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Friday, June 7, 2024

Omnkara: just a logo + 2 more

Omnkara: just a logo


There are many who fall into the dogma of chanting the omnkara sound—thinking that by this way they will get spiritual realisation. The first letter in this series—link appended below—addressed this dogma.

Omn symbol is not holy or sacred

Next is omnkara in its written form: The omn letter is typically written in Devanagarii script. In turn, people mistakenly think that this is a special symbol or potent character. But in reality it is just like any collection of letters in any script or alphabet. So  the omn symbol is not something holy or sacred.

Omnkara can be written using any script. So there are various symbols and characters across numerous languages that express this same idea. But of late, over the course of the last century, Britishers made Devanagarii as the default “official” script for writing Samskrta. So for the past 100 years the omn letter has been made famous by Britishers via its rendition in Devanagarii script. But, in the past, omn was written in various scripts.

Various omnkara dogmas

The dogmas of omnkara dhyana, omn chant, omn japa, puja of omn symbol, omn placards, omn slogan are all bogus:
  • Dogma: omn word chant
  • Dogma: omn Hindi placards
  • Dogma: omnkara logo dhyana
  • Dogma: omn chant japa
  • Dogma: puja of omn symbol
  • Dogma: omn chant slogan
  • Dogma: omn symbol locket
  • Dogma: omn tattoo
...all these above things are bogus.

Then there are others who chant the omn letter out loud in the morning and evening. Or they do japa of omnkara and treat it as a mantra. But this is all dogma that bears no fruit in spiritual life. Rather, it is a waste of time. Others put the omnkara symbol on their placards at various rallies, or wear an omnkara locket etc. But just as having a photo of a tree will never bear you any fruit, similarly having a photo or picture of the omnkara sound will never bring spiritual gain.

Yet all these dogmas about the omnkara symbol are spreading very fast—like a wildfire. Thirty years ago it was non-existent. There were some small Hindu fundamentalist groups and that was all. Now the omn symbol has become the absolute rage—an extremely popular trend—throughout so many overseas countries. The omnkara symbol is pervasive—and they view it as something holy, sacred, spiritual etc. But again, these types of uses of omnkara are just dogma and will never lead to any type of spiritual progress, let alone supreme realisation.
To realise Parama Purusa, an entirely different process is needed. And what is that process? Sincere engagement in dharma sadhana. There is no need to hold the omn symbol on a placard, or wear it on a locket, or chant it aloud.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Now I think you understand that prańava [omn] is to be heard, and not to be pronounced. Your tongue can't pronounce it properly. It is a never-ending sound. That is why it is also known as Shabda Brahma.” (1)


Nowadays, the prevailing dogma is to chant the omn letter out loud or meditate on the omn symbol in hope of gaining supreme realisation. But that will not work nor will one gain anything by wearing an omn locket. That is all quite useless in the field of spirituality. If one is sincere and regular in Ananda Marga sadhana, then certainly that aspirant will gain the realisation and hear the omnkara sound within.

at His lotus feet,

In Ananda Marga Oṋḿkára is not a mantra

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “This oṋḿkára is the first expression of the Brahmic glory and that is why, it is known as the Sound-Brahma. It occupies the topmost position, for the ultimate cause of Creation, Preservation, and Destruction is inherent in its three letters, viz., অ (a) + উ (u = oo) + ম (ma). One who has known and heard this oṋḿkára, echoing in the vast sky as the Macro-sonic phenomenon and the mental sky as the micro-sonic one, has indeed caught the very essence of essences right in the palm of one's hand. Here one should bear in mind that when Oṋḿkára stands for sound, to know it then is to hear or pronounce it. When Oṋḿkára is pronounced or sounded in the Brahmic Mind itself, it is then meaningless for the sádhaka to pronounce it during his meditation of Oṋḿkára. The sádhaná of Oṋḿkára means the endeavour to hear that sound.” (2)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “In Ananda Marga Oṋḿkára is not a mantra (an incantation of invocation) for chanting but for listening. Hearing or surrendering to this Oṋḿkára, which is the direct concomitant of the Brahmic nucleus, the Puruśottama, is to attain Him, and attaining Him means there is nothing else to be desired. Collectively or individually He is everything. Nothing is outside Him. He who seeks Him is really wise, for attaining Him means attaining all.” (3)

Read first letter in this series: Really, chant omnkara?

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Oṋḿkára and Iśt́a Mantra
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 3 Desire and Detachment
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 3 Desire and Detachment

== Section: Important Teaching ==

This one is more dangerous

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Pratyava'ya is worse than pa'taka." (1)

And not just once but in numerous places He repeats the same warning.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Pratyava'ya is more reprimandable than pa'taka." (2)

Note: As we know there are two types of sin in Ananda Marga: sin of commission (pa'taka) and sin of omission (pratyava'ya). A sin of commission means committing an act that contravenes dharma. A sin of omission means not performing those dharmic deeds that should be done. Of the two, a sin of omission (pratyava'ya) is more severe.

1. Discourses on Krsna & the Giita, “Take Refuge in Parama Puruśa with Unswerving Attention”
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Do Virtuous Deeds Day and Night – 1

== Section 3: Links ==