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Thursday, August 8, 2019

Local vs global: PROUT + 3 more


Local vs global: PROUT


Capitalist puppets beat the drum that the people are getting wealthier and wealthier each and every day. When in fact, the truth is that all the gold and riches of capitalism 'benefits' only a few. Never before in the history of the world has the gap between rich and poor been as wide as it is now. The US can boast of great, big buildings, but as a nation it has failed to provide the minimum requirements to the populace. In result, 40 million Americans are depending on government food handouts, otherwise they will go hungry. And the disparity is even greater in so-called developing nations like India and across much of Africa. The reason being that capitalism breeds poverty, not financial stability.

There is a Proutist slogan 'capitalism makes the man beggar', as it robs people not only of their soul, but their wallet as well. All fall prey to the greed of the wealthy and all turn into exploited mass.

It is just a dogma that wealth is created and poverty is diminished by capitalism. This is the false hope of the global economy. Because in such a system, the human brain is geared towards money-making and exploitation and not the distribution of wealth. In consequence, the mass of people do not get to minimum requirements in capitalism.

Only a local economy will work

Here Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, the Propounder of Prout,  points out that only a local economy-- not a global one-- will create a suitable way for everyone to live on this earth.

Prout philosophy says, "In a decentralized economy the commodities produced by a socio-economic unit will be sold in the local market itself. As a result, there will be no uncertainty in the local economy or the economic life of the local population. In addition, money will be circulated within the local market so there will be no outflow of local capital. The possibility of an economic catastrophe in the local economy will be largely eliminated. In such a system, people’s income will have an upward trend and their purchasing capacity will continuously increase. No economic system in the world has been able to continuously increase the purchasing capacity of the people, because economic power is concentrated in the hands of a few." (1)

Thus we should never fall into the dream now circulating around the earth that a global economy will bring riches to all. That will never, ever happen. Rather the more the so-called global economic growth, the more destitute and in-debt the people will become, until that financial turmoil breeds utter hopelessness and chaos in the world-wide society.


Prout philosophy says, "There must be close correlation amongst PROUT, Neohumanism and spiritual practices. The balance amongst these three will elevate the structure of human beings to its existential status. We cannot neglect PROUT, Neohumanism or spiritual practices. This balance is to be maintained for all. It will create good will and elevate the standard of human beings." (2)

Only those immersed in the world of sadhana can bring about that new socio-economic era. Thus we should not sit back and think that others are going to do it. Only true sadhakas can lead the world out of the darkness of the capitalistic global economy and into the light of a Proutistic local economy.

In Him,

Spiritual base

Drawing up a new economic system without having the key for knowing how to transform human consciousness will never yield a proper result.

In the past, "progressives" & "luminaries" like Karl Marx and Adam Smith felt they had the solution to the world's problems with their defective economic theories, we see where they led the humanity. So talking up the progressive notions without having a proper spiritual ideology can never quell the waves of social unrest. The two must go hand in hand; without that the package is not complete.

So we should never think that various intellectuals boasting of a local economic structure will establish Prout on this globe. Only activist sadhakas can bring about the needed changes to heal humanity's woes, not pseudo-progressives.

Global economy is problematic

But no one likes to look at it this way, that is why people constantly beat the drum that the global economy is making the world a richer and richer place. So while the bulk of the population is duped by this false thread, at least as Proutists we should know the truth and be ready to lead and facilitate humanity's changeover to a local economy.

The world is now headed towards big bank accounts for some, and the pangs of starvation for most. Due to the global economy, poverty will abound on this earth, and those destitute souls with nowhere else to turn, those poor people, after getting exploited to shambles by greedy vaeshyas, will destroy the peace and tranquility of one and all. That is where this global economy is headed-- tragically. So we should intervene at the earliest.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Decentralized Economy – 1
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 17, Prout and Neohumanism

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I am here to help all

"Sabár tare ásá ámár, sabári bhár ámi nobo..." (Prabhat Samgiita #5000)


Parama Purusa has sent me here to serve everyone. I have been granted this life not for my own self indulgence - i.e. not for living like an animal in human form. I have come on this earth to help one and all, without differentiating between educated and uneducated, or so-called high and low. Everyone’s problem is my concern. I will take it as my duty to resolve their miseries and suffering and carry the burdens of those in pain. I will always be by their side to console and encourage them. By the grace of Parama Purusa, I will go on remaining very close and lend my support to all my brothers and sisters of our universal family.

Nobody is alien for me - all are my own. Everyone’s home is my abode. I will give love, affection, and camaraderie amongst the entire humanity. Every person is mine. I will pour my heart for the welfare of all. Parama Purusa has sent me here to relieve others of their agony. I will not neglect even a single individual.

In the society, if anyone is plagued by any injustice, I will try to eradicate and rectify that wrong, alleviate their agony, and provide them with justice. I will wipe away everyone’s tears, remove their worries and anguish, and form one human society where peace and tranquility rule. By the mercy of Parama Purusa, I have come on this earth to watch for the well-being of one and all….

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Origin of the Vedas

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The meaning of the verbal root rc is “to glorify” (through song or through ordinary language). Rk means “hymn”. In ancient times, with the beginning of civilization, the sages used to look upon the various manifestations of nature as the play of one God and they composed hymns for that god. When they used to sing in the name of Úśa, Indra, Parjanya, Mátarishvá, Varuńa, that singing was called sáma. At that time script had not yet been invented, so the disciples used to learn by listening to the verbal teachings of the guru. These were all words of truth, words of knowledge and since they were words of knowledge, since they elevated the uncultured human beings towards the light of culture, they were called veda, or knowledge." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 2, Discourse: 11

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #5000: I am here to help all
2. Posting: Local vs global: PROUT
3. IT: Origin of the Vedas
4. Links