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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Prout & local language + 4 more

Prout & local language 

Many people, especially those living in rural areas, do not have a strong grasp of English or Hindi. In the northern part of Bihar, a vast majority of the people are more comfortable speaking Maithili than English or even Hindi. Local people can express their grievances and protest the ongoing exploitation better in their local regional language. If English or Hindi is imposed in those regions where the regional language is predominantly used then the local people will be at a disadvantage and experience difficulty in expressing themselves or addressing their problems.

Language in offices should facilitate communication

For instance, In a foreign language, one will not be able to communicate even simple things like if someone has thrown garbage at their doorstep, what to speak of complex issues related to exploitation in various spheres. If the language used in the courts is English or Hindi then people will have to hire someone to complete basic applications and forms, and spend money needlessly. Moreover, capturing and translating someone else’s plight may not be possible. Thus the ideal approach is to use the regional language in the courts and other offices to make them more approachable.

When people do not get the opportunity to express themselves then they develop an inferiority complex in their minds, and due to that they get exploited economically. Thus the regional language should be used for all important works.

First language should be one’s mother tongue

One’s primary education should be provided in their mother tongue language. One may learn other languages, but the first language that one should learn should be his / her mother tongue. Also, the language should be used in all important offices.

States that promote local languages prosper

In India, the states of Punjab, Gujarat, and Maharashtra use local language in all official works. All the aforementioned states are doing very well on the economic front compared to Bihar where local languages are not used. People often feel a sense of shame in speaking their own mother tongue in formal settings. Neglect of one’s mother tongue causes an inferiority complex, and due to that they get exploited economically. Having one’s mother tongue in the mainstream helps one in engaging with the society directly and with confidence which is a primary factor required for economic progress.

Inferiority complex solution: use regional language

The inferiority complex caused by the neglect of regional language hinders the progress of the entire community. This can be dealt with only by widespread use of regional language. This will make people courageous, expressive, and involved. Prout movement can facilitate such promotion and this will help each and every community to develop; due to lack of this regional language usage they get exploited economically.

Need for a sama’j movement

Maithili has indeed gotten recognition as a language by the Government of India. Yet Maithili has not been accepted for use in government and non-government works, in the region in which it is spoken. Thus the language status it has gained is as though in name only; and for this reason, a demonstration was held. There are 22 Languages accepted by the Government of India as "languages". But according to samaj movements, there should be 48 languages. For example, in Bihar itself, the following major languages have not been given language status: Bhojpuri, Magahi, Angika, Nagpuria. Thus, to bring the neglected languages into the mainstream so that they can be used in official communication, sama’j movement is necessary. Due to the praca'r work of Prout and Proutist samaj movements, the outlook towards languages has changed in India, and progress has been made. Nonetheless, there is still a lot of work to be done both in the spheres of (a) acquiring language status for languages not yet granted that status by the Indian government, and (b) bringing local languages into use in government as well as non-government settings.


The inferiority complex caused by the neglect of the regional language can cause entire communities to regress. To solve this problem, Prout teaches that one should be given primary education in one’s mother tongue while an ample opportunity to learn other languages should also be available. Proutist sama’j movements have helped change the outlook towards languages in India and a great deal of progress has been made. There is, however, still a lot of work remaining for acquiring language status for languages not yet granted that status by the Indian government and bringing local languages into use in government as well as non-government settings.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Language suppression infuses inferiority complex in local people

  The philosophy of Neo-Humanism, says, "The very purpose of injecting an inferiority complex is to exploit people on the psychic level, and this is exactly what happens in many spheres of social life. In some places you may notice some signboards written in a language not used by the local people. What is the purpose of putting up a signboard? It is just to give the local people certain information. If the letters are written in the language of the ruling exploiters and not in the language of the exploited – or if the local language is printed in small and humble letters underneath – what reaction will this create in the minds of the exploited? It is bound to generate an inferiority complex regarding their language and social position (the language of slaves is derogatorily called “vernacular” in English), and they will continue to suffer from this mental disease. Thus the ruling exploiters create indirect pressure on others’ minds so that their language maintains its high prestige and an inferior feeling arises in the minds of the people: “Ah! That is the language of the rulers!”..."
   "If you analyse the history of the world, you will find that whenever one group exploited another in the economic sphere, they first created psychic exploitation by infusing inferiority complexes in the minds of the exploited mass. You will find that in each case of economic exploitation, psychic exploitation was the foundation: if you go deep into the background, you will discover a continuous and cunning attempt to create inferiority complexes in the minds of the exploited." (1)

How English, French, Dutch, Spanish, American exploited locals

Prout philosophy states, "The use of non-local languages as the medium of instruction only results in the suppression and subjugation of the local language and inevitably means the suppression of the local culture. This in turn leads to psychic demoralization, inferiority complexes and a defeatist mentality. Whenever the sentimental legacy of a group of people is undermined, they become easy prey to the economic, political and psycho-economic exploitation of vested interests. Such a strategy of cultural suppression was adopted by the English, French, Dutch, Spanish, American and other colonial powers. If local people develop a sublime awareness of their cultural heritage they can readily throw off all psychic inferiority complexes which prevent them from attaining socio-economic self-reliance." (2)

Fallacy of “unity with one language”

The proponents of the idea that enforcing one language will bring unity provide the rationale that if all speak one language then the differences will reduce.  For example, the Government of India has given Hindi a status of the official language with an intention that enforcing Hindi language will bring unity. There are numerous examples in the world where the aforementioned logic fails miserably. An example of the formation of the United States of America can be taken in this regard. Although the people in British colonies in America spoke the same language as the people in Britain yet they had differences and that led to rebellion and consequently the formation of a new country. Thus, a common language does not bring unity. Another example is that of Pakistan and Punjab. Although the entire Punjab had one language, it got divided into  two parts with the creation of Pakistan. Likewise, the entirety of Bengal had one language yet it got divided into two parts with the creation of Bangladesh. One language could not unify the people.

Local people can communicate about their problems and stand up against exploitation better in their local / regional language. If English or Hindi is enforced in those regions where some other regional language is used predominantly then people will experience difficulty in expressing their problems. Thus, enforcing of a common language with an intention to bring unity is not only useless but also makes it difficult for the people who can speak only regional languages, and are often the majority of the population, to communicate their problems in government and other offices.

In govt offices local language is must

The Mithila Samaj demonstration, reported in the newsletter Prout News and Analysis. The issue of use of Maithili in government and non-governmental offices has been underlined with red color.

In the issue of Prout News and Analysis, a story on Mithila Samaj movement has been reported. In this news story, a demonstration rally by Mithila Samaj in Supol Bihar for incorporation of the local language Maithili in both government and non-government works has been reported. We know that today English is a de-facto standard then a question arises that whether such a movement for the promotion of a regional language is relevant.

Below image shows the details of the Mithila Samaj demonstration reported in the newsletter “Prout News and Analysis”. They are calling for the use of Maithili in government and non-governmental offices.

Above image shows the details of the Mithila Samaj demonstration reported in the newsletter Prout News and Analysis. They are calling for the use of Maithili in government and non-governmental offices.

1. Liberation of Intellect - Neo-Humanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture
2. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Socio-Economic Movements

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Very dangerous people

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The vanity expressed by the so-called civilized human beings of today is extremely dangerous. These people hide the cruder propensities of the mind under the cloak of sweet words and decent behaviour. They are more harmful to the well-being of the human race than the so-called uncivilized humans, because they are hypocrites. The defects of the uncivilized humans pale into insignificance before their abominable hypocrisy. The uncivilized humans of the past may have killed twelve people at most in the battles they fought with bows, arrows, sticks and spears, but the so-called civilized human beings of today kill millions of unarmed, innocent people indiscriminately with their dreadful and lethal weapons. Human society of today is being exploited by the so-called civilized people. Such people should not make themselves look ridiculous by claiming otherwise.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Struggle and Progress

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

When negative samskaras manifest

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Sometimes it may happen that a man was a degenerated man. When he was a bad man, he was eating, drinking, and making merry, but as soon as he starts sádhaná, he is to face so many obstacles, so many hardships. He has become good, but he has to undergo so many troubles, so many problems. What is this? Why? Do you follow what I said? Why? The reason is that the pendulum moves. When it starts coming in the opposite side when its upward movement ends and the downward movement starts. The moment he becomes a good boy, becomes a sádhaka, the reaction of his bad actions starts.” (1)

Note: Avidya maya does not harass you for no reason at all. Avidya maya applies the arsenal from the collection of your previously accumulated negative samskaras, which have yet to be requited. Suppose you did some sin or wrongdoing in the past and never faced the reaction of that bad action then that samskara is still part of the arsenal of avidya maya, and you will have to face that reaction. But, in spite of such retaliation, if you continue doing your sadhana then avidya maya will walk away and not bother you anymore due to your sincerity in sadhana.  

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 14, Action and Reaction

== Section: Important Teaching ==

History of tabla & sitar

Baba says, ""Our tabla is a metamorphosed form of this mrdaunga. Some people believe that the tabla came from Persia but this is not the case; the tabla originated in this country. From Persia we have gotten the sitar and the gazal. Although the viin' originated in this country and has been here since the time of Shiva, we have gotten its descendant, the violin, from Italy." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 2, Eka to Ekáuṋga (Discourse 12), p.128

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Altering photo is sin

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "You shall protect, in all respects and at all costs, the dignity...of the pratikrti [photo] of Márga Guru." (1)

Note: There are a growing number of photos of Baba that have been altered and within a few more decades all photos of Baba will be tainted and lost forever.

This is a very serious issue because as the digital distortions become more sophisticated, it will be more and more difficult to detect if a photo is legit or not. And while those bogus digital artists may feel they have created something grand, in the spiritual realm it will be zero - no vibration. And the ones who suffer most will be those innocent sadhakas who are keen to see Baba's real photo for purposes of dhyana etc. So the situation is dire. Those digitally distorting Guru's photo should be strongly condemned. This completely contravenes the path of bhakti and true spirituality.

1. Caryacarya, Part 1, Treasures of Ananda Marga

== Section 4: Links ==

Upcoming festival - Dadhiici Divas 05 March
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