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Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Important selection: job + 2 more

Important selection: job

Note: This letter is not for those who do not give importance to Baba's divine teachings.


According to Sadguru Baba, our means of livelihood should be samyak ajiiva - right occupation. Engaging in jobs that go against this code of samyak a’jiiva hinder one’s spiritual progress by encumbering one with negative samskaras. Such jobs have a grossly detrimental effect on the society.

Unfortunately, in this early 21st century, there are many occupations that come under this category of sinful earning. Once aware about these jobs, one should keep distance from them, and alert others.

Negative earning degenerates

There are countless ways people “sell their souls” to make money. That means they indulge in harmful and lowly dealings to make money and think it is ok since it is legal.

In so many places gambling has become legal. Now there is legalised gambling on the internet. As various states and countries face financial hardship, an increasing number of local and federal leaders are turning towards gambling to heighten revenue. Across the US, every year more states legalise and expand gambling. And the growth of gambling is a mounting issue around the world that threatens to explode with the onset of increased gambling on the web. Engaging in jobs that go against the code of samyak ajiiva [right occupation] is bad.

Also in various regions, they have legalised marijuana in hopes of heightening revenue in the form of a big drug tax. In some countries, the cultivation of poppy and prostitution have also become legal. While in the US, one of the biggest sectors of the economy remains the weapons industry. Agencies sell arms and promote wars in financially impoverished nations in order to profit financially.

Then there are the usual array of degrading commodities such as cigarettes, meat, alcohol, etc - all of which are legal but have a very detrimental effect on society. To turn a profit and increase their capital, businessmen, leaders, and investors leave all scruples behind and look only at the profit. Engaging in jobs that go against the code of samyak a’jiiva [right occupation] hinder one’s spiritual progress by encumbering one with negative samskaras. They will ruin their sadhana; plus such jobs have a grossly detrimental effect on the society. In sum, they will have to face the harsh and severe consequences by prakrti and become an animal, plant, even mud, sand, stone etc. Remember, there is no escape from bad samskaras.

Why right earnings is very essential

As Ananda Margiis, we should be extremely careful and conscientious on this matter. We should wholly ensure we do not adopt this same harmful path that is being followed by countless people around the globe.

That is why now more than ever we should pay strict adherence to Baba's guideline of samyak ajiiva (right livelihood). Gaining money through any type of sinful or anti-social means is not good for one's progress. Engaging in jobs that go against the code of samyak a’jiiva [right occupation] is bad.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "So one must have a clean occupation, that is, one must not do anything antisocial, one must not encourage anything antisocial, anything that goes against collective interest. That is samyak a'jiiva in physical sphere. One may earn money by selling wine. One may earn money by stealing. These are not samyak ajiiva [right occupation]. Your occupation should be neat and clean - not going against the interest of the society." (1)

Baba wants us to have a healthy and clean way of earning a living. In this vaeshyan era, people stoop to depraved levels in order to make money. But we should not be tempted or allured. Remember, those who do like this will have to face the harsh and severe consequences by prakrti and become an animal, plant, even mud, sand, stone etc. There is no escape from bad samskaras. They will ruin their sadhana also.

Why our livelihood should be pure

As Ananda Margiis we should keep ourselves on the right path and guide the society as well. All should earn a clean living and pass their days doing virtuous deeds like serving others, practicing sadhana, and inspiring others along the path of welfare.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Unscrupulous people earn a lot of money from actions which are by nature sinful and harmful for the world. Human beings should not earn their livelihood in this way. Their means of livelihood should be pure and sacred and should not harm anyone." (2)

Sinful jobs

Sadly people are willing to go to any extreme for the sake of the dollar: Prostitution, gambling, arms dealing, drug trafficking, junk bond selling etc. There are so many legal and illegal degenerating approaches that people adopt to make money. Engaging in jobs that go against the code of samyak a’jiiva [right occupation] is bad.

Some are legal and some are illegal, but what a few people are doing in the name of acquiring money is completely destructive, either to themselves or others. I personally know of many who pass their days earning big money working for loan sharking companies. Nowadays, there are numerous reports by investigative journalists who have uncovered their bad deeds. Yet to "get by and advance "in this materialistic era, many innocent and good people spend their entire lives working in this profession.

Of course, people certainly resort to innumerable illegal concoctions as well in order to make money: Drug trafficking, gangs, extortion, stealing, smuggling, etc. For their own desire to acquire monetary wealth, people resort to all kinds of harmful occupations. And they will have to face the harsh and severe consequences by prakrti; they will be reborn as an animal, plant, even mud, sand, or stone etc. There is no escape from bad samskaras. Sadly, their spiritual sadhana will also suffer.


The concluding idea is that one should not take on work that harms others. Our means of livelihood should be samyak ajiiva - right occupation. Otherwise  one will have to face the harsh and severe consequences by prakrti. There is no escape from bad samskaras; they will become an animal, plant, even mud, sand, stone etc. And ultimately one’s sadhana will be ruined.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Dirty earning: harms the society immensely

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Those who are demons in human structure are all in categorical forms [fall into various categories]. Although these structures, these frameworks, look like human beings, they are exceptionally clever and cunning. By inculcating various sentiments, they misguide not only thousands, but millions, of people to the path of malevolence, just for some petty social status or other temptation. Common people never think deeply about this; they have not been taught how to think deeply about it; they do not ponder over it even now. Until today this aspect of knowledge has been generally unknown to the world. That is why common people, not fully understanding these cunning people, are inclined to give them undue importance. They write voluminous books about these clever people and accept their words as authentic, thus bringing about considerable harm to the society, the state and the common masses. Simple ignorant people do not realize that they themselves are being harmed or that they, being misguided by those clever people, are harming others." (3)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Even if one does not harm anyone physically, but simply thinks of harming someone, sam'skáras will still be created. Whatever feelings one may have for a person, good or bad, will certainly cause a reaction. That reaction will remain in potential form in the subtle mental sphere until the opportune time arrives for its expression. This is why wise people look upon this universe with an attitude of equanimity and wish for the welfare of all. Sarvesám mauṋgalam káunkśe. People who fail to do this will have to suffer endlessly for their mean-mindedness." (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, "Who are duśkrtas [the wicked]? Those who cause harm to innocent people either out of self-interest or group-interest are called duśkrtas. Such antisocial people are a burden on a civilized society, a black spot on society." (5)

Dirty livelihood: exploiters suck the blood of poor

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "What a horror! Such false philosophies have taught, “Well, if we exploit the people with our intellect, what's the harm? It is also a labour to apply the intellect, and we have the right to do so!” On the basis of this argument a handful of parasites have gorged themselves on the blood of millions of people, while countless people have been reduced to living skeletons. Such fraudulent philosophies have diverted many people from the path of morality and left them devoid of dharma, addicted to carnal pleasures – infernal creatures." (6)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If someone is engaged in unrighteous deeds, his neighbours should ignore his dark side, and should not repeatedly condemn him. One should say, “Well, I'm not bothered by what he says or does – that's his own business.” But this attitude of tolerance can only be accepted to a certain extent. If the person's sinful or wicked actions harm society and disrupt social life, one can no longer afford to be indifferent." (7)

If anyone harms others by their negative livelihood, they will face the consequences. Nobody can save them. They will have to undergo those harsh reactions for the pain they caused. Whether their job was legal or not, if they created harm to individuals and / or the society, they will have to suffer the reactions.
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam  - 30, Ideological Flow and the Eight-fold Path
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, An Exemplary Life
3. The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, Disc: 10
4. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life, The Science of Action
5. Namámi Krśńasundaram, Disc: 16
6. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 14
7. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 8, The Acoustic Roots of the Indo-Aryan Alphabet

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Pregnancy & motherhood

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "When the foetus in the mother’s womb becomes somewhat developed, its hair starts to grow. The mother may develop nausea. Sometimes she develops a special fascination with certain edibles and inedibles, and some peculiar distastes as well. In ancient Bengal there was a social custom to provide an opportunity to a pregnant woman to eat foods of her choice. This was known as sádhbhakśań."

"Normally, in the advanced stage of pregnancy, women are not permitted to do physical labour. This is wrong. Women in that condition should be allowed to do a little work. (The same principle applies to pregnant animals.) Otherwise, there remains a risk during labour. Pregnant women and female animals may work half of what they usually do at other times; but under no circumstances should they be allowed to do strenuous work, as it may lead to premature delivery or stillbirth."

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Foods which are highly acidic, such as acidic citrus fruits, overripe pineapples, overripe jám, cottonseed flour and spicy pickles, should be carefully avoided as they may harm the fetus. Bending over in a stooping posture to lift anything heavy is strictly forbidden for pregnant women. Although there is no objection to carrying loads for those who are accustomed to it, they must not stoop over to lift a heavy load onto their heads. It is better if others will help them to lift it up. In this stage of pregnancy a daily bath is a rule, but one must not bathe after sunset. It is better to lie down on a hard bed."

"It is desirable that the best room in the house should be used for the confinement. In certain parts of rural Bengal, the worst room or the cowshed is used for confinement out of superstition. This practice is certainly wrong – more than that, it is a crime."

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "There are many people who affect respect, loudly praising women as a race of mothers, but who in practical life suppress them underfoot, sending them into the jaws of premature death by depriving them of happiness and the comforts of life. The conscientious should be vocal against these heinous acts. We must pay due honour to women as mothers and help them to live long lives."

"The family should see to it that the woman is not forced to walk to the outhouse on foot for at least twenty-four hours after delivery. The delivery room should be fitted with a bathtub and commode. If a girl is born no one in the family is to point an accusing finger, either directly or indirectly, at the mother. It may create undue pressure on her heart. There was one lady of my acquaintance who was unable to bear the humiliation brought down by her family just after the birth of her seventh daughter. She cried out, “Again a daughter, again a daughter, again a daughter!” and immediately expired."

"A pregnant woman must certainly be provided with nutritious food. No constipation-creating foods should be supplied to her. (This is as applicable to animal mothers as to human mothers.) Sweet-pea leaves, or if not available, then spinach, nat́e shák or gourd leaves should be taken daily in small amounts. Puṋi shák [Basella rubra Linn.] should be strictly avoided."

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "All that I have said in the above is as applicable to pregnant animals as it is to human mothers. In the case of the first delivery one should consult a physician or experienced midwife after one month. If one follows the above instructions, death during delivery will become a rare phenomenon." (1)

1. Awakening of Women, Chapter 40, Footnote #4

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Degraded outlook of capitalism

Prout philosophy states, “Human expressions are trifarious. Human beings have unquenchable, infinite physical longings and out of these physical longings capitalism came into existence. Capitalists toil day and night for money. This may be a natural desire but physical objectivity is finite, hence the infinite desire to accumulate finite physical objects is a psychic ailment.”

“Human beings also have unquenchable, infinite psychic longings, and out of these excessive psychic longings psychic ailments arise and people become abnormal. The object of psychic longings associated with physicalities is also finite, but the object of pure psychic longing is infinite. Your psychic body and physical objectivity are always separate and so the seed of dualism arises. But the attainment of spiritual objectivity means bridging the gulf between the self and the object, and in this attainment lies peace. The psychic ailments mentioned above also lead to clash with others and create many have-nots. We have to divert physical longings to psychic and spiritual longings to avoid a fratricidal war, and thereby safeguard human rights.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout