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Saturday, July 13, 2019

Exploitation & wealthy + 3 more


Exploitation & wealthy


As Proutists, as Ananda Margiis, and as citizens, we should know that the days of the capitalists’ reign are numbered. They will not be in power forever. Such capitalists have gone against the fundamental right of humanity. This entire creation is the property of Parama Purusa, and we are all His children; the wealth of this universe is the common patrimony of all. By this God-centered, spiritual outlook every human being has equal right to the moveable and immoveable property of this universe. As soon as people become conscious of this right, the days of capitalist rule will be in peril.

Those familiar with the teachings of Prout are keenly aware about the avaricious and exploitative approach of big capitalists. In countless discourses, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, the Propounder of Prout, has exposed the blood-sucking ways of those vaeshyan leaders [wealthy businessman]. Here, we are referring to those top-most corporate heads who lead business enterprises and exploit the common people. Through their own greedy mind-set, they resort to psychic exploitation to manipulate the masses.

Dutiful employees get virtually nothing

In straightforward language it can be said the main goal of capitalists is to draw more and more blood from the common mass, i.e. to make money off of the efforts of others. In this regard, the greed and devouring approach of such capitalists knows no bounds. Their main strategy is to create a group of employees and manipulate them into working night and day. Then those bosses keep all profits for themselves. This is essentially what top vaeshyas [wealthy businessman] aim to do. Hard-working and dutiful employees get virtually nothing for all their sweat and blood. Instead, all the cream goes to those top company executives - i.e. those blood-sucking capitalists. That is the chief characteristic of the vaeshyan era. The top people gain control over most of the money while countless others do all the work.

Indeed, capitalist psychic exploitation is being carried out at a ghastly pace and the chief underlying factor is that they have molded the minds of the common people. Various labour unions have put up big battles against these capitalist forces, but in the height of this vaeshyan era, the capitalists have won, temporarily. That means for the time being they have brainwashed the majority of the public - i.e. their employees are ready to respond to their every beckon and call. Those top company executives get what they want done with the willing help of their exploited employees, i.e. shudras.

Already, there is a section of the workforce in the capitalist system that is aware of vaeshyan exploitation. These conscious labourers, known as vikśubdha shúdras, try mightily to raise the call and put an end to capitalist exploitation. However, at present they are too few in number, so the capitalist system carries on. Soon that will change.


Certainly most Ananda Margiis are acutely aware of the exploitative measures taken by those company leaders. The main approach is that more consciousness raising and awareness is needed in the public. And that will come: The people are feeling the squeeze of capitalist exploitation and it will not be long before they search for answers.

At His lotus feet,

~ In-depth study ~

More Proutistic teachings about capitalists

Here below Prout teachings outline the key role that vikśubdha shúdras play and why their presence is so vital.

Prout philosophy states, "In a capitalistic social system or in a democratic structure the situation of middle-class people (the vikśubdha shúdras) is generally miserable. This is because they are the greatest critics of capitalism and the strongest opponents of exploitation. An increase in the number of vikśubdha shúdras in a society is an early omen of a possible shúdra revolution. It is therefore the duty of those who want to create a world free of exploitation to help to increase the number of vikśubdha shúdras. It will be harmful for the revolution if these people die or are transformed into shúdra-minded shúdras. All the sadvipras in the world should be vigilant to make sure that the number of vikśubdha shúdras does not decrease due to unemployment, birth control, or other bad practices or policies." (1)

How to they become wealthy

Here Prout philosophy points out how in the height of the vaeshyan era all others get reduced to the status of shudra  - all are exploited.

   Prout philosophy states, "The vaeshyas [wealthy businessman] increase their wealth by buying the back-breaking labour of the shúdras, the powerful personalities of the kśatriyas, and the intellect of the vipras, according to their needs. The shúdras, just like beasts, sell their physical labour in exchange for mere subsistence. Because they sell their labour, society survives and moves ahead. The powerful personalities of the kśatriyas build and maintain the social structure with the labour extracted from the shúdras. Through their intellect the vipras utilize the personal force of the kśatriyas, and through their money and capitalistic mentality the vaeshyas utilize the vipras’ intellect to increase their wealth."
   "The vaeshyas [wealthy businessman] do not confront any social problem directly. Just as they buy the labour of the shúdras, the personal force of the kśatriyas and the intellect of the vipras with money, so they endeavour to solve all social problems with money. They do not win victory on the battlefield; they buy it with money. In poverty-stricken democratic countries they buy votes. As they accomplish everything with money, their vital force comes from money. They therefore take all sorts of risks in life to accumulate money. For money they can sacrifice their conscience, their sense of good and bad, right and wrong, at any moment. So in order to save the exploited shúdras, kśatriyas and vipras from the vaeshyas, money, which is the source of all their power, has to be taken out of their hands." (2)

Who is shudra

Throughout His Proutistic teachings, Baba has discussed the mind-set of those who get exploited by capitalist in the height of the vaeshayan era. Those who give way to this mentality are verily shudras. Unfortunately, now in the early part of this 21st century, many fall in this category.

   Prout philosophy states, "Shúdras live only for physical enjoyment. They neither bother about ideology nor give any value to rationality. Of the three aspects of time – past, present and future – they think only about the present. They have neither the time nor the inclination to think about the past or the future. Religion, spirituality and a genuine social system have no significance for them..."
   "Shúdras are always sleeping. They can perform work only if someone wakes them up. Once the work is done, they go back to sleep. In order to maintain the cáturvarńika (i.e. shudra, ksatriya, vipra, & vaeshya) social system, some work will have to be taken from the shúdras. Consciousness should be developed among shúdras in order to protect them from the inhuman greed of the vaeshyas [wealthy businessman]. (All non-vaeshyas slip into shúdra-hood on the eve of a shúdra revolution.)" (3)

Simple definitions of shudra & vaeshya

Shudra:Those who are busy thinking about their bread and butter and do not have space to think about anything else - just their material existence.

Vaeshya:Wealthy exploitative businessman.

For more information

This entire letter is based on the teachings of Prout. Those who wish to know more about this topic should reference the various discourses on Proutist economic policies, or write in with your queries.

1. Human Society - 2, Shúdra Revolution and Sadvipra Society
2. Human Society - 2, The Vaeshya Age
3. Human Society - 2, The Kśatriya Age

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Baba I saw You in…

"Tomáy ámi pelúm, ándhár ságar páre, álor sonálii rekháy..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2976)


My Parama Purusa, I got You across the ocean of cimmerian darkness of maya. It is Your karun’a’. You were on a golden ray of refulgence, beyond the external boundary of hiranmaya kosa in satya loka. Now my deep slumber, inertia, and staticity have been broken by Your ceaseless, musical cadence of the omkara sound. I saw You in Brahma loka.

Illumined One, You came in a countless rhythms and melodies and made all float in Your supreme bliss. With Your exquisite spiritual brilliance You dispelled the deep blackness of avidya shakti. Even ordinary people could see what is nitya what is anitya and brahma jyoti.

My Parama Purusa Baba, You have manifested and spread Yourself in all directions with Your ota and prota yoga and filled the flower buds of my mind with Your eternal nectar and infinite bliss. You have come in my mind with Your charmingly attractive form, in madhura bhava, as my most cherished One, with the stunning aroma of the madhavii flower. It is Your krpa on me.

Baba, by Your grace, I got You close…

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==
Mentality of selfish demons

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “I have already said that the task of intellect is to properly utilize all the properties of the universe, of the expressed world. But there are some selfish people in the world who are not in favour of the maximum utilization of mundane wealth, because they fear the control of the developed intellect over the material forces; and selfish people do not like that. They do not want anyone except themselves or a handful of their own group to attain any progress. Rather they would be happy to see that the individual and collective progress of others gets jeopardized.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Self-seeking people do not want the collective intellect of the human race to be utilized for the welfare of the entire human race; rather they, in the name of humanity, want to perpetuate divisive tendencies in society, because if they succeed in creating a rift in human society, that will pave the way for their personal benefit or self-aggrandizement. Thus they concoct various so-called scriptures and formulate all kinds of logic. They maintain to humanity that the different races in this world are not equal. Thus instead of considering the interests of the entire human society, they give preference to the interests of a particular community. This loud-mouthed propaganda in favour of a particular community, this parading of irrational logic, this sort of fallacious argument, all combine to stifle the spontaneous growth of human intellect. This sort of mentality is called dogma." (2)

Key quality of a righteous person

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “A person who wants to promote others’ welfare, a person who wants to serve the entire humanity, must keep away from dogma. In addition to that, he or she will have to staunchly resist dogma. It is not enough to keep away from something which is considered a veritable sin, it is not enough to lodge only verbal protest against sin – one will have to against it. This is the greatest criterion of a truly righteous person." (3)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 4, The Liberation of Intellect
2. A Few Problems Solved - 4, The Liberation of Intellect
3. A Few Problems Solved - 4, The Liberation of Intellect

== Section: Important Teaching ==

What pleases Parama Purusa

Ananda Marga ideology states, “We are all the progeny of Parama Puruśa. He is creating each and every thing. There is no need to worry about the man-made distinctions between tall and short, black and white, male and female. Identify your mind with the Cosmic Mind and see whether that pleases Parama Puruśa or not. Do whatever pleases Him.”
“No father wants to see his child die of starvation or one of his children eating or accumulating more than required. You will have to develop the economic sphere to ensure that these things will never happen. In social life no father would wish to see his widowed daughter forced to dress in an austere fashion, persecuted socially, or debarred from attending social functions. You must not support these things. Rather, you must provide equal opportunities for all.”
Ananda Marga ideology states, “Parents hate to see their children weep. If they do, they take them on their lap and comfort them with love and affection until their tears stop. You will have to build a society in which no one is forced to weep, where everyone smiles joyfully all the time and gets ample scope for laughter. Seeing such mirth and merriment, Parama Puruśa will feel immensely pleased. By giving joy to Parama Puruśa you will feel even more joyful and will feel His close proximity. This is the actual social code. And the actual spiritual code is the one that helps humans move towards Parama Puruśa. Under no circumstances should one create unnecessary controversies. The social code aims at bringing a broad smile to the faces of the progeny of Parama Puruśa. You should all move along this path – you are sure to meet with success.”
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, Which Is the Right Path?

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

পেটের সে ঔষধ
“যে জিনিসটা খুৰ ৰেশী খেলে, পেটেতে অন্ত্রে ছোট-ছোট ছিদ্র হয়ে যায় | অর্থাৎ সে রকমের জিনিসকে ৰলৰ ৰিল্ব |

আৰার ওই ৰিল্বই যদি কাঁচা অবস্থায় পুড়িয়ে, তাকে শর্ৰত করে, মোরব্বা করে খাওয়া যায়, তা পেটের সে ঔষধ | তা ৰিল্ব শব্দের এই মানে | যখন ৰেলের প্রভাব ৰেড়ে গেল, তন্ত্রের প্রভাব ৰেড়ে গেল, তখন ৰলা হ’ল যে এই ৰেল শিবের অত্যন্ত প্রিয় | অয়ত্নে বনে ৰাগাড়ে জন্মায়, তাই ৰেলের তখন ভাল করে নাম রাখা হ’ল, শ্রীফল |” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam 18, chapter 7

== Section 4: Links ==