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Thursday, December 26, 2024

AM ideas in govt exam paper + 3 more

AM ideas in govt exam paper


Ananda Marga ideology, graciously given by Sadguru Mahasambhuti Baba, has brought about many unprecedented social changes. Although Ananda Marga is not given credit for many such social changes, today it is evident that a greater level of consciousness has arisen due to the ideological seeds sown by Ananda Marga teachings.

When Mahasambhu’ti arrives then He creates an unparalleled vibration in the universe. He inspires many people who do His work. At critical junctures, known as yugasandhi in Saḿskrta, He comes and motivates the entire humanity.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Utilizing the vibrations created for eternal time by Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji through januspharsha and varábhaya mudras, take yourself and the entire universe ahead along the path of welfare. Omn Shanti!” (1)

Indeed, there are many examples of ideological inspiration given by Baba which have led to trailblazing changes in the socio-economic, educational, and spiritual spheres.

Propagation of regional languages by non-margiis

After independence from British rule in 1947, there was no active program to promote the teaching and learning of Indian regional languages. Baba has taught in numerous places that regional languages - and safeguarding people’s mother tongues - are very important. In 1986, a group of schools were launched by the Government of India called Navodaya. Navodaya schools are highly subsidized and admit meritorious students via an entrance exam. One of the objectives behind the formation of Navodaya schools was to introduce education in regional / local languages. The intent behind the introduction of regional languages via Navodaya schools was to promote the usage of the regional language. There is a considerable language gap between the Northern and the Southern parts of India. Navodaya helped in bridging this gap and bringing unity.

Bringing regional languages into the mainstream by incorporating them in the education system has been effective not only in promoting the languages but also in removing inferiority complex among the speakers of those languages. The alumni of the Navodaya schools travel around the country for their employment etc. and thereby they use the regional language learned in the school. Language abilities help in bridging the gaps and indeed this is improving the relations between people belonging to various language groups.

It may appear that this idea of promoting regional languages has been brought forth by the Government of India. However, it is well known that Baba began propagating PROUT in 1959, and in the setting of PROUT Baba was delivering discourses on the importance of regional languages, well before Navodaya. Baba emphasized the teaching of regional languages in addition to English long ago. In fact, when non-ma’rgiis also came to know of the great ideals of Ananda Marga, they could not help but get influenced. They made Baba’s ideas their own and began promoting the same in their own spheres. Many government officials either were themselves Ananda Margiis or knew Ananda Margiis, and when they got introduced to the issue of regional language and the solution of introducing the same in the education system, they discussed this in their departments. In this way the ideas were propagated and eventually led to various government programs. This is the grand way of the working of Maha’sambhu’ti.

Political parties influenced by Ananda Marga teaching

Baba spoke about the formation of socio-economic units like that of Chhattisgarh in 1959, and later on He created Proutist Chattisgarhii samaja - long before political parties began campaigning for the same. Later, political parties made the formation of Chattisgarh state their political agenda. Here again the political parties got influenced by Ananda Marga teaching. Today, Chattisgarh is a state in India and people belonging to this state do not have any inferiority complex regarding their language, whereas such an inferiority complex was once very common among them. 

Mass scale popularization: meditation & asanas by non-margiis

Before the advent of Ananda Marga, the tradition of yoga sa’dhana’ was long replaced by idol worship. Nobody could even imagine that meditation could be done by the common people living in the general society. Many thought that meditation is the turf of ascetics with matted hair living in the Himalayas, while common people have nothing to do with spiritual sadhana. Ananda Marga brought forth a new wave of spirituality. After that many pseudo-yogiis like Mahesh Yogii and Osho Rajneesh also talked about meditation for common people and shunned idol worship.

It must be explained here that many people were not yet ready for the pure teachings of Ananda Marga and for them the paths given by the pseudo-yogiis were like segues to the grand path of Ananda Marga. Today, the idea of meditation has become very common and mainstream. Similarly, asanas were long forgotten by people. Asanas are the integral part of Ananda Marga sa’dhana’ and have been included in Carya’carya. Baba spoke about asanas back in 1955. Today, with people like Swami Ramdev, asanas have reached common households. It is a recent phenomenon compared to Ananda Marga. Baba was talking about and teaching the therapeutic use of asanas since 1949--- now various people popularized asanas.

Vegetarianism among common people

An important part of Ananda Marga way of life is sattvik food. The prerequisite for sattvik food is that the food should be vegetarian. Many prominent religions presented animals as objects of human consumption and promoted animal meat eating and there was no voice for animals. Ananda Marga advocates vegetarianism. Today, there are many organizations that fight against animal cruelty and meat-eating.

Consciousness about women's rights

Women have been subjugated for ages. Ananda Marga ideology placed great emphasis on women’s rights. Today there are many organizations that do so, although in many cases their hue and cry for women’s rights is not in the true sense but just lip service. Even in the Muslim countries, women’s rights are being fought for.

Untouchability caste race eradication

Untouchability was a major social problem in the last century. There used to be separate dishes for the so-called low-caste and untouchable people in tea-stalls and food stalls. Untouchability was practiced openly. Baba gave the slogan “ma’nava ma’nava ek hai” in 1955 and with that the war against the social ill of caste system was begun. Baba gave the revolutionary marriage to tackle the caste system. Hindu extremist organizations like Rashtriya Swayamsevak Samgha opposed Ananda Marga quite aggressively and in many cases violently. Often RSS goons would set the Revolutionary Marriage pandals afire. Ironically, today the grandsons and granddaughters of the same RSS workers and leaders do not accept the caste system and marry across the so-called castes. When Baba began the movement against the caste system, many told Him that what Buddha and Kabir could not get rid of, how can He do so? Even the laokik mother of Baba would chidingly smile at Baba when He said, “Mother, I’ll remove the caste system from the face of this earth.” Today we see that this disease of the caste system, that even Kabir and Buddha could not remove, has waned dramatically. And whatever of it has remained will also be gone when the old carriers of the disease will die.


The teachings of Ananda Marga influence people deeply and when people internalize them they propagate the same in their own spheres. This is how the great changes have happened in the last few decades. There are many more things from Ananda Marga that need to be propagated for the all-round development of people than what has happened until now. As Ananda Margiis, it is our bounden duty to propagate Ananda Marga teachings. The teachings can be spread via various means like social media, cartoons, and stories and we should earnestly and tirelessly work in this direction.

Although what non-margiis are doing is a diluted form of AM philosophy, but that is how it works: When one is climbing to some higher place, a ladder is needed. To bring the common people up to the standard of Ananda Marga, it needs various steps as well in the middle. In this way, the whole society gradually moves upward. So what is going on may seem to be small steps, but we should appreciate all that is happening. And it gives a signal that the whole Ananda Marga philosophy will be fully accepted by the new generation. Because old people cannot change so easily. That's why Baba says that in order to propagate Ananda Marga ideals, we should start primary schools. Whatever bad things are going on in the society at present, that is all done by those who are adults and aged people, not by those who are young. The mind of the new generation is very receptive to Ananda Marga ideology. And gradually we will see with our own eyes that step by step common people will follow all aspects of AM ideology in their practical lives.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Utilizing the vibrations created for eternal time by Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji through januspharsha and varábhaya mudras, take yourself and the entire universe ahead along the path of welfare. Omn Shanti!” (2)

In Him,

Ananda Marga is the panacea

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "A correct spiritual ideology is the only solution to the problems confronting the world. From this perspective we can call Ananda Marga ideology the philosophers’ stone. Just as the philosophers’ stone is meant to transform everything into gold, Ananda Marga ideology can, most definitely, find a just and rational solution whenever it is applied to any problem." (3)

Case example 

Here is a clear-cut, case example of how non-margiis are embracing and propagating AM teachings. Basically, some non-margii found and read Baba's discourse somewhere. 

The non-margii was an education specialist, and they found the ideas presented in Baba’s discourse to be so profound, meaningful, and relevant that they incorporated that information into the examination paper of the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) of the central government of India. The end result is that this non-margii education specialist promoted AM teachings on the national stage. This is all Baba's grace how He will utilize anyone and everyone to establish AM teachings. This test was given on 14 Dec 2024.

Here is the name and reference of that Baba discourse: 
  • Mánavika Unnati kii Dhárá // The Process of Human Progress, Ananda Vacanamrtam 7-10 (H), Renaissance Universal, 31 December 1978 Patna
 The below scan of the examination paper is a page from that Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) where two paragraphs of Baba’s Hindi discourse, marked with a clear reference to Ananda Marga philosophy, have been incorporated into the exam paper. That means without knowing this particular spiritual teaching of Ananda Marga ideology, the examinee will not pass the exam to become a teacher in central schools. 

This will inspire and generate a curiosity and desire in the minds of other students competing for various jobs, across a range of examinations, to study Ananda Marga philosophy in general before appearing for certification tests. Verily, this has created a new vibration in that field. 

1. Caryacarya – 1, ‘Concluding Words’
2. Caryacarya – 1, ‘Concluding Words’
3. Problems of the Day, Point #36

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Unique balm

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Today human beings, to whatever country they may belong, should, on the one side, propagate an anti-exploitation sentiment (exploitation does not mean exploitation in the economic sphere only, it includes all sorts of exploitation), and form strong nations in their respective countries; and, on the other side, preach the theory of one spiritual inheritance – that every living being is the child of the Supreme Entity, and that all the people of all nations belong to the same family. This will have to be explained to all, that there will be clash among different nations as long as national feelings exist. People may talk of disarmament, but military preparation will go on underground. And if people dedicate themselves to the welfare of the entire human race, their respective nations will also be benefited indirectly because their nations are not outside the universe! Along with the theory of spiritual inheritance, one Cosmic ideology will have to be propagated too, and that ideology is that one Supreme Entity – the Cosmic Entity – is the goal of all living beings. This spiritual sentiment will keep human beings united for all time to come. No other theory can save the human race.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 5, To The Patriots

== Section: Important Teaching ==

First ingredient in spiritual life

Ananda Marga ideology says, “A jiṋánii often becomes fatigued with the continuous cultivation of knowledge. Sometimes, after prolonged thinking, the brain simply refuses to function anymore and it becomes increasingly difficult to implement one’s internal thoughts and ideas. What happens at that time? Knowledge concedes defeat and the ego has no choice but to surrender. Finally, one is compelled to plead, “Oh Parama Puruśa, please help me, please save my prestige.”" (1)

Note: In the life of a sadhaka on the spiritual journey, the first and foremost ingredient is surrender. Yet surrender itself is defined and described in a multitude of ways. In the above quote, surrender is explained in a very simple manner.  

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Do Virtuous Deeds Day and Night – 2

== Section: Important Teaching ==

See: inhumane & beastly

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Women covering their faces with burkas – is this rational? You know burkas have but tiny holes to see through, and women have to walk along the path peeping through these holes. This is inhuman and bestial. No civilized society, civilized country or civilized person should accept this kind of decree. These are naked dogmas.” (1)

In His above teaching, Baba is talking about scenes like the one portrayed in the below photo. Many may not understand what is meant by a veil. But here you can see what a veil really is. The entire head is covered - as is the rest of their body - and if you look carefully you will notice a small screen in front of the eyes. This allows them to see in a very contrived and limited manner. The field of vision is just barely enough to walk and move around. But nobody can see from the outside in. 

Screen Shot 2015-01-25 at 8.22.30 PM.png

This is extremely suffocating - the flow of air is stifled making it even difficult to breathe. That is why it is non-hygienic as one is breathing the same air, even when outdoors. 

The worst thing is that this rule of wearing a veil is mostly imposed in the Middle East amidst searing temperatures in the hot desert sun. Plus it is used in parts of Africa, where Islamic rule was forced by the sword. These are hot climate areas and that makes it more terrible. To cover the body from head to toe in such extreme heat is nothing but hell in the name of religion. 

Those wearing such veils were indoctrinated into this lifestyle since their birth. So they become habituated with it and some do not even want to leave this dogma. 

The below scene is a gathering of females where they are not allowed to show their face. Seeing this inhumane condition, Sadguru Baba is graphically opposing this dogma. 

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 15, Buddha o Aśt́áḿga Márga”

== Section 3: Links ==