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Sunday, July 28, 2024

1st duty of the day + 2 more

1st duty of the day


First of all one should know the history of how Gurus used to convey their teachings and guidelines to their disciples, from one generation to the next. For example, take Lord Shiva’s time. There was no camera and no script, so Lord Shiva taught the process of dhyana by creating a shloka about the colour, shape, size, and about what to do etc. That is the entire shloka and process of dhyana. By that way, the correct process was handed over from generation to generation. That was in shloka / poetic verse so followers could easily memorise it.

Here is a great dharmic practice to be done very early in the morning, immediately after getting up. Even beginners on the path of the spiritual journey should practice this.

Suppose one handyman memorised a “how to” booklet and comes to your door to fix your leaky faucet. And he repeats those instructions and walks away. Will you pay him? No, never. Because that process is meaningless until he practically does something. Guru sakash sholka is just an instruction of what to do. It is important to perform that action. Repetition itself is useless. That is why one need not repeat the shloka; one should repeat the mantra, just one word.

Baba's guideline: just after getting up

At the designated time each morning, every Ananda Margii awakens and immediately ideates on Sadguru. This is our practice of Guru sakash. And this practice of Guru sakash is just like our Guru dhyana. Because in Guru sakash we are to lovingly recite His divine name. This is the direction in Guru Sakash:

Smarettam nam purvakam                                                                       
Meaning: 'Recall His Name'

Ananda Marga spiritual philosophy states, "Whatever words you use mentally to address the Guru at the time of dhyana or Guru dhyana, should also be used at the time of this Guru Dhyana [i.e. Guru Sakash]. You should always address the Guru for an extended period. This is Gurusaka'saha." (1)

In Guru sakash the bhakta is to engage in the deeply spiritual practice of chanting His divine name over and over again. With a heart drenched in His love and with His form floating in mind, the sadhaka is to recite His loving Name.

It is just like how a baby cries and calls out for its mother and then the mother comes. Calling the mother's name is enough. That baby need not repeat some poetry or text from the mother's book in order to get the mother to come. Simply saying 'mama' is enough. Similarly to get Him in Guru sakash, just calling His name is needed - not more & not less. After all that is Guru’s guideline. So we should follow Him.

Suppose one handyman memorised a “how to” booklet and comes to your door to fix your leaky faucet. And he repeats those instructions and walks away. Will you pay him? No, never. Because that process is meaningless until he practically does something. Guru sakash sholka is just an instruction of what to do. It is important to perform that action. Repetition itself is useless. That is why one need not repeat the shloka; one should repeat the mantra, just one word.

Way of calling

Point being that Sadguru directs us that when doing Guru sakash we are to chant His name. So then that is what every sadhaka should do; and, by following His guideline one is sure to get success. At the time of Guru Sakash the aspirant is to internally repeat His name using the dhyana mantra.

Here the main point is that one must know that in Gurusakasha one should call Him. That is the very clear-cut method for doing Guru Sakash: To repeat His divine name. And by this divine practice, one will get Him and drift in His bliss all day long.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Whatever words you use mentally to address the Guru at the time of dhyana or Guru dhyana, should also be used at the time of this Guru Dhyana [i.e. Guru Sakash]. You should always address the Guru for an extended period. This is Gurusaka'saha." (2)

So, first and foremost, in every disciple's mind is to follow the Guru. And His instruction is to chant His name at the time of Guru sakash.

Suppose one handyman memorised a “how to” booklet and comes to your door to fix your leaky faucet. And he repeats those instructions and walks away. Will you pay him? No, never. Because that process is meaningless until he practically does something. Guru sakash sholka is just an instruction of what to do. It is important to perform that action. Repetition itself is useless. That is why one need not repeat the shloka; one should repeat the mantra, just one word.

Gurusakásha: will meet with success

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Remember the Guru in the Guru cakra. This they should do sitting in siddhásana [perfect posture] or any other convenient ásana [posture], on the same blanket, skin, seat or bed as they had used for sleeping, immediately after waking up and before doing any other work or before having any other thought – even before performing their morning duties or any other task. This will be a high category of Gurusakásha. If it cannot always be done immediately after sleep, it is essential to remember the Guru early in the morning after overcoming sleepiness. If this is done, they will meet with success or illumination in each and every subtle and spiritual task that they perform in the course of the whole day.” (3)

Right way to do Gurusakásha

[Early in the morning one should meditate on the Guru in varábhaya mudrá with two hands and two eyes seated on a white lotus in Guru cakra, and remember Him by chanting His holy name (through a mantra).]

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Prátah means “in the morning”. ...Shirasi means “at the topmost point” – that is to say, in the Guru cakra. Shukle means “in a white”; abje means “in the lotus”; shuklébje means “in or on a white lotus”. And you have to meditate on the Guru who is dvinetra [endowed with two eyes] and dvibhuja [endowed with two hands]. In what posture is this Guru endowed with two eyes and two hands? In varábhaya mudrá [the gesture imparting fearlessness and bestowing grace]. He is your well-wisher and your benefactor. Whatever words you use mentally to address the Guru at the time of dhyána or Guru dhyána, should also be used at the time of this Guru dhyána. You should always address the Guru for an extended period. This is Gurusakásha.” (4)

in Him,

Never just repeat sholka

Suppose one handyman memorised a “how to” booklet and comes to your door to fix your leaky faucet. And he repeats those instructions and walks away. Will you pay him? No, never. Because that process is meaningless until he practically does something. Guru sakash sholka is just an instruction of what to do. It is important to perform that action. Repetition itself is useless. That is why one need not repeat the shloka; one should repeat the mantra, just one word.

Crystal clear varabhaya mudra photo

It is very helpful for everyone to have a crystal clear copy of Sadguru in varabhaya mudra. It is our birthright. Because without a photo of proper quality, doing Guru sakasha and Guru dhyana is not easy.

1. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru
2. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru
3. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru
4. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Harbingers always face opposition

Ananda Marga ideology states, "It was considered nothing short of blasphemy to translate the religious scriptures from Saḿskrta into Bengali. The Nabab Hussein Shah personally tried to develop the Bengali language. With his active support Krttivása Ojah translated the Ramayana, Káshii Ram Dash translated the Mahabharata and Máladhra Vasu translated the Bhágavata from Saḿskrta to Bengali. This caused a furore among the community of scholars. They tried to brand Hussein Shah as a saboteur of the Hindu religion because, according to them, to translate the holy scriptures into Bengali was to defile the Hindu religion. Máládhra Vasu had to bear the stigma of being a Moslem convert and was widely ridiculed as Guńaranjiṋa Khan. So incensed were the Saḿskrta scholars over the translations of Krttivása Ojah that he was declared an outcaste for committing an act of sacrilege. All this took place only 450 years ago." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2

== Section 3: Links ==