Calculating one’s liberation
There are many on the path who wonder how and when their samskaras will be burned, thereby enabling them to attain liberation. In particular, karmiis and jinanis get caught up in this psychological puzzle. But, sadly, their theories and strategies only serve to pull them back into the cycle of action and reaction.
Baba’s guarantee to all sadhakas
For sadhakas and bhaktas, for all sincere Ananda Margiis, however, the situation is entirely different. Sadguru Baba has guaranteed their liberation in the Supreme Command, which is printed in the beginning of every AM book. So for them, whatever is their balance of samskaras at the time of death, Baba relieves them of all such burdens. This is His special grace and guarantee upon all sadhakas / bhaktas.
Ananda Marga philosophy, “The moment the individual saḿskáras are removed, the mind loses its existence and only the soul remains. It too, becomes one with the universal soul, like a drop of water merging into the vast ocean.” (1)
How to burn your samskaras
Here are the ways that one may undergo the requital of their samskaras.
#1: Parama Purusa acts in His role as Bhaktavatsalam, the loving Caretaker of bhaktas. In this role, He favours His bhaktas and automatically eliminates their samskaras.
#2: Parama Purusa, in His role as Harii, steals the samskaras of the jiivas. By this way, sadhakas need not worry about the mathematics of their samskaras, as Hari steals their samskaras.
#3: The Supreme Command states that sincere sadhakas are guaranteed liberation at the time of death. That means that Parama Purusa will remove all their samskaras.
#4: By one's regular daily sadhana one burns their samskaras. In contrast, kiirtana clears them of their psychic sins.
#5: By the regular experience of karmaphala, reaping the fruits of one's past actions, people burn samskaras. For sadhakas, this occurs at a much faster rate.
#6: When one feels repentance and remorse for their misdeeds, then they are relieved of those samskaras. The classic case of this is the great sadhaka / poet Valmiki: He was a robber and a murderer, but he felt so much remorse for his many crimes and murders that he was relieved of those negative samskaras.
#7: Remember, in His grand role of Bhaktvatsalam, Parama Purusa unconditionally blesses His bhaktas and relieves them of their heavy load of samskaras.
Key point
Keep in mind that when one has trust and faith in Parama Purusa, then one feels a great sense of comfort and ease. Then one does not worry about samskara theory as they know Parama Purusa Baba will do the needful. Without that trust and faith in Ista, one's theoretical understanding utterly fails to remove their meaningless worries about their samskaras.
in Him,
~ In-depth study ~
Ananda Marga ideology states, “One must undergo the unsatisfied sámskáras, the unquenched saḿskáras. In order to attain salvation, one must burn up one’s past saḿskáras. A seed when soaked in water germinates, but if it is burnt up it can never germinate. Every human being must be a dagdhabiija [burnt seed], that is, one whose saḿskáras are totally burnt up. For this, one absolutely needs the grace of the Guru, the grace of Parama Puruśa. The scriptures say, “Just an iota of the Cosmic grace is enough to ensure salvation for unit beings.” (2)
1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, Equalization of Saḿskáras
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Dharma Samiikśa
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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.
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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==
Do not desire anything from You
"Tomár dváre prárthaná kare, nijere kari vaincaná..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2660)
Parama Purusa, when I come at Your doorstep for alms, most of the time I ask for worldly, transitory allurements that fade away. And generally those things are bad for me. By this way, I harm myself - over and over again. Baba, I never request to have those gifts that are good for me. I cannot conceive of what is going to happen even after a single moment and am not aware about my true needs and requirements. But You see everything - my past, present, and future. And above all, You love me. My Supreme Entity, You know what is best for me, so please grant me whatever You wish.
Parama Purusa, this entire creation, this universal mela and panorama of flora and fauna - from the forest to the desert, and from the oceans to the mountain peaks - everything is Your beautiful expression. You keep an eye on this grand manifestation. Nothing is uncared for or neglected. You are so gracious. This is Your unparalleled liila. Every entity in this vast universe is Your thought projection. You shower Your mercy equally on all and do not consider if one is rich or poor - sinner or virtuous - good or bad etc. You pour Your causeless grace upon everyone. Due to their umbrella of vanity and petty ego, some cannot feel Your krpa so they complain. But it is their fault not Yours. Baba, I do not desire anything from You. Please bestow upon me whatever You wish. That will be best for me.
Parama Purusa, by discarding all vanity and giving up their ego, all accept You as their own. When they call You, they do not address You as “Our God”; they say, “My God.” Everyone thinks of You as their personal Entity. No matter how many sins they commit, they feel that You are going to help them. That is why they want You to save them. They may not tell their bad things to anyone, but they must tell You in seeking Your compassion. In their weal and woe, they draw You near and evoke Your causeless karuna. Baba, in happiness and sorrow, all want to have Your support and closeness. They ignore the high walls of obstructions. They do not care about any type of obstacle or difficulty. Just they want to come near You.
Parama Purusa, I do not know what to truly wish for nor what will really help me. My intellect is incomplete and incapable of any deeper understanding. Baba, please be merciful and bestow upon me whatever You wish and think is best for me...
== Section 3: Important Teaching ==
Prout rooted in spiritual understanding
Ananda Marga ideology states, “This lacuna in the physical sphere, and the consequent disparity, is the noumenal cause of all phenomenal troubles. Due to this noumenal cause, peace in the psychic sphere is being disturbed again and again.”
“With this end in view, with the sole purpose of removing physical misery and affliction, and keeping in view the higher goals of human life, the Prout philosophy has been formulated. There was no alternative but to propagate the Prout philosophy. Had it not been done, maybe human sorrows and sufferings would have been perpetrated for centuries together. Mean opportunists would have continued their exploitation, taking advantage of the simplicity or intellectual deficiency of the innocent and credulous masses. This exploitation has been perpetrated mainly in three ways: oppression, suppression and exploitation.” (1)
Note: As explained above, Prout philosophy has been formulated by Baba for two fundamental reasons:
(a) To keep the mind fixed towards the Goal - Parama Purusa.
(b) To solve all the problems in human society.
The overall idea being that any theory that does not have a spiritual Goal and only focuses on solving society's problems will not only render itself useless but will prove to be disastrous also. History has shown this. Here following is further explanation.
In the first paragraph of Baba's above cited message, He is giving His special guideline that Prout is spiritually-based, and that it "keeps the Goal firmly in front of one's eyes." And by this divine ideal, Baba has given Prout to alleviate the problems in all the sphere's of life.
And in the second paragraph of the above quotation, Baba is telling us that materialistic approaches like communism utterly fail to properly guide the society. Communism attempted to cure the social ills by redistributing the wealth etc. But without a proper goal, communism only wreaked havoc on the people and created more problems and worse destruction. So any socio-economic theory must be spiritually based-- this is Baba's teaching in Prout. Baba describes this in various discourses including “The Future of Civilization.”
Unfortunately, these days, in a few materialistic countries, some are claiming that certain non-margiis are top-grade Proutists. Such persons wrongly think that spirituality is not needed for being a Proutist. Their understanding is comparable to one blind person's evaluation of an elephant. Blind people conclude that an elephant is like a rope or a pillar, depending upon what part of the elephant that they touch. So their limited understanding is devoid of any greater meaning. Similar is the understanding of those who think that Prout can be led by non-margiis. Their level of understanding is no better than that of one small kid.
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, The Physical, Psychic and Spiritual Strata
== Section : Important Teaching ==
They refuse to understand
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The exploited people are not even aware that they are being exploited. This is why it is easy to exploit them in the social sphere, then create inferiority complexes in their minds to keep them under prolonged administrative domination and perpetuate the exploitation. This is easily done by the cunning exploiters. And the tragedy is that the exploited mass do not try to understand – they cannot understand, and they even refuse to understand – that they are victims of exploitation. So this is more dangerous.” (1)
1. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Various Forms of Exploitation