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Saturday, March 25, 2023

Que ignorantes


Que ignorantes


Uno de los mayores esfuerzos en la vida de todo bhakta es la oportunidad de llamar a la Entidad Suprema. Como todos saben, Baba, el Parama Purusa, tiene múltiples nombres, cada uno de los cuales se refiere a una de Sus infinitas características. Sin embargo, parece que algunas personas están confundidas acerca de cómo tratar estas hermosas denominaciones de Parama Purusa Baba.

Nadie lo llama "Sr. Dicha de Todas las Almas"

En nuestra Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, usamos regularmente los nombres en Saḿskrta para referirnos a otros sadhakas. Y esos nombres no los traducimos a otro idioma como el inglés. Por ejemplo, si el nombre de alguien es Prashant, entonces no lo llamamos “Sr. Perfecta Compostura”. Más bien los llamamos por su nombre dado en Saḿskrta, es decir, Prashant. Porque ese nombre Prashant tiene un significado único propio.

De manera similar, si el nombre de alguien es Narayan, entonces no lo llamamos "Sr. Refugio de Prakrti". Más bien lo llamamos por su nombre dado Saḿskrta, es decir, Narayan. Porque el nombre Narayan en sí tiene un significado muy especial. Del mismo modo, si el nombre de alguien es Priyashiva, entonces no lo llamamos "Sr. Conciencia Amorosa". Más bien losllamamos por su nombre dado en Saḿskrta, es decir, Priyashiva. Porque el nombre Priyashiva tiene un significado espiritual especial. O, si el nombre de alguien es Sarvatmananda, entonces no lo llamamos "Sr. Dicha de Todas las Almas"". Más bien los llamamos por su nombre dado en Saḿskrta, es decir, Sarvatmananda.

Ejemplo: cómo traducir nombres arruina el significado

De la misma manera, las diversas denominaciones de Parama Purusa nunca se traducen:

(a) Uno de los nombres del Señor es Painca’nana, pero no lo llamamos “Señor Cinco Caras”;
(b) Y uno de los nombres del Señor es Niilakant'ha, pero no lo llamamos "Señor Garganta Azul";
(c) Y uno de los nombres del Señor es Hari, pero no lo llamamos “Sr. ladrón” o “Sr. Secuestrador".
(d) Y uno de los nombres del Señor es Rudra, sin embargo, en nuestros libros y discursos de Ananda Marga ese nombre nunca se traduce.

Aquí el asunto es que no traducimos el nombre Saḿskrta. El nombre tiene un significado y una vibración particulares en el idioma original. Traducirlo al inglés solo sirve para socavar el significado del nombre. Mantener el Saḿskrta original mantiene la integridad del nombre. Esto la mayoría de los sadhakas lo entienden fácilmente.

Desafortunadamente, algunos han optado por traducir uno de los nombres venerados de Baba. Literalmente traducen 'Ajana Pathik' como 'viajero desconocido', cuando cualquier verdadero bhakta sabe que el término 'viajero desconocido' no tiene la belleza interior y el significado del nombre: 'Ajana Pathik'.

Washington ahora se llama toneladas para lavar

juego de palabras en ingles-- wash (lavar), ton (tonelada)-- washington 

La regla general y la ética es no traducir literalmente ningún nombre propio de ninguna persona o lugar. Por ejemplo, si examinamos literalmente el nombre 'Washington DC', entonces, en su estupidez, alguien podría cambiarlo por 'lavado' + 'tonelada'. Literalmente significa 'limpieza' + 'toneladas', que significa 'la ciudad donde se hacen cantidades de lavados'. A ninguna persona en su sano juicio le gusta esto. Del mismo modo, nadie traduce literalmente 'Nueva York' como 'Fresh York' (Fresca York). La idea general es que traducir literalmente nombres o nombres propios no funciona.

El nombre divino 'Ajana Pathik' denota una de las atribuciones especiales de Baba, pero algunos están traduciendo literalmente este término cuando tratan de explicar Prabhat Samgiita. Sin embargo, no debemos hacer nada que vaya ni un ápice en contra del espíritu de Ista o la reverencia a Guru. Así que a aquellos que están involucrados en este trabajo tan delicado de traducir Prabhat Samgiita se les debe enseñar la forma correcta. De lo contrario seguirán errando y haciendo injusticias con estas composiciones profundamente espirituales.

En Prabhat Samgiita #0012, la línea 'Ajana Pathik ek elo' ha sido traducida como '¡Mira, ahí viene el viajero desconocido!'. Pero el término 'viajero desconocido' solo está relacionado con el turismo, es una referencia mundana. No tiene ningún valor místico o espiritual. Y el mismo error de traducir Ajana Pathik a viajero desconocido se cometió en numerosas canciones como PS #0005 y PS #0227, entre muchas otras.

Manera adecuada de tratar el problema

En cambio, en la traducción al inglés, la línea debería leerse como '¡Mira, aquí viene el Ajana Pathik!', y márcala con una nota de asterisco que explique cuidadosamente que el hermoso término Ajana Pathik es uno de los nombres de Parama Purusa y que denota una de sus atribuciones especiales. Entonces, la mejor manera es escribirlo como '¡Mira, aquí viene el Ajana Pathik!'. Y luego, por la nota de asterisco, los lectores comprenderán fácilmente que, en este caso, Baba quiere llamarse Ajana Pathik. Y entonces lo llamaremos de esa manera y en el fondo de nuestras mentes siempre recordaremos que:

El término Ajana Pathik significa 'La Entidad Divina Parama Purusa que se mueve por todo el universo y que reside en todas partes y lo sabe todo, e independientemente de adónde vaya, permanece contigo'. Esa es una de Sus muchas atribuciones únicas y esa es la especialidad del nombre 'Ajana Pathik'. El nombre 'Ajana Pathik' denota esta cualidad especial.

Si en la traducción una persona omite el término Ajana Pathik y en su lugar escribe literalmente 'viajero desconocido', esto no tiene el significado especial o la belleza interna del término. Y, en última instancia, cualquiera que lea esa traducción no podrá saber lo que realmente se expresa en esta canción.

Autostopista o mochilero desconocido

Ajana Pathik: El término Aja'na' Pathik significa 'La Entidad Divina Parama Purusa que se mueve por todo el universo, reside en todas partes y sabe todo; vayas donde vayas, Él permanece contigo'. Esa es una de Sus muchas atribuciones únicas y esa es la especialidad del nombre 'Ajana Pathik'. El nombre 'Ajana Pathik' denota esta cualidad especial.

Literalmente, Aja'na' significa 'desconocido' y Pathik significa 'viajero' o 'turista'. Pero esto es solo palabra por palabra, traducción literal; y los nombres propios no están destinados a ser traducidos. Así que no podemos llamarlo el 'Viajero Desconocido' o 'Turista Desconocido' o Vacacionista Desconocido' o 'Mochilero Desconocido' o 'Visitante Desconocido' o 'Trotamundos Desconocido' o 'Autostopista Desconocido'. Entonces se pierde el espíritu y el significado.

Significado interno de Ajana’ Pathik

El sentido interno del nombre Ajana Pathik es que Parama Purusa siempre se está moviendo a lo largo de este vasto cosmos y está constantemente presente con todos, todo el tiempo. Él está en el Núcleo Cósmico, pero al mismo tiempo a través de Su ota y prota yoga Él está en todas partes, observando cuidadosamente y guiando amorosamente a todos. Este aspecto único de Su gran Personalidad se trata como Aja'na' Pathik. Porque Él está constantemente viajando pero presente en todas partes. Él está en el núcleo así como en todo este universo. Es por eso que el término Ajana Pathik no debe traducirse.

La frase “Ajana Pathik” es un nombre místico para hablar de Parama Purusa de una manera simple y mundana para que la gente común pueda entender que Él está presente en todas partes. Entonces, no hay necesidad de que Él vaya de un lugar a otro, etc. Cuando una persona va del punto A al punto B, entonces, de una manera poética y sentimental, podemos decir que, "Parama Purusa va contigo", sin embargo, el la realidad es que Él ya está en todos los lugares, siempre.

Aquellos que usan 'Viajero Desconocido' o 'Turista Desconocido' en lugar de Aja'na' Pathik son ingenuos e ignorantes.


La idea central de toda el artículo es que los nombres propios no deben traducirse. Supongamos que el nombre de su amigo es Nagina, entonces todos sabrán de quién está hablando si dice "Nagina". Sin embargo, si traduces Nagina al español, será "gema", y si dices "Mr. Gema, Sr. Gema”, entonces nadie sabrá de quién está hablando. Tal traducción anula todo el propósito de la comunicación. El significado y la importancia se pierden en la traducción. Entonces, si alguien está traduciendo ingenuamente a Ajana Pathik como "Viajero desconocido", entonces es ignorante, y si lo está haciendo deliberadamente, entonces están degradando a Guru. Lo mejor es nunca traducir el término Ajana Pathik o cualquier otro nombre de Parama Purusa.

En Él,
Amriteshwar Dutta

~ Estudio en profundidad ~

Ejemplos de tergiversación

Vea aquí cómo el término Ajana Pathik fue tergiversado en las siguientes traducciones de Prabhat Samgiita:

PD #0005: Ha llegado el antiguo viajero desconocido.
PD #0012: ¡Ahí viene el viajero desconocido!
PS #0227: Ha llegado un viajero desconocido.

El enfoque adecuado es utilizar el término Ajana Pathik, no un viajero desconocido, y luego proporcionar un enlace al significado descriptivo completo del término muy especial, Ajana Pathik. Esto mejorará el significado. Aquellos involucrados en la traducción de Prabhat Samgiita deben atenerse a esta forma literaria.

El intérprete se ve ridículo y la audiencia está confundida

A continuación, Baba nos guía sobre lo que sucede cuando personas no calificadas intentan interpretar los shastras y/o explicar Prabhat Samgiita.

    En un resumen en español de Namah Shivaya Shantaya, "Disc: 14", Baba nos dice: Shástra vyákhyána. Sin una interpretación adecuada, los shástras siguen siendo difíciles de entender y, a veces, ininteligibles. Por lo tanto, las escrituras siempre deben ser interpretadas por eruditos calificados, filósofos competentes y pensadores penetrantes. Si uno trata de interpretar una escritura profunda con conocimiento superficial, el intérprete parecerá ridículo y la audiencia estará confundida.
    Hay algunas personas que no son eruditos, ni filósofos, ni pensadores penetrantes, sino que simplemente deambulan interpretando las escrituras... que interpretan las escrituras solo para exhibir su intelecto, para obtener un certificado de erudición. Ellos también permanecen lejos de el espíritu viviente de las Escrituras, de Aquel que es su fuente de inspiración. (resumen en español)

Deberíamos estar ciento por ciento seguros de que tenemos a las personas adecuadas involucradas en la explicación y traducción de las composiciones divinas de Baba de Prabhat Samgiita.

La entidad omnipresente

Como Ajana Pathik, Parama Purusa Baba se mueve y se mueve y se mueve. En su enfoque espiritual, los bhaktas sienten que dondequiera que vayan, el Aja'na' Pathik siempre estará allí para derramar Su bendición. Por Su gracia, los bhaktas siempre pueden obtener Su íntima compañía y compañerismo. Con este vínculo místico, los sadhakas entienden que Parama Purusa está presente en todas partes, sin embargo, uno al lado del otro, Él viaja una y otra vez por todo este cosmos. Por lo tanto, Él es Aja'na' Pathik.

En general, el nombre Aja'na' Pathik tiene un significado especial y único que va mucho más allá de su traducción literal. Y en nuestros corazones nosotros A'nanda Ma'rgiis sabemos y sentimos que Baba es ese Aja'na' Pathik. De hecho, en Sus discursos, en Dharma Samiiksa y en los informes, en DMC y de numerosas maneras, Baba ha demostrado este mismo hecho de que Él está siempre presente y siempre con nosotros. Él siempre se está moviendo y dondequiera que vayamos, Él también estará allí. Parama Purusa tiene infinitas atribuciones y una de ellas es esta cualidad especial donde Él siempre permanece junto a nosotros dondequiera que estemos en este vasto universo. De esta manera Él es conocido como - Aja'na' Pathik. En sentido verdadero, como la Entidad omnipresente, Él no va a ninguna parte porque está en todas partes; pero de una manera más literal va de un lugar a otro.

- Here is a link to the original English posting: How ignorant do

- Here are more Spanish postings

- Here is a link to Spanish Prabhat Samgiita

Why sadhana difficult + Downside of fame


Why sadhana difficult


If you want to become famous then you have to follow the common, prevailing dogmas and become their leader. Your speed will be just a tiny bit ahead of the general society. Then they will recognise that you are great. But if you are preaching something very lofty, which the common people cannot comprehend, then they will oppose you. You will never get their support or become famous. That is why in the past all so-called religious leaders followed the prevalent rituals, added their own new inventions, and created their dogmatic religion. For instance, both Moses and Christ accepted all the old, outdated, and rotten rituals and dogmas like circumcision and brought those accepted practices into their newly formed religions.

In contrast, Baba outrightly rejected all the existing dogmas. That is why all the stagnant forces and worshipers of the status quo vehemently opposed Him. This was His well thought-out plan. In His revolutionary spirit, Baba had no desire to become famous.

Seeking fame: donkeys make sound "hee-haw" louder than others

In India those so-called sadhus who orchestrate large sacrificial gatherings are very popular because those sadhus follow all local dogmas. To become famous, a person must embrace the ways of the general populace and live their dogma. It is analogous to one seeking fame amongst donkeys, then one must make the sound "hee-haw" louder than the other donkeys. Likewise, to be famous amongst vultures one must eat more dead, decaying bodies than other vultures. In each and every circumstance, to become famous one must indulge in all local dogmas to a high degree. Verily, there are any number of negative outcomes if one seeks name and fame.

But one thing is for certain. Our scriptures say that great persons never get recognition in their life. Rather, in the society they always get opposed. As Ananda Margiis, we should be fully aware of and always remember this golden teaching: The vanguards of society are never praised in their age.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "You should always remember that those who are the vanguard of society are always in a minority, but they are the ones who will ultimately be victorious. Those who opposed, are opposing and will oppose the pioneers will one day say, `Now we're driving along the roads made by our pioneers after they cleared the jungles'. That is, they will certainly give you due recognition in the future. They never give any recognition when something new is started: this is the rule." (1)

Drawbacks of fame

(a) If a person becomes famous they cannot attack local dogmas and customs like racism, casteism, all kinds of narrow sentiments, exploitation, and all types of anti-social elements and their vices etc. To keep their fame, they have to support all local dogmas, otherwise the common people will strike back and oppose them.

(b) Those who are famous are chained to the status quo. There is no other way. They are unable to do any real work and certainly they cannot do anything revolutionary.

(c) A famous person's time is spent preserving their fame; they have no time for anything else. Those who are famous cannot fight against dogma, injustice, exploitation and all kinds of sinful activities, otherwise the sinners will attack and defame them. Famous people have to support sinful forces in order to keep their glory.

(d) Those humans involved in running full speed after their own name and fame invariably become small-minded as they think about themselves and not Parama Purusa. In contrast, about the mentality of true sadhakas, Ananda Marga philosophy says:

"Nindantu niitinipun'a'h yadi va' stuvantu laks' dhiira'h."

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, "Let those well versed in ethics criticize or praise me, if they so like. The goddess of wealth may be gracious enough to stay in my house or she may go wherever she likes. Death may visit me today or decades later - it makes little difference to me. Wise people will never withdraw from the path of rectitude the path which they accept as their ideal." (2)


Baba has graciously put us on this earth to propagate a great and noble ideology. The attainment of prestige or fame is an impediment. We should never harbour name or fame. Then the entire life will be spent in petty pursuits devoid of ideology. We should always follow Baba's divine example and remain out of the public eye, never desiring prestige. Then, by His grace, we will be able to do our real work on this earth.

in Him,

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, The Physical, Psychic and Spiritual Strata
2. Namami Krsnasundaram, Vraja Krśńa and Párthasárathi Krśńa – 2

== Section 2: Story ==

Downside of fame


One margii professor Y used to visit Baba in Jamalpur. During one of his early visits, he asked one of the rickshaw wallahs, "Do you know Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji?"

The rickshaw wallah immediately replied, "Yes, of course I know him; he is a monk in saffron garb. Just last month he presided over a great yajina where thousands of pounds of ghee and other edibles were burned. It was a great sacrificial gathering."

Margii Y then understood that the rickshaw wallah had no idea who Baba is. So he just changed the topic of conversation.

Baba whispers in his ear & tells the answer

But internally margii Y was thinking, "How strange it is that people are coming from all over India to see the Supreme Guru Baba. These margii bhaktas from afar have realised in their sadhana that Baba is Parama Purusa, yet the local people here have no idea who He is. Baba is not even well-known in his hometown. It is so strange." These were the types of thoughts spinning in margii Y’s mind. So when he arrived at the ashram / office, he thought to ask Baba about this situation.

Margii Y was given the opportunity to go on a fieldwalk with Baba. While walking along, Baba gave him scope to raise his question. Margii Y said, "Baba, it is very strange that people come from far and wide for Your darshan with an irresistible desire to see and meet You, yet people here in Your locale do not even know You."

In reply, Baba smiled and whispered in his ear, "Koii ja'n lega' to kaese ka’m chalega', jii?" Meaning: If people knew that Baba is Parama Purusa, how would any work be done?

Hearing Baba's reply, Margii Y understood perfectly. Baba did not wish to be famous because then there would be a huge crowd around Him, and bhaktas would be deprived of having Baba’s closeness.

Margii Y understood that if Baba wanted to be famous He would not have any time because hoards of people would flock to Him. Then bhaktas like margii Y would not get the opportunity to sit with Baba. The key point is that if the common masses were rushing after Baba because of His name and fame, then qualified bhaktas would get pushed to the side. For all these reasons, Baba did not wish to become famous. As Parama Purusa, He can do anything, but He chose not to be famous. He sacrificed His fame in favour of His bhaktas.

How life gets compromised by fame

Here are some of the problems associated with becoming famous, as well as some of the reasons why Baba did not wish to be famous.

#1: If a person is famous, there will be all kinds of useless people hovering around. This happens with big-time politicians, sports heroes, entertainers, and all kinds of showy people.

#2: In His own unique manner, with His cosmic liila, useless people were kept away and He only brought bhaktas close.

#3: You know children do not want to share their parents with others let alone with the whole world. Those kids do not want to have to compete for their parent's attention or get pushed aside etc. So they do not want their parents to become super famous. Similarly bhaktas want to have intimate relations with Parama Purusa and do not want to share Him with anyone. And Parama Purusa also wishes to be with His bhaktas. For this reason, Baba did not opt to be famous.

#4: If Baba had decided to be famous, then useless people would have crowded the scene and He would not have had time to do the work for which He took advent on this earth.


When Parama Purusa comes as Mahasambhuti then only a handful of people come to know. He does not beat the drum. He creates such a situation where positive and negative forces both get polarised. About His advent, bhaktas get direct information in their heart so they rush headlong toward him. And others witnessing this feel surprised by what is going on. They cannot understand.

in Him,

In the above story, margii Y is Professor Chandra Prakash Atreya from Meerut.  In those early days in Jamalpur, margiis had opportunity to raise all kinds of personal questions and thoughts.

~ In-depth study ~

Negative fame vs. positive fame

Baba being the Parama Purusa also possesses the quality of yasha, i.e. that He is a polarizing personality: Some revere Him while others detest Him. When Parama Purusa comes on this earth it is always like that. 100% of the people will never fully support Him.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Then there is another word, yasha; it means “reputation”. One should remember, here “reputation” has been used both in the extremely positive and in the extremely negative sense. There is positive reputation and there is also negative reputation. Lord Shiva came to this world about 7000 years ago; even now there are many who are His admirers, there are many others who are His opponents. The Iyers in South India will say, “Oh. Lord Shiva was great;” the Iyengars will say, “No, Lord Shiva was not great.” Lord Krśńa came about 3500 years ago; even now you will see there are so many admirers and so many opponents of Krśńa. That is, when Táraka Brahma comes, the entire intellect of the world gets polarized – one north pole, another south pole; one admirer, another opponent." (1)

Here are more of special teachings from Ananda Marga philosophy on name and fame.

Mental condition of one who begs & hankers fame

In this teaching Ananda Marga philosophy graphically describes the state of one who desires prestige.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Pratiśt́há – the desire to make oneself known. A person influenced by [the desire for] pratiśt́há expects respect from everyone, and hankers after name and fame. This mental state can be easily compared with the mental condition of a beggar. The beggar asks money from others, while the person craving for prestige begs others to give him respect. [The person desires something that] is really meaningless and possesses no value, something that has been fitly compared to the excrement of a pig." (2)

Fame is like manure

Here below Guru’s teaching guides us that we have come to this world for a short while - so one should not pass their days desiring prestige, rather one should seek Parama Purusa.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Pratiśt́há shúkariiviśt́ha: human beings come onto this earth only for a short while: after this stipulated period, they will depart. All entities in this world merely come and go, nothing is fixed – everything is moving, and thus this universe is called jagat (root verb gam + kvip = jagat). Jagat means that which has the characteristic of ceaselessly moving on. Another synonym for the word “world” is saḿsára (saḿ – s r+ ghan), “that which constantly changes its place.” When nothing ever ceases to move, then can you remain permanently in this world? Even the effort to establish oneself permanently in this world is unnatural, because this pratiśt́ht́á is as abominable as the stool of a sow. Hence one should give up all these three – abhimána or inflated ego, gaorava or self-aggrandizement, and pratiśt́a or desire for prestige – and worship the Lord." (3)

In this next teaching Ananda Marga philosophy guides us that great people are those who are neither bothered by praise or censure. Those who cultivate fame never fall in this category - they must be 100% concerned about public opinion.

Ananda Marga teachings state, "Those people are great who harbour no biases and who behave rationally both with those who abuse them give them pain and with those who give them happiness. Such people don’t harbour any feelings of enmity towards anybody and take no-one as their enemy. They remain the same in pleasure or pain whether they have a positive reputation or negative reputation. They are unaffected and unassailed in all circumstances of praise or criticism, pain or pleasure. They attach no importance whatsoever to any of these things. They are meaningless for such people." (4)

Real bhaktas don’t bother what bad people comment

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us that those who crave fame will never have time to do any dharmic work on this earth.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Nindantu niitinipuńáh yadi vá stuvantu: “If I am too concerned with those who praise or censure me, I will not find time to do my real work. As I have come to this world only for a short period, my only concern should be to keep on doing the duty the Lord has assigned to me. And while doing this allotted duty, I should remember that I belong to Parama Puruśa. I have come from Him, and I will have to return to Him – and to do that, I must complete my allotted duty.”" (5)                                

1. Subhasita Samgraha Part 21, Jaeva Dharma and Bhágavata Dharma
2. Ananda Vacamrtam Part 23, Safeguards against the Defects of Jiṋána and Karma
3. Ananda Marga Way of  Way Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 5, Devotion and the Realm of Intellectuality
5. Subhasita Samgraha Part 12, How an Ideal Person Should Live


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

== Section 3: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You attract me 

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the 6th lesson of sahaja yoga meditation can realise this song in the depths of their heart.

"Tumi, phuleri buke madhu d́halile, ka'nt́ate golap phot́ale..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3346)


Parama Purusa, You are the Doer of everything. While hiding behind the scenes You go on doing all the works. Keeping Yourself invisible, You manage all of creation. You have filled the hearts of the flowers with nectar. From the thorny plant, You make the roses blossom. That which is impossible, You make possible. There is nothing that You do not do. To the hungry You provide food; to the thirsty You supply water; to the sick You offer medicine; and to the homeless You arrange shelter. Supreme Entity, in the cold, winter season You provide the soothing warmth of a fire. In the burning heat of summer, Your touch is like the refreshing coolness of sandalwood paste. You attend to every matter. Baba, You are the Supreme Controller of the universe.

Parama Purusa, according to Your desire, You work non-stop. Sometimes You make me cry in bliss, and other times You make me laugh and smile. It is Your unfathomable liila. All kinds of things You do. When I drift astray You bring me onto the right path with Your love and affection; with Your exquisite attraction You pull me near. On some occasions, even if I look towards You, You do not give any response. This is Your playful liila. And by this way You create more yearning and bhakti. Yet other times, You attract me with Your incomparable charm and magnetism. Baba, You are endlessly engaged in every corner and molecule.

Baba, Parama Purusa, You are ever-present. You are hiding in the warmth of the fire. At the same time You are in the water vapor floating in the sky. You are in the coldness of ice; You are in the greenness of the green vegetation; You are all-pervading. On the Peacock of my mind, You go on dancing and playing the game of shadow and effulgence. Sometimes I feel Your blissful presence and other times not. But I know You are most-loving.

Baba, You are always involved secretly and invisibly for the all-round well-being and emancipation of all. It is Your grace...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #3346:

[1] Cry: People cry for many reasons. Sometimes when people are very, very happy they cry. And, a bhakta may cry when they are in a deep state of bhakti and longing for Parama Purusa, and feeling the pain of separation.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Quiz: who is Baba talking about

Intro: Kindly read the below quote from Baba's teachings. At the end of the quote a question has been posed. If your answer to the question is correct then it means you read Baba's books carefully; and, if your  answer is wrong or you do not know the answer, then it signifies that you need to pay more attention when reading Guru's teachings. After all, if sadhakas are not diligent in studying Baba's books then who is going  to read them - non-margiis?

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Fraudulent philosophies have diverted many people from the path of morality and left them devoid of dharma, addicted to carnal pleasures – infernal creatures. By providing such a distorted interpretation of dharma, they have deliberately prevented people from gaining a correct understanding of dharma, and thus they have betrayed humanity in the most inimical manner." (1)

Quiz: Who is Baba referring to in the above teaching?

Most probably, as an Ananda Margii, you know what the answer is. But if not, or if you want confirmation, then read below for the answer….

Lesbian, gay, & bi-sexuals etc plunged in degrading carnal pleasures

Answer: Here Baba is referring to the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and (LGBT) advocates who preach that sexual engagement is be-all, end-all of life. This teaching also refers to any matter-based approach to life where material indulgence and sensual pleasure are embraced as the defining aspect of happiness and joy in life. All such communities distract people from the true aim of life. Plunged in degrading carnal pleasures, they wholly forget and lose sight of their true calling: To goad the mind towards Parama Purusa.

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 14

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Nonsense ways people expect emancipation

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Some people consider it propitious to have a holy dip in the Ganges on certain auspicious days. Other people think that by standing knee-deep in water in the winter season they will attain virtue. It is sheer nonsense to expect emancipation in this way. These are merely physical actions which do not guarantee emancipation. However, they may bring emancipation in one way – one may contract a virulent typhoid fever or pneumonia and expire! Na muktirtapanáddhomádupavásah shataerapi. There are some people who die after fasting for thirty or forty days. The members of their community think that they have attained salvation thereby, but one cannot attain salvation by fasting in this way.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 10, Ideation on Brahma

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Ideal age to start ideating on Brahma

Sadguru Baba says, "In Ananda Marga the seed of a common ideal is sown from the very beginning of a child's life. At the age of five, when the child has acquired only a preliminary understanding of his or her surroundings, he or she is given the idea of Brahma [the Supreme Entity]. The entire society of Ananda Marga is thus founded on a common ideal or goal – Brahma. This foundation will never be lost like the dangers of war. Such an ideal will not disappear like the common ideal of facing the dangers of war; so the unity in a society founded on the ideal of Brahma will be everlasting." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Social Psychology

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