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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Story: samadhi in cemetery + 4 more

Story: samadhi in cemetery


The cemetery has a unique importance in Ananda Marga. Before 1945, Baba initiated 22 people - that means He created 22 disciples. We all know that the first such disciple was Kalicharan Bandopadhyaya. And the second was, Kamalakanta Mahapatra. One special unique point about all of those pre-AMPS Ananda Margii initiations is that they were done in the cemetery - in one or another town or district.

Indeed, many clearly remember how Baba explained all this to those margiis visiting Jamalpur - and especially to those who accompanied Him on His evening fieldwalks in Death Valley. These spiritual tales are imprinted deep within their heart. It was so blissful to listen to all those incidents. Even now, I feel goosebumps and waves of spiritual bliss. How sweet Baba's smile was on those occasions. Usually Baba would recount those stories while walking, or while sitting on the Tiger's Grave. Those were blissful days.

On this auspicious occasion...

The auspicious occasion recounted here happened in 1940 when Baba attended a marriage ceremony in Betur village, in Bankura district, during the summer season. From a superficial perspective, it looks like He attended the ceremony to follow social courtesy etc, but, in truth, He had a different plan to execute. In His cosmic liila, Baba was making plans to initiate His second disciple, who was restlessly calling Him. That very fortunate disciple was Kamalakanta Mahapatra.

While the marriage ceremony was going on, Baba silently left the campus all alone in that midnight hour, and He quickly walked nearly six miles and reached one cemetery. The reason for all this was that Baba could no longer avoid the longing and cry of the bhakta, Kamalakanta. Then, according to Baba's desire and His cosmic liila, at that time Kamalakanta also reached that place.

With deep love and reverence, Kamalakanta came close to Baba and sang five or six very loving, heart-touching songs. Kamalakanta was crying with the strong desire of receiving spiritual initiation. Kamalakanta was not aware that Parama Purusa had taken advent in response to the longing of bhaktas. Just Kamalakanta was very restless to see his Dearmost.

He was a simple bhakta: How unique it is that he was not aware that Parama Purus'a is sitting next to him in that very lonely night in the cemetery to fulfill Kamalakanta's intense urge. Indeed, Kamalakanta was crying bitterly and wondering, 'When will my Guru come and give me initiation? I am so unfortunate that my whole life has been wasted. I am getting old. I did not see my dearest God.'

Such a strong longing Kamalakanta had, and in this way Baba graced him with tantrika diiksa. Here is how the scene transpired.

Baba's personal recollection of that scene

I told him I had come from a certain village as part of a groom’s procession. He said, “That’s quite a distance – nearly six miles.” 

“Yes, and because of that my feet are dead tired,” I replied.

He said, “Then Babu, please lie down. I’ll massage your feet a little. After all, you'll have to walk more.”

I said, “No, let it be. You’ve come from even farther away, and surely are much more tired.”

He said, “No Babu, I don’t feel any discomfort. I told you the path is my home. Lie down, you’re just a young boy.”

“However tired I may be,” I said, “I don’t think it is appropriate for an older person to massage my feet.”

Then he said, “Then do something else instead. Put your head on my lap and lie down with your legs outstretched.”

I did just that. Then I do not know when I fell asleep… when my friend’s wedding was over… or whether people there were searching for me or not. Supremely serene, in the heart of the cremation ground with my head in a stranger’s lap, I slept. I woke up towards the end of the night. Feeling intense pain in my feet, I sat up to find that Kamalakanta was clutching my feet with both hands. My head was not in his lap, and he had placed three human skulls under my head.

“Kamalakanta!” I called. “Hey Kamalakanta! Are you listening? You’re sleeping, aren’t you? I told you, I don’t want an older person to serve me. Still you didn’t listen to me.” (1)

Nirvikalpa samadhi: "You are Anandamurtii"

So it was that on that very night, within a few minutes after serving Baba's feet, Kamalakanta realised that the Creator of the universe has taken advent and appeared before him in that isolated, lonely cemetery. Kamalakanta felt extreme attraction - he did not want to remain separate. He felt such a strong inner pull, saturated with deep love. So sweet and strong - the attraction was beyond description. It cannot be recounted with pen and paper. All we can say is that once again, in this grand history of humanity, it proves that the strong longing of the bhakta has sufficient force to bring Parama Purus'a close to him. And that is exactly what happened in the case of Kamalakanta in that cemetery on that very night.

Kamalakanta was blessed with nirvikalpa samadhi and became one with Parama Purusa. By the grace of Parama Purusa, Kamalakanta reached his Goal. So it was that in that very cemetery, Baba lovingly showered His grace and took all his samskaras. Kamalakanta need not come back in that very mortal frame.

One very special part of this entire scene is that in the beginning stage of attaining samadhi, in spiritual ecstasy Kamalakanta was crying and addressing Baba repeatedly: "You are Anandamurtii, Ocean of Bliss. So sweet. I don't want to leave You." Baba graciously accepted his call and granted him salvation.

So, this is the unique tale of the second Ananda Margii. That happened in the cemetery in the year of 1940. By this, it is very clear that the cemetery has a very great importance in the life and progress of each and every spiritual aspirant - sadhaka, i.e. Ananda Margii. It also reminds us that, by His fathomless grace, the focal point of this life is to constantly realise and remember that Baba is the "Embodiment of Bliss'.

in Him,
Tribhuvan Deva

Audio File: Cemeteries are “very encouraging” for sadhakas

During Baba' historic trip to the Philippines in April 1969, Baba told on one field walk that doing sadhana in the cemetery is very good for beginners. Here is the sound file on the AM Universal blog site, along the left column.

In related discourses Baba says that all tantrikas go to the cemetery. And, of course, we know that, in theory, each and every Ananda Margii is a tantrika. Here following is Baba's great blessing:

Baba says, "You will one day become one with Parama Purus'a; you will finally attain eternal bliss. This is the absolute and supreme Goal of human life." (2)

1. From Strange Experiences, chapter 11
2. A Few Problems Solved - 5, One Who Realizes Brahma Becomes Brahma


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Blindness of religion

Unfortunately, ignorant, superstitious people cannot see through the fog of avidya maya - and get Parama Purusa. The following is a description about gods & goddesses that are mostly worshipped in Bengal.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In many cases people are devoted to upadevatás out of fear and sometimes they are worshipped in the hopes of obtaining something. Banabibi [The Lady of the Forest] is there to save one from the grasp of the tiger. Besides her, there is Dakśińa Ráya; out of fear of cholera people worship Olái Cańd́ii; out of fear of smallpox they worship Shiitaládevii; out of fear of snakes, Manasá. These are all upadevatás. The women of a household will sometimes worship Lakśmii year-round to bring happiness in the family; Śet́erá as well as Suvacanii is worshipped in the ritual peace ceremony; Śaśt́hii and Niila are worshipped to bring welfare to one’s children; and out of fear of illness Shmashánkálii and Rakśekálii are worshipped. In Sanskrit they are all classified as upadevatás because they are not Parama Puruśa, the object of meditation in the spiritual world. Besides these, there are many other upadevatás such as Mangalacańd́ii, Áshánbibi, Satyapiira, etc. Upadevatás are also called folk [laokik] gods and goddesses. Some of them have dhyána mantras and some do not; some of them also have dhyána mantras in the local or state language and some do not have that either. In many cases the gods and goddesses of the Buddhist and Jain eras came or are coming to be worshipped as upadevatás in the post-Buddhist and post-Jain eras.” (1)

What bhaktas do

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those spiritual aspirants who follow the paths of knowledge, action and devotion, of course, do not bow their heads to upadevatás. They practise the sádhaná of the singular Parama Puruśa.”
  “Some people call ghosts upadevatás out of excessive fear, that is, they accept them as minor gods and goddesses lest they be angered by being called ghosts. In Sanskrit, however, the word upadevatá is not used to mean “ghost” – for ghosts the word apadevatá is used. Upa means “near” and apa means “just opposite”. Apadevatá means “one whose nature is just opposite to that of a god”.” (2)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 2, Ui to Uluka (Discourse 9)
2. Shabda Cayanika - 2, Ui to Uluka (Discourse 9)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

After you die

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The Christian and Muslim ideas of heaven and hell and also svarga in Hindu Karmakandii Jaemini Partná, were derived from the fact that the samskáras which determine the requitals of actions exists exits in this loka. In reality no kośa will remain after death. The samskáras remains as the object of the átman. Thus the ideas of heaven and hell of the Hindu, Christian and Muslim mythologies are completely false, because after death there remains no mind at all to experience heaven or hell." (1)

The mind is incapable of doing anything without the brain. And after death there is no brain, so the bodiless mind remains dormant. It cannot do or experience anything: no pain, no pleasure, nothing. The whole notion of one enjoying the fruits of heaven or the tortures of hell after death is bogus.

It is a complete myth that people go to heaven or hell. After death the mind is dormant. And that is what is expressed in the above quote. Here we should understand that pain and pleasure are experienced in this world, not after death. So-called heaven and so-called hell are here in this world.

1. Tattvika Praveshika, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy

== Section: Important Teaching ==
Samaj grounded in universalism - not groupism

Prout philosophy states, "While there may be diverse cultural expressions and socio-economic potentialities in different units, the points of difference should not be allowed to divide humanity. If the common sentiments of human beings are given prominence and the points of unity are made the basis of collective development, diversity will enrich humanity rather than tear it asunder. If each socio-economic unit is inspired by a comprehensive ideology and a universal outlook, human society will move ahead with accelerating speed towards a sublime ideal.” (1)

Prout philosophy states, “A sound ideological base is a prerequisite for socio-economic groupifications. Such a foundation is provided by universal humanism, which has the potential to unite all humanity. Universal humanism will not be established on the hard crust of the earth overnight, but will come to fruition gradually, stage by stage. It will include each and every person in the world, as well as animals, plants and inanimate objects. If a single person remains outside the influence of universalism and becomes a victim of exploitation, then the foundation of universal humanism will be undermined. Hence, PROUT has adopted a rational method to solve socio-economic problems which may be characterized as universal in spirit but regional in approach" (2)

Note: Nowadays some are singing the song of samaj as they try to forge ahead with their narrow-minded agendas. They justify their groupism by claiming it as a samaj movement. But margiis understand Baba's teachings and recognise the truth. Our samaj system is based on universal principles not factional allegiances. Thus the groupism carried out by certain leaders and the ideal of our samaj movements are worlds apart, i.e. polar opposites. 

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, p. Socio-Economic Groupifications
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, p. Socio-Economic Groupifications

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हर समय मैं अपनी शेखी बघारने में ही मस्त रहता
था। इस प्रकार मेरा जीवन नष्ट हो गया।

प्रभात संगीत 1803 आमार कथा ढेर होयेछे, तोमार कथाइ शुधु बोलो...


हे परमपुरुष ! तुम इस संसार में सबसे प्रिय और आकर्षक परम चैतन्य हो। फिर भी अज्ञानता के कारण मैं अब तक, अपने में  ही बहुत केन्द्रित था। मैं केवल अपने अहं से ही मोहित था। मेरा पूरा अस्तित्व मेरे चारों ओर ही घूमता रहता था। इस प्रकार अपने तक केन्द्रित रहकर मेरा जीवन बेकार चला गया। हे मेरे प्रभु ! अब कृपा कर अपने नित्य स्वरूप अर्थात मूल रूप के बारे में कुछ तो समझाओ। तुम सब से ऊपर हो। तुम्हारी दया अनन्त है। आज तुमने, मुझमें, तुम्हें अनुभव करने की इच्छा जगा दी है। कृपा कर अपनी ब्रह्म-लोक की  कहानियाॅं सुनाइए और मेरा जीवन सफल कर दीजिए । हे करुणासागर ! अपनी आभा के प्रवाह में मुझे नहला दो। मुझ पर अपना परम सत्य बरसा कर, आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान  का आशीष दे दो। कृपया अपने आनन्द के रास्ते पर ले चलो। अपार सन्तोष और शान्ति के रास्ते पर ले चलो।

हे बाबा ! मेरे प्रिय परम पुरुष ! पहले मैं अपने ही गीतों में ही व्यस्त रहता था।  अपने ही गुणगान और महत्व में डूबा रहता था। हर समय मैं अपनी शेखी बघारने में ही मस्त रहता था। इस प्रकार मेरा जीवन नष्ट हो गया। मैं केवल अपने अहं की तुष्टि में ही लगा रहा। तुम्हारी कृपा से अब मैंने तुम्हारे नाम की नाव तैरा दी है। तुम कृपा कर मेरे जीवन में आ गए हो। तुम्हारी कृपा के बिना यह संभव ही नहीं था। कृपया, अपनी रागनी की पतवार मुझे दे दो ताकि मैं तुम्हारी कृपा से अपने लक्ष्य अर्थात ‘तुम’ तक पहुँच सकॅूं।

हे सुन्दर ! हे परमपुरुष बाबा ! केवल तुम  ही  नित्य हो। तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं अब जानता हॅूं कि अन्य सब क्षणिक हैं। तुम अकेले ही अलौकिक रूप से  प्रकट होते हो। यह समग्र संसार तुम्हारे ही विचारों की तरङ्ग  है। जब भी ज्वार आता है तब तुम ही नाव को तैरा देते हो यह तुम्हारा अलौकिक तरीका है। जब कोई इकाई जीव, मनुष्य जन्म पाता है तो तुम उसे साधना सिखा कर अपने दिव्य सरल रास्ते पर चलना सिखा देते हो।

अब तो मैं तुम्हारे चरणकमलों में शरणागत हॅूं, बाबा ! बाबा ! बाबा ! 

Spirituality antithesis of materialism + 2 more


Spirituality antithesis of materialism


In this materialistic era, little thought is put into the meaning or goal of life. Most folks get wrapped up in mundane desires-- running after this or that coloured object. That is the general flow. For A'nanda Ma'rgiis, the case is different; we always aim to be involved in our Goal-- by repeating our ista mantra and by singing His name etc. Baba guides us to always remember the Goal.

Two basic marches

So there are two basic types of competitions or two types of marches going on-- each diametrically opposed to the other. The general populace, sunk in the ocean of avidya maya, blindly runs after one fleeting attraction after another, unaware about any greater goal in life. And in their disjointed way, materialistic desires like fancy cars, big houses, and prestigious jobs become the object of their ideation—that becomes their goal. This is the way the mass of people are moving nowadays.

As sadhakas we know the Goal is something different, something divine. Even then, when surrounded by thousands and millions and billions of people running after crude things, there is the possibility of getting blown off course—to get pulled into that materialistic lull. As we all know, this can happen. At times, their dazzle of mundane jewels may seem alluring. When the mind goes down, such types of tendencies can enter one's being.

Our protection = sadhana

So, to safeguard ourselves, day in and day out, we should attend to our spiritual duties, always trying to please Him. And then there is no opportunity to get caught in the rut of materialism. Then always we will remember our true selves and our inner motion will be towards Him-- towards the Cosmic Nucleus. By His grace, this is the path of each and every A'nanda Ma'rgii.

Movement & the goal of life

Here, Baba presents us with a series of beautiful portrayals about the movement and Goal of life.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Every human being, every animal, every plant, moves on with its different a'jiiva (oocupation) and different structure. Moves towards what? Towards the ultimate aim, towards the central point, towards the Vishva Na'bhi, the Cakra Na'bhi, the Supreme Nucleus. So they are marching from electronic imperfection towards nuclear perfection. No one can avoid this movement. That is why it is called Para'gati. They are moving towards the centre, consciously or unconsciously. And who is in the centre? Parama Purus'a." (1)

So in this grand cosmic creation, knowingly or unknowingly, all are moving around that Cosmic Nucleus, circling round and round. Some are aware about the Entity at the nucleus while others are not.

Cow & wooden stake

Here, below, Baba describes further about the general way in which the created beings move around the Nucleus. To make a clear picture Baba gives the example of a cow moving around a wooden stake, attached by a rope.

Ananda Marga ideology explains, "Assume for a moment that a cow is tied to a stake with a thong or a strip. The thong may be short or long. If it is long, the cow will move relatively far away from the stake; whereas if it is short, she will not be able to go far away as she circles the stake. But in either case she has to go around the stake, considering it as a centre." (2)

The point being that the centre point for that cow is the same regardless if it is close to or far from the stake. Always the stake is the nucleus and the cow has to move around that.

Materialistic people blinded by pride

Now here Baba shows how those materialistic minded people are just moving in their own crude flow-- unaware that there is a greater Goal in life. So instead of racing towards the middle, towards the Hub, they just fill their lives with their mundane==approach, and hence miss the cream of life.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Similarly, a person is moving around [in] Brahma Cakra [the Cosmic Cycle]. The radius of Brahma Cakra is very big, though it is not infinite. People are moving around without knowing who is at the centre. They go around without knowing that they are tethered to a stake. They think that they are everything, that they know so much. They think so much. Each person thinks that he is not an ordinary person. This creates pride in a person. One does not know that he can be pulled towards the stake." (3)

So those matter-centered people are moving on the fringes of the Cosmic rotation far, far away from His blissful Self. Stuck in their own pride and vanity.

Sadhakas move towards Him

Whereas for sadhakas the path of movement and one's mental consciousness is totally different. By His grace, step by step we have become aware about the real aim of life.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "While moving, a question suddenly comes into his mind. The person asks where he is going. When this sam'vid, this realization, comes into the mind, then the person realizes that he is moving around a stake. The person asks where he is going, from which point to which point. Is the line simple and straight, or is it [vrtta', a circle]? What is this line?  From where comes the inspiration to move around? When this question arises in the mind, the radius starts to be reduced. The person begins to realize that he has to go towards the centre, the nucleus, towards the pra'n'akendra. The day this realization comes, the person becomes a sa'dhaka, a spiritual aspirant. The person now knows that the more he moves, the more the radius will be reduced. When the radius becomes nil, when there is no vrtta', then the person will merge in Parama Purus'a." (4)

So, by His cosmic grace, each and every A'nanda Margii is moving toward His divine Self. And by adhering to 16 Points more sincerely, by His grace, we can accelerate our movement towards that culminating point-- unto Him. That is Baba's above teaching.

And here Baba outlines that the key point in the whole process is understanding our inherent link with Him.

Ananda Marga ideology explains, "The person will continue moving around the stake as long as the person thinks that he or she, and Parama Purus'a at the centre, are two different entities. The person will have to go around as long as that person has the feeling that he and the Entity which has sent him are different. When the person realizes suddenly, upon nearly reaching the stake, that he and the Entity which has sent him are not different, the distance between the two will disappear and the two will become one." (5)


Baba has blessed us with the most unique and ultimate opportunity: to reach the Goal of life. Because by doing His sadhana and feeling His love we receive more and more of His ever-flowing grace. And, without His grace, nothing can be achieved. Rather, one will just move on the periphery far, far away from the Goal. Hence, by coming onto the path of AM sadhana, Baba has given us everything to attain the Supreme. This is nothing but His divine blessing on us.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "But what must happen first before this union takes place? There His grace, His krpa', is needed. When it is available, the oneness will be achieved. People may reduce the radius by constantly moving around, but they will not be able to achieve oneness if His krpa' is not available. When it is available, a person will merge in Amrta Purus'a. This is the ultimate aim of all animals, plants, or anything which has a life. Thus a person is unknowingly moving, and will have to move till he becomes one with Him. This is the truth. Therefore, the person who comes onto the path of sa'dhana' early is a wise person and also lucky." (6)


Our dearest One...

Ananda Marga ideology states, "There is no one who is your own except Him. Parama Purus'a is more dear to you than you are to yourself. Parama Purus'a belongs to you more than your hands and legs belong to you. Why? Because you will leave your hands and legs one day, but you cannot leave Parama Purus'a and go anywhere. Why? Because in this universe there is nothing beyond Him." (7) 

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 23, The Ultimate Aim of All
2. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 23, The Ultimate Aim of All
3. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 23, The Ultimate Aim of All
4. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 23, The Ultimate Aim of All
5. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 23, The Ultimate Aim of All
6. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 23, The Ultimate Aim of All
7. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 23, The Ultimate Aim of All

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

A bright yuga has arrived

“Nishár avasán holo, purvákáshe raunga elo, taruń aruń d́ák diye bole…” (Prabhat Samgiita #4614)


Now, in the eastern horizon the crimson colour is clearly visible. The night has passed away; the darkness has vanished. Now the rising sun is calling and telling everyone, "Unlatch the doors and windows of your house. Open the entrance way, let the light in, awaken the chamber of your soul, and shake off the dogma of groupism." Indeed the blackness has been removed. The bondage of dogma has disappeared from the mind. A divine age has come.

That which was unrecognizable and unknown in the past, due to the darkness of ignorance, has become familiar and known in the presence of effulgence. All the expressions are part of my family feeling. The birds of distant places are spreading their wings and coming near. Those who were far in the past have become close, my own. Now in the advent of this reddish dawn, the staticity has faded away and each domicile is ready; every heart is welcoming. In days bygone, humans were treating others as distant beings or aliens, but now they can see that all are their own brothers and sisters; whereas yesterday people were thinking that others are foreign - part of some outside faction. By His grace, the realisation has come that, "All are mine." The depravity of the mental realm has faded away. There remains no distinction, no dullness, no bondage. A bright yuga has arrived.
Today, every home has become unlocked and accessible; in that airy dwelling - nothing can impede the refreshing flow of neo-humanism; all have become broad-minded. Humanity is no longer plagued by the rigid outlooks of socio, geo, and religious sentiments. Their vision is expanded - no longer diseased. The rise of a universal fraternity and one cosmic family are entering into their psychic domain. Living beings understand that all are kith and kin. In the past, the intellect was used to exploit others. It was motivated by self, clan, and national interest. Now, reason is guided by universal love and neo-humanism. Each and every jiiva, propelled by spiritual nectar, is concerned for the welfare of all. A resplendent epoch has been born.

The grim days of hatred and exploitation have faded away; Baba, by Your krpa, the age of neo-humanism has come...