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Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Sexual problems + 4 more

Sexual problems


To prevent recurring sexual crimes, merely employing police tactics is a futile approach which does not present a long-term solution as it does not get to the root of the problem. Police will take the accused person to jail, and the court will only give punishment. The guilty party will then remain in the jail for a few years. But how many years? One year, two years, or maybe 30 years. However, a change of behaviour will not come by putting the person in jail. After coming out of jail, that person may commit similar sexual crimes as before. So only putting a person in jail is not the solution. The root of the problem is something else.

Why people repeatedly commit sexual crimes?

The question is why people commit such sexual crimes. Their criminal activities are not guided by vivek but rather influenced by certain vrittis (instincts). The rules are defective and that is why it does not bring a change in a human being. For example, person A killed person B. The rule says that person A should be kept in jail, or sentenced to death. From both approaches, person A’s behaviour is not changed. Governments impose such rules whereby people in the society develop fear by seeing such impositions on person A, others will not commit such sexual crime in the future. If people had developed fear, then sexual crime would have stopped right after person A is sentenced to death. We would not have seen any sexual crime in the world after the first person is sentenced to death. In contrast, there are so many severe sexual crimes that continue to happen and people are regularly sentenced to death around the world. Human actions are geared by vrittis (instincts). If they are not controlled, sexual crimes will continue to occur and the rate of recidivism will be high.

Superficial solution is not enough

Giving only severe punishment and thinking that sexual crime will be stopped is a failed formula. Sexual crime rates increase every year, and people in the society do not develop fear by the rules imposed by the government. It does not matter how many media reports are made on punishments of sexual crime, sexual crimes are committed time and again. True fear is developed when a person listens to one’s vivek. The earlier example is for murder, and similarly we see severe punishment for rape. People know the consequences of rape, and yet we see many such rape cases in the society. Implementing only punishment for sexual crimes is not the solution. So what is the solution? A wise person always searches for true reason behind occurrence of such sexual crimes. To find the true reason one has to analyze the problem from multiple dimensions.

Only with punishment a person cannot be transformed

Baba says that by imposing punishment, we cannot transform a bad human being into a good one. It is not possible, and the governments do not understand that by punishment a person cannot be rectified or transformed. With punishment it is possible to keep a person away from making more mistakes, but only with punishment a person can not be transformed.

Example: Transforming a thief

Suppose a person is a thief. The law enforcement imprisons the thief for one, two, or three years. But as soon as the thief comes out of the prison, s/he will try to steal again. The nature of stealing does not go away with punishment. Unless, one is taught why stealing is not appropriate, the person will not change. Rather the person should be taught what is the ideology one should follow, and if the person understands human dharma, then stealing tendency may go away slowly. So to eradicate a problem, we have to understand what is the root cause, and employ methods to address them with teachings, and not only by punishment.

Understanding dos & don'ts

Problem for sexual crime lies with the fact that people do not understand what is the goal of life, the dos and don'ts. Materialism teaches that sensual pleasure is everything. Eating, sleeping, providing pleasures to all sensory organs is everything in life and life has no other purpose. That is why the majority of people are involved in engrossing themselves in materialistic pleasures. People should be taught that materialistic pursuits do not lead to happiness and satisfaction. The capacity of sensory organs are limited, and by satisfying them one will not get peace, but rather the end result is sorrow. The right approach is to control the sensory and motor organs, and use them in the right way.

One should be taught the right approach, and punishment should be given to keep away from wrong doings, and not just for the sake of punishment or to keep the person in prison for a long time. In PROUT philosophy, long-term imprisonment is not supported. We have to make people understand how yogic practices can be used to control and channel the mind in the proper direction.


One important aspect is educating people that even having all vrittis (instincts) present in a human being, one still can lead a dharmic life in the world. Radio, television, media, internet, and other forums can be used constructively to spread spiritual teachings. Adolescence is a crucial time when such desire for sex arises. Teens can be given proper direction such as education on how to effectively utilize the mind, good company, and a way to engage them so that the mind will not race towards sexual pleasures.

The attraction for the opposite sex is a natural phenomenon of this creation. If men and women will not interact then there will not be any newborns. But unnecessary mixing, treating females as sexual objects, and poor social values (i.e. loose talk, dance parties, alcohol drinking etc.) leads to sexual violence and that should be stopped

Even married couples should not sleep together except for purposes of procreation. If teenagers can be properly educated about sex and sexual violence, then this problem will slowly wane. Following 16 Points is the ideal way to channelize the mind towards spirituality.

In Him,

No one becomes good by punishment

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "You can help someone become good by making him understand [moral values], but no one becomes good through the application of force [punishment]...If the sinner is engaged in sinful acts or keeps moving ahead on a sinful path, you can prevent that person from doing so by the application of force [punishment]. But you cannot transform [make moralists] in this way." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The Witness-ship of Parama Puruśa Is of Supreme Importance, p.19

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Yesterday evening I saw

“Kál sandhyáy pratham tomáy, jyotsnáy ámi dekhechi…” (Prabhat Samgiita #3076)


O’ Lord, yesterday evening, I saw You for the first time under the brilliant moonlight. I instantly became ensconced in the divine bliss of the fulfillment of my hopes of hundreds of lives. Seeing You is the absolute highlight of my life, and the culmination of my coming again and again onto this earth innumerable and hundreds of times. Baba, You have made my life successful. 

You only kept gazing upon me. I saw there was sweet nectar on Your lips. O’ Parama Purusa, O’ the Soft Moon of the moonlit evening, I have gotten You close. It is Your grace. 

Although You did not say a single word to me, I do not have any concern or worry about that because I have made You my own in my mind. You graciously blessed me so I may see You in Guru cakra. O’ the most adoring of my mind, You are my Dearest One, and by getting You I have gotten everything…

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Way to greatness

Ananda Marga ideology states, “However little one's capacity might be, if one constantly remembers that Parama Puruśa is always with him or her, that they are in the closest contact with Parama Puruśa, they will be able to do everything. They are not as small as they think themselves to be. And as long as they remember this closest association with Him, they can do much more than ordinary human beings. When this idea becomes permanently established in their minds, they become great. This is why no one should be disappointed or depressed in any circumstances; let everyone constantly perform great deeds, remembering that the flow of their capacity is coming from Parama Puruśa, and thus they can do everything.” (1)

Note: Commonly people think of themselves as weak and isolated. That is because in that moment they do not consciously feel a connection with Parama Purusa in their mind. So they cannot draw upon the cosmic energy from Parama Purusa. The moment one starts thinking about Him and makes a link with Parama Purusa then they become very strong. This can be felt and tested when facing tough situations or when confronting someone stronger than yourself, such as when surrounded by a bunch of thugs. Then certainly those negative, anti-social elements will be defeated and victory will be attained. The connection is very simple: Just repeat your Ista mantra and you will be connected to Parama Purusa. 

1. A Few Problems Solved - 3, Genius and Technician

== Section: News July 2018==

​For better care: Shyamananda wants to shift to Durg

~ Courtesy of WhatsApp ~ 

By Dada Mantrachetanaanda jii


दादा श्यामानंद जी, की हालात देखकर सभी लोग काफी दुखी हूँ।
उनसे कुछ दिन पहले मेरी बात हुई। और उन्होंने मुझे अपना दुख बताया।
जब उनको पता चला कि मैंने दुर्ग में "वर्कर्स हेल्थ केअर सेंटर" खोला है। तब उन्होंने मुझसे कहा कि:-

"दादा जी आप मेरे आचार्य है, मैं (दादा श्यामानंद जी) आपके पास आपके "वर्कर्स हेल्थ केअर सेंटर" में रहना चाहता हूं। आप मेरी (दादा श्यामानंद जी) केयर कीजिये"

मैंने उनको कहा, कि मुझे कोई आपत्ति नही है। लेकिन दादा रुद्रानंद जी, आपको परेशान कर सकते है। आपको जो भी पैसा देते है, वह बन्द कर सकते है।
दादा रुद्रानंद जी ने मुझे (दादा मंत्रचेतनानंद)अपने रांची ग्रुप से एक्सपेल किया हुआ है। कही दादा रुद्रानंद जी , मेरे साथ संबंध रखने पर आपको (दादा श्यामानंद जी)भी एक्सपेल न कर दे।   यदि आप (दादा श्यामानंद जी) किसी भी तरह से, किसी की मदद लेकर, "वर्कर्स हेल्थ केअर सेंटर" में आ जाय। तो मैं आपकी (दादा श्यामानंद जी) बाबा की कृपा से सेवा करने की चेष्ठा करूँगा,  तब दादा श्यामानंद जी चुप हो गए।

यह "वर्कर्स हेल्थ केअर सेंटर" आनंद मार्ग का प्रोजेक्ट है,  न कि  किसी विभाजित ग्रुप का। मैं इसको  किसी भी ग्रुप यानी (पर्सनल प्रचारक संघ) का  प्रोजेक्ट नही बनाना चाहता। इस प्रोजेक्ट को शुरुवात करने के उद्देश्य से संस्था की जगह  देने के लिए दादा अर्पितानंद जी, एवं दादा मनानात्मानंद जी एवं "भुक्ति कमेटी दुर्ग" ने  जो मुझे सहयोग दिया है।  वह बहुत ही सराहनीय है।
इस प्रोजेक्ट (वर्कर्स हेल्थ केयर सेंटर) पर सभी वर्कर्स का अधिकार है। चाहे वह किसी भी विभाजित ग्रुप का हो। यदि कोई भी बोनाफाइड वर्कर्स (WT/LFT) इस प्रोजेक्ट की सेवा लेना चाहता है, तो प्रोजेक्ट उनकी सेवा कर अपना सौभाग्य समझेगा।

अभी इस प्रोजेक्ट के रेनोवेशन के कार्य  90 प्रतिशत पूरा हो चुका है। हो सकता है कि अगले 10 दिन में  पूरा कार्य ओ जाय।

आशा है कि बाबा इस अपने प्रोजेक्ट पर अवश्य ही कृपा रखेंगे। क्यो कि बाबा अपनी संस्था के हर वर्कर (WT/LFT) को अपना प्रतिनिधि  के रूप में मानते है।

~ Courtesy of WhatsApp ~ 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

What happens to those harbouring vanity of knowledge

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Those who have vanity of knowledge, although they do not expressly beseech this from the Supreme, but rather think inwardly that the Supreme should bestow an enormous wealth of knowledge upon them -- this type of person is reborn as vidya'dhara." (1)

Note: Vidya'dhara is one type of microvita that is under punishment. Such type of unfortunate beings got degenerated and became microvita. So they are suffering and yearn to once again get human life. But this will occur only after they escape from the noose of the long-term bondage and state of punishment etc.

1. Yoga Psychology, Are Ghosts Hallucinations?

== Section 4: Links ==

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