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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Taking dharmic stand + 2 more

Taking dharmic stand


Dharmasya súkśmá gatih [“The ways of dharma are very subtle”]. (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Dharma rakśati rakśitah – “One who protects dharma is protected by dharma.” Dharma saves the dhármika [the upholder of dharma] in the material sphere, in the subtle sphere and in the causal sphere. When dharma saves people in the material sphere, they experience it before their very eyes, they hear it with their ears, they feel it with the tenderness of touch." (2)

Dharma moves very secretly and while the followers of dharma may not recognize it initially, in the endgame there is always victory.

Heroes faced the sufferings

Many active margiis became paralyzed during the Emergency and withdrew themselves from Ananda Marga. And some heroes faced the sufferings and were arrested, put in jail, and lost their jobs. Then there was family clash, economic suffering, and public humiliation. But they did not cow down. They always asked Baba for the strength to carry on. 

Then, after almost two years, the situation changed - the Emergency was over - and they got victory. Their jobs were reinstated. They got their back payment without doing the work. And, after getting a large amount of their accumulated salary, many of them constructed their own homes which was unthinkable earlier. Verily, all facets of their life were back in proper order. 

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “With the increasing development of the power of reflection, dharmic people realize that dharma is always with them in a very subtle way. They further realize that their dharma and their beloved Parama Puruśa are one and inseparable. " (3)

Plus, during the jail period, they were blessed to get the opportunity to live in a deeply spiritual environment all the 24hrs with kiirtan, sadhana, satsaunga, bhajan etc.

After the Emergency, the public started appreciating them and those heroic margiis gained far more prestige than they lost. And they were recorded in the history of India as heroes and received a lifelong pension from the Indian government. 


The overall idea is that standing up for a cause seems scary initially, which is why common people immediately back down. But, in the end, satya always gets victory. Top of all, Baba has brought us on this earth for some purpose, and He knows better than us. 

In one of His discourses, He says one should ask Parama Purusa, "O' Lord, I have a very small brain and You have an infinite brain, how much can I think about my future welfare with my small brain. Not so much. You should think about my problems also." When this type of surrender comes then victory is sure. 

in Him, 

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “He possesses innumerable brains. What can you achieve with your one brain? The time is running out; you should say to Him, “You have so many brains. O Lord; so please think of me. What can I do with my single brain?” It is as if one is reminding Him by shedding tears.” (4)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (continued) (Discourse 11)
2. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (continued) (Discourse 11)
3. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (continued) (Discourse 11)
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, The Thousand-Headed Puruśa

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Memorization technique


Baba's below teaching discloses the reason why our scripture has been composed in the genre of poetry: Because poetry is easy to memorise. For this reason, Baba has composed our scripture - i.e. Ananda Sutram and Prabhat Samgiita - in poetic verse.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In the absence of rhythm it is difficult to memorize. That is why since ancient times, for 15,000 years, the common practice has been to bring every valuable branch of knowledge within the scope of rhythm. Human beings do not easily forget rhythm. One may forget the contents of knowledge, but not the rhythm. That is why all Vedic Rks were composed in 7 meters. All literary compositions were brought within the gamut of the seven Vedic they are valuable for the memory." (1)

Set to rhythm

If you want to learn or memorize anything, the easiest way is to set it to rhythm. One paragraph of prose is very difficult to memorise, but one stanza of a poem, shloka, or song is comparatively easy to memorise. Rhythm helps in memorising anything. That is why in their infancy, children are introduced to language via rhythm in nursery rhymes and songs etc. By this way they can quickly learn and advance.
In the distant past, before the invention of any script and before paper came into vogue, people used to keep everything in their mind. There were no books or other media as we see nowadays: Audio, video, writings, etc. There was nothing.

What yogis did in the past

So when there was no way to store ideas or teachings on paper or cassette, the only option was to store it all in their memory. The best technique for doing that was to create rhythmic poetry. So all those past yogis, rishis, sages, thinkers, and munis put their realizations into shloka, poem, or any kind of rhythmic expression like the vedas, purana etc. Even when script was first invented, most people did not know how to read or write, so those thinkers continued to put their teachings into poetic verse. This happened all across the globe.
This is not only for those of the past. Today also if you want to memorise anything then put it in rhythmic form. Cunning advertisers create jingles or rhymes to influence consumers, and film-makers do the same.
So to keep something readily in the mind then take help from a rhythmic flow, otherwise it will be very difficult to store that in your memory. For this reason Baba has given the key of Ananda Marga teachings - i.e. Ananda Sutram - in poetic form, and Prabhat Samgiita as well. And in virtually every discourse He has included a shloka. By that way - by memorizing one rhythmic shloka - one can get the seed idea of the entire discourse. That is how to memorize that entire discourse in key form.
In His series of discourses on the Faculty of Knowledge, Baba has given so many points about memory and rhythm.

In Him, 
1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, The Faculty of Knowledge – 4

== Section 3: Links ==