee's Object of Ideation
13. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, Be Free from All Complexes
14. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Everything Comes from Something

== Section 2: Links ==