Story: only good news
Some complain that we should not talk about bad news - just talk about good news. Along those lines, one man named Shankar implemented this system in his own home. He told his wife Giita, “Do not ever tell me any bad news, just convey the good news to me.”
The following Sunday, news came that Giita’s cousin’s neighbour who lived 50 miles away was seriously ill. So she sent a messenger to her husband, Dr Shankar, at his medical office and told him about her cousin’s neighbour was ill. Hearing this, Dr. Shankar expressed his discomfort. And he politely told his wife that, “Don’t you remember that I requested you to only tell me good news.”
After a few days, a messenger came to the house and informed Giita that Dr Shankar’s mother was hospitalised due to an accident. Giita pondered what to do, but she thought best not to tell her husband, Shankar, that his mother had been hospitalised, as Shankar only wants to hear good news.
Mother died
After a few more weeks, another messenger came to the house and reported to Giita that Shankar’s mother had died. Giita was being strict to follow and uphold the rules of the household. So Giita refrained from informing her husband, Shankar, that his mother had died, as Dr Shankar requested only to hear good news. Dr Shankar had said, “Do not ever tell me any bad news, just convey good news to me.”
Although Shankar was a doctor, he did not attend to his ailing mother to treat her, nor was he informed of her death. All because Shankar had implemented the rule in his home that his wife should not convey any bad news to him. So his wife Giita never informed Dr Shankar about his mother’s death. And he missed his mother’s funeral also. Because Dr Shankar did not attend his mother’s funeral, naturally, Shankar’s extended family members became quite worried. Some of Dr Shankar’s brothers came to see why he (Shankar) did not come to their mother’s funeral.
When Dr Shankar heard from his brothers that their mother had died and that he (Shankar) had missed the funeral, then Shankar was in a state of shock and began sobbing and sobbing.
With sadness while crying, Dr Shankar asked his wife, “Why did you not tell me of my mother’s death?” His wife Giita replied, “You requested me to never tell you any bad news, just good news.”
Emotional scene
Then Shankar asked, “Is there any other negative news which you did not tell - now you may tell me.”
Giita replied, “Our son Niltu is in the juvenile detention center - the police arrested him a month ago.”
In shock, Shankar asked, “Is there anything else?”
Giita responded, “Yes, our daughter Mirabai was expelled from school last week because illicit drugs were found in her backpack.”
Distraught, Shankar look at her and inquired, “Anything else?”
Giita recounted, “Our youngest child Diliip has been suffering from the flu for the last week and has been unable to go anywhere.”
After telling this Giita started crying bitterly and could not tell anything more. With remorse, Dr Shankar also started crying loudly, and as he tenderly held his wife and softly whispered, “You had to undergo a lot of suffering because of me. I told you not to tell any negative news - that was my mistake. I am so sorry.”
In Him,
~ In-depth study ~
Operative formula: those who care want to know
The operative formula is this: Those who care for someone want to know about their bad news also. That is why Shankar felt repentant for not knowing the sad news about his mother’s decline in health and ensuing death etc.
== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==
Beautiful glittering stars
"Ek, álo ándhárer khelá, he prabhu tomár e sriśt́ite..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3712)
Prabhu, in this unique creation of Yours, there is a play of light and darkness, bliss and sorrow, good and bad, side by side. Seeing the brilliance shine all around everyone rushes in that direction, but the fog slowly engulfs that effulgence. Nothing remains forever.
After the beaming, illuminating, full moon lit sky comes the deep, dark, new moon night. After happiness, sadness comes. After the luminous purnima comes the pitch-black amavasya night. The beautiful glittering stars are arranged like lamps across the ebony sky. After they shine, the sun or rains come to envelop them. Nothing is stationary; only Parama Purusa is permanent.
Parama Purusa, in Your creation the smile of a baby is like a flower in full bloom, as well as like the unparalleled rainbow and very charming autumn moon that does not remain forever. Rather they get lost in the passage of time. Baba, only You are permanent. In both times of unbridled joy and hopeless despondency - always, I yearn to remain under Your eternal shelter...
== Section: Topic (From Dec 2021) ==
Example of bad news in AMPS
Here is how Sarvatmananda is busy in Bangalisation. But first the question has to be asked: What is Bangalisation. When Baba’s original English discourse is translated into Bengali and then retranslated from Bengali to English and then printed in an English book then that is Bangalistion.
Think of it in this way. Suppose you have a cotton bandage and you want to do covidization, then take the clean cotton bandage and drop it in the solution of the covid virus and then bring it back for the patients to use. Then it is sure to be on the cotton and those who use it will be infected with covid. Then covidization will be complete.
Similarly, Bangalisation is done to spoil and ruin the original purity of Guru's original words. There is a devious motive, wholly lacking any positive way to view this.
The ideal method is Baba's approved method. Namely, whatever language Baba spoke then directly print that. In this case, Baba spoke in English, then just transcribe that discourse accurately and print it.
But that is not what they are doing. Instead, they are intentionally spoiling your Guru's teachings. Some naive people will wonder what do those in-charges hope to gain by this.
Well, Sarvatmananda strategized far into the future to achieve his long term goal that Baba spoke only in Bengali and that Bengali is the most holy language. That is the dogma he wants to establish. And in the final stage it will be on par with Arabic for the Muslima as the Quran / Koran cannot be translated. To read it those Muslims have to learn Arabic. So Sarvatmananda’s long term goal is that in the due course Ananda Marga scripture will only be available in Bengali.
That is why he is deliberately doing all this.
In Him,
Brahmendu Roy
If you have any doubts, there are innumerable examples of the Bangalisation of Baba’s discourses done by Sarvatmananda etc.
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