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Saturday, December 11, 2021

True avadhuta + 2 more


True avadhuta


We should search and seek out avadhutas / avadhutikas according to this definition which Baba has given in His renowned discourse, "Kashi Avadhuta Sabha".

Avadhutas should not do this

Sadguru Baba says, "Sincerity means they [avadhutas / avadhutikas] should be one in thinking, saying, and in action. There will be no difference in their thinking, saying, and action. There will be no hypocrisy. Their saying and action will be clear, concrete, and conclusive. In our day to day life, we meet some persons - those who are thinking one thing, saying another, and doing some other thing. The avadhutas should not do this thing. Their heart should be clean and simple. The simple heart is the only qualification of the sadhakas." (1)

In reading Baba's above teaching we can easily understand that merely having the title of avadhuta and the suffix -ananda attached to the end of the name does not make one an avadhuta. Dress and name alone are not enough. Everybody and anybody can get those two things: dress and name.

In order to become a true avadhuta, sincerity is needed. Without that one will never be a true avadhuta. Those who have the dress and name of an avadhuta but lack the requisite sincerity should still try and pursue this endeavor of becoming a true avadhuta. In fact, everyone should aspire to this ideal. The type of sincerity Baba describes above is the sign of an ideal sadhaka.

Perfect symmetry: thought, word, & deed

We should all seek out and find such persons who are true avadhutas. And we should aim for that ideal ourselves by achieving perfect symmetry between thought, word, and deed.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "There must not be any gap between your thinking and your actions. If there is any gap, that gap should be minimized step by step, and finally thought and action should coincide." (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In the final stage, that is, when one attains the stage of devatá, then what one thinks, one says; and what one says, one does. There is no difference amongst thinking, saying, and doing. And that is the best stage of human structure or human existence. You should all try to be like this, and I want the number of such persons, who have attained the stratum of devatá, to increase. And you have become workers, or wholetimers, just to increase the number of these devatás in human society." (3)

Way to attain supreme stance

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "One who is totally absorbed in ideation on the Supreme becomes one with the Supreme at the time of death. This is certainly true in the case of devotees. The duality between the one who serves and the entity served ceases to exist. Ultimately the one who serves, the entity who is served, and the action of serving become fused into one. If one’s goal is right, one is sure to attain the supreme stance. And one who attains the supreme stance will never make the mistake of differentiating between high and low, literate and illiterate, touchable and untouchable."

Shmasháne vá grhe, hirańye vá trńe,
Tanuje vá ripao, hutáshe vá jale.
Svakiiye vá pare samatvena buddhyá,
Viráje avadhúto dvitiiyo Maheshah.

[The sádhaka who views everything with equanimity, be it his home or the burial ground, gold or grass, his own children or his enemies, fire or water, his own property or another’s property, lives in the world as an avadhúta, as if the second manifestation of Shiva.] (4)

It is very clear that those avadhutas who do not follow the code of discipline are fake.

in Him,

1. Kashi Avadhuta Sabha, May 1980
2. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order
3. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 1, From Animality to Divinity
4. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, The Devotee and the Lord

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Prout: city life and immorality

Prout philosophy states, “Today there are too many obstacles on the path of morality. Urban civilization is one of the chief reasons of moral degeneration because many people are compelled to live undesirably in small, congested places. This is inimical to morality in individual life. Solitary living for some time is essential for the cultivation and development of morality.”

“Where the population is very dense, milk and vegetables are in short supply, and these are indispensable for healthy survival. When the demand is more than the supply, adulteration goes unchecked. To meet the deficit in the supply of milk, people mix water with it. To meet the demand for diamonds, imitation diamonds are produced, because the demand is more than the supply. Cities become dens of corruption because of antisocial elements, but generally such things are not noticeable in villages.” (1)

There are many swindlers lurking in their midst

Prout philosophy states, “In villages, everybody knows everyone else. Everybody knows the livelihood of their neighbours. But even after twenty years of living in a city people seldom get acquainted with their neighbours. They don’t even know that there are many swindlers lurking in their midst.”

“However, the slogan, “Go back to the village” alone will not suffice. City life has a great attraction for people generally so they run to cities for their livelihood. To stop this trend intellectuals and others will have to look for their livelihood in villages. The supply of cheap electricity and the expansion of cottage industries in villages are of paramount necessity today. By cottage industries I do not mean outdated, primitive handicrafts. Cottage industries must be efficient, modern mechanized units.”

“From the economic viewpoint decentralization is an absolute necessity. With the exception of heavy industries and essential government offices, all industry should be shifted to the villages. To stop overcrowding in the cities this is the only feasible approach.”

“Villages are not congested, so antisocial people will not be able to hide themselves there. If they try, the police can easily detect them.” (2)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 6, Dialectical Materialism and Democracy
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 6, Dialectical Materialism and Democracy

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Starting point of religion

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Behind the origin of a religion lies the inborn fear psychology of human beings. Human beings started religious practice to appease the different natural phenomena – the hills and mountains, the rivers and oceans, the forests, thunder and lightening, the morning and evening, and so on. Such religious practice was based on the instinct for self-preservation: the only intention being to propitiate the gods and goddesses of diverse moods. Some kind of imaginary faith worked in the back of people’s minds. Such psycho-sentiments arose after human beings came in contact with the different natural phenomena. The roots of most religions lie in the worship of a particular natural phenomenon. Some religions centered around the moon, some the sun, and others a stone image."

"The roots of most religions lie in the worship of a particular natural phenomenon. Some religions centered around the moon, some the sun, and others a stone image. Later on people created an improvised philosophy to support the worship of that physical phenomenon. They advanced the philosophical argument that it was possible to attain the unlimited by worshipping its limited form. They declared their temples, mosques and churches made of bricks as sacred places. A strong sentiment developed for the worship of different deities. So blind were their sentiments that they refused to listen to rationality. Take the case of cows: Hindus worship cows as something holy, apparently because they give us milk. But if cows are revered as mothers for giving us milk, shouldn’t buffaloes be given a similar status? Actually, buffaloes give more milk than cows. Unfortunately, the blind religious followers refuse to listed to logic as their religious sentiment for cows has taken root deep in their minds. People are fed these ideas since childhood, so later on it becomes impossible for them to discard them. Science students understand the reason for a lunar or solar eclipse. They know that the eclipse does not occur because the sun or moon has been devoured by the mythological demons Ráhu and Ketu (Umbra and Penumbra). Yet due to the deep rooted Saḿskaras in the mind, they rush to take a holy bath in the Ganges during the eclipse. This is the result of blind faith."

"When the wave of physical sentiment becomes stronger than the wave of logic, we call it blind faith or religious bigotry." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2

== Section 3: Links ==