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Monday, March 27, 2023

To ruin sadhana + 4 more

To ruin sadhana

Some think that when they sit for sadhana then all kinds of stray thoughts flood the mind, but when they are not doing sadhana then those types of thoughts do not occur. But this is not correct. Always those stray thoughts are being generated but when one is not practicing sadhana they do not notice it.

Bad: keeping a diary during sadhana to note stray thoughts

It is just like if you throw trash in a very clean area then immediately you will notice the garbage in that place. But if you go to the garbage dump and toss more trash there, then no one will notice that trash because already there is so much garbage there.

Similarly, when the mind is involved in sadhana it is getting cleansed so stray thoughts are very noticeable. And when the mind is not involved in sadhana, then it is dirty and distracted, so one does not take note of those stray thoughts because already the mind is goaded in so many different ways. Those stray thoughts are just like adding more junk to the heap of garbage.

Some think that keeping a worldly diary by their side during sadhana is a good idea so they can write down those mundane points and stray ideas. But this is a very bad thing to do. In that case, one cannot ever do sadhana, rather they will just be caught up in crude thinking and when sadhana time comes then more and more of those thoughts will fill the mind and one will go on writing them down. This is a very negative and degrading approach. Rather when those thoughts come they should be immediately pushed aside; one should vigorously redirect their mind toward their spiritual practice and cherished Goal.

At the time of sadhana one should not think about other worldly matters, rather one is to focus on their meditation.  

Sadguru Baba guide His bhaktas

As Guru, Baba guides His bhaktas onto the right path, irrespective of where they are. Always He is present to benevolently guide them in all kinds of ways. Indeed, there are countless stories recounted by sadhakas how Baba helped them in their time of need and brought them onto the path of dharma. Baba has blessed all His disciples in this way, directly and indirectly. Still He is doing this, and He will continue to guide His bhaktas in this way forever.

Ananda Marga teachings guide us, "While doing anything, while doing any mundane duty or doing any spiritual practice – you should always remember that He is Subject, He is seeing what you are doing. He is hearing what you are thinking. You cannot do anything secretly. He is always with are never alone; He is always with you. You are never helpless, you are never shelterless, you are never weak, you are the strongest personality of the universe, because the Supreme Entity is always with you." (1)

Here the point is that Baba is with His disciples all the 24hrs. He is ever-ready to guide and protect you, and there are innumerable ways in which He might express His presence - now and far, far into the future He will be doing this. It is purely His unfathomable grace.

Ananda Marga teachings guides us, "Now the first phase of the process is physico-psychic – that is, withdrawing the mind from different physical objects and bringing it to a particular point, and directing that point towards the realm of mind. And next is a phase of withdrawing the mind from different mental objects, from different mental pabula, and directing it towards the Supreme Subjectivity. Now this process of movement is the process of concentration." (2)


When doing sadhana do be sidetracked by all kinds of distraction, rather with doubled efforts redirect the mind towards the spiritual Goal. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "From the psychic sphere also, unnecessary waves are to be removed. This will remove many burdens from the mind. “I must not bother about petty things, because that will waste my time” – people should remember this. This removal or rather withdrawal of unnecessary and undesirable thoughts emanated from the mind will help you in rationalizing the major portion of your mental faculty, so this must also be practised. The cult of spirituality is a cult of pinnacled order." (3)

In Him,
Ksema Deva

~ In-depth study ~

    Guru's book Yoga Psychology teaches us, "Now everywhere, in cent per cent of the cases, there is wastage of human psychic potentiality. The psychic potentialities of human beings are immense, but people do not utilize them because most of their valuable time is wasted in undesirable thoughts, in psychic extravaganza. Suppose human life is an average of sixty years. Twenty years of that is spent in sleep, and the remaining forty years are wasted in petty or useless activities. How much time do people really get to devote to worthwhile tasks?"
    "This psychic extravaganza should be checked either by physical approach, or psychic approach, or by spirituo-psychic approach. People should have some control over their breathing, over their respiratory system, because the waves of respiration control the waves of thinking. Whenever you are doing something crude, your respiration becomes very active; and when you are thinking of something subtle, it becomes slow, extremely slow. And finally, when this respiration coincides, or becomes one, with one’s thought-waves, that stage is known as hat́ha yoga samádhi. That is, the physical exertions, the physical emanations, become one with the psychic emanations. So some degree of control over respiration is essential." (4)

When unit ensconced in the Supreme

   Ananda Marga ideology explains, "You must have a spiritual goal. You must know what to do, what not to do, how to do, why to do. And for this purpose, the movement is to make the mind pinnacled, apexed, and bring all the propensities to that point, and goad it towards your spiritual goal."
   "But a man says, I am an ordinary man, how am I to concentrate the mind? How am I to bring all my propensities to a particular point and goad that pointed mind towards the spiritual goal? It is a natural question...."
   "Then what to do? One must remember that one’s unit consciousness is a microscopic fraction of that Parama Puruśa, or that Cosmic Consciousness. I have already said that when one unit thinks that “I am a drop of water,” it is a drop of water. And when it thinks that “I am not a drop of water, I am the ocean,” it is the ocean. Similarly, when the unit ensconces itself in the Supreme Excellence it becomes Supreme, it becomes one with the Lord. And when it becomes one with the Lord no obstacle can defeat him." (5)

Ananda Marga ideology tells us, "When I think I am His object and He is my subject, I cannot commit any wrong under any circumstances. His ever wakeful conscience will constantly warn me, “What are you doing? He is watching you.”" (6)

Baba story: trash in sadhana

I went to Patna to attend to some family matters and while there I faced a lot of clash. When I came back to Jamalpur, I sat for my regular sadhana. But, in place of doing proper sadhana and japa, all the trouble and difficulties of the trip to Patna flooded my mind. I became immersed in those mundane thoughts. I completely forgot that I was supposed to be doing sadhana.

It was then that I clearly heard Baba's voice. In a scolding tone Baba was saying: "Dashrath...Dashrath...Dashrath...". Baba called my name three times.

Hearing this I was completely surprised. I broke my sadhana and started searching all around to find Baba. I went outside but I did not see Baba. I was thinking, "Where has Baba gone, how has He left so quickly, why is He not here."

I wondered, "When Baba is not here then how did His voice reach me."

I then returned to my seated posture and did my sadhana as usual. I also thought I should go see Baba that evening.

Fieldwalk with Baba

So that evening I made it over to Baba's residence around the time that He would go for regular His fieldwalk. I was standing outside His house with the plan that when He comes out then I will accompany Him on His walk.

In His usual way, Baba came out from the house and began walking. I started following Him, just keeping a few paces behind. I was thinking when I get the opportune moment I will ask Baba about His coming to my house and why did He leave so quickly without waiting for me. I wanted to know if He was angry with me for not doing meditation in the correct way. I wanted to ask Baba why He came to my house and called me and then left so quickly. While walking, I had these thoughts in my mind.

When the right moment arrived, I asked in a very humble manner, "Baba, did You become annoyed with me today when I was not doing sadhana properly - is that why You scolded me?"

Hearing this, Baba smiled and He started talking on another matter.

Since that time I became very particular in my sadhana. If worldly thoughts ever entered my mind and intruded upon my spiritual practice, I did not entertain them at all. I just re-focused my mind on my meditation, by His grace.

(Note: Above is a first-hand account from family Acarya Dashrathji of Jamalpur. Some mistakenly think his name is spelled as Dasarath or Dasrath, but those are not correct. The proper spelling is Dashrath, and that is what has been used in the above story.)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam, part 12, The Only Cult
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, How to Concentrate
3. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order
4. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order
5. Subhasita Samgraha - 13, Subjective Approach and Objective Adjustment
6. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 10, Cognitive Faculty and the Supreme Desideratum


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why dearth of aspirants

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Among so many people in our human society, very few get the opportunity to acquire spiritual knowledge. And among these, a still smaller percentage get the chance to undergo practical training. Why? Because the science is rare, the aspirants are rarer, and the teachers are rarer still.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4 The Three Prerequisites for Spiritual Knowledge

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Consequences of retrenching people without arranging a alternative job

According to Prout philosophy, "For the all-round welfare of human beings, society needs to follow some fundamental socio-political principles. Without the firm foundation of such principles, disunity, injustice and exploitation will flourish."

"First people should not be retrenched from their livelihood unless alternative employment has been arranged for them."

“In India during the time of the British, many small kingdoms were ruled by rajas and maharajas. When India became independent, these kingdoms merged into India, and the Indian government decided to pay the former monarchs a stipend. However, this scheme was not a good idea, because many former monarchs wasted money and lived luxurious, sycophantic lifestyles. After a particular leader became prime minister, the scheme was abandoned at short notice. This caused economic hardship for some of the less well-off recipients who were unable to make alternative financial arrangements. Some old people in particular found it difficult to adjust. While the government should not have adopted the scheme in the first place, having adopted it, the government should have withdrawn it gradually and taken the responsibility for looking after the elderly people on humanitarian grounds.”

“Now you understand the consequences of retrenching people without arranging a suitable alternative livelihood for them.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

¿Por qué los gustos cambian?


¿Por qué los gustos cambian?


Aquí comenzamos con la guía especial de Baba para todos los sadhakas.

En un resumen en español de Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, “The Dialogues of Shiva and Párvatii – 1”, Baba nos dice : Uno debe hacer sádhaná con mayor regularidad. Mientras uno tenga un cuerpo, debe continuar haciendo sádhaná. Debes haber notado que un lot́á [pequeño recipiente de metal] nuevo y brillante ya no conservará su brillo y novedad después de un año de uso. Uno tiene que limpiarlo regularmente con tamarindo para mantener su brillo. La mente es así – uno tiene que hacer sádhaná regular para mantenerla limpio y ordenada. (resumen en español)

La mente puede fluir hacia arriba o hacia abajo

La mente nunca está quieta; tiene tendencia a bajar. Pero incluso si un borracho se esfuerza en hacer sadhana, su mente irá hacia arriba; se volverá más sutil. En ese caso, ya no querrán permanecer en su condición actual. Un borracho ya no deseará permanecer cerca de otras personas que llevan una vida animal una vez que avance un poco en el camino de la sadhana.

Lado a lado, si un buen sadhaka pierde de vista el camino, su mente irá hacia abajo y se entregará a comportamientos degradantes, como beber vino. En ese caso, perderán interés en sadhana y satsaunga y se inclinarán por pasar el rato en pubs con otros bebedores. La mente es opuesta a la de un río. Un río siempre fluye de la montaña al mar. Pero la mente humana puede fluir en cualquier dirección: puede subir o bajar. Cualquier individuo puede volverse más consciente o más depravado. Todo depende de en qué dirección se anime a la mente.

Las almas degradadas pueden convertirse en grandes personas, como en el caso del antiguo poeta y espiritista Valmiki. Fue un asesino bien conocido que se convirtió en un gran sadhaka y místico que otorgó a la humanidad un tesoro de poemas y enseñanzas espirituales. Aquí el punto es que la mente no está fija. Puede fluir hacia lo sublime, por Su gracia. O uno puede sumergir la mente en todo tipo de actividades degradantes. Así que la mente es móvil. Tan pronto como la mente desciende, la conducta de uno cambia en consecuencia.

Esto explica el comportamiento de algunos monjes nuestros

Si alguien mira hacia atrás en su propia vida, verá grandes cambios en su vida, especialmente para los sadhakas. Mire hacia atrás 20 años y vea si le gustaría hacer las cosas ahora que estaba haciendo en ese entonces. Quizás, quizás no, pero hace 20 años te gustaba hacer esas cosas. Aquí el punto es que cualquiera puede ver en su propia vida los vaivenes que ha tomado su mente y cómo su comportamiento cambió en consecuencia.

La gente suele pensar, especialmente los que no son sadhakas, que la mente no cambia. Piensan: "Lo que soy, lo soy". Así se marcan y categorizan a sí mismos y a otros, de esta manera. Los etiquetan permanentemente. Los aspirantes reconocen fácilmente que las personas pueden cambiar y de hecho cambian. Alguien puede elevarse o degradarse a sí mismo, sucede regularmente. Es por eso que hacemos sadhana, seva, servicio y máxima pracar, para afectar positivamente la mente. Por lo tanto, nadie está fijo en un estado particular para siempre. Un criminal puede volverse un sadhu, y un sadhu puede volverse un criminal.

En ocasiones, vemos que esto también sucede con algunos de nuestros monjes. Algunos pueden ingresar a Ananda Marga como una persona joven y tímida y emerger como un sadhaka fuerte, totalmente dedicado al servicio de la humanidad. Y a veces también lo vemos suceder en la dirección opuesta. Eso explica por qué algunos miembros de nuestros monjes actúan en contra de los dictados del dharma. Entonces nos preguntamos: ¿Cómo llegaron sus vidas a este punto bajo?

Cómo saltarse la sadhana es mortal

Esencialmente, todos vienen al camino de Ananda Marga para hacer algo grandioso. La mayoría ingresa con motivos bondadosos impulsados por un gran idealismo, etc. Esto es especialmente cierto en el caso de nuestros monjes y monjas. Sin embargo, si no trabajan para mantener la mente fluyendo en esa dirección, entonces pueden comenzar a moverse en la dirección opuesta. De hecho, pueden degradarse tanto que apenas se parecen a su antiguo yo, y aún así trabajan con ropa color azafrán. En ocasiones esto les sucede a algunos trabajadores.

Esta teoría básica explica cómo algunos monjes pueden involucrarse en actividades que no están de acuerdo con las reglas de conducta de monjes. No ingresaron a AMPS con este propósito en mente. Inicialmente, sus objetivos eran muy conscientes y puros. Sin embargo, debido al letargo y la flojedad en Dieciséis Puntos, poco a poco olvidaron por qué entraron en Ananda Marga tantra en primer lugar. Lamentablemente perdieron el camino, etc.


Por lo tanto, todos deben ser estrictos al ciento por ciento para evaluar siempre su estado mental y asegurarse de que se están moviendo en el curso correcto, en la dirección correcta. Sin una determinación estricta en Dieciséis Puntos, incluso un sadhaka bueno y bien intencionado terminará yendo en la dirección opuesta. Trágicamente, eso es lo que vemos que sucede con algunos.

En un resumen en español de Subhasita Samgraha - 12, “Man and His Ideological Desideratum”, Baba nos dice: Para el progreso en el flujo de entidades, uno debe llevar una vida pura, una vida moralista, una vida basada en principios morales. No hagas nada malo. ¿Qué es malo? Malo es lo que deprava la existencia humana. Sigue un estricto código de moralidad. Vive una vida pura, una vida ordenada y limpia. Sé estricto en 16 puntos. ¿Qué sucederá? Tu flujo entitativo se purificará y estará en paralelismo con tu onda psíquica. (resumen en español)

En un resumen en español de Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, “Form and Formless”, Baba nos dice: Un ser humano que se comporta como una cabra o un perro puede nacer como una cabra o un perro en la próxima vida, porque tal cuerpo animal es la base adecuada para la expresión afín de los saḿskáras latentes. Por lo tanto no es del todo imposible que un ser humano renazca como un cerdo, un gusano, un árbol o incluso un pedazo de piedra. (resumen en español)

En Él,

Rogue Ratnakar transformado en ilustre Valmiki

En un resumen en español de Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, “Abhedajiṋána and Nirvikalpa Samádhi”, Baba nos dice: Los conceptos de virtud y vicio se originan en la mente humana. Debido a la influencia de ciertas propensiones, la noción de vicio se produce en la mente, lo que hace que las personas cometan actos de pecado en el mundo exterior. Tan pronto como la influencia de esas propensiones negativas se elimina de la mente, muchos pensamientos buenos, el deseo honesto de hacer el bien a los demás surge en la mente. Cuando los llamados pecadores invocan fervientemente al Supremo y se entregan a Su altar por devoción, ya no siguen siendo pecadores. Por la gracia del misericordioso Parama Puruśa, se elevan mucho más alto que la gente común. Las vidas del bandido Ratnakar y Aungulimál son claros testimonios de este hecho. En un breve lapso de una hora y media, se produjo un gran cambio en el corazón de un bandido que había matado sin piedad a más de mil personas sin el menor remordimiento de conciencia. El pícaro Ratnakar se transformó en el ilustre poeta Valmiki. ¿Alguien tiene la audacia de decir que Valmiki es un criminal? Por lo tanto, los malvados y los virtuosos tienen el mismo derecho a alcanzar la salvación. (resumen en español)

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Why liking changes

- Here are more Spanish postings

- Here is a link to Spanish Prabhat Samgiita

Good or bad way + 2 more


Good or bad way


In today’s society, there is a growing number of people dominated by a selfish nature. Politicians and bloodsucker capitalists have shown the path to the general public on how to lead a selfish life. Many politicians propagate the idea that why to pay taxes for education when one does not have children or ideas of similar nature which fosters selfishness. In the world there are about 50% of people who are uneducated, and they do not understand sophisticated policies set by the politicians.

It is the responsibility of the teachers, researchers, economists, and others who are educated to make sure they propagate right ideas. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji provided Prout philosophy, and it is the duty of Ananda Margiis around the world to spread the philosophy of PROUT. If people follow PROUT philosophy, they will make it their own. For example, in a village no one knew about yoga, and one yogii gave a lecture on yoga, and 10 people liked the idea. Those 10 people practiced yoga, and became yoga teachers. Over time, more people became interested and yoga spread around the world.

Move together in a society

When one thinks about the whole society, by considering the society as his own, then one develops the responsibility to take care of all, and becomes happy. Baba said that in ancient India when masses used to go on pilgrimage by foot, if something happened to one person’s health, then everyone would stop and ensure that the unwell person was fit, and then only would they resume their journey. They would not leave anyone behind. Baba says that if a society has to wait to bring everyone together it is better so that everyone can walk together. That is best for the progress of society. If a society fails to wait for someone who was left behind and instead moves on without them, then that society is not good.

Let us say that there are two groups, namely group A and group B, who are making a journey to a destination.

(a)  In group A, when a person is unwell, then others wait instead of moving ahead, to ensure that the person is well, and when the person becomes healthy, then they move together. If the person is unwell, then the people in group A will put the unwell person on their shoulders and move along towards their destination. 

(b) In group B, when a person is unwell, then others in group B leave the unwell person behind and move ahead towards their destination. 

Which group is better? Even though the speed of movement of group A is a little slower, there exists a feeling of brotherhood and cohesiveness. Whereas in group B when people are left the unwell person behind and moved along without them. They did not care for everybody. 

Baba says group A is much better because there will be peace, togetherness, and everyone will care for each other to build a wonderful society. Sama’nam ejati iti samaja -- everyone should move together in a society. Baba wants us to build such a society.

Religions did not aim to build one society

Religions did not think of forming that type of society. Each religion propagated philosophies to benefit a certain group or class. For example, when a group of Muslims live in a village, they will only care for other Muslims. And when they see a non-muslim, they do not hold the same feeling of togetherness as they have for their fellow Muslim. Similarly, where Hindus live, brahmins have a feeling of togetherness towards their fellow brahmins, not for others.

Increasing the periphery of mind

One other outcome is that when one group of society is left behind then they will attack others who are moving forward. So leaving a group behind is not a good idea. If one group is mean-minded and exploiting others, there will not be any peace in the society. 

Unhappiness and discontentment arises in the society for two reasons. First, they are being neglected, and in result, they will attack those who neglected them. The reason they will attack is because they were left behind or were deprived of their needs. Second, one group has strong love for everyone in their group, but anyone who is not in their group, then they exploit them. Both reasons of mean mindedness are not good; both are condemnable. 

Baba says when you have love for your own clan then extend that love beyond your clan to the whole world by thinking everyone is the child of Parama’tma’. Capitalism and other selfish philosophies propagate the idea that no one is mine except myself. This feeling is extremely mean.

People often say that, “I need to take care of myself”, or “I am going to a restaurant to treat myself by eating good food”. Or they say, “Lately, I have not treated myself well, and today I am going to do something special for myself.” This type of feeling is a representation of extreme mean mindedness. By spreading PROUT philosophy, slowly selfishness, and capitalism will be removed from the society.


AM philosophy says that the whole world is one society. Everyone is my own.  With such type of feeling, love for each other will increase in a society. A lot of problems which exist today in the world or the new ones arising every day can be prevented by developing togetherness and removing self-interest by thinking the whole world is one society, and everyone is my own.

In Him,

They march ahead, singing in unison

Ananda Marga ideology says, “What is society like? It is like a group of people going on a pilgrimage. Try to imagine the scene! Suppose one of the pilgrims is struck down by cholera. Will the rest of them continue on their way, leaving the sick man behind? No, that would be inconceivable for them. Rather, they will break their journey for a day or two, and cure him of his disease. If he is still too weak to walk they will carry him on their shoulders. If some people run short of food, others share what they have with them. Together they share their possessions, and together they march ahead, singing in unison. In their eagerness to move ahead with others they forget their trifling differences which might have led to angry exchanges and court cases in their families, even down to three generations. It is because of the petitions of the complainant in a land dispute that some people go so far as to spend ten or twenty times more than the piece of land is worth. The essence of cooperation resulting from this collective movement aims at expanding a person’s mind by striking down the barriers of meanness. I repeat that a true society is like such a group of pilgrims who attain a deep psychic affinity while travelling together which helps them solve all the problems in their individual and social lives.” (1)

“Human beings of the world, unite!”

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Sadvipras will firmly declare, “All human beings belong to one race. Everyone has equal rights. Human beings are brothers and sisters!” These sadvipras will sternly warn the exploiters of society, “The exploitation of human beings cannot be allowed!” and, “Religious hypocrisy cannot be tolerated!” Giving a clarion call to the fragmented human society from beneath the saffron flag, the symbol of service and sacrifice, they will proclaim at the top of their voices, “Human beings of the world, unite!” (2)

1. A Few Problems Solved Part 6, The Spirit of Society
2. Problems of the Day, Point #37

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Animalistic fad

Alert: this below teaching from Baba is not for hardcore gay people and their fanatical supporters. This is for sincere Ananda Margiis. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "An animal life is given to carnal pleasure human life is for sádhaná." (1)

In Ananda Marga, human life is for sadhana; thus the mind must be guided in this way. Yet that is impossible if one is plunged in sexual dealings etc. Indeed, if one is indulged in sex solely for the sake of sex, as is the case with homosexuals / gays etc, then sadhana is not possible. Such types of persons cannot understand Ananda Marga teachings. They cannot grasp that the mind should be goaded towards Parama Purusa. An aspirant should remain in Brahmabhava throughout the day. Then sadhana will be successful, otherwise not. So the mind should be trained accordingly. Gay / lustful sexual relations undermine this endeavour.

Alert: this above teaching from Baba is not for hardcore gay people and their fanatical supporters. This is for sincere Ananda Margiis. 

1. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, Point #4

== Section 3: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Rushing headlong towards the Incomparable Entity

Note: Only those bhaktas who feel a deep spiritual vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: This song expresses the highest realm of bhakti where the bhakta internally feels that the whole universe is dancing in His sublime flow, where everything is revolving and rotating around the Supreme Nucleus, Purus'ottama, Parama Purusa.

"Vishva doláy dol diyecho, liiláy bhuvan nácee..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2777)


My Parama Purusa, supreme bliss-personified, You have lovingly made this whole universe sway in the swinging of the swing. Everything is dancing in the flow of Your divine liila. In close and far, and in all the ways, You have inundated this whole cosmos with various tunes and melodies in the rhythm of Your spiritual song. Baba, everything is revolving around You and vibrating in Your bliss.

In this ra'saliila, by Your grace, that supreme flow has made everyone forget all the differences and distinctions between themselves and others. Now each person feels that all are their own - that all are part of this same universal family. Baba, by Your krpa the boundaries of isms have been shattered, and the doors and windows are open; everyone is mine - ours; all are one. All the dogmas and narrowness have been wiped away by the cosmic swing. Now there is no time for bickering and infighting. Having forgotten, all fear, shyness, jealousy, and hatred, now there is only one collective march, moving towards You, rushing headlong towards the Incomparable Entity. The whole creation is dancing in unison, by Your mercy.

Baba, this whole manifestation is nothing but the display of drama of Your grand liila. Everything is possible by Your wish. All happens according to Your desire. If You like, the positive can become negative, and the negative can become positive. "No" can become "yes", and "yes" can become "no". The impossible becomes a reality, and vice-versa. Your thought is the be-all, end-all. In this auspicious moment, when all are blissful and floating in Your rasa, then there is no question of crying about the problems or requesting a solution. Rather everybody's heart is satiated in the sweet spiritual rhythm. Everyone’s mind is fully content and floating on the waves of joyous spirituality. This is the time to continue basking in the eternal flow of Your ra'saliila.

Baba, Your endless liila is unparalleled, the whole universe is swaying in ecstasy, I surrender at Your lotus feet...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #2777:

In His diverse and colourful manner, Baba expresses His divine teachings in various ways: Spiritually through song, theoretically through philosophy, and a mix thereof using both devotion and theory. It depends on each and every sadhaka, on each and every human mind to decide which one they prefer at any given point in time.

So in His above Prabhat Samgiita, Baba is explaining His ra'sa liila in a purely devotional manner. And now in this below quote He is explaining His ra'saliila using a mix of devotional expression and theoretical philosophy. So this quote stands as another way of expressing nearly the whole of this Prabhat Samgiita.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "When devotees realise that all beings are created from a'nanda, exist in a'nanda and return to a'nanda. This realisation causes a radical change in their outlook - no longer can they differentiate between rich and poor, highborn and low-born. They observe an ocean of a'nanda flowing within and around all created beings. 'Rasa vae sah'- all are flowing in the same rasa, the same ocean of bliss. In that divine flow the devotees see Parama Purus'a dancing with each entity. In philosophy, this dance is called 'ra'saliila' [divine play in the flow of bliss]. It does not mean that someone is actually playing a flute with all the humans and cows dancing around him. Rather, it means that all the entities of this beginningless and endless universe are floating in the ocean of cosmic bliss." (1)

Baba's above guideline is a mix of bhakti and philosophy and in this next quote He is explaining the overall concept of this Prabhat Samgiita in a more theoretical manner, in philosophical parlance.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Knowingly or unknowingly everyone is moving around Him. Everyone is bound to move, otherwise they will lose their permanent shelter, they will dissociate from their permanent nucleus. This movement is a natural propensity born out of love for Parama Purus'a. Love for the Supreme is a natural propensity. Intelligent people develop their natural propensities through their sa'dhana', their constant endeavour. The outlook of such people is called Ra'dha' bha'va." (2)

Personal Way of Viewing This Prabhat Samgiita

The above song is related with the life of each and every sadhaka. When sadhana is good then one realises the essence of this song. Then all hatred, fear, and shyness dissipates and people forget about their differences with others and see everything as an expression of His divine flow. On that occasion when their mind is immersed in His bliss then this feeling of ra'saliila is dominant in their mind. So this song is not something beyond the reach of common sadhakas. This song shows how one looks at the world and behaves with others when they are having better sadhana. By His grace, at some point or another, this is something we have all experienced.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, Devotion Is the Life-Force of a Devotee
2. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 15

== Section: Important Teaching ==

You know exponentially more than I know

"Toma'r ka'che ca'ite giye lajja' peye ela'm phire..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0652)


When I came to You I was thinking to request You to grant me some boons. I came to You harbouring so many worldly desires. But without asking for anything at all, I returned in shyness because I understood that You know and fulfil all my needs and requirements far better than I. Baba, all within Your mind.

Baba, whatever little I know about myself, and whatever I think is mine, You know exponentially more than that. Whatever my needs may be, You go on giving without my even asking.

Baba, You are my eternal Bandhu and have saturated my heart with Your colourful, charming attraction and affection. Everything will undergo change in this transitory universe, but the garland of love which has been born in my thoughts and mixed with divine love will never perish. Baba, You are most loving…

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