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Thursday, May 4, 2023

Status of mothers + 2 more

Status of mothers

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


Those of us born in materialistic communities should investigate this issue with an open mind. After all, we are Ananda Margiis and have no attachment to any particular local dogmatic custom. Ours is the way of tantra; and, that is our standard.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Four kinds of debt are irredeemable - debt to father, debt to mother...The only way to do service to one's mother after her death is to help every female member of the universe to progress on the path of highest development....The best service to Ma'rga Guru is to work according to His wishes. But however much service one renders, one will not redeem the four debts until Moks'a (salvation) is attained." (1)

So our social and spiritual responsibilities - i.e. the four irredeemable debts - should be satisfied and attended to on a regular, on-going basis. These debts demand our constant and regular attention. They are part and parcel of our daily life.

Ananda Margiis: no annual God day

Some may think that having a yearly holiday to celebrate motherhood and fatherhood is quite respectful and proper. However, please consider the following. We Ananda Margiis do not have an annual 'God-day' celebration because for us every day is God's day. In our each and every action throughout the day, we cultivate the spiritual feeling that everything is done in the service to Gurudeva, to please Baba. This is our spiritual approach.

On the path of Ananda Marga, all the 24 hrs are involved in spiritual activities. When taking food, or sleeping, or bathing, or doing our work, everything is involved in Brahmahood. This is our regular and daily rhythm. That is why anyone involved in Ananda Marga sadhana will think it is odd to designate one day a year as God's day.

But in the various dogmatic religions like Islam, Christianity, Judaism, or Hinduism, etc, they all have different days for their worship. Sunday for Christians, Saturday for Jews, and Friday for Muslims. Likewise for Hindus (a) Tuesday is the day for Lord Hanuman (monkey god) and (b) Monday is the day for Lord Shiva. In Hinduism, the various goddesses also have different dates of celebration.

Daily duty vs annual day

The central idea is that when something is not given importance on an everyday basis then a weekly, monthly, or yearly program is fixed. Just like every day is not a holiday in government offices so they take rest on Saturday and Sunday. Or here, in our unit, a special dharmacakra with akhanda kiirtana does not happen every day, so a special gathering is planned on the 2nd Sunday of every month. That comes once in a month - not daily.

And there are some things we do on a yearly basis. For example, Ananda Purnima celebration is a birthday so it comes yearly. And similar is the case with the 1st Jan DMS; that program also comes annually. These are yearly events not meant to be practised every day.

But for things done on a regular or daily basis, then no special day is allotted for those occasions because they are performed day-in, day-out. For example, on our path of Ananda Marga, we do not have a '2nd lesson day' because everyday we practice that lesson. But we do have fasting days because we do not fast every day of the year - just certain days.

In a similar way, those things which occur on a monthly basis are not also celebrated on a yearly basis. Rather, every month a certain day is fixed. And festivals that come once in a year are given an annual date. In contrast, from the tantric purview, serving mother is a regular daily affair. In that case, what is the need to have an annual mother’s day?

View of motherhood in materialistic countries

One other contributing factor to honouring mother's day as just a single day each year is female sensuality. At present, most females are viewed as sex objects. In that case, females value their self-worth on their ability to attract and allure men. When they lose that look, they lose their self-worth. That is why some grown females prefer to be called sexy, baby, foxy, or doll, and not mother. Because all those former terms (sexy, baby, foxy, and doll) speak to one's sexual appeal whereas motherhood does not.

Tragically, for this reason, some females in the west do not like to be known as mother on a regular basis. They think that is negative - in that case, once a year is sufficient. All the other days they prefer to be judged on their sex appeal and sensual qualities.

In our materialistic societies, the tantric ideal of motherhood is not often embraced by the general populace - rather it is usually overlooked entirely. In those materialistic nations, females are victims of the capitalist mindset. They are too engrossed in their own sensuality. And, in many cases, that detracts from their ability to serve as mother. Knowingly or unknowingly, they would rather be seen as sexy or alluring. The dominant male has imposed this debased notion.

For this reason, many females in the west do not breastfeed, nor do they sleep with their children, nor do they have time during the day to be with their children. Mostly those mothers drop off their child at daycare. And then in the nighttime they put their toddlers in their own separate bedroom while the mother sleeps alone with her spouse. As soon as the baby is old enough, that child is placed in its own room away from the parents.

In this busy cycle, even when they have the opportunity to keep the child close, some instead opt to put the baby in a basket, stroller, or carrier, which creates physical separation between themselves and the baby. Psychologists and medical professionals have found there to be a gap in the emotional development of those children who are deprived of the touch of their mother. If children do not have physical contact with their parents - or if that contact is minimal - then that hinders their emotional cum psychological development.

Materialism is to blame

As stated, some in our western, materialistic communities are not eager to breastfeed. Some certainly do - but in comparison to the general populace it is rare. Most prefer to bottle feed etc. And those who do choose to breastfeed then they will usually only do that if they are home, and not when they are out in public or in the store etc, but again there are always exceptions. All these are instances of females compromising their motherly status.

Here, the point rings true that only those societies and communities which do not eagerly embrace the meaning of motherhood are anxious to celebrate mother's day once a year. They can then give lip service to motherhood that day with roses and sweet words and then forget about motherhood the other 364 days. Some children and parents follow this pattern in the west because they do not have a deeply loving link with one another. This is the sad reality and trend in materialistic communities.

Please understand that neither am I blaming the mothers nor am I blaming the children. Just the simple fact stands that materialism drove them in this direction. It is not a question of east or west, but a function of materialism. That is why most or all Ananda Margiis are less affected; because we adhere to Baba's tantric code. The greater overall issue is that if anyone wishes to pass judgment or extend blame, let that blame not be extended to any mother or child per se, but on that trend of thought that coloured their mind in that way: materialism.

Why some think one day is enough

Keeping this in mind, let's apply these principles to mother's day and father's day.

In certain materialistic nations, where the relation between some mothers and their progeny can be quite dry, a few citizens readily embrace the idea of mother's day. Then the idea of having one day a year to pay special attention to one's mother is enough. After that, they are free to be indifferent about their mother or father the other 364 days. This happens in certain select cases. There are always exceptions. Whereas those who carry love for their mother in their heart daily will think it odd to designate just one day a year to honor their mother.

Or let's look at it this way. Suppose one is infatuated with a member of the opposite sex, then do you think one will like to honour and see that person just once a year. Probably not, those sensually involved couples like to be together always. And they will think it weird, heartless, or even maddening to be limited to a single day to be with their partner. Yet that is what they have done with mother's day and father's day.

Here, the point is that those who appreciate doing something once a year do not have the same love and attachment as those who are regularly involved on a daily basis in that endeavour. When the relation is sour then people feel that observing it just once a year is enough, such as with those who observe mother's day or father's day.

As materialism gains momentum across India, females there too may fall prey to this negative mindset of wishing to be valued for their sensual allurement, not their motherly status.

Ideal in AM: females honoured as mother

In Ananda Marga, our view is the exact opposite. We follow the tantric system where motherhood is embraced, and females are honoured as mother and one has a debt to their mother. And that is why Ananda Margiis do not fall prey to the pseudo-culture holiday of mother's day once in a year.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya guides us, “Four kinds of debt are irredeemable – debt to father, debt to mother, debt to Aca’rya, and debt to Guru (Divine debt). (a) The only way to do service to one’s father after his death is to help every male member of the universe to progress on the path of highest development. (b) The only way to do service to one’s mother after her death is to help every female member of the universe to progress on the path of highest development. (c) The best service to the Aca’rya is to work for the comfort and benefit of one’s Aca’rya and his family. (d) The best service to Ma’rga Guru is to work according to His wishes. But however much service one renders, one will not redeem the four debts until Moks’a (Salvation) is attained.” (2)

So, in all the above cases, our social and spiritual responsibilities or debts must be satisfied and attended to on a regular, on-going basis. The point being that these four debts deserve our constant and regular attention. They are part and parcel of our daily life.


In our Ananda Marga, we do not give any credence to the pseudo-culture occasion of mother’s day as it contravenes our tantric view of motherhood and goes against our spiritual approach. 

In Him,
(Rachel Norwood)

Hypocrisy of Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day was created and quickly adopted by capitalists in the west to sell more goods. Mother’s Day is another way to hide the hypocrisy of so-called civilised people. Instead of truly serving their mother, they celebrate this bogus holiday. This is all done to show their greatness of how “civilised” and “refined” they are. But internally they are hollow and do not have any sympathetic feeling or service mentality in their mind. This is the era of superficiality and hypocrisy. Mother's Day is one addition to that list. This year in the US, the pseudo-culture event of mother’s day is to be held on Sunday, 14 May 2023.

1. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #20
2. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #20

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

On the highest mountain peaks

“Khunje gechi jiivan bhare, kotháy tumi lukiye ácho…” (Prabhat Samgiita #2531)


O’ Lord, my whole, entire life I have searched for You. I looked in all the ten directions but could not find You anywhere. Please allow me to ask: Where are You hiding? I have searched for You along the lengthy river banks, in the deep forests, on the highest mountain peaks, and I could not find You in any of those places. Now I see that You are also not in those so-called holy places. So tell me, where are You?

Baba, I have full faith that this pursuit is not futile or useless. In my heart, I know that I shall certainly find You. Undeterred, yet with tearful eyes, I continue looking for You, both inside and outside of my home, in hopes of discovering where You are hiding. I know I will find You somewhere. .

O’ Baba, so many lifetimes have gone to waste, so many springs have cried, and so many different types of moha - worldly attractions - have pulled me back and gnawed at me. Just when it all seemed so hopeless, today, by overflowing everything in all directions, You have graciously satiated my heart.

Baba, You have graciously made my search successful...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Main ethic of AM
Baba says in an older edition of Caryacarya that Ananda Marga is the path of human beings. The greatest excellence of this Marga is that, after knowing the needs of human beings and understanding their feeling, this "marg" (path) has been propounded. About this, that is the most significant thing. That's all. (1)
Note 1: The above is an English summary of Baba's own handwritten Bengali guideline.
Note 2: Baba’s above teaching is present in many old editions of the Bengali, Hindi, and English versions of Caryacarya - II.
Note 3: In contrast, the various religions are based on a selfish outlook whereby they infuse dogma and exploit followers and the common people.
Note 4: If someone is not aware of some of the rules of our Ananda Marga such as why a particular rule has been formulated then the answer is embedded in seed form in Sadguru Baba’s above guideline. For example, suppose someone does not know why we always wear our pratik on the body 24 hrs per day, or why we repeat Guru puja and samgacchadhvam 3 times and not 2 or 4, the answers of these types of questions are also hidden in the above guideline.
Note 5: In our Ananda Marga nothing is dogmatic, but nowadays a few people are trying hard to establish or implement various dogmas such as: (a)  PP is an angel, (b) so-called mahaprayan, (c) Fake Ananda Vaniis, (d) fake holy lands, (e) tiirthas etc, and other types of things which do not have any logic to stand upon.
1. English Summary of Caryacarya - 2 (Bangla), just after copyright page

== Section 3: Links ==

Upcoming Festival: Ananda Purnima - 05 May 2023
Recent postings
Other topics of interest