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Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Integral aspect of meditation + 7 more


Integral aspect of meditation


When a sadhaka sits for meditation then sometimes they find it hard to concentrate. The reason is very simple. When the mind is preoccupied with something else, then those thoughts disturb the mind and divert it away from sadhana. In that case, the repetition of one’s mantra becomes dry and ineffective and the mind runs hither and thither.

Think of it this way:

(a) If someone has so many ambitions and thinks, “I want to become a doctor”, “I will become a king”, “I will start a business”, “I will become a film hero”, “I will become a dancer”, then they will not be able to achieve anything. They cannot aim to be a doctor one moment and then the next moment aim for becoming a movie star and still expect to gain success. If one thinks in this fickle-minded fashion, always changing their goal, then they will never progress.

(b) Similarly if one student thinks, “I will become a football champion”, “I will score the highest on my university exam”, “I will be a farmer”, “I like fishing”, “I will go hunting”, “I will become a gang leader”, then again that person will not do anything. One cannot change their plan every moment and still expect to attain success. It will not happen.

Here the point is that the mind is one. Human beings can only do one work at a time. To be successful in life you have to focus on one endeavour at a time - in a sustained fashion. This theorem applies to sadhana as well.

Only one single desire in sadhana

Before starting sadhana one has to be fully convinced in their own mind that, “I do not have any other work at this moment. I only have to do my sadhana – without entertaining any other thoughts.” Above all, one’s conviction should be: “I want to realise Parama Purusa  now.” If this idea is firm in the mind, then success is sure. Then one’s sadhana will be proper.

You have to train your mind to think about the Goal. Then in due course, this firm feeling will develop and the mind will become pin-pointed towards Parama Purusa. When there is only 1% conviction, then one will achieve 1% success; and when there is 100% conviction, then there is 100% success.

This is the recipe for how Lord Buddha got realization. When he had only one single desire, then his mind became focused and he became realised. The central idea is that in order to do proper sadhana pointedness of mind is needed. And pointedness comes when your mind is focused: Focused on one occupation, not entertaining other ideas.

Those individuals with dual or multiple personalities cannot focus their mind and hence cannot get success. That is why only simple, honest, truthful and straightforward people can easily achieve God realization. Those who are fickle-minded, unfocused, hypocritical and those with multiple personalities never attain God realization.

That is what Baba has described in His teaching: To get success in sadhana, satyas'hreyii is a must. What is satya'shrayii? Satya means benevolent truthfulness; ashreya means shelter; and, the suffix ii means the one who. Thus satya'sharyii is the one who takes shelter in satya. Only such a person can gain true success. So one must give up all hypocrisy. Then iccha shakti (will power) will develop and the mind will easily become concentrated. Then their sadhana practice and they will experience rapid progress, by His grace.

Buddha iccha shakti & sadhana

So only those who are strict in dharma and take shelter in satya, i.e. satya’shrayii, can develop iccha shakti (will power) and by that way attain the aim of life.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “When Lord Buddha first sat in contemplation, his goal was not fixed. There was doubt and confusion in his mind. He was not certain of what he wanted. And so, whatever he wanted, he was not certain of getting it. But later, when Buddha sat in contemplation, he took a complete sam’kalpa. He fixed his goal and made a firm determination to achieve it. He resolved that he would not get up from his meditation until he attained spiritual realization, even if his body perished. Then he succeeded in attaining his goal.” (1)

Similarly, the more we are firm in our 16 Points etc, the more iccha shakti (will power) we will develop and the greater resolve we will have in sadhana. The aspirant will think, “I must get Parama Purusa”, and that will be supported by an internal flow of mind. Conversely, if we just view sadhana as something that is done in order to eat food or go to sleep etc, then that sadhana will never lead one to Brahma. It is not that by doing half-hearted sadhana for 25 or 50 years then magically one day one will get moksa.

Will power & sadhana

Sadhana progresses according to the degree of one’s internal commitment. The more an aspirant adheres to Guru’s guidelines of dharma and satya etc, the more iccha shakti they develop. And then with that force of mind, sadhana becomes fruitful, otherwise not. Thus if one is constantly delinquent in following Sixteen Points, or if one is irregular in fasting, skips over sadhana lessons, eats poorly, or does not do kaoshikii, tandava, and asanas etc, then one will suffer from a severe weakness of mind. And that will hamper or halt one’s progress in sadhana. So all of dharmic practices of Ananda Marga are instrumental in developing the requisite iccha shakti (will power or psychic stamina & determination) in order to advance on the path of sadhana and attain Him.

People commonly experience difficulty in doing sadhana, either due to a lack of desire, poor concentration, lethargy, or time management issues like procrastination, etc. Yet sadhana is the key to our success. Without sadhana life just becomes a myriad of mundane, selfish engagements. Whereas with sadhana, one’s each and every breath is meaningful and one advances towards God. To keep sadhana at the forefront of our lives, every aspirant should pay strict attention to Baba’s ideals of satya’shrayii and iccha shakti. This will help fuel the journey of spiritual life.


The overall idea is that before sadhana one should think that I have no other engagement - “I have to do sadhana”. So one should allot the time and start sadhana. If any stray thoughts come, then those thoughts will not be entertained. Just one should keep focused and remain engaged in mantra japa. If on a regular basis a sadhaka practices in this manner, then sadhana will be natural, easy and blissful.

In Him,
Shankar Deva

Sadhana: keep the spine straight

#1: In the Senior Acarya Diary chapter on Iishvara pranidhana, section - “shuddhis”, Baba is describing that when sitting in meditation (padmasana, siddhasana, viirasana) one must keep the back straight so that the kundalini can the passage to rise upward from muladhara to sahasrara.

#2: Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "They should be taught to sit in padmásana [lotus posture], but instead of interlocking the fingers, they may rest one palm upon the other; and keep the spine erect." (2)

#3: Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Tailless apes can be taught sádhaná after some effort. The tailed bipeds will not be able to do sádhaná like the tailless bipeds because the backbone of the tailed bipeds, containing the controlling points of the five fundamental factors, does not come in one line. The controlling points fall on a curved line, hence they cannot perform sádhaná properly.” (3)

#4: Ananda Marga philosophy states,” Mono-sided, straight or erect beings can perform sádhaná very well because all the five controlling points of the fundamental factors fall on a straight line...You see how fortunate you are to have a human biological structure. You have got a human frame. Humans should be obliged to Supreme Consciousness for this favour.” (4)

#5: Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The one who has followed the straight path of the sus'umna' canal upwards becomes one with Parama Purus'a." (5)

#6: Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Ujure uju cháŕi ná leo re báḿka. The word “uju” in Saḿskrta is derived from the Saḿskrta word “rju”. “Rju” means straight. The meaning of this line is “don’t accept the crooked path rejecting the straight one”. That is, just proceed along the path of “suśumná” not along the path of “id́á” and “piuṋgalá”.” (6)

~ In-depth study ~

As we all know, satya is the second principle of yama sadhana and means ‘benevolent truthfulness’, or always acting in the spirit of welfare. And a’shreya means ‘shelter’. And the suffix ii means the one who. So satya’shrayii means ‘the one who takes shelter in satya’, or is always true to dharma.

Baba has graciously given us the right interpretation of dharma as clear-cut injunctions like Sixteen Points, conduct rules, and 15 Shiilas etc. We know what to eat, when to drink, how to act, what sadhana is, when to do kiirtan etc. Every possible direction Baba has graciously given us so that we may pointedly follow the path of dharma. By this way, we can easily be established in satya’shrayii, the path of benevolence.

Will power & sadhana

By being true to dharma and being established or taking shelter in satya, one other development occurs: one cultivates iccha shakti or will power, by His grace. In sadhana one begins to think, more and more, that, “I must get Him.” A strength of mind or firm determination results. Because one’s base of life is grounded in truth and dharma. That brings conviction, integrity of mind, and iccha shakti, i.e. will power.

We all know that following Baba’s mandates and adhering to dharma is integral for any sadhaka. By this way we will be able to heighten our sadhana, reach our Supreme Goal, by His grace. Baba explains in greater detail how this works – within the mind as well as externally. In His explanation Baba uses terms like satya’shreyii and iccha shakti. By understanding the inner essence of these concepts, we can be more pointed in our pursuit of attaining Him in sadhana and be a dharmic force in society.

The central idea is that in order to do proper sadhana pointedness is needed. The requisite pointedness comes when the mind is focused on a single aim. Doing one thing at one time; other ideas should not be allowed to bifurcate the mind. In that situation will power or iccha shakti will develop and the mind will become concentrated. That will make one’s life totally new wherein sadhana will happen in a very natural way.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 1, Be Firm
2. Caryacarya-1, The Process of Initiation
3. Yoga Psychology, The Human Body Is a Biological Machine
4. Yoga Psychology, The Human Body Is a Biological Machine
5. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Vishiśt́ádvaetaváda (Discourse 16)
6. Ananda Marga Karma Yoga in a Nutshell, “Kurvanneveha Karmmáńi”

== Section: Important Topic ==

How to treat the string of life

Ananda Marga Shabda Cayanika states, “The common people, let alone the master artists, know that sound is not emitted if the strings are loosened too much and the soft and delicate strings snap if they are tightened too much. Human life is also like this. If one practises too much austerity (in some cases, if one makes a parade of austerity), tender human sensitivities snap and break into smithereens’ the soft, delicate parts of the mind get charred and petrified. On the other hand, if life is made akin to a loose string, the nobler yearnings of life will never be fulfilled. In other words, that kind of life degenerates into the life of an animal characterized only by bathing, eating and sleeping. Hence one must never allow the string of life to be loose. But also the string of life should not be left to snap due to excessive strain. The ideal course of life is neither left-oriented nor right-oriented. This kind of life will be conspicuous by the absence of strife, mayhem or horror of the leftists and of toleration of injustices by the rightists in their loose, careless and sloppy life. It is this ideal course that will usher in a life worth yearning for a super-human existence, divinely exquisite and shining brightly on the banner of gold.” (1)

Note: In the above quote Baba is explaining how Ananda Marga is the middle path. The rule of Ananda Marga is neither the lazy way of praying to nature or idol worship like the loose path, nor is it the path of extreme penance like standing on one leg for 20 years or sitting on lit fire like avidya tantrikas. Ananda Marga is the ideal path. We follow 16 Points very strictly.

One should know that Ananda Marga is the middle path. Strictly following 16 points is the middle path. In His above teaching, Baba is referring to (a) avidya tantrikas who are very extreme in their penance and (b) idol worshippers. The middle point is Ananda Marga. Sadhakas should be very strict in 16 points. That is what is being taught in the above guideline.

1. Shabda Cayanika - 8, Invention of Various Musical Instruments

== Section: Announcement from 2018 ==

Worker (LFT/WT) Health Care Center by Mantracetanananda

It is informed to you all that by the grace of Baba and with your cooperation, a project, "Worker Health Care Center (WHCC)" is being opened after one month at Hanuman Nagar, Dit. Durg (Chhattisgarh). Any  bonafide LFT / WT​ of AM​ from anywhere, who needs its help, the project will be ready to serve him as far as possible. Abha Seva Sadan and a Naturopathic doctor will also be available in this project .

A committee will govern the WHCC project and will show its accounts before you at the stipulated time. Or any bonafide margi can have his satisfaction with this work giving prior information to WHCC committee, at the given time.

I express my gratitude on behalf of all the LFT / WTs of the organisation,  to Shri Anup Anand ji for his admiring work of cooperation at the very out set and Ac Mananananda Avadhuta, Ac Arpitananad Avadhuta & Ac Parmeshvarananda Avadhuta for providing their establishment for WHCC project in Durg (Chhattisgarh).

(This project is devoted to all the LFT and WT of the organisation)

Ac Mantrachetanananda Avadhuta

(Above English Trans by Dr. TRS)


वर्कर (LFT/WT) हेल्थ केयर सेंटर by आचार्य मंत्रचेतनानंद अवधूत

आप लोगो को सूचित किया जाता है, कि बाबा की कृपा एवं आप सबके सहयोग से,एक प्रोजेक्ट "वर्कर (LFT/WT) हेल्थ केयर सेंटर"  "(W H C C)का एक माह के बाद   हनुमान नगर, जिला दुर्ग ,(छत्तीसगढ़) में शुभारंभ  होने जा रहा है। यदि कोई भी बोनाफाइड LFT / WT (चाहे वह किसी भी हो) ,यदि इस प्रोजेक्ट की सेवा  लेना चाहता हो।   यह प्रोजेक्ट अपनी यथा शक्तिनुसार के अनुसार, अपनी सेवा देने के लिए , तैयार रहेगा। इसी प्रोजेक्ट के साथ "आभा सेवा सदन" एवं एक "नेचरोपैथी डॉक्टर" की व्यवस्था भी उपलब्ध रहेगी।

इस  WHCC का संचालन एक कमेटी के द्वारा होगा। यह W H C C कमेटी अपने निर्धारित समय पर, आप सबके सामने अपना एकाउंट पेश करेगी। या कोई भी बोनाफाइड मार्गी  ,  WHCC कमेटी  को पूर्व सूचना दे कर, कमेटी  से समय निर्धारित कर, अपनी संतुष्टि कर सकता है। 

इस प्रोजेक्ट को शुरू करने के लिए, श्री अनूप आनंद जी ने अपना, शुरुवाती हार्दिक सहयोग देकर  जो यह सराहनीय कार्य किया है। एवं  आचार्य मनानात्मानंद अवधूत, आचार्या  अर्पितानंद अवधूत, एवं आचार्य परमेश्वरानंद अवधूत ने, WHCC प्रोजेक्ट के लिए दुर्ग छत्तीशगढ़ में अपना इस्टैब्लिशमेंट उपलब्ध कराने में जो सहयोग दिया है। उसके लिए संस्था के सभी  LFT/WT की तरफ से अपना आभार प्रकट करता हूं।

(यह प्रोजेक्ट संस्था के सभी LFT एवं WT को समर्पित है)              

आचार्य मंत्रचेतनानंद अवधूत

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Risky step

Namaskar dear ones,

I can attest to the risk of marrying without full disclosure, even if my story is somewhat different.  As a westerner and older man and devoted sadaka, all be it imperfect; my former partner was not interested in dharma.  But I thought that over time she would be graced and come to understand.  Boy was I wrong!  She couldn’t expand from her dogmatic religious upbringing, even with all my patient and kind nudging.   Grace never came and now guru applied external pressure on the relationship.  So now I am able to follow most all practices without interference....  painful and disappointing from one point of view, and all grace from a bigger point of view.   

Thank you to lord Baba,  He is my partner now and I am His. 


- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Risky step

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

उच्च कोटि के भक्त की पुकार

प्रभात सङ्गीत 4499 तोमारे सदाइ  डाकि...


हे परमपुरुष ! मैं तुम्हें सदा ही पुकारता रहता हूँ । क्या तुम छिपे रहकर  मेरे दिल की बातें सुन भी पाते हो ? हे  मेरे सबसे प्यारे ! कृपा कर  मुझसे कुछ  तो बोलो । तुम बोलते क्यों नहीं ? ऐसा लगता है कि तुम मेरा प्रेम नहीं समझते । तुम मेरी  कष्टों भरी कहानियाँ सुनना ही नहीं चाहते ।  

गुलाब के बगीचे में प्रतिदिन फूल फूलते हैं परन्तु फफोले बना देनेवाली सूरज की गरमी के कारण उनकी पंखुड़ियाँ मुरझाकर धूल में बिखर जाती हैं । मैं वैसी ही एक पंखुड़ी हूँ और तुम हो सूर्य । लगता है तुमने मुझे अपनी झुलसानेवाली गरमी में जलने के लिए ही  बनाया है ? बताओ, इसमें कौन-सी अच्छाई है ? किस प्रकार की मधुरता है ? बोलो, किसकी भलाई है ?

बाबा ! तुमने मुझे अनगिनत काँटों के बीच घेर दिया है ।  मुझे रोज़ रोज़  बुरे मौसम के दुःखदायी थपेड़ों से जूझना पड़ता है । मैं बहुत से सङ्कटों और कठिनाइयों से घिरा हूँ । मेरी साधना सही ढङ्ग से नहीं हो पाती । शायद मेरे ऊपर तुम्हारी कोई कृपा नहीं है ।  तुम्हारे इस दया रहित  लीला को देखकर मेरा मन दुःखी हो जाता है । इस कारण मेरा गूँगा मुँह बहुत अधिक बोलने लगता  है ।

बाबा, हे परमपुरुष ! मैं तुम्हें हमेशा  पुकारता ही रहता हूँ लेकिन तुम सामने आते ही नहीं । तुम्हारे  इस प्रकार छिपे रहने से लगता है  कि मेरे प्रति  तुम्हारे मन में कोई दया या ममता है ही नहीं । ऐसा लगता है कि तुम्हारे लिए  मेरे दर्द भरे आँसुओं की कोई क़ीमत ही नहीं है ।

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to shine one's life

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The common people, let alone the master artists, know that sound is not emitted if the strings are loosened too much and the soft and delicate strings snap if they are tightened too much. Human life is also like this. If one practises too much austerity (in some cases, if one makes a parade of austerity), tender human sensitivities snap and break into smithereens’ the soft, delicate parts of the mind get charred and petrified. On the other hand, if life is made akin to a loose string, the nobler yearnings of life will never be fulfilled. In other words, that kind of life degenerates into the life of an animal characterized only by bathing, eating and sleeping. Hence one must never allow the string of life to be loose. But also the string of life should not be left to snap due to excessive strain. The ideal course of life is neither left-oriented nor right-oriented. This kind of life will be conspicuous by the absence of strife, mayhem or horror of the leftists and of toleration of injustices by the rightists in their loose, careless and sloppy life. It is this ideal course that will usher in a life worth yearning for a super-human existence, divinely exquisite and shining brightly on the banner of gold.” (1)

(1) Saḿgiita: Song, Dance and Instrumental Music, Invention of Various Musical Instruments

== Section 3: Links ==

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