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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Worth of elders + 2 more


Worth of elders


It is a fact that with each and every day that passes us by we become older-- our physical bodies age: A wrinkle here, a gray hair there etc. This is the common phenomenon. Yet no one likes to "grow old." At the same time as sadhakas we have various practices which combat this aging process, thereby keeping the body youthful and vibrant. Plus in our Ananda Marga, age is a respected characteristic. And one other point is that our intuitional faculty remains timeless-- completely unaffected by the years. These are some of the many themes of this below letter.

Materialism & aging vs. Ananda Marga way of life

There are various attitudes towards the elderly or senior citizens in different countries. But the common feeling around the globe is that no one likes to be characterized as  “old.” That's why if anybody calls an old person as "old", then that individual may become unhappy or feel inwardly irritated. That's why if one wants to give respect to an older person, in a very courteous and respectful way one has to use such a term as "senior citizens". All this is especially true when dealing with members of the general society.

In those places where materialism is more dominating, the act of growing old brings a lot of tension and frustration. Because in such places, often, the family does not like to deal with its aged members. Consequently the life of those aging individuals becomes devalued. So older persons do not like to be called "old"-- since that is equivalent of becoming outdated and valueless. This is the tragic and defective mindset of those common people in materialistic societies.

Plus, in materialistic countries where sex is dominant, old age signifies the loss of sexual appeal, thereby rendering one's existence as nearly valueless. Women especially suffer from this malady in materialistic communities. In direct contrast, in our spiritual way of life, the scenario is completely different. Aging brings respect and dignity.

Looking back at the ancient history of India, we find that "senior citizens" had a lot of respect - far more than youths. This tradition is a tantric tradition. And Baba also honours this same trait. That is why throughout our various ceremonies and programs as outlined in Caryacarya, Baba gives maximum regard to our senior persons.

Ananda Margii age differently from the common people

According to Baba, when anybody does sadhana and follows 16 points then their qualities grow and grow. They become greater and greater human beings. This is the unique equation.

Because with the help of cosmic ideation, the periphery of the mind expands-- making them more perceptive and dynamic. And by this way, senior citizens do not remain selfishly engaged in their unit "I". That's why in most of the cases, in their old age good sadhakas dedicate more and more time for serving the society.

But when people are stuck in a materialistic bent of mind, then old-age means being a 'headache' to others. That's why in European and many western countries, the grown children often do not like to live with their elderly parents. Because when throughout their entire lives those seniors were just indulging in their own selfish activity, then surely in their old age they will not be inclined to think about the welfare of others. Because their minds are drowned in the self-centered philosophy of materialism.

However, in so many other countries which are not so materialistic, that's not the situation. In those community oriented societies, the elderly watch over the growth and of one and all. So everyone in that society reveres the aged members.

And even greater is the life of a sadhaka because after years and years of training the mind in a spiritual way, then in their advanced years sadhakas are completely consumed in the thought of the Parama Purusa and the wellbeing of all His children. In that case those older sadhakas are selfless and are generous towards one and all. Naturally then everybody likes to be in their company.

Checking aging process: Asanas & Ananda Marga dances

Human existence has three aspects: physical, mental, and spiritual. After 39 years, the physical body begins to move slowly towards old age. But this can be controlled or minimized most of the degree, by doing asanas, kaoshikii, and tandava.

Those who have been practicing their asanas, kaoshikii, and tandava for many years can go on practicing those things as they progress into their senior years. And this will keep their bodies supple, flexible, and energetic. Sadhakas feel and look much younger than their actual age. All because of their life-long practice of yoga asanas and Ananda Marga dances.

The same is not the case for those who never did such yogic practices. Their bodies become stiff & rigid. And even if they have the desire to do something to counteract this they cannot start tandava at the age of 65 or 75 years of age-- and certainly not 95 years. Because their bodies are not conditioned or practiced in this sphere. Whereas even at the age of 100 sadhakas can do kaoshikii and tandava and maintain their lives.

The brain grows old-- intuition is timeless

The aging process affects not only the arms and legs but entire body including the brain-- our psychic center. That is why after crossing 50 or 60 years of age, the intellect of the common people starts to degenerate. Their nerve cells get weaker and weaker. People lose their memory and psychic faculty step by step until one day their brains cannot even function. That happens to many non-sadhakas when they become very old. However, in the case of devotees, this is not the case. Baba says, in
Varanasi DMC 1984, "You should not depend only on intellect. Because intellect does not have a strong foothold. If you have devotion, then intuition will develop. And with that, you will be able to do better and better service to the society."

So in the mental sphere, devotees depend more on intuition-- and that never decays. Because intuition is cosmic thought. And when the mind is goaded and guided towards that subtle approach, then their is no question of it "getting old". Rather the mind continues to expand and becomes more sharp and more pointed. But those who are depending merely on intellect suffer a lot. Because due to the onset of old age, their mental faculty will degrade more and more until finally there is strong possibility to lose all their intellect entirely. While those who have devotion in their heart easily are blessed with intuition by Parama Purusa Himself.

Aging in the spiritual realm

And in the spiritual field, if in their youth one did proper sadhana and mind got training in spiritual practices and it's natural tendency became to move towards paramartha, then there is no question of any problem in sadhana up to their last breath. Their mind will easily flow in the cosmic rhythm and sadhana will be natural and effortless.

However if anyone does not do proper sadhana in youth, then it will be most difficult to begin when one has become old. So it is only Baba's great blessing on us how He has created this Ananda Marga and infused spiritual ideation into each and every aspect of the day and given us the mandate to do our practices of sadhana twice a day invariably. By keeping the mind focused on Him, then the great state of surrender comes in which case we will realise Him in this very life, in this very body-- blissfully going on doing anything and everything for Him.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "He will do what is necessary. You just go on observing Him, just go on doing His work and adhere to what He says with all your energy...Let that golden day come at the earliest and make your life effulgent." (1)

In Him
Ka’la Jayii Deva

As one ages, they gain experience and have much more knowledge and know-how than new recruits. In certain professions, experience is highly regarded such as with  judges, professors, and lawyers etc. Those with more experience are given more respect and a higher salary. So in some fields, even in materialistic areas, experience, i.e. older age, is valued. But that is not the trend throughout all sectors of materialistic society.

~ In-depth study ~

Kaoshikii & tandava: keeping body & mind youthful & vibrant

For the physical body, indeed tandava and kaoshikii play a great role. They prevent old age. So there should be always effort to do proper tandava. There are three grades of tandava dance. Those who are youths, they should practice hard. To not only remain in brahma tandava or in vishnu tandava, but they should try to do rudra tandava.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Now the fundamentality, or rather the primordial phase of Oriental dance, is ta'n'd'ava. It is not a very easy job either. The knees must cross the navel. When they cross the navel it is called Brahma ta'n'd'ava. When they cross the ana'hata [mid-point of the chest] it is called Vis'n'u ta'n'd'ava. When they cross this portion [indicates the throat], it is called Rudra ta'n'd'ava. It is very difficult to dance Rudra ta'n'd'ava. It requires long practice." (2)

In one discourse in Patna in 1978, Baba also gives the direction that when the tandava dancer jumps, and his body is in the air-- even for a fraction of a seconds-- then that is the most beneficial aspect.

When a person does very good tandava, then the whole body flies in the air in quick succession. And again drops and again flies into the air. So the benefit is related with the time for which the dancer remains in the air. Suppose someone could stay in the air for one second. And another person could remain for two seconds. So accordingly the longer time one can remain in the air, comparatively more beneficial it is for the development of brain and nerve cells.

There is a similar qualification for determining proper kaoshikii dance. Baba, in a Patna discourse, He revealed the secret. That, in proper kaoshikii, the body must bend or lean 45 degrees to the left and right as it moves in the dance. And that kaoshikii will be very beneficial. Otherwise, just "so-so kaoshikii" is not so helpful.

Seniors respected in our Ananda Marga

In various ceremonies of our Ananda Marga, the senior person present is to preside over the ceremony. For example:

- In chapter 18 of Caryacarya - 1 Baba has clearly given the mandate that the Marriage Ceremony of Ananda Marga is to be officiated by two acaryas or, in their absence, the senior-most margii present will officiate.

- In chapter 14 of Caryacarya - 1 Baba has given that the ceremony for the laying of the foundation stone of a new house is to be led by the senior-most person.
- In chapter 15 of Caryacarya - 1, Baba has stated that the house entry ceremony is to be led by an acarya, or in their absence then it will be led by the eldest person present.
- In chapter 16, Baba states that the Tree-Planting Ceremony is to be led by the acarya or the senior person present.

All these examples above prove that in Ananda Marga, senior citizens have more respect. They are not outdated, or useless, or worthless. Rather their qualities grow day by day. And it will go on and on up to their last breath. The beauty of spirituality is in this.

Warning: impossible to start sadhana in old age

Usually people avoid doing sadhana in the prime of their lives, thinking instead that in old age they will do meditation. But such persons will be at greatest loss. Many margiis and WTs I know with repentance confess, "Now that I am old have time, I cannot do sadhana because I neglected my sadhana earlier. Now in my old age the mind cannot adjust." This very thing Baba has written about in detail in the last few chapters of His book, Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy.

But for those who have attended dharmacakra and done their regular sadhana practices, then thinking and ideating in sadhana is easy for them as they grow old.

1. Subhasita Samgraha-18, Biological Transformation Associated with Psychic Metamorphosis and Vice Versa
2. Ananda Vacanamrta - 12, Dance, Mudrá and Tantra

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Adoring accusation

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: Prabhat Samgiita Intro: In this following song, the bhakta is directly complaining to the Lord, “Why did You go away from me.” But this does not mean that really Parama Purusa is far off in some distant place. Rather, in this face-to-face meeting, the bhakta feels that Parama Purusa is not as loving anymore. So it is an intimate encounter where the bhakta is teasing and lodging his complaint, “Why do You no longer love me.” Those who do not understand the subtler aspects of spirituality and lack deeper bhakti cannot understand this. So they think that in this song really O’ Parama Purusa, has gone away. Thus they use this as a so-called mahaprayan song. They fail to realise how natural this type of communication is. This kind of affectionate accusation is inherent to having an intimate relation with Parama Purusa.

"Káche ese dúre sare gele keno,e nit́huratáy vyathá je pái,
ámi, sumukhe dánŕále lukále áŕále, mamatár lesh kichu ki nái..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1037)


Baba, with Your karuna You became mine, but then why did You go away from me? I am very wounded and pained by Your unkindness. You stood before me and then went into hiding. I wonder, do You have even a wee-bit of mamata’ [mineness] for me? In the past when I was not on the path of bhakti and was wallowing in the dirt, You lovingly picked me up, taught me sadhana, and blessed me with Your compassion. You were in my heart. But now my mind is dry. On this spiritual path, I am facing various types of obstacles and You are just a silent spectator. Don't You have any affection for me?

It is unbearable for me that You were very close but now You left me. Your indifference hurts so much.

O’ my  Eternal Companion, You made me climb to the top of the tree; but after that why did You remove the ladder? You taught me various things to overcome maya and cultivate bhakti, but that all became useless because I cannot concentrate in dhyana. You blessed me by placing the fruit of immortality in my palm, but then why did You throw it into the river currents? You moulded my mind and taught me that spirituality is the summum bonum of life. But now I am wallowing in materialism. Why did You take away the balm of bhakti which You bestowed upon me. It is as if You made the bud bloom in the spring months, and after that You burned it in the summer’s hot wind.

Baba, I am very wounded - I feel pained by Your unkindness.

O’ Parama Purusa, You extinguished the camphor lamp. The black soot of the collyrium still remains with me. You removed the sweetness of my heart which You stole. Now it lays there dead. Devoid of supreme attraction, my life has no charm. It has no bhakti. The sole reason I am alive is just to plead for a wee-bit of Your divine krpa - so that I may merge in Your bhava.

Baba, it is too painful to think how You were very intimate, but not these days. Don’t You have even a little bit of love for me anymore?  O’ how Your indifference hurts me...

== Section 3: Links ==

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Worth of elders
2. PS #1037: Adoring accusation
3. Links