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Thursday, November 28, 2024

Early development of AMPS + 3 more

Early development of AMPS


This letter concerns the history of those early days in the formation of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. During those times in Jamalpur, Baba did all the initiations Himself. As the number of disciples grew, He introduced the system of family tattvikas and family acaryas. Then those tattvikas and acaryas taught sadhana to new people. And Baba started guiding more and more new programmes.

Only family acaryas were running the AMPS

Following that initial stage in which Baba did all the initiations Himself, in the subsequent phase, family acaryas were working hard to keep pace with the rapid growth and spread of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

Gradually, in step-wise, progressive fashion, the work of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha multiplied. Family acaryas were inspired and convinced to take leave from their government offices and jobs; and, they were temporarily separated from their families in order to travel to faraway places for pracara (preaching and teaching of AM ideology). They reached all corners of India from Jammu Kashmir to Kannya Kumari and from Cachh to Nagaland. They covered just about everywhere – all places, all the district headquarters, etc. Plus so many meetings were organised – so many tattva sabhas.

The main program was the extensive pracara work going on those days. There was only one main work — pracara, pracara, and pracara. There was no Prout work, no samaj work, and no other activity. In 1955 and 1956, there was only pracara: Making new margiis and getting them involved in sadhana and sending them for PC (personal contact) at Jamalpur.

Then the next phase started. Family acaryas were requested to go outside India. Some went and did huge work. Baba’s intensive pressure remained very focused on pracar work. So most of the family acaryas were taking leave and getting involved. Weeks after weeks. Pracar and pracar. That was the rhythm those days. At the same time, Baba graciously created a favourable vibration everywhere. So wherever acaryas went, they found spiritually hungry people ready and anxious to learn meditation and follow our Ananda Marga way of life. Effortlessly, acaryas initiated countless people. It was all due to Baba's cosmic grace.

Why pseudo-sadhakas ran away

By that time, Baba was taking reports and bestowing His special tantrika gift.  This was exclusively His causeless grace. To the untrained eye it may have looked harsh. But behind, Baba had His cosmic plan. By using His tantrika gift, He would cure sadhakas of their physical and psychic ailments. In His divine play, He purified their glands, cleaned their minds, and infused them with bhakti, stamina, and a strong sense of determination. In this way, He was gracing and purifying them - and bhaktas realised this as well. They could feel how all their physical and psychic ailments were removed, by His grace, i.e. by His special tantrika gift. After reporting, they would be recharged and filled with a positive outlook to do more and more pracara. Outwardly it looked harsh; but, those who received this special tantrika gift were blessed with a strong spirit, a clear mind, and a disease-free body.

These days some people may think: Was there no other way to purify sadhakas than by this special tantrika gift? The answer is very simple. Baba's unique and special gift enabled sadhakas to be cured, and become pure, and spiritually cleansed. By this way, they could do more pracara and dharmic work for His mission. And that is exactly what happened. Those true sadhakas remained along with Baba and worked untiringly, by His grace. While those selfish lookers coming for worldly boons were intimidated and stayed away. This was the way Sadguru Baba showered His grace upon His disciples and displayed His tantric liila.

How Wt system started - 1

In the transitional period when society is confused and people do not know what to do, Mahasambhuti graciously takes advent. He comes on this earth not for a few individuals but to guide the whole, entire society - for generations and generations, thousands of years. So He has so many guidelines, and plans and programmes, to give. And verily Baba’s vision and practical approach was vast. It was not possible for family people alone to carry out this monumental task. Those family people already had mundane jobs and could only do service work / pracara on a part-time basis. And Baba was giving such a grand set of teachings and service works that family margiis simply could not complete.

After all, the world is quite vast, and there was pressure to get the work done immediately. Baba’s allotted target for those family acaryas was to cover the entire globe down to the district level. Yet those family acaryas had jobs, children, family obligations, and various personal affairs that demanded their attention. So those family acaryas were feeling completely overwhelmed and at a loss for how to complete this dharmic task which Sadguru Baba has allotted.

How Wt system started - 2

Sadguru Baba has a specific plan to fulfill and implement in a very short period. Baba’s aim was to serve the whole human society. Although those family acaryas were trying hard, it was evident that more help was needed to complete this immense task.

The days and weeks flew by with ever-increasing work demands and quotas. After some time, 
Baba’s work pressure was so extreme, family acaryas were under tremendous pressure and stress to fulfill the targets. At one point, Baba gave the program to do pracar and programs in all blocks of the entire world: where there is at least one Margii in each and every block.

Then Baba graciously suggested, “You people have become senior; you have big extended families with many duties and responsibilities, both personally and professionally. So you cannot travel around and do Ananda Marga pracara etc for several months at a time. Why not find youths who are unmarried, or anyone who can give full-time commitment for this endeavour, and take work from them?”


By listening to this suggestion from Baba, those family acaryas felt so much relief. They immediately started searching for some youths to commit full-time to doing AMPS work. In this course of action, from different parts of India, family acaryas sent many youths for PC at Jamalpur. And a training session was organised to make them into LFTs. The year was 1962. Things were going on very fast. Without any delay those LFT’s were getting their WT-ship. This is just a glimpse of some of the long, rich history. From there the story goes on and on.

In Him,

Love & punishment

The rule is that without love one cannot punish that person, rather the degree of love must be higher. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The quantum of punishment must not exceed the quantum of love.” (1)

Baba has much more love towards those whom He punishes in comparison to those who He does not punish. The idea is that Baba is impartial so if the sadhaka loves much more and feels more love for Baba he is qualified to get more punishment. That is why it is said in the scriptures that those who are blessed get punished by Sadguru.

What is special tantrika gift

Special tantrika gift: Baba would cure the physical and psychic ailments of His disciples. In His divine play, He purified their glands, cleaned their minds, and infused them with bhakti, stamina, and a strong sense of determination. All these things He was doing through His mock corporeal punishment. That was His tantrika gift. In this way, He was gracing and purifying them.

When Taraka Brahma comes onto this earth in human form as Mahasambhuti then by His grace bhaktas realise His divine Self - and they come to see Him. News of His arrival spreads, as do the stories of His greatness, powers, and grace. Gradually, more and more start coming for His darshan and blessing, until even non-sadhakas seeking worldly boons start approaching Him in droves. Yet, Mahasambhuti comes with a particular purpose: To attend to certain dharmic works and impart teachings to lead humanity for thousands of years. All the while time is short and He has to guide His bhaktas first and foremost.

Only the fortunate get beating 

So Baba employed His special tantrika gift, i.e. mock corporeal punishment. Certainly all were welcome to see Him, non-margiis and margiis alike. However when those non-sadhakas saw Baba use His special tantrika gift, those masses quickly became frightened and turned back. They thought it was better to stay out of the line of fire rather than risk going close. It was only His bhaktas that could see through the liila and understand that His tantrika gift - mock corporeal punishment - was nothing but His special grace. It was the ocean of nectar. By getting His tantrika gift, sadhana was heightened, diseases were cured, and the mind was made free and fearless. In a word, one became purified by His grace. Yet from the outside it looked quite scary. So non-sadhakas opted to turn away whereas bhaktas were always eager to go close to Him. They would wait days and weeks to receive His dharma samiiksa, and would yearn for and seek out other opportunities to go close. Such bhaktas could see and feel that beneath it all was His ever-flowing, unending love. And they valued His tantrika gift as the most charming and blessed event in their entire life.

1. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #39c

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

How religions befool followers

Question: Do you know who Baba is talking about in the below passage? 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In places where, for whatever reason, intellectual clashes among the vipras were not very intense, their philosophy was very simple. They would say to the people directly, "I am the angel or incarnation of God. The things I have said are not the words of a human being but the words of God," or "I have received the divine revelation that you will eat this and not that, worship in this way and not that, and offer this to God. If you obey my commandments God will bless you and you will go to heaven; otherwise you will be burnt to death in the fire of hell." The people were fooled this easily.”

“The vipras used to tempt people with an imaginary heaven and inject in them the fear of an imaginary hell. In this way they would accomplish their objectives; their exploitation would proceed smoothly; and moreover the fear they aroused in people's minds would turn those people into fanatics.”

“It is noticeable that in the fanatical religious communities that we see in the world today, there is very little intellectual clash among the vipras.”  (1)


In His above teaching, Sadguru Baba is talking about the semitic religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. 

1. Human Society - 2, The Vipra Age

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How greed increases in society

   Ananda Marga ideology states, "Whether one be a philanthropist or a star athlete, one desires to see what is written about them in the newspaper. This means that in trying to do some good work, what are they really doing? They are falling under the sway of one propensity, the propensity of greed. Now if this act is encouraged by the society, that is, if the newspapers dedicate a lot of attention to such news, or if people in general say, “Sir, whatever you are doing is unparalleled in history. Sir, we are not eulogizing you. We are simply telling the truth” – if they praise such a person in this way and then try to extract some money from them (there are such intelligent people around) – then what does it amount to indirectly? The propensity of greed increases. Which animal is the greediest among the animals with which we are all very familiar? It does not like to give up greed in spite of ill treatment and humiliations. It is the cat. Yes, after moving a few steps ahead, the cat forgets that it was beaten. So, that particular person is reborn as a cat after death, because that body affords an opportunity for the satiation of their greed. When the housewife looks around inattentively, the cat sneaks into the kitchen through the small opening in order to reach the milk or fish in the kitchen. So in order to exhaust the samskáras one needs an appropriate body. Some people obtain a new body immediately after death and others obtain it later. But one has to obtain it somehow."
   "One who is doing philanthropic work today, tries to find out tomorrow whether or not their name appeared in the newspaper. They have no desire to read the other news. They read the news that relates to themselves twenty times but do not go through the other news with much enthusiasm. If someone asks they might say that today there was only one important piece of news, nothing else. That is how a person comes under the sway of a propensity and remains subject to the cycle of birth and rebirth." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 10, The Supreme Entity – the Non-Doer

== Section : Important Teaching ==

Solution to every problem

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “A correct spiritual ideology is the only solution to the problems confronting the world. From this perspective we can call Ananda Marga ideology the philosophers' stone. Just as the philosophers' stone is meant to transform everything into gold, Ananda Marga ideology can, most definitely, find a just and rational solution whenever it is applied to any problem.” (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #36

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Idea of religious state is disastrous

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “If a particular religion is proclaimed the state religion, those who follow other religions will not identify with the country. Consequently, the unity of the country will be undermined. If people go against this basic principle, they may be politically successful for a short time, but eventually they will inflict great harm on the country and prove to be a failure.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles