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Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Mid-life crisis + 3 more

Mid-life crisis


In human life, in addition to the period of adolescence, there is a second time when the reproductive urge is dominant. And that happens when humans are going to lose their capacity - during the 'mid-life crisis'. The reason is that the Creative Operative Principle, i.e. Prakrti, wants to create more and more. Prakrti wants to ensure that it gets maximum output from each and every unit being. So it infuses the idea in the mind of those human beings who are on the verge of losing their reproductive capacity that they should produce more before they lose their capacity entirely.

The solution to the mid-life crisis is spirituality. If one follows spiritual tenets then the mind will be serene and positive; the ghastly effects of those sex hormones will not be problematic for that sadhaka. Whereas those not leading a spiritual life get caught up in the noose of maya and do many nonsense things.

Marriage gets ruined

It is the common phenomenon that degrading behaviours mostly happen with non-sadhakas during two important phases in life: puberty and mid-life, i.e. when people are around 45 - 70 years of age. This is especially the case in materialistic communities where people are more extroverted. In that situation, those in the middle period of their life get seriously affected by this psychic disease. Here are two case examples:
  • One pseudo-margii from Maleny (Suva Sector) was leading a regular married life into his 50’s when suddenly he started sleeping with all kinds of women. The entire margii community was wonderstruck how this happened. How a seemingly upstanding family man could throw himself into such a spree etc.
  • Mr. Lal, a margii from Bangalore, started sleeping around. He was in midlife; his children were grown; and, he left them all to indulge. This is identical to the case in Maleny. 
The above are just anecdotal examples. In your unit if you carefully watch you will notice these are not isolated cases. 

The worst instances are when someone has lived their whole life in a debased way. When that male reaches the age of 45 or so, they become more degenerated and uncontrollable. Even those in seemingly stable marriages get affected. The two spouses get divorced because the husband becomes completely infatuated with another member of the opposite sex. That is the common scenario. Sometimes the wife falls - but usually not. So when these types of things happen, everything gets ruined: family, marriage, children etc.

Those involved in pointed spiritual life do not suffer from these issues. Only lackadaisical sadhakas and especially non-margiis experience a lot of problems. No doubt the vast majority of our western / European society is more extroverted in comparison to many of the so-called 3rd world countries. So naturally they face this more. If, however, one is pointed in sadhana they will be alright. But otherwise those living in extroverted communities, or if one has that desire, then this problem of uncontrolled sexuality is more commonly seen. It is very, very common amongst non-margiis, yet not uncommon in our AMPS. But again if one is truly dedicated to their spiritual practices then they do not face any problem or difficulty. For them life remains serene and blissful.

This problem is negligible for

So although this is more prevalent in the west, actually the seeds of this problem are everywhere - in each and every corner of the globe. Because wherever human beings live they are controlled and bound by that Cosmic Operative Principle. Even then, such antics are more common in our western, materialistic countries primarily because the societal norms are different.

In contrast, in most of our so-called third-world countries and in many other states there is social pressure, and that is why people are more restrained. They are controlled through societal rules, regulations, and norms. So even if people wanted to do something they do not. The best way however to permanently overcome this problem is to charge the mind with the balm of spirituality.

When the mind is goaded towards Parama Purusa, the feeling of surrender arises, and in that state all problems are easily solved. That is why for spiritually-minded persons this problem is negligible - zero. Whereas, in debased persons it is rampant.

However, the colorful panorama of such behaviour is most evident in our western, materialistic society where you will see a wealthy 80-year-old man moving around with an 18-year-old starlet. And this is getting more common. Even on their deathbed they involve in all sorts of negative behavior, and one offshoot is that they produce children also. In our materialistic society this is not looked upon as a bad thing; but, in any civil society it is viewed as very bad.

Marriage at the age of 80 or 90 years

When people are praised and gain prestige in society by these negative ways, then these cases of degeneration happen more. And they occur less when there is social control.

In our Ananda Marga way of life, however, such type of behavior has no place. The power of procreation is only for producing children and not for lust and crude enjoyment. And when a husband and wife do create babies their duty is to maintain, nourish, and provide all sorts of arrangements for that child up to higher education. But if on their deathbed - at the age of 80 or 90 years - anybody is involved in sensual behaviour and producing children, then how in the future will they be able to care for the welfare of that baby. 

Those marriage break-ups which occur in midlife are hardest on young children who get alienated from their families because their fathers left them and got attached with a new young female. Then tragically, the children become sentimentally affected, or fatherless, or get treated just like one football - kicked here and there: sometimes living with the father and sometimes living with their mother. Everything becomes chaotic and disastrous.

And again, the worst effect happens upon our impressionable, growing children. In that tragic circumstance, the children do not get proper love and affection from the parents. The father is involved in lustful, dirty games. And in our western society, it is such a shameful thing that the children do not say that, “This is my father.” Rather most often they say, “Mr So-and-so is my biological father.” This type of speech is utterly absent in a civilized society. But it is quite common in our western, materialistic society.

This letter is related with middle-age syndrome: who experiences it, how margiis manage the situation, and what is the stand of Ananda Marga on this point.

Non-castrated dog becomes wild in the mating season

Everyone has surely seen how well-tamed, non-castrated dogs, horses, buffaloes, and cows become wild during their mating season. Their behaviour changes in a radically, uncontrolled way. Those around become more alert about how to deal with them. So this change happens due to the captivation of the sex instinct. The same non-castrated dog which was obedient becomes uncontrollable in the mating season.

In a similar way when human beings are captivated by sex, they do all kinds of negative things. But no problem is bigger than the solution. So in the life of those sadhakas who are motivated towards spirituality, then such problems hardly arise. Everything is controlled. But those leading a debased life indulge in their animal instincts in a very wild way-- breaking all boundaries of propriety and impropriety. In result, they become more strongly bound by avidya maya and get reborn as lower creatures dominated by basic, animal instincts. This is the unfortunate and sad plight of such persons.


This important issue involves our whole family. Even if one is pointed in sadhana and not affected in this way, it remains their duty to guide and inform others. For that reason we all should be aware about this. Society should be protected from this negative onslaught.

in Him
(Victor Parsons)

Mind is the cause of bondage and freedom

Mana eva manuśyánáḿ kárańaḿ bandhamokśayoh;
Bandhastu viśayásaungi mukto nirviśayaḿ tathá.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The mind is the cause of bondage, and this mind, this very mind, is the cause of liberation, is the cause of emancipation.” (1)

If the mind is goaded towards Parama Purusa then it leads to salvation. And if the mind is goaded towards degenerative propensities then it becomes the cause of bondage. We know that human life is not for eating, drinking, and sleeping. Rather human life is an ideological flow. We have come on this earth to do something great by following bhagavad dharma. Those who remember the Goal cannot lose the path.

In adolescence many become uncontrollable but then later on they become more balanced. Those who are spiritually minded and focused in sadhana do not undergo these difficulties, not even in adolescence. But in general, people know that this is the problem of that difficult age of adolescence when that particular instinct just appeared in that person's life. And everyone also understands that this problem is going to get solved in some or more degree.

And such a similar problem also comes between the age of 45 - 65, or even 70 years in males and very seldom in females.

Alertness needed

It is our duty to be aware about and inform others about these two important periods of life - i.e. adolescence and middle age. So before then and while at that age, everybody - those who are not pointed in their spiritual routine - should be cautious. It is just like when you are climbing on the snowy mountain then you take all sorts of tools because you know that it is very slippery. Or if you are walking in the hot, sandy desert, then you will have to be prepared to cover your whole body, eyes, and face. Preparedness and having knowledge beforehand is very essential. In any city, the officials blow the siren to alert the citizens of an incoming attack. In the same vein, we should alert those entering adolescence and midlife so they can be ready and protect themselves.

1. Neo-Humanism in a Nutshell - 1, Existential Flow and Its Culminating Point

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Boat of Your name
"Tomár námer bheláy bhásie dilum práń...” (Prabhat Samgiita #0724)


Parama Purusa Baba, I set my whole existence afloat on the raft of Your supreme name. I do not want anything from You. Desiring something mundane from You is like death itself. I do not know what I need or what will happen tomorrow in my life. That is why it is foolishness and deadly to ask for anything; it only invites danger. Whatever I truly require, You always provide for me. I set my everything afloat on the boat of Your auspicious name.

Baba, in Your beauty, melody, and sweet love, attuning my unit rhythm with Your cosmic rhythm, I will go on singing Your song. In my heart the resonance of Your tune will lead me along. I set my whole life afloat on the raft of Your supreme name.

Baba, You applied the collyrium of absolute knowledge unto my drowsy and tired eyes, infected with materialism. With the strength of that unique blessing, I shall bathe in the nectar of salvation. I set my all afloat on the ship of Your eternal name.

Baba, with Your beautiful rhythms, songs, tunes, melodies, attraction, and with the pull of Your infinite love, my voyage advances towards the deep core of my inner self. I offer my whole existence afloat on the boat of Your name, in Your prema, and Your causeless grace…

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0724:

[1] Making request is deadly: In the first stanza it is expressed that when one has faith and surrender in His name then life sails ahead smoothly. Because a person does not know their own needs. They do not know what is healthy food for them. So best is to never ask anything from Parama Purusa. Rather, asking Him could be utterly disastrous – even deadly. Because already He has prepared the best path possible for you. And by asking, that can change the course of life. For instance, if one female asks for a handsome spouse, then that may be granted, yet that dashing spouse may become the cause of domestic violence and make life like living hell or even suicide. And here is one real incident. One drug addict prayed and beseeched God again and again to please grant him illicit drugs, and reluctantly God approved that request. So that addict got those drugs and after a few days he died of an overdose.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Prayer is the act of asking for a favour with earnestness. It also means a solemn petition addressed to the Supreme Being for certain benefits. One prays to God for something which one does not possess or thinks one does not possess. One asks God for these favours with the faith that He alone can bestow everything and by His mere wish all wants can be satisfied. By prayer or by begging one wants to awaken His wish so that one may be granted the things one lacks. Does not one’s attempt to rouse the wish of God to fulfil these needs, upon careful and rational thinking, appear to be a reminder to God to give one something of which God has kept one deprived? It would otherwise not be necessary to remind Him in prayer of that thing or to try to arouse His wish to give. For instance, if one is in need of money, one would, with the faith that God alone can give, pray to Him for the favour of giving one money. Does not this request show God’s fault in keeping one in want of money, when He alone can give it? God alone is blamed for it, and by praying to Him for money one is precisely pointing out to Him His partiality in not giving one the money one needed. Therefore, prayer or asking for favours from God is only pointing out to the Sole Giver His mistakes in the distribution of His favours. It only presumes lack of impartiality in Him, and that is why He is blamed for making some very rich and others very poor. Praying to God for favours is only to bring to His notice the charge of partiality levelled against Him. When prayer leads to such a conclusion, it is only ignorance to ask for favours.” (1)

1. Ánanda Márga: Elementary Philosophy, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?

== Section: News from Nov 2020 ==

Kinshuk took away


Sadly, in this day of capitalism and materialism, so many are taking a piece of the AMPS pie and keeping it for themselves - for their own gains and profits. We have seen this with factional interests in Ananda Nagar, the abduction of other master units, service projects, AM magazines, and so much more. Certain very low-grade people are taking the gifts of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and using them for their own ends. Here we are not talking about outside agents, but people who profess to be Ananda Margiis, many of whom walk around in saffron dress. 

And now it looks like Kinshuk ji is the latest to join the ranks: 

- In "Linked In", Kinshuk ji has proclaimed that he is owner of Microvita Health products. 

Really, is Kinshuk ji the owner of Microvita Health products? That was supposed to be part of our AMPS cooperative / small business system. How and when did Kinshuk ji become the sole proprietor? This is indeed the sad and debased condition that has come to pass these days. 

We should put an end to this thievery at the earliest. 

In Him, 
Madhavi Ghosh

== Section: Important Teaching ==

False ideas of heaven & hell

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Svarloka – this is the pure mental sphere on which sukha and dhuka are experienced; it is also called Manomaya Jagat, Manomaya Kośa in individuals. It is in this sphere that the saḿskáras exist. According to mythology, after the death of the physical body or Annamaya Kośa, people go to svarga or naraká, heaven or hell. The fact is that the saḿskáras which determine the individuality of unit being situated in this svarloka. The Christian and Muslim ideas of heaven and hell and also svarga in Hindu Karmakandi Jaemini Partná, were derived from the fact that the saḿskáras which determine the requitals of actions exists exits in this loka. In reality no kośa will remain after death. The saḿskáras remains as the object of the átman. Thus the ideas of heaven and hell of the Hindu, Christian and Muslim mythologies are completely false, because after death there remains no mind at all to experience heaven or hell.” (1)

Note: After death the mind is dormant so one can’t experience anything. It is well known that so-called heaven or hell is here on earth.

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy - 3, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt A

== Section 3: Links ==

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