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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Story: “I shall remain eternally” + 3 more

What Baba told me: No MPD

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


I was with Baba in Delhi those days. Once He blessed me with the special opportunity to go in His room and personally see and serve Him. Then Baba started recounting many aspects of Lord Krsna’s advent - including the long story of how Lord Krsna withdrew His form as Mahasambhuti. By listening to this involved account, I was feeling pained and concerned.

Then Baba asked me, "Why are you feeling disturbed and upset? You know, one day I also have to withdraw my Mahasambhuti form. You people must not become unhappy."

Hearing this, I became very emotional. As Baba was speaking, I became so overwhelmed and disturbed. I was crying profusely.

Then Baba started smiling and gently reassured me. In a very sweet and loving manner, He calmly said, "Don't worry my boy. First, stop crying and I will tell you something."

When I stopped crying Baba began speaking, "All the rules of nature have been given by Parama Purusa. I too will have to withdraw my form as Mahasambuti, yet I shall eternally remain as Taraka Brahma. The day will come when I have finished the work I have decided to do. When Lord Krsna wanted to make the Great India, the Mahabharata, He used the Pandavas as His medium. And when His work was finished, with His own desire, He withdrew His body of painca bhutas. You all are my mini-Babas. When you become capable of executing My samkalpa, then I will automatically understand that you can fulfill My work. In that case, what will be the use of My body of five tattvas? When the work is finished then I will withdraw My Mahasambhuti form, yet I will remain always with you as Taraka Brahma and help you."

Before leaving the room, I asked some questions.

No annual death ceremony for Mahasambhuti

I (Parasattananda) asked Baba, "Why is it that people do not observe the annual death ceremony of Lord Krsna, yet people observe the birth ceremony of Lord Krsna?”

When I asked Baba this question He replied in a loud voice and lovingly scolded me, "Does Parama Purusa ever die? He is that eternal Entity who never dies."

When I saw the expression on His face I started trembling and sweating. I felt very repentant for asking such a stupid question.

Baba said, "Parama Purusa is one and He comes from time to time as Mahasambhuti. The first time on this earth He came as Lord Shiva and the second time He came as Lord Krsna. They came for doing some great work and when Their plan was fulfilled They withdrew their form of Mahasambhuti and remained eternally present in Their original seity of nitya bhava. To establish dharma, They came and when dharma was established, They withdrew their quinquelemental body. I too have come on this earth to establish dharma and when I am satisfied then I will withdraw and remain eternally as Taraka Brahma. Remember, I will remain always with you and help you.”

"As I just told you, Lord Krsna did this exact same thing. With His desire, He withdrew His Mahasambhuti form when His work was finished. Because He is Parama Purusa and eternally present all the time as Taraka Brahma, He is Omnipresent. So there is no question of observing the day Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna withdrew Their forms as Mahasambhuti. And always, the Divine Entity remains in His eternal stance."


In the last, with a strong voice Baba asked me, "When I (Baba) withdraw my form as Mahasambhuti will you people try to observe that day?"

Listening to Baba’s commanding voice I was scared and replied slowly, "No, Baba." After that Baba was very gentle, and He told me, "It is getting late - go and take rest."

I did sastaunga pranam and quickly left His room. Immediately I started pondering Baba’s unhappiness in His response to my question. The idea was coming in my mind again and again how Baba expressed His displeasure. Because of that, still I remember the whole episode and know that His so-called mahaprayan must not be observed. That is why in my personal life I have never participated in that programme. How can I participate and disobey His command and make Him unhappy. Since long I have been telling this story to all who I see on different occasions. That is why since the beginning I have strongly opposed this so-called mahaprayan gathering.

In Him,
J.B. Sen

About above story

This story is translated from Dada Parasattananda ji's book 'Manavrata ka Sunahala Bhavishya', which means "The Golden Future of Humanity". Dada Parasattananda is posted in India most of the time. These days postings and transfers are so common in our AMPS but as far as my awareness in the recent past Dadaji was posted in Bihar. He has been a WT since 1967.

~ In-depth study ~

When Parama Purusa comes

Baba said, "I only took this quinquelemental form to practically teach and establish dharma. If Parama Purusa so desires He can do anything and everything. But when He has created this physical world, He also made the rules to control this physical world. So He has to follow His own rules.

He is also obeying those rules when He comes. If Lord Krsna had so desired, dharma would have been established even without the complete destruction of the Kaoravas; but, it would not have been an effective or inspiring display. Actually, Lord Krsna wanted to teach people that they should come forward to save dharma. That is the lesson He put forth."

After Baba concluded His talk, I was weeping and I pleaded, "Baba, please do not say such painful things.. If You so desire, You may withdraw Your form as Mahasambhuti, but promise me that You must not leave me."

Listening to my plea, Baba assured me, "Just know this. I was with you, I am with you, and I will ever remain with you. You people are to be the medium of My ideology; the world will know Me by your actions."

Here I am quoting some Baba's direct lines which are highly significant.

Baba says, "Shive ruśt́e gurustrátá guraoruśt́e nákashcana.”

The meaning of the whole sloka is that when Guru is unhappy then nobody in this universe can save the person. That is why it is also said, Mantramúlaḿ Gururvákyam” 'Guru's words are mantra..."

One Parama Purusa & various names

In the above story, Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna were mentioned. Yet, Parama Purusa is one. On this earth - Parama Purusa has taken advent three times: 1) Lord Shiva, 2) Lord Krsna, and 3) Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. So one singular Parama Purusa came on this earth on three separate occasions - each time using a different name and form. Yet, an aspirant should have only one Ista.

Warning: The below is very sensitive information only for senior margiis and Wts, i.e. those who know all the ins and outs of AMPS.

Mastermind of mahaprayan dogma

Sarvatmananda is the mastermind of the mahaprayan dogma, yet now look at his “fate”. All know well that before starting mahaprayan he was a kind of nucleus in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. Dada Sarvatmananda held tremendous respect by all in the organisation. Yet because he disobeyed Sadguru Baba and implemented the mahaprayan dogma, look at his situation now. With his vanity he destroyed himself; he pulverised himself to dust. Due to the murder charge, he cannot leave India. Dadaji’s own supporters have stripped him of all his power. Those followers of Sarvatmananda, i.e. demons like Rudrananda and Rabiishananda attacked him and knocked him down. It is a pitiful state. By seeing Dada Sarvatmananda’s pathetic condition, even stone-hearted people have tears in their eyes.

Lesson learned

a) Nobody should observe mahaprayan and face the wrath of prakrti.
b) Do more sadhana to feel that Sadguru is ever-present.

All should take this lesson and not observe so-called mahaprayan.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, The Ten Characteristics of Dharma
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, The Ten Characteristics of a Dhármika

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Early days of medicine

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Where medicines were not effective as external ointments, it became necessary to rub them on the skin or on the nerves where they could be absorbed through the pores. People discovered these rubbing medicines somewhat later. These massage or rubbing ointments were the discovery of a later stage."

"Where there was any poisonous effect of the rubbing ointment, there was no recourse but to use it externally. However, people learned to use them without any poisonous effect in the form of liquid medicines by dissolving them in water or other liquid solvents."

"There are certain ointments which, if ingested in small doses, have no poisonous effect, but which may have a poisonous effect if taken in large doses. Human beings learned to use them by licking them so that they could act effectively through the nerve fibres. They used to swallow those medicines after licking them with the tongue for a long time. Because the quantity is very small there is no harmful effect; rather one gets the full benefit. Such medicines are called avaleha [licking] in Ayurveda."

"People even discovered some medicines that develop certain special beneficial qualities when mixed with other specific substances. In other words, the same medicine when mixed with substance “a” became a medicine for headaches, when mixed with substance “b” became a medicine for diarrhea, and when mixed with substance “c” became a medicine for respiratory ailments. In this case, people gave the name anupána [ingredient] to the substances “a,” “b” and “c”. That is, by discovering that the medicinal qualities varied according to the different anupánas, people began to use them as medicines." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika, Kulya to Kuvela (Discourse 34)

== Section: Comment from 2017==

Re: Sin of Dada Santoshananda


This is a very good point you raised. Fasting should not be done for more than one day. Here in India we see that for social issues, Proutists follow and propagate the Gandhian way of protest fasting. And  they encourage others also. And if anyone raised the point then then tell that Baba fasted in jail. They themselves are not in jail but they give the example of Baba in jail. Their comparison is like apples and oranges. But this posting may open their eyes. Because Baba is giving the clear directive that one should not fast for more than one day. And fasting should be done for health purposes only. Keep up the good work.

in Him,
Subha'dra' Jain


Recently, Dada Santoshananda completed a 3-day dry fast to protest local injustices. By going against Baba, Dada Santoshananda has committed sin.
One should not fast for more than one day at a time

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Nor should you undergo fasting for a long period of time. I have prescribed that our monks should undergo fasting four days per month, two Ekádashiis, one Amávasyá, and one Púrńima’.” (1)
According to Ananda Marga, one should not fast for more than one day at a time.
Please see the sign / banner behind the crowd that where it is written that to press his local political demands, Dada Santoshananda is performing fast without water from 12 to 14 Sept. So you see that the poster which Dada Santoshananda made is against Ananda Marga principles. In the above quote Baba says something completely different: One should not fast for more than one day at a time. By not following the order of Baba Dada  Santoshananda has committed sin.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, Seven Secrets
- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Sin of Dada Santoshananda

== Section 2: Links ==